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Truth and Accuracy in Materials Viewed - English Module

Quarter 4
Module 3:
Day 1
Directions: Read each item carefully and write only the letter of the correct answer on
a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Facts rely on data.
A. Facts are based on one's judgment
B. Facts are subjective.
D. Facts are based on personal experiences.
2. People who verify and analyze information they hear are called as________.
A. critical consumers
B. responsible consumers
B. critical information users
C. responsible information users
3. The following are not characteristics of fake news, EXCEPT:
A. It has reliable sources.
B. It is aligned to what is real.
C. It uses statistics in its claim.
D. It presents ideas that contain double meaning.
4. What does it mean when an article or idea is given worth?
A. It is true to all
C. It is applicable to experience.
B. It is valuable to the writer.
D. It is important for information.
5. This happens when an advertisement makes an incorrect or misleading statement.
A. fake news B. false claims C. manipulative advertising D. exaggerated claims
In a recitation, teacher Brian asked his students what they know about social
Teacher Brian:
Jenny Nadia:
Haydee Fe:
April Love:
What do you know about social media?
Social media is the best platform to express ones’ opinions
or ideas.
Social media should be banned because it corrupts the
minds of the youngsters.
72% of social media users from around the world are 18-29
years old.
Social media makes this generation more exciting and fun!
Social media is composed of websites and applications that
enable users to create and share content or participate in
social networking.
I think social media brings in a lot of people closer together
It is a form of electronic communication created online.
Please follow me on my Youtube channel and Instagram
6. Who among the students gave a fact about social media?
A. Anthony
B. Leomar
C. Lyvharea
D. Vincent
7. Which student gave an opinion about social media?
A. April Love
B. Haydee Fe
C. Jenny Nadia
D. Vincent
8. What made Gloryvic’s statement factual?
A. use of meaning
C. use of statistics
B. use of observation
D. use of personal judgment
9. Which of the following is the best practice to promote real news?
A. One should give comments to posts.
B. One should promote giving of opinions.
C. One should stop listening to news reports.
D. One should develop caution when reading articles.
10. These are platforms that one uses in the internet to communicate with friends and
A. e-mail
B. game apps
C. google meet
D. social media
11. This quality refers to the absence of error or incorrect information in written materials.
A. accuracy
B. consistency
C. reliability
D. validity
12. It is important to read reliable sources. What does the underlined word mean?
A. consistent
B. popular
C. realistic
D. trustworthy
13. Why is it important to differentiate fact from opinion?
A. This will avoid taking sides.
C. This will make one a good speaker.
B. This would help in making choices.
D. This will help in writing a good essay.
14. What is the main purpose of companies in using advertisements?
A. to gain popularity
C. to compete with other brands
B. to promote their products
D. to present the good qualities of their products
15. What is an opinion?
A. It refers to a personal belief or view.
B. It refers to a logical and factual statement.
C. It refers to a statement that can be verified.
D. It refers to something that can be proven by statistics.
Day 2
Lesson 1
What I Need to Know
After going through the process of discovery with the learning tasks, you
are expected to:
1. determine the truthfulness and accuracy of material viewed,
2. identify lines that present truth and accuracy; and
3. pick out important information from given text.
What’s In
Directions: Read through the dialogue between two friends concerning the weather.
Answer the questions that follow the dialogue. Use a separate paper for
your answer.
I Hope the forecast will come true today. I brought both my umbrella and
Will it rain? Looks like you are decked up to avoid getting soaked.
The weather forecast said to expect rain showers today.
Really? The sun is way up and the skies are blue.
I know that and it is making me angry because I am bringing all this gear.
Are you sure the rains are in the morning? It might be tonight.
I am not sure. The reporter made it sound like it is going to rain the whole day.
Try to check other forecasts maybe it is going to rain but not this morning.
Questions to answer:
1. What is the dialogue all about? _________________________________________
2. How did Liza prepare for it? ____________________________________________
3. Where did Liza know about the weather? _________________________________
4. Was Liza misinformed? How was she misinformed? ________________________
5. Why do you think Dianne doubted the forecast? ____________________________
What’s New
The girls in the dialogue are talking about a weather forecast. Why is a weather
forecast important? Knowing the future of the weather can be important for individuals and
organizations. Accurate weather forecasts can tell a farmer the best time to plant; an
airport control tower what information to send to aircraft that are landing and taking off;
and residents of a coastal region when a hurricane might strike. It is really essential that
people take note of weather forecast.
Let us now, look at another material that makes a big impact in consumers’ lives. This is
called an advertisement. Advertising is defined as a paid form of communication from an
identified sponsor using mass media to persuade or influence an audience.
What famous brand is shown here? What message does the ad want to convey? Is
the ad effective in convincing consumers? What words would make consumers buy it? Why
do you think advertisements use such techniques for consumers?
What Is It
In today’s times where everyone is bombarded with numerous information and ideas, it
becomes difficult to determine what is true or accurate. We get our information from the
papers we read, from broadcast that we view or hear and even from the stories and reports
of people around us.
What then is the meaning of Truth? Merriam Webster gives meaning to this word as “the
body of real things, events, and facts” and “the property (as of a statement) of being in
accord with fact or reality”. Accuracy on the other hand is defined as” freedom from mistake
or error” and “conformity to truth or to a standard”.
Looking at these definitions, the key words are FACT and REALITY. This means that if
the information is not in line with facts or what is real then such information is NOT truthful
and it is NOT accurate. It is also emphasized that there should have NO error in the
statements and information presented.
So how can we distinguish the truthfulness and accuracy of a material? The following
are certain factors to consider. One can use the given suggested questions in verifying the
materials that one reads or views.
The timeliness of the information:
• When was the information published or posted?
• Does the time period that the information was published matter in relation to your
• When was the information last revised?
• Are the links current or are they broken?
Relevance or Coverage
The importance of the information in relation to your topic:
• What is the depth of coverage? Is the information provided central to your topic or
does the source just touch on your topic?
• Is the information unique?
• Who is the intended audience? Basically, is the information at the appropriate level for
your research or does it target a different type of audience?
• Is better information available in another source?
Consider the source:
• Can you tell who wrote it? If the author is not identified who is the sponsor, publisher,
or organization behind the information?
• Are the author’s credentials or organizational affiliations listed?
• Is contact information available?
• Is the source reputable?
The reliability, truthfulness, and correctness of the informational content:
• Where does the information presented come from? Are the sources listed?
• Are the sources reputable?
• Can you verify the information in other sources or from your own knowledge?
• Does the language or tone seem free of bias or ideologically based arguments?
Purpose or Objectivity
The reason the information exists:
• What is the purpose of the information? Inform? Teach? Sway opinion? Sell?
• Can you determine possible bias? Are they clearly stated or do they become apparent
through a close reading?
• Does the point of view appear objective?
• Does the site provide information or does it attempt to debunk other information?
Businesses are not allowed to make statements that are incorrect or likely to
create false impressions. This action is called as a False Claim. It is the act of using
deceptive, misleading, or false statements about a product or service in an
False advertising laws stipulate that consumers are entitled to know exactly what
they are purchasing, along with the specific amount they are being charged for a
property, good or service.
This rule applies to their advertising, their product packaging, and any information
provided by their staff or online shopping services. It also applies to any statements
made by businesses in the media or online, such as testimonials on their websites
or social media pages.
As a consumer, to make wise decisions, one must not assume the best about
companies or the products they make or services they offer. Instead, analyze the
messages viewed or heard each day and consider whether these are true or
What I Can Do
Directions: Determine whether the following statements are true or false based on the
information they give. Answer with True or False. Use your paper in answering.
_______1. Truth is based on facts rather than opinion.
_______2. A lie is an example of a false information.
_______3. Accuracy is a quality of being correct but allows a little margin of error.
_______4. Posted articles can be verified for accuracy through the websites and references
_______5. Truthfulness is in adherence to facts and reality.
What I Have Learned
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer based on the learnings above.
1.____________ is a quality that is based on facts and real data. When a material
contains no error, it is 2. ___________. Consumers can be misled by 3. __________ used
by companies to promote products. Many of these give 4. ______________ to make
consumers believe that the products are good. People who verify and analyze information
they hear are called as 5. __________ information users.
What’s More
Let us check if you follow the guidelines of being a wise consumer.
1. Before making a major purchase, I research the
product, the company that makes it, and find reviews
from people who’ve purchased it.
2. I bring a list when I grocery shop so I won’t be
tempted to buy things I do not need.
3. I check a store’s return and refund policy before I buy
4. I use coupons or look for sales before I shop.
5. I stock up on things I need during sales or at bulk
6. If I am not satisfied with something I bought, I return it
for a replacement or refund.
7. When I shop for food, I compare the quantity to the
price (the unit price) to make sure I get the best deal.
8. I compare products before I buy to find the best price.
9. Brand names do not affect my buying choices. I buy
whatever is the best quality at the best price.
10. I try not to make impulse buys, or buy things for
emotional reasons, like “I deserve it!”.
Shade the circle of your
Always Sometimes Never
Day 3
Lesson 2
What I Need to Know
After going through the process of discovery with the learning tasks, you
are expected to:
1. determine the worth of ideas in given texts,
2. locate important ideas from given texts; and
3. recognize significant clues to arrive at a response.
What’s In
Dianne and Liza are in the cafeteria. Let us listen to their conversation about a certain
news that everyone is talking about.
Have you heard about Carol being hospitalized?
I heard she fell from the stairs while going down to the gym.
No, she only slipped. The reason for her being admitted is due to stomach flu.
Really? People are saying she broke her leg due to the fall.
They are assuming it was due to that since the incident and her being admitted
isn’t too far off. It was just a fortnight between her stomach trouble and slipping.
Dianne: What a mess. Even I believed that she broke her leg. I shouldn’t assume based
on what I hear. Good to know that she didn’t break her leg. I hope she would be
Answer the following questions based on the given dialogue. Use another paper for
your answers.
1. What are the girls talking about? _______________________________________
2. What happened to Carol? ____________________________________________
3. Was Dianne’s assumption correct? Why? ________________________________
4. What was the real reason for the incident? _______________________________
5. How should one make conclusions? What should be avoided? _______________
What’s New
What is the issue presented in the comics strip?
Is Shellman, the tortoise right in asking whether Little Leap, the rabbit verified the source of
an article he read on the internet? How about you? Do you verify the source of a material you
read on the internet?
With the onset of social media, Filipinos have found an avenue for being in touch with
friends and family. It also paved way an access to keep abreast with current trends and
happening. With the Filipinos’ culture of wanting to know everything around him, many media
organizations have cited our country as having one of the highest social media users in
Southeast Asia. Let us learn how to recognize the worth of a material and how to recognize
fake news.
Are you familiar with the phrase a dime’s worth? This line means to have an insignificant
amount or value. Worth is the key concept that is being focused. To have worth is to have
value. When one thing is worthy it means having sufficient worth or importance as defined by
Merriam Webster.
When going through the wide array of information and materials, one should weigh the
worth of the ideas these contain. Worth of ideas has something to do with the significance and
importance it has to the one receiving such information. Not all materials that one reads, views
or listen to have worth or importance.
An example of materials that one should not give attention to is Fake News. This refers to
news articles or other items that are deliberately false and intended to manipulate the viewer.
This has become a large problem in recent years due to the ease with which it can be spread
on social media and other online platforms, as people are often less likely to critically evaluate
news shared by their friends or that confirms their existing beliefs.
Fake news is often too good to be true, too extreme, or too out of line with what you know
to be true and what other news sources are telling you. The following are suggestions for
recognizing fake news.
1. Pay attention to the domain and URL: Reliable websites have familiar names and
standard URLs, like .com or .edu.
2. Read the "About Us" section: Insufficient or overblown language can signal an
unreliable source.
3. Look at the quotes in a story: Good stories quote multiple experts to get a range of
perspectives on an issue.
4. Look at who said them: Can you verify that the quotes are correct? What kind of authority
do the sources possess?
5. Check the comments: Comments on social media platforms can alert you when the story
doesn't support the headline.
6. Reverse image search: If an image used in a story appears on other websites about
different topics, it's a good sign the image isn't actually what the story claims it is.
One can combat such fake news by some of the suggestions below:
1. Be aware of the problem: Many popular sources, particularly online news sources and
social media, are competing for your attention through outlandish claims, and sometimes
with the intent of manipulating the viewer
2. Think critically: Critically evaluate news that you encounter. If it sounds too good (or
sometimes too bad) to be true, it probably is. Most fake news preys on our desire to have
our beliefs confirmed, whether they be positive or negative
3. Check facts against reliable sources: When you encounter a claim in the news,
particularly if it sets off alarm bells for you, take the time to evaluate the claim using
reputable sources including library databases, fact checking websites and authoritative
news sources While established news sources can also be wrong from time to time, they
take care to do extensive fact checking to validate their articles
4. Stop the spread of fake news: You can do your part in halting the spread of fake news
by not spreading it further on social media, through email, or in conversation.
What I Can Do
Directions: Identify each given situation as either Real or Fake and write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
_______1. Vaccines for Covid-19 can cause death according to a sanitary worker in a hospital.
_______2. The beauty product endorsed by a celebrity is effective.
_______3. The washing technique practiced by your grandmother is effective because of the
length of time it has been used.
_______4. Herbal supplements when used can cure diseases since organic materials are used.
_______5. If symptoms persist consult a doctor.
What I Have Learned
Directions: Fill in each blank with the correct answer based on the lesson given. Write your
answer on your paper.
In using the social media platform, one should be 1. __________ in evaluating information.
False items and articles fall under the category as 2. ____________. These have the
intention to deliberately 3. _____________ people by using false information. Not all articles
have 4. _____________ or value. One must 5. ____________ these by going through the
sources and websites.
What’s More
In the table below share two personal experiences wherein you became a victim of
misinformation or fake news. Narrate what the news was about and indicate what was the real
story. Number 1 is done as your example.
The Lie
The Truth
1. I saw a posted picture of a giant snake
that swallowed an alligator.
The picture was photo shopped to make it
look like it swallowed an alligator.
Day 4
Lesson 3
What I Need to Know
After going through the process of discovery with the learning tasks, you
are expected to:
1. differentiate fact from opinion,
2. identify word markers that signal opinion; and
3. evaluate true or false information.
What’s In
Directions: Identify the word from each number. There are letters given as clues. A description
is also provided to help you in identifying the word.
1. false articles
2. that which can be trusted
3. can refer to websites and programs for communication on the net
4. value of importance
5. control or influence
What’s New
Directions: Read the dialog and answer the questions that follow.
Do you agree with what the character says about an opinion? How about you, what do you
know about opinions? About facts?
As a student, you will encounter several reading texts which will introduce you to facts
and opinions. The challenge is for you to be able to distinguish them when you read through
a text. Let us learn about facts and opinions.
What I Can Do
Directions: Identify each statement as fact or opinion. If it is an opinion, underline the phrase
or words that make it an opinion.
- I think that movies are generally more interesting than books.
- According to Commission on Population and Development, Philippine
population is projected to reach 110,881,756 next year.
________1. In my opinion, Ukraine and Russia will never have permanent peace settlement.
________2. Boracay is one of the best tourist destinations in the Philippines.
________3. The Philippine Statistics Authority reported that in 2006 approximately 2.2 million
Filipinos consumed NFA rice.
________4. Smoking in public places in the Philippines is prohibited.
________5. I am confident that these two nations at war will set aside differences.
What I Have Learned
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
1. A ____________ is a statement that can be proven to be true through data, statistics,
graphs, and observations. It is always 2. _____________ since it uses 3. __________ for
proof. On the other hand, 4. an __________ is a statement that shows personal preference,
judgment, bias, and attitude. It is 5. ____________, it means that the idea may vary according
to different people.
What’s More
Directions: Read each statement and identify whether it is true or not. Write T if the
statement is true and F if it is false.
_______1. Facts are observable.
_______2. Opinions are subjective.
_______3. Opinions are made from one’s personal view or judgment on a topic.
_______4. One is responsible for verifying information read.
_______5. Having an opinion is wrong.
Day 5
Post Test
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write them on your paper.
1. These are platforms that one uses in the internet to communicate with friends and
A. e-mail
B. game apps
C. google meet
D. social media
2. This quality refers to the absence of error or incorrect information in written materials.
A. accuracy
B. consistency
C. reliability
D. validity
3. It is important to read reliable sources. What does the underlined word mean?
A. consistent
B. popular
C. realistic
D. trustworthy
4. Why is it important to differentiate fact from opinion?
A. This will avoid taking sides.
C. This will make one a good speaker.
B. This would help in making choices.
D. This will help in writing a good essay.
5. What is the main purpose of companies in using advertisements?
A. to gain popularity
C. to compete with other brands
B. to promote their products
D. to present the good qualities of their products
6. What is an opinion?
A. It refers to a personal belief or view.
B. It refers to a logical and factual statement.
C. It refers to a statement that can be verified.
D. It refers to something that can be proven by statistics.
In a recitation, teacher Brian asked his students what they know about social
Teacher Brian: What do you know about social media?
Social media is the best platform to express ones’ opinions or
Social media should be banned because it corrupts the minds of
the youngsters.
72% of social media users from around the world are 18-29 years
Jenny Nadia: Social media makes this generation more exciting and fun!
Social media is composed of websites and applications that enable
users to create and share content or participate in social
I think social media brings in a lot of people closer together
Haydee Fe: It is a form of electronic communication created online.
April Love:
Please follow me on my Youtube channel and Instagram account.
7. Who among the students gave a fact about social media?
A. Anthony
B. Leomar
C. Lyvharea
D. Vincent
8. Which student gave an opinion about social media?
A. April Love
B. Haydee Fe
C. Jenny Nadia
D. Vincent
9. What made Gloryvic’s statement factual?
A. use of meaning
C. use of statistics
B. use of observation
D. use of personal judgment
10. Which of the following is the best practice to promote real news?
A. One should give comments to posts.
B. One should promote giving of opinions.
C. One should stop listening to news reports.
D. One should develop caution when reading articles.
11. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Facts rely on data.
A. Facts are based on one's judgment
B. Facts are subjective.
D. Facts are based on personal experiences.
12. People who verify and analyze information they hear are called as________.
A. critical consumers
B. responsible consumers
B. critical information users
C. responsible information users
13. The following are not characteristics of fake news, EXCEPT:
A. It has reliable sources.
B. It is aligned to what is real.
C. It uses statistics in its claim.
D. It presents ideas that contain double meaning.
14. What does it mean when an article or idea is given worth?
A. It is true to all
C. It is applicable to experience.
B. It is valuable to the writer.
D. It is important for information.
15. This happens when an advertisement makes an incorrect or misleading statement.
A. fake news B. false claims C. manipulative advertising D. exaggerated claims
Development Team of the Self-Learning Module
Rhoda B. Caca, MTI, Apas National High School
May L. Suribas, TIII, Apas National High School
Michell A. Rosales, TI, Agsungot Integrated School
Clarisse A. Cortes, TI, Mambaling National High School
Evaluator (Language & Content):
Ethel T. Aguanta, MT I, Pardo national High School
Florence Joy A. Cabaἧero, TI, Pardo National High School
Trishtan Alexine L. Sabellano, Abellana National High School
Answer Key
Day 2
What’s In (Answers may vary)
What I Can Do
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True
What I have Learned
1. truthfulness
2. accurate
3. advertisements
4. false claims
5. Responsible
What’s More (answers may vary)
Day 3
What’s In ( Answers May Vary )
What I Can Do
1. False
What I Have Learned 1. critical
2. False
3. False
4. False 5. True
2. fake news 3. manipulate 4. worth 5. verify
What’s More ( answers may vary )
Day 4
What’s In
1. main idea 2. general statement 3. textual evidence
4. specific
5. comprehension
What I Can Do
1. opinion- In my opinion
2. opinion - best
3. fact
4. fact
5. opinion-I am confident
What I Have Learned
What’s More
1. T
1. fact 2. objective
2. T
3. T
4. T
3. evidences 4. opinion 5. subjective
5. F