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Community Health Nursing Exam

Situation: Primary Health Care is included in the DOH national health plan of our society
1.) The mission of the PHC must be embodied in the hearts of the health care providers. Which mission
strengthens health care system?
A. Supporting conditions for healthy lifestyle
B. Letting people manage their health care
C. Financing health care projects
D. Increasing opportunities to be healthy
2.) The key strategy to obtain the mission of PHC is:
A. Linkages/ networking
C. Partnership with the people
B. Electing politically mature leaders
D. Use dole out strategy
3.) Primary Health Care permeates as core strategy the thrusts of government health programs. What
do you expect from the members of the community?
A. Active participation and involvement
C. Preparation of IEC materials
B. Donation of materials for the project
D. Voluntary time without pay
4.) The aim of primary health care is to evolve a total community health care system integrated in
people’s way of life. What was done by the government?
A. Soliciting from NGOS
C. Mandate of devolution
B. International acceptance
D. Linkages with government health agencies
5.) What is the pillar of primary health care advocated by the health care system?
A. Multisectoral approach
C. Teambuilding among organizations
B. Acceptance of the three levels of care
D. Linkage in global care
Situation: Health care services
6.) Before community members can participate, you have to establish good relations with them. The
following are steps to follow. Arrange in the sequence:
1. Lead the community in identifying and prioritizing health problems
2. Listen and observe people’s way of life
3. Prepare a plan of action with the community
A. 3,1 and 2
C. 3,2 and 1
B. 1,2 and 3
D. 2,1 and 3
7.) You will know that you are successful in socially preparing your community if the people participated
A. Assessing their problems, planning and implementing activities/projects for their health
B. Planning activities/strategies to solve their problems
C. Implementing activities/strategies for their health
D. Assessing their own health problems
8.) One of the primary tasks of the community health nurse during the pre-entry phase is the selection
of the barangay to become the initial site for their organizing efforts. The following are the steps in the
selection of the project site by team, except:
A. Developing criteria for site selection
B. Identifying potential barangays and choosing the final project village
C. Identification of potential leaders
D. Identification of the host family
9.) For potential leaders to perform their roles effectively, they have to possess certain characteristics.
Among these are, except:
A. They must belong to the poor sector
B. They must be respected members of the community
C. Preferably informal leaders
D. Formal leaders with many community responsibilities
10.) This phase signals the start of community self-management of any development program:
A. Consolation and expansion phase
B. Core group formation
C. Entry phase
D. Organization-building phase
Situation 8: To ensure people’s participation, CH nurses employ Community organizing (CO)
11.) The following statement regarding community Organizing (CO) are correct EXCEPT:
A. The context of CO is the current situation
B. CO is biased towards the poor, deprived and oppressed segments
C. To initiate people’s participation, the nurse applies CO
12.) The highest level of awareness is:
A. Political mobilization
C. Interest articulation
B. Political socialization
D. Interest aggregation
13.) Deepening social investigation utilizes:
A. Secondary data
C. Reports
B. Registries from municipal hall
D. Ocular inspection
14.) Best entry to the community is:
A. Low key approach C. Endorsement by community leaders
B. Entry with the parish priest
D. Free clinics
Situation 9: The phases of CO must be observed by the nurses
15.) The main aim of social preparation is
A. Establish rapport with the leaders of the community
B. establish the grounds for the establishment of an organization
C. Imbibe community way of life
D. develop potential leaders
16.) An assessment tool to determine priority needs, of the community is called:
A. Preliminary social Investigation
C. community assessment
B. Deepening social investigation
D. Community evaluation
17.) The basic reason why community organizers need to phase out from the community is to enable
A. Prove that they can provide basic health services to the community
B. Expand there reach to adjacent communities
C. Stand on there own feet and rely on there own resources
D. Test there unity and strength
Situation 10: CO to health work through the use of primary health care approach.
18). The following statements pertain to Primary Health Care (PHC) are correct EXCEPT:
A. Essential care with ultimate goal of self reliance in health
B. Transfer of health technology to the hands of the people
C. Foundations of alternatives in health and health care
D. Utilization of high and appropriate technology
19.) Appropriate Technology or Appro. Tech. refers to methods and technology which are:
1 – available and accessible
3 – social Acceptable
2 – Scientifically sound
4 – replicable and inexpensive
A. all of the above
C. 1 an 2 only
B. 1, 2, and 3
D. 2 and 3 only
20.). Primary Health Care is effective when nurses
A. Provide support program for organizing work
B. Develop Mutual trust with the people
C. Launch community mobilizations
D. Exercise correct leadership in the community
21.) Multi-sectoral approach of PHC involves establishing linkage with
1 – Members of the health sector in the community
2 – Members of other sectors
3 – Basic sectors of the community
4 – Frontline health staff of hospital
A. 1 and 2
B. 1, 2, and 3
C. 1 and 4
D. 1 and 3
Situation: Aling Brugia brought her first-born child. Anna who is 8 weeks old to a local center where
you work. The mother wants to register her child in the immunization of your center.
22.) Active as contrasted to passive immunization is described by the following statements, except:
A. Produce immediate immunity
B. None of these
C. An example is tetanus toxic administration
D. There is stimulation of antibody production by the body itself
23.) For other specific vaccines, the things to consider is/are the following:
A. Inactive polio vaccine is preferred over oral polio vaccine
B. The rubella vaccine may be given to pregnant patients
C. Beyond 3 months of age, it is ideal to the tuberculin testing before BCG administration
D. None of these
24.) Baby Ana should have received the following vaccines:
Situation: You are in charged of the rural health unit. For your immunization activities, you see to it that
you have adequate supply of vaccines and are properly managed. This year, 200 infants are due for
DPT and measles immunization.
25.) To complete the DPT immunization of 200 infants, you will need vaccines good for:
A. Cannot determined, not sufficient data
B. 400 doses
C. 200 doses
D. 600 doses
26.) The total number of measles doses that you will need this year is:
A. 200 doses
B. Cannot determined, not sufficient data
C. 600 doses
D. 400 doses
27.) The following two vaccines are most sensitive to heat and they need proper storage:
A. DPT and BCG
B. BCG and hepatitis B
C. Tetanus Toxoid and BCG
D. Oral Polio and freeze dries measles vaccine
28.) The following vaccine need to be transported properly since this is damage by freezing:
B. All of these
C. Hepatitis Vaccines
D. Tetanus toxoid
29.) You see to it that measles vaccine is administered as follows:
A. 0.1 ml intramuscularly
C. 0.1 Subcutaneously
B. 0.5 ml intramuscularly
D. 0.5 ml subcutaneously
Situation: In the municipality where you are assigned, the people have poor hygiene practices, poor
environmental sanitation, and poor nutrition. Their educational levels are low, Infant Mortality rate (IMR)
is low compared to the national IMR.
30.) In this municipality, the nursing health care plan should be focused on:
A. Rehabilitative services
B. All these services
C. Health promotion and disease prevention
D. Curative services
31.) In order to determine what specific health teachings would be appropriate for the people of this
municipality, which of the following is the best method to use:
A. Interview of the midwives
B. Review of records and reports
C. Study knowledge, attitudes and practices of the people
D. Review of the health statistics
32.) Barangay C, in this municipality have poor hygienic practices and poor environmental condition.
These are contributing factors to which of the following disease conditions:
A. Influenza
C. Parasitism
B. Hepatitis B
D. Measles
33.) For Barangay C, you therefore intend to conduct health education sessions for a group of
mothers. Which of the following topics for discussion will be given least priority:
A. Proper selection and preparation of food
B. Handwashing before preparing food
C. Cutting children’s fingernails short
D. Overcrowding and its effects
34.) You assisted the midwife in formulating the objectives of the plan of care for Barangay C. Which of
the following is a well- stated objective:
A. To reduce the number of the children with ascariasis by the end of 2 years
B. To protect the water sources from pollution
C. To conduct health teachings on proper nutrition
D. To reduce the number of underweight children by 10%
35.) Local health boards were established at the provincial, city and municipal levels. At the municipal
level, the chairman of the board is the:
A. Rural Health Physician
B. Public Health Nurse
C. Municipal Mayor
D. Chairman of the Committee on Health
36.) Certain health policies/ strategies serve as guidelines in the delivery of services. Which of these is
A. Growth monitoring chart is a tool recommended for the assessment and recording of the
child’s health condition
B. Voluntary blood donation shall be promoted through organization of walking blood banks in
rural areas
C. Public sectors is encouraged to work separately from the private sector for effective
utilization of resources
D. Traditional birth attendants are trained and allowed to provide prenatal care to mothers
37.) With the present system, my family planning programs at the municipal barangay levels are
managed by:
A. Non – government organizations
B. Local Government Units
C. All these units/organizations are managing family planning programs
D. Other government organizations
Situation: The public health nurse should be aware of some changes in the health care delivery
system as a result of the local government code.
38.) Health services were devoted to the Local Government Units (LGU’s) for the following reasons,
A. to transform LGU’s into self-reliant communities
B. To involve people in the development and progress of their communities
C. Empower local health officials
D. To provide people better access to decision-making
39.) The Department of Health (DOH) adopts measures to augment basic services and facilities
assigned to LGU’s. Which of the following are priority areas for the provision of assistance by DOH:
A. Areas where studies/researchers on health are conducted
B. Selected areas in the city
C. Areas recommended by governors/local officials
D. Less developed and deserving local government units
40.) Which of the following assistance is/are given by the DOH to the LGU’s:
A. Provide health information statistics and other necessary data
B. All of these form of assistance
C. Ensure that public has access to higher and more advanced facilities
D. Monitor and evaluate local health projects, programs and services.
Situation: Single parenthood seems to be a fad even in the Philippines. In certain agency, with 500
women as workers, 100 of them are single parents supporting one or two children. Many of them are
also unmarried.
41.) Why do some women prefer to have a child without the benefit of married and living with a
a) Fashionable, one is in line with modern society living
b) Because most men are irresponsible, hard to live with them
c) It is fun to have children without having a husband
d) Just t have a legacy for their earnings and investments
42.) What is the impact of “fatherless” children in childhood and later in adulthood?
a) Low self concept and altered self identity
b) They behave and feel like orphans
c) Directionless and waywardness in life
d) Normal like anybody else
43.) What promotive health teaching will you teach to a single mother who on her 4th pregnancy and
would still want to have a 5th one without marrying any of the men who fathered her children?
a).Probe her needs and counsel her accordingly
b).Lecture her on responsible parenthood
c).Describe consequences of fatherless children
d).She needs a reformatory school of discipline and morals
44.) Which of the following reaction is typical of a boy raised dominantly by the mother single handedly?
a).Aggressive and sensitive when hurt
b).Mama’s boy tendencies
c).Weakling in front of problems
d).“campy” behavior
45.) In “silahis” behavior, whose responsibility is missed during the child’s early formative years?.
a) sister
b) brother
c) father
d) mother
Situation. Renowned psychologist Alfred Adler believed that the order to child born would have an
effect on his personality. He postulated certain characteristic behavior of children based on their birth
46.) Only borns have the distinct advantage of being the only child in the house. These children
generally grow up to be:
a) Passive
b) Conscientious
c) Dependent
d) Spoiled
47.) First borns are usually expected to eventually take care of the young siblings. On the positive side
they become:
e) Domineering
b) Serious
c) Authoritative
d) Leaders
48.) The middle child having been caught between two or more opposing forces usually turns out to be:
a) high achievers
b) lovers
c) mediators
d) aggressive
49.) The last born because they become center stage grow up to be:
a) aloof
b) self-centered
c) competent
d) rebellious
50.) While it is important to understand the influence of birth order in one’s personality the one factor
that plays the most crucial one is:
a) parenting
b) genetic
c) school
d) media
51.) Which of the following statements about families is true?
a).They are always made up of people who are related by birth or adoption
b).The current definition of family is much less flexible that it was in the past
c).Alternate family configurations are increasingly common
d).Never-married couples are not included under the definition of family
52.)An extramarital family configuration is characterized by:
a).Both adults in the family working outside the household
b).Child abuse
c).Open marriage or co-primary relationships
d).Adults who voluntarily decide not to have children
53.) A nuclear family of husband, wife and immediate children plus others related by blood or voluntary
relationships is called a(n):
a) blended family
b) extended family
c) family of origin
d) family of procreation
54.) A family’s social environment consists of:
a).family member’s communication skills
b).housing conditions inside and outside the house
c).the extended family status
d).religion, race, and socioeconomic class
55.) Which of the following would be considered appropriate parts of a family assessment by a
community health nurse?
a).relationships between family members and between the family and community
b).ability of family members to grow, help one another, and help themselves
c).ability of family members to be flexible about roles and responsibilities
d).all of the above
56.) Which of the following would be considered a dysfunctional coping strategy?
a) making a genogram
c) role flexibility
b) pseudomutuality
d) addressing the problem
57.) A family that copes with a stressful situation by saying, ”Matatag ang samahan naming
magpapamilya, palaging maayos ang lahat kahit anong mangyari,” is using which of the following
dysfunctional coping strategies?
a) pseudomutuality
b) scapegoating
c) triangulation
d) family myth
58.) A family that usually resorts to involving in-laws to intervene between husband and wife and other
members of the family to decrease the tension and address conflicts is using which of the following
dysfunctional coping mechanism?
a) family myth
b) scapegoating
c) triangulation
d) denial
59.) A family health tree is used to track which of the following?
a).mental health disorders that occur in the family
b).marriage and divorce
c).health conditions with no genetic basis
d).places of residence and migration patterns
60.) Which of the following is useful for showing the difference between a family’s health needs and the
resources that re available to them?
a) family health tree
b) ecomap
c) genogram
d) resources index
Primary Health Care is essential health care made universally accessible to individuals and families in
the community by means acceptable to them
61.) What is the legal basis of the implementation of PHC in conjunction to the First International
Conference on Primary Health Care sponsored by the World Health Organization?
a).Letter of Instruction 949
b).Presidential Decree 996
c).RA 7305
d).RA 7164
62.) PHC aims to strengthen the health care system by increasing opportunities and supporting the
conditions wherein people will manage their own health care. As a strategy, what is its main focus?
a).Creating multisectoral linkages
b).Responsibility for health on the individual, his family and the community
c).Support for frontline health workers
d).Assurance of increasing investment for health care services
63.) In the conceptual framework of Primary Health Care in the Philippine Health Care Delivery System,
its goal is embodied in which of the following statement of objective?
a) Health for all Filipinos
b) Community-based, accessible, acceptable and cost-effective health care services
c) Health for all Filipinos and Health in the hands of the People by the year 2020
d) A Longer Disability-Free life
64.) The following are the four cornerstones or pillars in Primary Health Care:
I. Health Education
II. Active community participation
III. Intra- and inter-sectoral linkage
IV. Use of appropriate technology
V. Support mechanism made available
a).I, II, III, IV
c). II, III, IV, V
b).I, III, IV, V
d). II, III, IV only
65.) The strategies being employed in PHC are the following, except
a).Organization of communities arising from their expressed needs
b).Development of intra-sectoral linkages with other government and private agencies
c).Development and utilization of appropriate technology
d).Granting of incentives and supports for community leaders in the implementation of
66.) Various categories of health workers make up the primary health care system. The types vary in
different communities depending upon the following, except:
a).Educational attainment and health care experience
b).Available health manpower resources
c).Local health needs and problems
d).Political and financial feasibility
67.) Two levels of Primary Health Care workers have been identified. General medical practitioners of
their assistants. Public Health Nurse, Rural Sanitary Inspectors and Midwives may compose this group:
a).Grassroot health workers
b).Professional health workers
c).Barangay health workers
d).Intermediate level health workers
68.)This refers to trained community health workers or health auxiliary volunteer or a traditional birth
attendant healer:
a).Intermediate level health workers
b).Core health workers
c.) Selective health workers
d).Barangay health workers
69.) Team planning by health personnel in the same level and the various health levels will be essential
for the effectiveness and efficiency of health services. As a nurse, you will plan family health care with:
VI. Midwife
VII. Physician
VIII. Community health workers
IX. Sanitary inspector
a).I and II
c). I and III
b).I, II, III
d). all of the above
70.) In the Philippines, under the restructured health care delivery systems, who among the following
compose the basic primary health care team who are trained and oriented to assume his/her redefined
roles and functions?
I. Physician
II. Public health nurse
III. Midwives
IV. Barangay health workers
a) I, II, III
b) I and II
D. II and III
71.) The National Objectives of the Department of Health are all towards the improvement of Health for
all Filipinos. Which of the following is DOH mission?
Ensure accessibility and quality of health care to improve the quality of life of all
Filipinos, especially the poor.
Improve the general health status of the population
Reduce morbidity, mortality, disability and complications from noted diseases
Promote healthy lifestyle through healthy diet and nutrition, physical activity and
fitness, hygiene and mental health
72.) The following are the Primary strategies of the Department of Health to achieve health goals,
Increasing investment for primary health care
Development of national standards and objectives for health
Support for frontline health workers
Reorientation of the national health care system
Situation: The following question pertain to the health program implemented In the Rural Health Units.
73.) In order to solicit cooperation/assistance of the community in the environmental sanitation
program, which of the following needs to be done first:
a. Create public awareness on the environmental sanitation problems.
b. Form working group of committees
c. Solicit the help of the municipal/Barangay officials
d. Involve community members in the sanitation program
74.) The people must be informed that in order to prevent contamination of drinking water. The source
must be how many meters away from washing the bathing areas:
a) A. 25 meters
c) 20 meters
b) B. 30 meters
d) 32 meters
75.) The provision of plastic toilet bowls for toilet construction to families in the rural areas by the
Department of health is in relation to the:
a. Oplan alis Disease Program
b. Schistosomiasis Control Program
c. Filariasis Control Program
d. Environmental Sanitation Program
76.) In order to raise people’s awareness on cancer prevention, the following danger signs of cancer
need to be disseminated:
a) Unexplained anemia and weight loss
b) All these groups
c) Indigestion and nagging cough
d) Change in normal habits and unusual bleeding or discharge
Situation: Communicable disease remains a major health problem in the Philippines. The nurse plays
an important role in controlling the spread of any communicable disease.
77.) The control of any communicable disease depends to a large measure upon the following except:
a) Application of effective control measures.
b) Nature of disease itself
c) Knowledge of appropriate technology
d) Discipline of health providers
78.) First of defense of the body against infection is:
a) Physical Fitness
b) Full immunization
c) An intact skin
d) Personal hygiene
79.) Which of the following statements on breaking the chain of infection is true?
a) Every link in the chain of infection can be interrupted
b) A virulent agent can resist disinfection
c) The mode of direct contact is often direct entry
d) An inappropriate portal of entry will not support infection.
80.) Newborn babies have limited ability to produce antibodies hence, immunization should not be
given earlier than:
A. 2 months
B. 1 month
C. 3 months
D. 6 weeks
81.) Health education in the prevention and control of communicable disease is vital component to:
a. Help individual cope with the illness
b. reduce risk of exposure
c. Modify risk behavior
d. Diminish psychological stress
Situation: Gene, 2 years old is brought to the health center far an on and off fever, cough and difficulty
of breathing. You suspect that this is a case pneumonia:
82.) Your assessment of Gene should include which of the following:
a) Looking for signs of undernutrition
b) Looking and listening for stridor or wheeze
c) All of these
d) Looking for chest indrawing
83.) Gene is diagnosed of having pneumonia. His respiratory rate is expected to be:
a. A. 40 breaths per minute
c. 25 breaths per minute
b. B. 30 breaths per minute
d. 60 breaths per minute
84.) Gene is an antibiotic therapy which of the following is important instruction that you should give his
mother regarding giving antibiotics:
a) All these instructions
b) Finish the 5 day treatment even if the child seems better
c) Carefully explain how much antibiotic to give, how many times daily and when to give.
d) Tell the mother to bring back the child to the health center in 2 days or sooner if the child
85.) In order to check whether the mother understands and will be able to carry out the instructions
given her, which of the following will you do:
a) Any of these
b) Ask the mother to demonstrate what she has heard
c) Ask the mother to repeat the instructions correct any misinformation
d) Ask the mother what problems she might have in giving the antibiotics
86.) Mr. RB was diagnosed to have malaria. A a preventive control measure, the PHN must advise Mr.
RB’s family and other members of the community to:
1. Clear all connections of water like old tins, gutters and flower pots
2. Pour oil on any pool which cannot be drained
3. Use mosquito nets
4. Cut grass very short around the house and compound
A. 1 and 3
C. 1,2,3 and 4
B. 1,2 and 3 only
D. 1 and 2
87.) Regarding measles control, which of these statements is incorrect:
a) Treating measles patient with high dose of Vitamin A significantly reduces mortality rate
b) All classes of measles should be reported
c) As a routine, measles vaccine is given to all infants between 9 to 12 months of age
d) There are evident contraindications for giving measles vaccine
88.) 17 Filipino children go blind from vit. A deficiency everyday. In order to help prevent blindness,
which of the following groups of foods should be recommended for inclusion in the children’s diet:
a) Eggs, Chicken, and liver
b) Cereals, fish and lettuce
c) Legumes and beans
d) Carrots, squash, and malunggay leaves
89.) To be able to identify which preventive interventions for undernutrition are appropriate in a
particular barangay, you should:
a) Consult with local government officials
b) Assess the community’s knowledge attitudes and practices related to child feeding and
food practices
c) Assess the community’s current practices on personal hygiene and cleanliness
d) Conduct a conference with the barangay health workers in the area
Situation: Aling Puring, 65 years old, a sari-sari owner, came to the outpatient clinic complaining of
easy fatigability. She is very much worried about her health. You made a risk appraisal.
90) Risk appraisal will be more effective if you demonstrate:
a. An attitude of concern
b. Acceptance of the client
c. A helping attitude
d. Client trust in you
91.) The objective of a risk appraisal is to identify:
a) Undesirable health practices
b) Health deficits
c) Health hazards
d) Danger signs of a disease
92.) Which of the following statement is a priority health promotion goal for aling Puring
a. To have regular physical examination
b. To limit activities that tire her
c. To plan her diet
d. To reduce stress
93.) Aling Puring’s blood pressure registered 180/110 mm Hg. Which of the following factors would you
consider at most risk to her:
a) Sleeping habits
c.) Daily activities of living
b) Past illness
d.) Dietary pattern
94.) This is an information which will give you additional data on Aling Puring’s condition:
a) Her health beliefs and practices
b) Ill ness in the family
c) Demands of her work
d) Health resources of her family
Situation: The rural health nurse was scheduled to discuss common childhood and adolescent health
concerns with the parents and teachers in the community:
95.) A question was raised by a mother whose daughter age 14, complains of cramps, backache, and
nausea with her menstrual period. The nurse explain that this is common possibly due to increased
prostaglandins, hence, these symptoms are most likely:
a) Physiological
c). Pathological
b) Hypochondriacal
d). psychosomatic
96.) A number of parents complain of their teenager’s refusal to eat with food served at family meals,
thus increasing the budget on allowance to go to school. The nurse can help these parents make a plan
a) Suggest to parents to do grocery shopping
b) Inform adolescents of adverse effects of fast foods
c) Check on adolescent’s food intake
d) Incorporate adolescent’s preferences into meal planning
97.) A nurse explains to the mother whose children experience unhappiness when they first enter
school. This is because of their:
a) Inability to relate to others
b) Difficulty to start a conversation
c) Feeling of insecurity
d) Feeling of being unable to pay attention
98.) The school nurse informs parents how they can prepare their children for entering school. The
measure that can best help parents is to:
a) Have parents stay with the child for the first few months
b) Orient their children about school’s physical environment
c) Discuss school with their children if they asked
d) Have older sisters/brothers tell them about school
Situation: Goals of maternal and infant care
99.) Jessica., 25 years old, works as a senior corporate secretary of big firm visits the clinic. She is 2
months pregnant with her first child. Jessica feels that there is a conflict between self-actualization
through her work and through parenting> prior setting health care plans, the nurse needs to consider:
a) Financial and social status
b) Boss’s attitude towards her
c) Jessica’s educational background
d) Culture and family structure
100.) During this initial interaction, the nurse assesses for what might be the needed support, such
factor that can influence the couple’s ways of reacting to stress as:
a) Family network
b) Nature of Cecile’s job
c) Support system
d) Environment and psychosocial factors
101.) Preparation for child birth takes several forms depending on culture, family setting and support
system. It is important that the nurse understands:
a) Herself and her knowledge of child birth.
b) Support and teaching role in child birth education
c) Client’s educational background
d) Couple’s socio-economic understanding
102.) The philosophy of Family-Centered Maturity Care changed its framework where mother and
child are now considered:
a) Center where similar concerns are grouped
b) One section on hospital/health center
c) Exclusive to one family care
d) A unit with a nurse assignment to primary care
103.) All these are considered recent trends in maternal-infant care, except:
1. Early discharged and cost containment
2. Family-centered care
3. Community standard of care
4. Regionalization
A. 2,3,4
B. 1,2,3
C. 1,3,4
D. 1,2
Situation: Family planning is one of the health care services provided by the nurse in the health
centers, hospitals and private clinics.
104.) The Philippine Family Program seeks to improve and maintain the following life – saving
1. Proper spacing of pregnancies
2. Proper timing of pregnancies
3. reduction of high risk pregnancies
4. Giving special concern to mothers with lingering maternal illness
A. 1, 3
B. 3, 4
C. 1, 4
D. 1, 2, 3, 4
105.) Which of the following statements is not correct regarding family planning:
a) Family Planning services should be made available to those who need them
b) It is the responsibility of every parent to determine whether to have children when or how many
c) Family Planning is geared towards individual and family welfare
d) The ultimate goal of Family Planning is to prevent pregnancies
106.) Edna is 40 years old Gr. V. She is 5 feet 2 inches tall, 98 lbs. and is a heavy smoker. Normally,
She experience heavy menstrual period. In your latest home visit, she asked about family planning
methods. The use of pills cannot be recommended because:
1. She is 40 years old
2. She weighs only 98 lbs
3. She is a heavy smoker
4. Her menstrual periods are heavy
A. 2, 4
B. 2, 3
C. 1, 2
D. 1, 3
107.) In the implementation of the national family planning program, the government assumes the role
of a:
a) Decision – maker in the practice of family planning methods
b) Regulator
c) Facilitator
d) Dictator
Situation: You work as a Public Health Nurse in a family planning clinic. You provide expert services in
family planning methods.
109.) If a mother tells you that she does not want to take pills because she heard the pills cause
cancer, you will:
A. Blame the mother for believing in an information that is not true
B. Explain to the mother why the information she heard is not true
C. Tell the mother that there is no truth in what she heard
D. Refer the mother to the doctor
110.) A more frequent family planning method that may be advised for women whose lives may be
endangered by another pregnancy is:
A. Vasectomy
B. Intrauterine device
C. Pills
D. Tubal Ligation
“The greatest truths are simplest, and so are the greatest men…”