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News Writing: Definitions, Characteristics, and Types

P R E PA R E D B Y R I C H S T E R J O H N C .
Let’s have an
What I know
What I want to know
What I learned
Understanding News
News is difficult to define because it has many
variables, but one needs to determine what is
newsworthy when deciding what to write about
for his or her story assignments.
Try to process this…
News must be factual, yet not all facts
are news. A news item is based on
actual occurrences, situations,
thoughts and ideas, yet not all facts
are news.
the logical nature of news
may be drawn, such that…
the taste of news depends on the interest of and impact
to the reader.
According to Soriano et al. (2012), a news is any oral or written
report of an event that happened, is happening, will happen in
the North, East, West and South (NEWS) that is of interest to the
reader and which should be reported.
Malinao (2008) also attempted to define news by pointing out
that news is basically about an event, idea or a reaction that is
presented factually and simply in written form to give the reader
an idea of what is currently happening around him or her,
particularly on matters of interest to the community.
This lengthy definition by Malinao (2008) gives the notion that
news may include or encompass any topic including a speech or
a simple feedback. Moreover, it stresses that news is generally
written and is based on facts
Estrada and Singh opined, "News is a timely factual report of events, ideas
or situations interesting or significant to people. Others define it as literature
in a hurry." Estrada and Singh's definition gives an added perspective on
time elements. Literature in a hurry therefore means that news should be
publicized at its freshness. It means that the life span of a news may be so
short that it expires right away and that it can be buried when new angles of
the news or topic are broadcast.
Estrada and Singh opined, "News is a timely factual report of events, ideas
or situations interesting or significant to people. Others define it as literature
in a hurry." Estrada and Singh's definition gives an added perspective on
time elements. Literature in a hurry therefore means that news should be
publicized at its freshness. It means that the life span of a news may be so
short that it expires right away and that it can be buried when new angles of
the news or topic are broadcast.
Soriano and Henson (1999), provides a seemingly technical
definition of news. They inscribed that news is a reportage of
accurate facts, events and ideas that interest a large number of
readers. Anything that is refreshed or regenerated is also news.
Here, the definition looks into the newness of idea that responds to
the interest of the readers. The definition marries the idea of
immediacy and interest; ergo, the newer the angle of the story, the
more interesting it is to the readers.
Pangilinan (2012) provides another definition which goes,
"news is information that has a meaning for a set of
readers." Hence, the bases of all news are facts, interest
and readers.
By all the provided
news can be coined by
stating that it is a timely
reportage of events,
regardless of time and
manner, which are grounded
on facts. It considers
nearness, importance, impact
and interest to the public
With the concept of news in mind, a student journalist should
remember that concerns the school, its students, the teachers,
including the parents is newsworthy. News in school may include
worthwhile or extraordinary acts of students like: opening of a new
college, inauguration of the new building, stories of success,
conflicts or suspense, school convocations and other programs,
interviews of visiting personalities, merging of two colleges,
increasing tuition and other fees, new grading system and the like.
cs of a Good
Timeliness or Immediacy
This characteristic of a news item
underscores the newest angle of the
story. For instance, the changing of
the grading system which was
announced yesterday is more
appealing to a student other than
the Christmas party last December.
It should be noted, too, that the
more recent the event, the more
appealing it is to the reader.
The physical and mental struggles of
persons are also newsworthy. In campus
context, competitions like oratorical contests
and quiz bees are newsworthy due to the
mental conflicts present. Sports events
during intramurals or foundation days are
newsworthy, too, as they have physical
Proximity or Nearness
Although proximity primarily refers to
geographical location, it likewise means the
nearness of interest and appeal. In the
context of writing news in the campus or
school for students in Batanes what is
happening to Batanes State College will be
of more interest to them than what is
happening to Western Mindanao State
University. The imposition of "no cellphone
policy" in Batanes State College will interest
the Batanes' readers more than the zero
tuition scheme of Aklan State University, so
to speak
Journalism is anchored on facts. News
writing is a journalistic skill. Therefore,
the contents should be accurately
reported. Accuracy primarily refers to
the factualness of news as purveyor of
If something is important to the reader,
surely he/she will read the news. Hence, a
writer should survey whatever is significant
to the life of the target readers and write
about it. When news is important to him/her,
the news bears a high degree of
significance, thus, newsworthy and worth
reading. In the campus setting, topics that
are highly significant include new rules
imposed by the administration or the
student government, amendments to
policies, upcoming big events, results of
scholarship screening and the like.
e and
"The world is unfair," so the adage goes.
In this light, there are persons more
popular than others. Popular names can
effectuate situations and their acts may
be more interesting to others. Hence,
news about these persons can yield a
high degree of newsworthiness, thus
becoming more readable than other
news. For campus papers, prominent
personalities include the president of the
student body, the principal, the student
who won in a national competition and
the like.
Since news is also anchored on public
interest, writers should bank on any story
that can lead the writers to crying or to
laughing. Such story is packed with color;
thus, subjects are moving. In this way, the
news becomes appealing to the readers. For
instance, you write a story of the student
leader who manages to graduate as magna
cum laude despite his five-year term as the
College Student Government President.
Oddity or Unusualness
Sociology can explain why oddity is a good
element of news. A theory explains that when
persons are curious about a phenomenon
deviating from a natural course, they will be
interested in such a topic or issue; hence, that
topic becomes newsworthy. Looking into the
campus situation, one may write about a fortyyear-old student who has just graduated; he
has just finished his fifth bachelor's degree in
your college. This unusual situation may be so
intriguing as regards the student's purpose,
therefore, becoming more newsworthy to the
Romance and Adventure
"Love makes the world go round,"
so a song says. Hence, stories
about love, 9. Romance and
Adventure including adventure,
may ignite the taste of the
reading public. This is also the
reason why showbiz news
continuously booms. Attaining
breakthroughs and achieving
scientific discoveries are given
Attaining breakthrough and achieving
scientific discoveries are given much
attention by the readers. This attribute
of the news gives a high degree of
shock and a sense of development in
the society where the persons live.
Looking into ma be in the form a newly
constructed building and a school
situation, progress may be in the form
of newly constructed building and newly
donated laboratory, equipment from
alumni abroad.
For persuasion, statistics or figures have the
power to shake the conviction of the
audience. This is why numbers yield a very
strong impact on the readers. However, the
figures that one should write should be worth
appreciating. For instance, the Alumni
Association donated one computer set last
January, while the Parent Teachers
Association donated 57 computer sets to the
school. The latter yields a higher degree of
newsworthiness than the former. It is not
safe to say, however, that the higher the
figure, the higher is its newsworthiness. Say,
your school has performed in the National
Achievement Test 50% lower than last year's
data. This is a figure lower than the usual
and yet bears a high degree of interest.
According to
Chronology or
As the term suggests, this is a news story that gathers information as it is
broadcast at the same time. Hence, it is unscheduled and demands
immediate publication. In many instances, the reporter becomes the firsthand witness to the activity or subject taking place. For instance, a student
journalist happens to be standing at the gate when a jeepney bumps an
education student. He writes the story and publishes it in the weekly
newsletter of the college.
Many interchange spot news and coverage news. Though both of them are
good avenues for first-hand information, the difference between the two is
that coverage news is written based on the given assignment to the reporter
or news writer. The assignment is sometimes called beat. It means that the
writer knows what to write about. For example, the chief editor wants to
publish what transpires in the academic meeting, so he assigns, Jessica, a
writer to cover the meeting. Jessica knows what she shall write about and
shall be concentrated only on the meeting, thus, her beat.
According to Range
and Reach
This is a news item. The subject of which happens in one's own
community where the paper originates. For instance, The
Builders, the official student organ of Batanes State College,
covers the installation of the underground electrification system
in the province; the news is said to be a local news since it is
about the province itself.
Countrywide news is called national news. It is
determined when the news impacts the people of a
certain country. Most national news is published in the
All news items which trace their origin from outside the boarders
of the country are called foreign news. Some foreign news
articles also create impact to typical locals due to their domino
effect like the oil price hike in the world market.
An out-of-town news story. This news is introduced by a
dateline which states the place from which the story was
reported, the date, and the source of the material if not
written by the local staff.
According to
The first paragraph answers the most important W (what, where,
when, why, who) depending on which of the Ws is the most
prominent among them. Its body paragraphs consist of the
elaboration on the Ws and the H. It is written using the inverted
triangle structure.
This special type of news should not be confused with the feature
articles (features). News feature is sometimes called special features
and printed in the features sections of the newspapers or in the
magazines. Human interest and news-feature stories are classified as
news since both are gathered and written daily by reporters as their
regular assignments. Furthermore, both emphasize the elements of
timeliness or immediacy which distinguish news from other types of
reading, although they differ in important respects from the straight
news story.
a. Single-Feature or One-Incident Story
It may be an account of a speech, an interview, an election, that
deals with an isolated event. In writing a news-feature story with
this kind of structure, include the one-feature in the lead. Add in
the body details which clarify and explain the lead. See that the
story breaks logically at every paragraph and that the story may
be cut if lengthened as space dictates
b. The Several-Feature, Multiple-Angle or
Composite Story
In a composite story, two or more divergent aspects of a news topic are drawn
together for the sake of space and coherence. In structure, the composite story
may resemble that of a follow-up story in that both of them aim to consolidate
component parts. However, they differ in the sense that the follow-up story ends
in a tie-in with a past story; whereas, the composite story is composed of units,
each one made up of fresh spot news frequently with reference to the future.
b. The Several-Feature, Multiple-Angle or
Composite Story
In writing, the several-feature or composite
story, include all of the features in a
comprehensive lead in the order of their
importance. The next step is Lead to explain
and elaborate in the body each of the features in
the order which they are in the lead. In doing
this, delegate less important details of each
feature to less important positions. But
remember that each chain of facts although
covered separately should be handled as a
single, unified story.
Fact Story
This is plain exposition of a simple situation of a series of closely
related events which conform to the inverted triangle design more
closely than any other kinds of news. The component parts are the
series of facts that may be likened to rectangles of diminishing length
arranged one after the other in order of their importance. The key to
proper arrangement consists solely in judging the relative value of the
data at hand and in grouping them in their respective order.
Action Story
This is a narrative involving not merely simple facts but dramatic actions —
incidents, description of persons, perhaps testimonies of witness, as well as
explanatory data. In reading this kind of story, first write a summarizing lead
in any appropriate form. Relate the most important details in narrative or
chronological form. Tell the story again by More Details giving more details.
But be careful not to begin the chronological order just after beginning. Give
sufficient attention to the elaboration of important information, background
and interpretation. Each unit must be closely interlocked.
Speech, Report, Quote, and Interview Stories
The arrangements of a speech report, a quote story and of an interview are
to great extent similar. The quote story may be charted as alternating large
and small rectangles of diminishing size: summary, quote, summary, quote,
summary arrangement. The quotations may be direct, indirect, or a
combination of both. In writing this kind of story, the following suggestions
may be helpful:
Write a summarizing lead in any appropriate form.
Write the body of the story in a summary-quote-summary arrangement.
The lead may be a summarizing statement — the gist of the speech,
statement, letter, or interview; or it may be the most important quotation
in the story written as direct quote.
Quote Story
Speech Report Story
Minor News Forms
a. News Brief. This is a short item of news interest, written like a brief,
telegraphic message. It gives mainly the result with few details.
b. News Bulletin. It is similar to the lead of a straight news story. Its aim is
just to give the gist of the news.
c. News Featurette. This is a short news feature usually used a fillers, say,
quirks in the news.
d. Sidebar. It is a news item or a feature placed side by side its mother
story to which it is related but under a headline of its own.
e. Flash. This is a message giving first brief news of an event. It is usually