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Why Mom needs to let me go over to Kirkland's house so I can play black ops 2, a study

Dear Mom,
I hope this letter finds you well. I want to discuss an important topic with you – the idea of me
going over to my friend's house to play Black Ops 2 on his Xbox. I understand your concerns
about video games and how they can impact my life, but I'd like to present some reasons why
this particular activity can be beneficial and responsible.
First and foremost, playing video games can actually have cognitive benefits. Black Ops 2 is a
first-person shooter game that requires strategic thinking, quick decision-making, and hand-eye
coordination. These skills are not only essential in the virtual world but also translate into
real-life situations. In the game, I have to assess the environment, plan my moves, and react
swiftly to changing situations. This can help improve my problem-solving abilities and enhance
my reflexes, which are valuable skills to have in various aspects of life.
Moreover, playing video games can also be a social activity. When I go to my friend's house, it's
not just about playing the game; it's also about spending quality time with friends. Multiplayer
games like Black Ops 2 encourage teamwork and communication. By playing with my friends, I
can strengthen my social bonds and learn how to work together effectively. Building and
maintaining friendships is an essential part of growing up, and this activity allows me to do just
that in a fun and engaging way.
Additionally, I understand your concerns about screen time and its potential negative effects.
However, playing Black Ops 2 at my friend's house can be a controlled and supervised
experience. We can set specific time limits for gaming, ensuring that it doesn't interfere with my
responsibilities, such as homework or chores. This way, I can enjoy the game while still
maintaining a healthy balance between screen time and other activities.
Furthermore, video games can also be a creative outlet. In the case of Black Ops 2, the game
offers a robust map editor that allows players to create their own custom maps and scenarios.
This fosters creativity and problem-solving as I design and experiment with various elements
within the game. It can be an opportunity for me to explore my creativity and maybe even
develop an interest in game design or programming.
I understand your concerns about violence in video games, but it's worth mentioning that Black
Ops 2 is rated for mature audiences, and I have been educated on the importance of
distinguishing between fiction and reality. The game's content is fictional, and I am fully aware
that real-life violence is not an acceptable or responsible course of action. I will continue to make
responsible choices and abide by our family's values.
In conclusion, I believe that going over to my friend's house to play Black Ops 2 on his Xbox
can be a responsible and beneficial activity. It promotes cognitive development, social
interaction, creativity, and can be regulated to ensure it doesn't negatively impact other aspects of
my life. I value your input and guidance, and I assure you that I will approach this activity with
responsibility and maturity.
Thank you for considering my request, and I look forward to discussing this further with you.