INTRODUCTION TYPES WORKING EXAMPLES CONCLUSION WHAT IS A LOOP? Loops are used to execute the block of code several times according to the condition given in the loop. It means it executes the same code multiple times until the given condition is true. It helps to traverse the elements of an array. WHILE LOOP DO WHILE LOOP FOR LOOP While loop is the pre test loop. It first test the specified conditonal expression and as long as the conditional expression is true the loop body statement will be executed. While loop is also known as entry control loop. It is used when we don’t know the number of it is needed to be executed. START CONDITION FALSE TRUE LOOP BODY END SYNTAX AND EXAMPE OF WHILE LOOP SYNTAX EXAMPLE While(condition) { //statement; incr/decr; } int i=1;//initilization While(i<=5)//condition { Printf(“%d”,i);//statemnet i++;//incr/decr } Do while loop is a post test loop.It is simillar to while loop,except that it executes the body atleast once wether the condition is true or false and terminates when the test expression is evaluvated to zero. It executes the condition at the end of loop. It is known as exit cotrol loop. START LOOP BODY CONDITION TRUE FALSE END SYNTAX AND EXAMPLE FOR DO WHILE LOOP SYNTAX Do { //statement; Incr/decr; } While(condition); EXAMPLE Int i=10 Do { Printf(“%d”,i); i--; } While(i>=1); Return 0; For loop enables us to perform n number of steps together in one line. In for loop a loop variable is used to control the loop. It execute the statement of the program several times until a given condition returns false. It is used to traverse array,linked list etc. START INITIALIZATION FALSE CONDITION TRUE LOOP LOOPBODY BODY INCR/DECR END SYNTAX AND EXAMPLE OF FOR LOOP SYNTAX For(initialization;condition; incr/decr) { //statement; } EXAMPLE For(int i=1;i<=10;i++) { Printf(“%d”,i); }