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Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab Manual 2023-2024

A system is defined as “an assemblage of objects united by some form of regular interaction of
interdependence”. The system theory talks of the human body as a whole, the parts comprising
the whole and the relationship existing among these parts and how our bodies are put together
and how they work.
● We should be able to identify the different functions of the different organ systems.
● We should be able to understand the structure of the organ system.
● The group will be able to explain to the students on how to define each system as reliant
on each other.
● We will be able to discuss the different functions of the organ system.
● We will be able to distinguish the parts and functions of the human body as a system.
Books (references)
A. Complete the sentence by filling out the missing organ system described by each
1. _______________- consists of bones, cartilages, ligaments, and joints. It
supports the body and provides a framework that the skeletal muscle uses to
cause movements.
2. _______________- is the external covering of the body. It protects the deeper
tissues from injury and provides a barrier to pathogens and chemicals.
3. _______________- moves the skeleton and produces heat, its function is to
contract or shorten. When this happens, movement occurs.
4. _______________- regulates body functions by means of impulse. It consists of
the brain,spinal cord, nerves and sensory receptors.
5. _______________- regulates body functions by means of hormones.
6. _______________- transport oxygen and nutrients to the tissue.
7. _______________- keep the body constantly supplied with oxygen and to
remove carbon dioxide.
8. _______________- destroys pathogens that enter the body.
9. _______________- breakdown food and deliver the products to the blood for
dispersal to the body cells.
10. _______________- removes the nitrogen containing wastes from the blood and
flushes them from the body in urine.
11. _______________- produce eggs or sperm to continue the human species.
B. Match the organs with the corresponding system of the body. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided before each number.
1. Respiratory
a. Joints
2. Reproductive
b. Larynx
3. Musculo-Skeletal
c. Thyroid
4. Cardiovascular
d. Heart
5. Nervous
e. Kidneys
6. Urinary
f. Esophagus
7. Digestive
g. Spinal nerves
8. Lymphatic
h. Spleen
9. Integumentary
i. Uterus
10. Endocrine
j. Hair
C. Below are the activities/events. Identify the system involved in each activity. Write the letter of
the correct answer before each number.
_______1. Coughing
a. Cardiovascular
_______2. Menstruating
b. Digestive
_______3. Voiding
c. Musculo-Skeletal
_______4. Defecating
d. Integumentary
_______5. Perspiring
e. Urinary
f. Reproductive
g. Respiratory
D. Complete the following:
❖ Identify the system in the given picture and provide its functions and organs
❖ Draw the system given and provide its functions and organs involved.
Transports nutrients, waste
products, gases, and
hormones throughout the
body; plays a role in the
immune response and the
regulation of body
temperature. Consists of
the heart, blood vessels,
and blood.
Removes waste products
from the blood and
regulates blood pH, ion
balance, and water
balance. Consists of the
kidneys, urinary bladder,
and ureters
Exchanges oxygen and
carbon dioxide between
the blood and air and
regulates blood pH.
Consists of the lungs
and respiratory
Provides protection and
support, allows body
movements, produces blood
cells, and stores minerals and
adipose tissue. Consists of
bones, associated cartilages,
ligaments, and joints
Produces body
movements, maintains
posture, and produces
body heat. Consists of
muscles attached to the
skeleton by tendons
Male Reproductive System Female Reproductive System
Produces and transfers
sperm cells to the
female and produces
hormones that influence
sexual functions and
behaviors. Consists of
the testes, accessory
structures, ducts, and
Produces oocytes and is the site
of fertilization and fetal
development; produces milk for
the newborn; produces hormones
that influence sexual function and
behaviors. Consists of the
ovaries, uterine tubes, uterus,
vagina, mammary glands, and
associated structures.
Provides protection,
regulates temperature,
prevents water loss, and
helps produce vitamin D.
Consists of skin, hair,
nails, sebaceous glands
and sweat glands.
Removes foreign substances
from the blood and lymph,
combats disease, maintains
tissue fluid balance, and
absorbs dietary fats from the
digestive tract. Consists of the
lymphatic vessels, lymph
nodes, and other Lymphatic
A major regulatory system
that influences metabolism,
growth, reproduction, and
many other functions.
Consists of endocrine
glands, such as the pituitary,
that secrete hormones
A major regulatory system
that detects sensations
and controls movements,
physiological processes,
and intellectual functions.
Consists of the brain,
spinal cord, nerves, and
sensory receptors.
Performs the mechanical
and chemical processes of
digestion, absorption of
nutrients, and elimination of
wastes. Consists of the
mouth, esophagus,
stomach, intestines, and
accessory organs
The study of body parts, structures and their relationship with each other is Anatomy.
The study of the function of each body part is Physiology. Anatomy and Physiology are
interdependent and, in many cases, It is the function that determines the structure.
The gross external appearance of the body can be described in various ways. These
include PLANES of the body and REGIONS of the body. The internal body organization is
described by body cavities and systems.
❖ The students will be able to:
➢ Describe the possible sections through the body or an organ.
➢ Identify the different planes that pass through the body.
➢ Use appropriate anatomical terminology to identify key body structures, body
regions, and direction in the body.
➢ Demonstrate the anatomical position.
➢ Identify three planes most commonly used in the study of anatomy.
Books (references)
A. Define each term and provide the term with the opposite meaning.
1. Inferior ______________________________________________________________________
Opposite ______________________________________________________________________
2. Proximal ______________________________________________________________________
Opposite ______________________________________________________________________
3. Lateral ______________________________________________________________________
Opposite ______________________________________________________________________
4. Peripheral ______________________________________________________________________
Opposite ______________________________________________________________________
5. Superficial ______________________________________________________________________
Opposite ______________________________________________________________________
6. Anterior ______________________________________________________________________
Opposite ______________________________________________________________________
7. Dorsal ______________________________________________________________________
Opposite ______________________________________________________________________
8. Internal ______________________________________________________________________
Opposite ______________________________________________________________________
B. Explain how the body or an organ is divided into the following planes.
1. Sagittal plane plane runs vertically through the body and separates it into RIGHT
and LEFT parts
2. Mid-sagittal Plane -
is a sagittal plane that passes through the midline of the body, dividing it into
EQUAL right and left halves
3. Horizontal or Transverse Plane -
transverse (trans-vers) plane, or horizontal plane,
runs parallel to the surface of the ground, dividing the body into
superior(ABOVE) and inferior parts(LOWER)
4. Frontal or Coronal Plane -
runs vertically from right to left and divides the body into anterior and
posterior parts.
A cut along the length of the organ is a LONGITUDINAL SECTION
TRANSVERE SECTION, or cross section, cuts completely through an organ
If a cut is made diagonally across the long axis, it is called an OBLIQUE SECTION.
C. Label the following drawing.
D. Complete the table. Write at most two(2) organs in each cavity.
1. Dorsal
2. Cranial
3. Vertebral
4. Orbital
5. Thoracic
6. Abdominal
7. Oral
E. Supply the missing words/phrases. Write your answer on the blanks provided.
1. The chest is __________ to the abdomen and ________ to the neck.
2. The ______ surface of the nose is covered with the skin while ______ the surface is
covered with mucus membrane.
3. The little finger is on the ______ side of the hand and the thumb is on the ______ side.
4. The patella is on the ______ or ______ aspect of the lower extremity.
5. The elbow is on the ________ aspect of the upper extremities.
6. A line running through the middle of the forehead, tip of the nose and umbilicus would be
in a _________ plane.
7. A ___________ would divide the body into the front back portion.
8. If you put your hand flat on the desk, the ________surface will be touching it.
9. The urinary bladder is located in the _________ area of the abdomen.
10. The uterus is found in the _______ cavity.