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Language Disorders Exam Practice Questions

COMD 4382 Final EXAM Question Practice
Basic Language Disorders of Children (Louisiana State University)
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Downloaded by Felix Cheung (felixcheung28@gmail.com)
Which is not accurate about language skills that can be observed in children with mild TBI?
a. They have difficulty comprehending literal language
b. They may produce tangential comments during a conversation
c. They may have difficulty learning and correctly using new vocabulary terms
d. They may have difficulty remembering instructions or following directions
Which statement best describes the role of the SLP in a literacy assessment and intervention?
a. When indicated from the assessment, the SLP should work directly with a student
and include reading and writing goals as part of the language intervention
b. SLPS should collab with the special ed teacher and reading specialist, but no the
classroom teacher when addressing reading skills for a student
c. SLP initiates the referral to reading specialist
d. The SLP is involved with prevention & identification of at risk students, but the reading
specialists involved in intervention
Briefly describe the IT’s fun intervention. Identify whihc population it was created for.
Identify two therapy strategies it incorporates and identify two therapy targets that the
intervention addresses. (i am just looking for the skills).
In your response, label the population, 2 therapy strategies, 2 therapy targets.
- For down syndrome population
- Performance-based intervention that emphasizes communicative strengths (social skills,
visual processing, receptive language)
- Therapy strategies: visual supports, prompt use of meta-cognitive strategies to enhance
verbal production and organization of information, scripts and routines to promote
fluency and verbal output
- Targets: intelligibility, respiration, prosody, increased verbal output
- Theme-based activities: shared book reading, story reenactments, mime &
improvisation, singing, vocal/physical warm-ups, dancing, presentations
- 3 weeks
- Include things into the intervention to work on those strengths to help work on skills that
are their weaknesses
- So some of the strategies that are included in that IT's Fun therapy program is adding
additional supports for children since we know visual support helps performance. So we
often would prompt use of meta-cognitive strategies to enhance their verbal production
and organization of information. We taught scripts and routines to prove fluency in
interval output. And we had specific therapy targets to improve intelligibility, respiration, sometimes we see some poor vocal quality in these groups - prosody, and increased
verbal output. And throughout the intervention we would have more theme-based
activities like short book reading activities, story reenactment, pantomime, improvisation,
singing, and other vocal and physical warm ups, and dancing, and presentations. So this
Downloaded by Felix Cheung (felixcheung28@gmail.com)
intervention includes language and speech goals. So it integrates both areas speech
and language in therapy, and it includes direct instruction, but also embedded learning
opportunities kind of like that Embedded-Explicit approach that we talked about, by
Kaderavek and Justice, with the early literacy section. It also includes visual auditory and
physical aspects in the therapy. It has targets to promote literacy in performance-based
activities, like with the presentations and the plays. And they use other research-based
techniques like scaffolding and other reinforcement schedules and so of course a goal in
this, across all levels and domains, is to promote functional communication
Enhanced milieu teaching (EMT) can be adapted to incorporate AAC. Identify a EMT
therapy technique and provide a unique example of an activity and what a clinician would
do to incorporate an AAC device (ex. An additional modality) when using the EMT
therapy technique. In your response, label the technique activity, and example that
connects the EMT therapy technique to AAC.
- Play and engage / - Choose toys that are interesting
- -Play with the child (follow the child’s lead)
- -Create play routines
- -Model appropriate language
- Incorporating AAC:
- Choose play materials that are appropriate for the child’s play and motor
- -Choose routines that allow the child to have access to the AAC device
- -Make sure the device has appropriate vocabulary for the routine
So the first technique in EMT that will discuss is the play and engage So in the play and engage
strategy would be choosing toys that are interesting to the child, we would play with the child,
and follow the child's lead. And we would create play routines. And we would also model
appropriate language so this is kind of like that. parallel talk or self talk with toys that the child is
engaged. If we're going to adapt this or incorporating an AAC we would want to choose play
materials that are appropriate for the child's play and motor abilities. So remember a lot of
individuals who have complex communication needs have motor limitations. So you would want
to think about that when creating and identifying the AAC device. But also identifying activities
that they can actually engage in. You would also want to choose routines that allow the child to
have access to the AAC device. So maybe routines that can be completed with one hand and
still allow another hand to activate the device. So like pushing a ball with one hand but still
having the device available and accessible. And then of course you would want to make sure
that the device has appropriate vocabulary for that routine, So that could be a different page on
that AAc device. Or it can even have more fixed display of just something specific to that
routine. So a more advanced example would be that high 'Ho-ho cherry-O' text displays that we
saw in their previous slide
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