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Popular Weight Loss Diets: Science-Based Analysis

Popular weight loss diets – what does
the science say?
Popular Diets
• Higher protein diets
• Ketogeneic diet
• Intermittent fasting
• Mediterranean diet
• Paleolithic (Paleo) diet
• Commercial Programs - Weight Watchers
Higher Protein Diets
• What is this diet?
• Cutting carbohydrates and/or fats to reduce energy
• Maintaining protein intake ~ 1.2 – 1.6 g/kgBW/d
• Still within AMDR
• One of the most studied weight loss diets
• Many different forms (i.e. Zone vs. Atkins)
Higher Protein Energy Restriction Diet for a 65 kg,
somewhat active woman
Typical energy and
macronutrient intake
• Energy: 1997 kcal/d
• Carbohydrate: 250 g = 1000
kcal = 50% Ein
• Protein: 85 g (1.3 g/kgBW/d)
= 340 kcal = 17% Ein
• Fat: 73 g fat = 657 kcal = 33%
Energy restricted energy and
macronutrient intake
• Energy: 1498 kcal/d
• Carbohydrate: 177 g =708 kcal
= 47% Ein
• Protein: 85 g (1.3 g/kgBW/d) =
340 kcal = 23% Ein
• Fat: 50 g fat = 450 kcal = 30%
Protein and weight loss
Wycherly, Am J Clin Nutr, 2012
Protein and weight loss
Wycherly, Am J Clin Nutr, 2012
Protein and weight loss
Wycherly, Am J Clin Nutr, 2012
Why does it work better than other energy deficit diets?
Protein affects satiety
Weigle, Am J Clin Nutr, 82(1), 2005
Protein stimulates MPS
Hector, FASEB J, 2018; Stokes, Nutrients, 2018
Protein has a higher thermic effect of food
Morales, J Am Coll Nutr, 2017; Westerterp, Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord, 1999
Protein quality matters
3 oz serving
105 kcal
16 g protein
½ cup
110 kcal
7 g protein
1.25 cup skim
112 kcal
11 g protein
½ cup
111 kcal
4 g protein
So what do I do if I want to try this diet?
• Create a 500 – 1000 kcal/d energy deficit
• No more than a 40% decrease beyond energy needs
• Include whole grain carbohydrates and healthy fats
• Include protein foods ~1.2 – 1.6 g/kgBW/d
• 0.24-0.3 g/kgBW/meal (or 25-30g/meal)
• Eat the highest quality protein foods possible
• Eat foods, not supplements
Leidy, AJCN, 2015
Other benefits of higher protein diets
• Health benefits
Lower waist circumference
Lower blood pressure
Higher HDL
Lower fasting insulin
Lower triglycerides
Maintenance of muscle mass
• No adverse effect on
• Bone
• Kidney function
Berryman, AJCN, 2016; Pasiakos, J Nutr, 2015; Santesso, Eur J Clin Nutr, 2012; Shams-White, AJCN, 2017; Devries, J Nutr, 2018
What is the Ketogenic Diet?
• A diet used to stimulate ketosis
• High fat, low CHO, usual protein
• < 50 g CHO/d
• ~15% Ein from protein
• Premise:
• Energy cost of producing ketone bodies
• Reduces insulin secretion
• Satiating effect of protein???
• Takes time to get into this state – have to be committed
Types of ‘Ketogenic’ Diets
Classical KD
Defined as <130 g carbohydrate per day or <26% of caloric intake by the
American Diabetes Association
Modified Atkins Diet
Very low-carbohydrate KD
65% caloric intake from fat, 30% protein, 6% carbohydrates
Carbohydrates < 30 g/day
Table 1. Standard composition of ketogenic diets in adults * (calculated for a 2000 kcal diet/day).
KD, Ketogenic Diet. * Adapted from Kossoff et al. [15], Feinman et al. [16], Accurso et al. [17].
¾ c = 17g
1 slice = 14g
1 medium = 25g
1 cup = 27g
Kosinski, Nutrients, 2017
A typical keto meal?
Keto diet in the media
Keto diet studied in research
The people who are for it say…
• Reduces:
Body weight
Blood sugars
Blood pressure
Chronic pain
Medication use
• Improves:
Lipid profile
IBS symptoms
The people who are against it say…
• Increases risk of nutrient deficiency
• Induces liver problems
• Leads to constipation
• Leads to fuzzy thinking and mood swings
• Increases risk of NAFLD, CVD, T2D long-term
What does the science say?
Bueno, Br J Nutr, 2013
What about the effects on health?
Kosinski, Nutrients, 2017
What ‘ketogenic diet’ is being studied?
• Varies
• Benlloch, Nutrients, 2019 – 40% fat, 40% carbs, 20% protein
• Moreno, Endocrine, 2014
• Active: < 50g/d CHO, 25g/d fat, 0.8-1.2g/kgBW protein
• Wilson, J Str Cond Res, 2017 – 75% fat, 5% carbs, 20% protein
• Gomez-Arbelaez, Nutr Metab, 2018 – same as Moreno
• Not all diets being called ‘keto’ are truly ‘ketogenic diets’
• Need to make sure you are reviewing the correct literature when looking at
effectiveness and long-term health risks/benefits
What happens when you stop the ketogenic diet?
• Most regain the weight
• Have to be careful – come off of the diet slowly
So what do I do if I want to try this diet?
• Create a 500 – 1000 kcal/d energy deficit
• Include healthy fats and high quality proteins
• Get the biggest nutrient bang for your buck when eating your 50 g of
• Different colour veggies
• Remember that it takes ~3 days to get into a ketogenic state and one
high carb meal will kick you out of ketosis
• Consider taking a multivitamin
Intermittent Fasting
• What is this diet?
• Use short-term fasting to reduce energy intake
• 3 main types
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Ad libitum
day fasting
25% kcal
Ad libitum
25% kcal
Ad libitum
25% kcal
Ad libitum
16-20 h
fast, 4-8 h
16-20 h
fast, 4-8 h
16-20 h
fast, 4-8 h
16-20 h
fast, 4-8 h
16-20 h
fast, 4-8 h
16-20 h
fast, 4-8 h
16-20 h
fast, 4-8 h
Whole-day Ad libitum
Ad libitum
Ad libitum
Ad libitum
or 24h fast
Ad libitum
Ad libitum
24 h fast
Tinsley, Nutr Rev, 2015
What does the science say?
• Alternate and whole-day fasting
• Reduced body weight, fat-mass
• Fat-free mass lost if true fasting day
• Improved health outcomes: cholesterol, TG, LDL
• Time-restricted
• Not well studied yet
• Compared with continuous energy restriction – similar results
• Potentially greater benefit in preventing weight regain
Seimon, Mol Cell Endocrinol, 2015; Tinsley, Nutr Rev, 2015; Zuo, Front Physiol, 2016
So what do I do if I want to try this diet?
• Choose which approach best suits your lifestyle
• Focus on eating whole-grains, healthy fats and high-quality proteins
• Keep track of what you are eating to ensure that over the course of
the week you are in a caloric deficit
Mediterranean Diet
• What is this diet?
High in fat
Low in saturated fat
Very low in trans fat
Rich in monounsaturated fat
Rich in complex CHO and fibre
Rich in nutrients and phytochemicals
• Whole foods: bread, whole grains, pastas, veg & fruit, legumes,
yogurt, cheese, nuts, fish & poultry, eggs
• Well known for its health benefits – particularly reduced CVD
The Mediterranean Diet
Is it better for weight loss than other diets?
• Systematic review
• Compared to low-fat or low-carbohydrate diets
• 3/5 studies found Mediterranean diet better than others, 2/5 found similar
• Similar improvements in blood lipids, glycemic control, and BP
Mancini, Am J Med, 2016
The Paleolithic (Paleo) diet
• What is this diet?
• Mimic the way cavemen ate in the Stone Ages
• Foods include: vegetables, fruit, lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds
• Cannot eat: cereals, grains, legumes and dairy
• What does the science say?
Small studies
Effective at reducing body weight and fat mass
Improvement in glycemic control, BP, lipids
Effects similar to traditional weight loss
• Potential harms
• Low in calcium
Pitt, Aug Fam Physician, 2016
Weight Watchers (and other commercial programs)
• What is this diet?
• Commercial weight loss program
• Can eat a certain amount of points from foods/day
• Online or group format - accountability
• What does the science say?
• Can induce weight loss
• Adherence is key
• Similar to other weight loss interventions
• Overall commercial programs are better than control to promote weight
Thomas, Obesity, 2017; Dansinger, JAMA, 2005; Gudzune, Ann Intern Med, 2015
What do all of these diets have in common?
So which diet is best?
What does the science say?
• https://youtu.be/2T0El0v5VgI?t=1038
Johnston, JAMA, 2014
Weight loss diet: Summary
• There are many different weight loss diets with evidence to show they will help
you lose weight
• There is no magic diet – they all rely on you decreasing energy intake
• Evidence of long-term effectiveness and health outcomes is lacking for some
very restrictive diets
• Focusing on eating whole foods that promote satiety can help you adhere to
your chosen diet