Uploaded by Jimwell Macha

Flying fish flew by the space station

Flying fish flew by the space station. It must be five o'clock somewhere. The near-death experience
brought new ideas to light. Separation anxiety is what happens when you can't find your phone. He
colored deep space a soft yellow. He found the chocolate covered roaches quite tasty. As the rental car
rolled to a stop on the dark road, her fear increased by the moment. You've been eyeing me all day and
waiting for your move like a lion stalking a gazelle in a savannah. The rusty nail stood erect, angled at a
45-degree angle, just waiting for the perfect barefoot to come along. Someone I know recently
combined Maple Syrup & buttered Popcorn thinking it would taste like caramel popcorn. It didn’t and
they don’t recommend anyone else do it either. I was fishing for compliments and accidentally caught a
trout. Iron pyrite is the most foolish of all minerals. She couldn't understand why nobody else could see
that the sky is full of cotton candy. While all her friends were positive that Mary had a sixth sense, she
knew she actually had a seventh sense. The gruff old man sat in the back of the bait shop grumbling to
himself as he scooped out a handful of worms. He dreamed of leaving his law firm to open a portable
dog wash. Flesh-colored yoga pants were far worse than even he feared. Baby wipes are made of
chocolate stardust. The fish listened intently to what the frogs had to say. Green should have smelled
more tranquil, but somehow it just tasted rotten. I checked to make sure that he was still alive. He had a
wall full of masks so she could wear a different face every day. He had concluded that pigs must be able
to fly in Hog Heaven. Smoky the Bear secretly started the fires. She did her best to help him. If you spin
around three times, you'll start to feel melancholy. Pat ordered a ghost pepper pie. The bread dough
reminded her of Santa Clause’s belly. I liked their first two albums but changed my mind after that
charity gig. Shakespeare was a famous 17th-century diesel mechanic.