1 ……………. Part I: An Introduction To Integrative Physiology….……… Chapter 1: A New Paradigm of Bioenergetics ……………………...……………………….. Pg. 5 Chapter 2: Applied Physiology And Sports Informatics ………...…………..……………... Pg. 14 Chapter 3: Integrated Cardiovascular Control …………………...…………….…..………. Pg. 23 …….….…………….Part II: Energy System Training….….……………… Chapter 4: A Physiological Performance Paradigm ……………………………….…..….... Pg. 32 Chapter 5: Challenging Conventional Paradigms of Maximal Exercise Performance…....... Pg. 35 Chapter 6: Understanding Bioenergetic Limitations………………………………...………Pg. 45 Chapter 7: Understanding Sport Specific Limitations.…………………………….……...... Pg. 51 Chapter 8: Training Interventions For Delivery Limited Athletes…………………….….... Pg. 56 Chapter 9: Training Interventions For Respiratory Limited Athletes….………………..….. Pg. 67 Chapter 10: Training Interventions For Utilization Limited Athletes….……………........... Pg. 74 Chapter 11: Movement Classification For Energy System Training….………………......... Pg. 82 Chapter 12: Combining Strength And Energy System Training….………………..………. Pg. 85 ………………...……...Part III: Resistance Training…….…....…..…..…… Chapter 13: Resistance Training Fundamentals….………………………………..……...... Pg. 91 Chapter 14: A Decision Making Algorithm For Muscle Hypertrophy …………..….…….... Pg. 97 Chapter 15: Auto-Regulation For Resistance Training….……………………………....... Pg. 104 …………..…..……..Part IV: Models Of Performance…..…..…………….. Chapter 16: Critical Power And Critical Metabolic Rate………...……………………...... Pg. 107 Chapter 17: Fitness-Fatigue Dynamics………………………………..………………....... Pg. 117 ……………………..Part V: Integrated Biomechanics…………………….. Chapter 18: Variations Of Human Movement……………………………………….......... Pg. 121 Chapter 19: Tensegrity And Regional Interdependence………………………………....... Pg. 124 Chapter 20: Gait, Posture, And Locomotion…………………………………………........ Pg. 131 Chapter 21: Pain, A Complex Emotion ………………………………………….……....... Pg. 137 Chapter 22: Breathing And Autonomics……………………………………... ………....... Pg. 141 Chapter 23: Muscle Tension…………………………………………………………......... Pg. 148 Chapter 24: Load Management………………………………………………….……....... Pg. 151 ……………..……...Part VI: Athlete-Centric Coaching……..…………….. Chapter 25: Exercise Adaptation………………………………………………...……....... Pg. 155 Chapter 26: The Limiter-Bridge-Performance Model…………………………………...... Pg. 158 Forward If you were a high school student at any time in the last forty years, chances are that you have been introduced to cell biology with a metaphor that compares cells to machines. If you crack open Miller and Levine's best selling textbook, Biology, the cellular biology chapter begins with an analogy comparing cells to factories. For example, DNA is the head of the factory 2 calling the shots, lysosomes are janitors removing waste from the factory, and the mitochondria are the power plants or generators providing energy to the factory. The introduction then explains how individual cells operate like machines, with each organelle performing its own discrete function with clockwork precision. Machine metaphors for the human body didn't begin with high school science curricula. As far back as the 17th-century, scientists like Giovanni Alfonso Borelli dissected animals and described muscles as "inert and dead machines", which says nothing about all of the other machine-related analogies used in science. For example, Johannes Kepler famously discussed the celestial "clockworks" of the moving planets in the night sky. These machine metaphors helped guide early scientific thought, and to the extent that humans could understand machines, they could also understand nature. However, we seldom pause to consider how these ‘man as machine’ metaphors give rise to perceptions about how the human body works that are anything but scientific. For example, machines are simple — a given input will always provide the same output. This is how exercise physiology is often taught as well. There are discrete set and rep protocols for building strength, hypertrophy protocols for building muscle, and interval protocols written to confer a precise adaptation. In this view, the training protocol is the point of control. However, anyone who has coached human beings for a while knows that exercise adaptation is not straight forward. A given protocol will not only lead to a different result for two individuals, but it may also lead to a different result for the same individual at two different points in time. These ‘man as machine’ metaphors have also influenced how coaches view adaptation and periodization with supercompensation theory and block periodization being the epitome of these outdated ideas. As we move away from these outdated and broken ways of viewing the human body, we need to rethink many concepts firmly rooted in training culture. By doing so, we can embrace the inter-individual variations in training response and the non-linearity in exercise adaptation. We can also modify the old ways of approaching training and incorporate new findings from contemporary scientific insights. By doing so we can embrace the art and science of coaching in order to make major breakthroughs in the performance world. As you work through this book, you'll be exposed to concepts and ideas from fields such as integrative physiology, molecular biology, rehabilitation science, and more. Of course, my intent is to make these ideas practical, so rather than going an inch wide and a mile deep on any of these topics, the aim is to extract and deliver key concepts while weaving in some narrative along the way. The ultimate goal is to create a cohesive body of training knowledge that you can apply to your coaching practice. 3 Part I: An Introduction to Integrative Physiology Chapter 1: A New Paradigm of Bioenergetics We can't have a nuanced discussion about energy system training, or conditioning more broadly, without first discussing bioenergetics. Bioenergetics are the stimulation of metabolic 4 processes that result in the supply, transport, and utilization of energy in the body. Contrary to popular belief, energy systems do not create energy. Instead, energy is transferred from one state to another both inside and outside of our bodies. This harkens back to the law of energy conservation which states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another. For example, we get electrons from the sugars in the food that we eat, and we breathe in oxygen from the environment around us. Electrons and oxygen meet in the mitochondria to transform free energy into a form we can use in our body. The better the capacity of our energy systems, the better we can transform this free energy into a usable form, which in practice means restocking ATP, the energetic currency of the cell. For what sounds like a straightforward process on paper, the details and intricacies of this process are incredibly complex and are often poorly understood by athletes and coaches. In figure one you’ll find a muscle oxygenation measurement from an athlete performing a 45-second sprint, captured with a NNOXX wearable device. Notice that the second the athlete begins their sprint, oxygen is utilized instantaneously in the working muscle. In fact, oxygen is consumed at a much greater rate than it is supplied to the active muscle, which is why muscle oxygenation is declining. As soon as the athlete stops pedaling oxygen supply supersedes oxygen utilization, and oxygen saturation rises rapidly. Having worked with many physiologists, researchers, and high-performance-minded physicians, it's always interesting to me that they're not surprised in the least when they see these types of measurements. "Of course, oxygen is utilized immediately upon load" they'll say. Yet, this fact is often lost among coaches. After all, a max effort sprint is an anaerobic event, right? I write that facetiously, yet this is still the dominant viewpoint among strength and conditioning coaches. If you pick up any given training book you'll see terms like anaerobic a-lactic capacity, lactic endurance, and aerobic power thrown around liberally. Of course, some coaches will acknowledge that the varying bioenergetic processes do overlap in time. Still, few appreciate the speed at which these varying processes occur or the fact that they are overlapping on the millisecond time scale. 5 My belief is that all training is aerobic and all training is lactic. In vivo oxygen is always part of the energy production process, whether direct or indirect, and lactate is always present as well. You may have been shaking your head in agreement as you read the last sentence, or you may have felt like the rug was pulled out from under your feet. Don’t worry if you’re in the latter camp. You don't need to have any of this committed to memory to grasp the concepts presented later in this book. I present this material because it opens the door for a more nuanced take on training where we think in terms of limiting systems rather than thinking in terms or what energy systems we need to train. What is Wrong With The Old Model Of Bioenergetics? Oftentimes, in discussions about energy systems, coaches and athletes will make a hard distinction between two modes of energy production: anaerobic and aerobic. The anaerobic mode of energy production is subdivided into the phosphagen and the glycolytic pathways which occur in the absence of oxygen and the aerobic mode of energy production comes from the oxidative pathway, which requires oxygen to function. This model proposes that aerobic and anaerobic processes occur independent of one another — that is to say, that at any given time we are either operating aerobically or anaerobically. There are a number of flaws with this framework. You’re more than likely familiar with the image shown in figure two. This image is often shown in coaching manuals, strength and conditioning books, and personal training courses and it attempts to depict the relative energy contributions from the varying energy systems over time. For example, figure two shows that all of the energy systems are working in tandem, with varying contributions, during work bouts lasting under two seconds. From two to ten seconds it shows that the phospen system is supplying the bulk energy with moderate assistance from the glycolytic since and small contributions by the oxidative system. Then from ten seconds to two minutes it shows that the glycolytic system is the primary contributor to energy production with a moderate contribution from the oxidative system, and finally from two minutes onward a transition occurs where all energy is supplied by the oxidative energy system. Despite the model in figure two being widely reproduced it is not in agreement with modern scientific findings. For example, this model shows that phosphocreatine supplies almost all of the energy needed for sustained bursts of contractions lasting less than ten seconds, after which it is replaced by glycogenolysis. This is not supported by contemporary biochemical research findings. For example, in Robert Shulman and Douglas Rothman’s paper titled, The 6 glycogen shunt in exercising muscle: A role for glycogen in muscle energetics and fatigue 1, they report the presence of the enzyme glycogen phosphorylase in its active form under conditions where glycogen concentrations are constant. This seems paradoxical because glycogen phosphorylase’s role is to break down muscle glycogen to release glucose and it’s the key enzyme needed for utilizing both muscle and liver glycogen stores. The only reason why glycogen phosphorylase would be found in its active form while glycogen concentrations are stable would be if glycogen synthesis and breakdown were occurring simultaneously. This would only make sense if the support of continuous muscle contraction requires continual phosphocreatine breakdown and glycogen phosphorylase rapidly increases activity to restore phosphocreatine, and in turn ATP. Through the classic lens of bioenergetics this would seem contradictory since it is believed that phosphocreatine consumption falls after ten seconds. Perhaps phosphocreatine is an important energy source during exercise bouts beyond ten seconds. In Yourgran Chung and colleagues' paper titled, Metabolic Fluctuation During A Muscle Contraction Cycle 2, the investigators found that phosphocreatine consumption is approximately forty times greater than previously believed. Traditionally phosphocreatine measurements were recorded by counting the number of muscle twitches in a given time period and then dividing the drop in phosphocreatine concentrations by said number of twitches. Yourgran Chung and colleagues used a different approach to quantifying muscle phosphocreatine consumption called phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, or P-NMR for short. The P-NMR measurement technique showed that the traditional method of calculating phosphocreatine consumption per muscle twitch significantly underestimates the total amount of phosphocreatine utilized because it fails to account for the continual depletion and restoration of the phosphocreatine pool that occurs on the order of milliseconds. Chung and colleagues' experiments also show that phosphocreatine cannot be the ultimate energy source in contracting muscle. At a cost of three millimolar of phosphocreatine per twitch a muscle would rapidly deplete its energy supply unless phosphocreatine were replenished between muscle contractions. 1 Shulman RG, Rothman DL (2001). The "glycogen shunt" in exercising muscle: A role for glycogen in muscle energetics and fatigue. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 98:457-461. 2 Chung Y, Sharman R, Carlsen R, Unger SW, Larson D, Jue T (1998). Metabolic fluctuation during a muscle contraction cycle. Am J Physiol. 27: 846-852. 7 Additionally, in Kevin McNully and colleagues’ paper, Simultaneous In Vivo Measurements Of HBO2 Saturation and PCr Kinetics After Exercise In Normal Humans 3, we see that phosphocreatine and oxygen kinetics are tightly coupled during exercise and following exercise, which is demonstrated in figure three. There are also reports by Paul Greenhaff and James Timmons where they state, “However, that PCr hydrolysis and lactate production do not occur in isolation, and that both are initiated rapidly at the onset of contraction.” In order to make sense of all of this information I'll introduce you to the contemporary model of bioenergetics. The Contemporary Model of Bioenergetics Figure four depicts a visual representation of the most up to date model of bioenergetics. You’ll notice similarities with the traditional model. For example, the phosphagen, glycolytic, and oxidative energy pathways are still included in this diagram. However, you’ll notice that they are all overlapping in their contributions to energy production. This differs from the traditional model where different energy pathways are shown to be predominant in each compartmentalized time frame. Additionally, the time frame in figure four is from zero to one hundred milliseconds, versus the traditional model which spans from zero seconds to multiple hours. Effectively, the contemporary model acknowledges that energy transduction processes occur on much shorter time scales than previously believed, and that all of the energy systems are working in tandem. 3 McCully KK, Iotti S, Kendrick K, Wang Z, Posner JD, Leigh J Jr, Chance B (1985). Simultaneous in vivo measurements of HbO2 saturation and PCr kinetics after exercise in normal humans. J Appl Physiol. 77: 5-10. 8 The contemporary model of bioenergetics can be summed up as follows: when a muscle contracts ATP, the energetic currency of the cell, is depleted. In order to sustain continuous muscle contractions a rapid, non-oxidative, energy source is needed to replenish ATP. However, ATP must be replenished on the order of milliseconds, otherwise it will be depleted. This rapid energy source comes from the breakdown of phosphocreatine, which is used to restore ATP within 0-15 milliseconds of a muscle contraction. Now, phosphocreatine needs to be replenished, otherwise the high energy phosphate stores in the muscle will be depleted. Restoring phosphocreatine requires a non-oxidative energy source. An issue arises when you consider the fact that the supply of glycolytic intermediates in the muscle, such as glucose, are limited. However, biochemical evidence shows that the enzyme glycogen phosphorylase is in its active form during exercise where muscle glycogen concentrations are held constant. This appears to be contradictory at first though because glycogen phosphorylase’s role is to break down glycogen to release glucose. The only explanation for why glycogen phosphorylase would be active while glycogen concentrations are stable is that glycogen breakdown and synthesis are occurring simultaneously. In fact this does occur. Glycogen phosphorylase is activated during exercise and it continually breaks down muscle glycogen to restore phosphocreatine, which is needed to maintain physical exertion levels. As this process continues, lactate is continuously produced and oxidized to provide the ATP needed to re-synthesize and replenish glycogen pools in the muscle and re-establish ion gradients. However, only a fraction of the lactate produced needs to be oxidized to provide the necessary energy for the aforementioned processes. As a result, lactate accumulates in the muscles. The accumulation of lactate does not mean that it is a fatigue by-product as traditionally believed, but rather it demonstrates an inefficiency in the energy transformation process. A major takeaway from the contemporary model of bioenergetics is that all exercise is aerobic, and all exercise is lactic. All exercise is aerobic because oxygen is always part of the energy production process in-vivo, whether it plays an indirect or direct role. Additionally, lactate serves as a necessary buffer that bridges the gap between fast and slow energy needs, which explains the paradoxical generation of lactate in well oxygenated tissue. Another key takeaway is that oxygen and phosphocreatine are utilized at the same rate during exercise, and are replenished at the same rate following exercise, which is demonstrated in figure three. This is contrary to the traditional view where phosphocreatine is utilized first and is depleted prior to the initiation of oxygen consumption. It also points to a major difference between the traditional and modern energy system paradigms. While both models demonstrate that the various energy systems overlap in time, the traditional view is that these processes occur on the order of seconds to minutes, whereas the modern view acknowledges that these processes are occurring on the millisecond time scale. Another important difference between the traditional and modern energy system paradigms is that the traditional model contradicts observed muscle oxygenation trends whereas 9 the modern model does not. The modern model appreciates the fact that oxygen utilization responds immediately to the body's energetic demands at the onset of loading. For example, at the start of a maximal effort sprint muscle oxygen saturation will drop rapidly until it reaches a nadir. When muscle oxygenation reaches a nadir oxidative metabolism is compromised, which leads to a reliance on glycolysis to replenish phosphocreatine stores, and subsequently ATP. Glycolysis, while always active, is much less efficient at supplying energy than oxidative metabolism is and it comes with a greater cost. An overreliance on glycolysis is accompanied by a rapid onset of fatigue and the employment of compensatory movement strategies in order to maintain force output. As a result, muscle oxygenation and its rate of change can be used to determine proximity to failure in live time, which only makes sense in light of the contemporary model of bioenergetics. Rethinking The Role of Lactate In Fatigue The information covered in the preceding sections of this chapter forces us to reconcile with different aspects of how we approach training. For example, knowing that all exercise is both aerobic and lactic, we may wonder what ‘alactic anaerobic training’ is really doing physiologically. When coaches prescribe ‘alactic power’ training for their athletes they assume lactate isn’t generated because they do not observe elevated blood lactate levels with a blood lactate analyzer. However, this is not an indication that lactate was not generated during exercise. When a blood lactate measurement is taken from an ear or finger there is a time lag because the measurement is taken in the systemic circulation rather than at the source of lactate generation in the working muscle. Additionally, measured lactate levels reflect the balance of lactate production and consumption, not how much lactate was produced in totality. In actuality lactate production can be quite high during ‘alactic’ exercise intervals, but it’s consumed at such a fast rate that it doesn’t appear on a blood test. When we acknowledge that all exercise is both aerobic and lactic we can jettison traditional ideas about bioenergetics, and energy system training, and come to new conclusions that are better informed. For example, maximal effort sprinting has traditionally been classified as a test of ‘anaerobic alactic power’ or ‘anaerobic alactic endurance’ spending on duration of the sprint. In figure five we have a chart from a popular exercise science and training book with the accompanying text above it: “As a rule of thumb, the closer the event's duration is to one 10 minute, the lower the aerobic contribution to overall performance will be. The opposite is also true: the longer the duration is, the more dominant the aerobic system will be.” In truth, oxygen is utilized immediately upon the start of a maximal effort sprint. In fact, oxygen is consumed at a much greater rate than it is supplied to the working muscles, which is why muscle oxygenation declines at a rapid rate during maximal effort exercise. Additionally, when muscle oxygenation reaches a nadir power output decreases rapidly. Finally, when the exercise bout is finished muscle oxygenation saturation will rapidly rise to baseline levels. Despite what the authors of figure five would suggest, oxidative processes are dominant at the start of a sprint and decrease over the course of the work bout as oxygen levels are depleted. This is the opposite of what is suggested to occur in the traditional energy system models. Furthermore, when oxygen is depleted we can infer that less fat is being oxidized for fuel, and that glycolysis is increasingly being relied upon to power activities. However, glycolysis is an extremely inefficient means of energy production and most athletes are quick to reach volitional failure when muscle oxygenation levels are depleted. When muscle oxygenation levels are brought to a nadir, for an extended duration, we’ll often observe elevated blood lactate concentrations on a metabolic analyzer. The reason this occurs is that the more sugars are broken down for energy, during glycolysis, the higher blood lactate levels will rise. Additionally, lactate buffers acid hydrogen ions that are produced during the glycolysis. This is demonstrated in figure six, which shows the relationship between muscle pH and blood lactate levels. In the past it was assumed that lactate was the cause of fatigue since elevated lactate levels were frequently detected at the point of volitional failure during maximal effort exercise trials. However, this was a classic error of mistaking correlation for causation. Bruce Gladen said it best in his 2004 paper titled Lactate metabolism: a new paradigm for the third millennium 4 where he said, “Lactate can no longer be considered the usual suspect for metabolic ‘crimes’, but instead a central player in cellular, regional, and whole body metabolism.” You should now be able to see that maximal effort exercise is not only aerobic, but also lactic. This may seem like a pedantic point to make, but there are real practical implications for updating your understanding of exercise physiology. When we think in outdated terms such as ‘alactic power’ or ‘lactic endurance’ it leads us to make natural conclusions as to how we may need to train to get better at certain types of workouts. For example, if a one hundred meter sprint is believed to be a test of ‘anaerobic alactic’ power, then we’d be unlikely to consider that 4 Gladden LB (2004). Lactate metabolism: a new paradigm for the third millennium. J Physiol. 558: 5-30. 11 someone’s performance on that event may be limited by their maximal rate of oxygen utilization, or their ability to supply oxygen to the working muscles. However, when we can look past these outdated terms we can approach training through a new lens that is better informed. For example, we can think in terms of rate limiting factors in an individual's ability to uptake, transport, and utilize oxygen versus questioning what energy system is limiting someone. Rather than saying, “my athlete needs to improve her lactic power to get better at a 200m sprint” we may identify whether an individual should prioritize training their pulmonary, cardiovascular, or muscular system to improve their performance. A Unified Theory of Bioenergetic Demands in Sport If you accept the ideas in the previous sections to be true, then it opens up a whole dialogue about how to classify different work-capacity based sporting events. For example, it’s common to classify football and hockey as anaerobic-alactic power and anaerobic-lactic endurance sports respectively, or to call distance running events tests of aerobic endurance. Given that all of these sports are in fact aerobic, it seems nonsensical to try and classify them based on what energy systems they challenge. However, there is a utility in creating a classification system that categorizes athletes that compete in work-capacity based sports with differing physiological demands, despite all being ‘aerobic’ events. This is where the derivative of muscle oxygenation becomes a useful metric. Muscle oxygenation measurements reflect the balance of oxygen supply and demand in the working muscles. If oxygen supply supersedes oxygen utilization, muscle oxygenation increases and vice versa. The derivative of muscle oxygenation, termed ΔSmO2, expresses the rate that muscle oxygenation is changing over time. If ΔSmO2 is positive then oxygen supply is greater than utilization, and the more positive ΔSmO2 becomes the greater the rate oxygen is being supplied to the muscle. If ΔSmO2 is negative then oxygen utilization is superseding supply, and a more negative ΔSmO2 means oxygen is being utilized at a greater rate. Finally, if ΔSmO2 is zero, then muscle oxygenation has reached a steady state and is not changing over time. The rate of change of muscle oxygenation is an important measurement because it adds a temporal component to oxygen utilization, which is typically only thought of in terms of sheer magnitude. Sprinters have maximal rates of oxygen utilization that far exceed those of distance runners, and as a result ΔSmO2 can be used to delineate between athletes who specialize in different work-capacity based events. An elite sprinter may start a one hundred meter race with a muscle oxygenation level of 75% and they may finish their race with a muscle oxygen saturation level of 10%. That means that their maximal rate of oxygen utilization during their race was approximately 7% per second. An elite ten thousand meter runner on the other hand may start their race with the same muscle oxygenation level as the sprinter, but after clipping off multiple miles at 4:30 mile pace they may finish their race with a muscle oxygenation level of 25%. In the later case the runner would have an oxygen utilization rate of roughly 0.5% per second. Both the 12 sprinter and distance runner are aerobic athletes, but they differ substantially in their rates of oxygen utilization. The sprinter trains to utilize oxygen at as fast of a rate as possible while the distance runner trains to extend their oxygen supply in order to maximize their average speed over many miles. Mixed sport athletes, like Crossfit competitors for example, fall somewhere in the middle of that spectrum. Now that we’ve shifted the focus from what energy systems an individual needs to train to improve in their sport towards their rate of oxygen utilization we can start to think in terms of limiting systems. For example, the pulmonary system, cardiovascular system, and muscular system work in concert to uptake, transport, and utilize oxygen. The maximum integrated capacity of these systems represents the upper limit of performance in work-capacity based sporting events, and by identifying which of these systems limits an individual's performance on their event you can approach training with a high degree of precision. 13 Chapter 2: Applied Physiology & Sports Informatics The human body is a repository of physical patterns: heartbeats, muscle movements, neural activity, cyclic temperature changes, and more. These patterns contain information rich messages that can be excavated, refined, and decoded. To do so we need sophisticated tools and interfaces to effectively access and evaluate such information. The multidisciplinary team and NNOXX has developed a novel wearable device that enables exercisers to collect and convert physical patterns into beneficial forms in order to gain insights into the human body and ultimately enhance performance. This chapter provides a broad overview of the different types of measurements that can be derived with NNOXX’s wearable technology. NNOXX has developed an all-in-one wearable equipped with state of the art biosensors and AI-powered analytics to interrogate exerciser’s physiology in a way that was previously unimaginable. This makes NNOXX’s wearable an irreplaceable tool for assessing two of the major determinants of exercise capacity, oxygen delivery and oxygen utilization respectively. Since the NNOXX biosensor uses a non-invasive optical technique to record its measurements it’s appealing for a wide range of training and competition scenarios. In addition to helping guide athlete’s training, and identify key performance indicators NNOXX’s wearable provides a lens through which you can understand exercise bioenergetics and energy system training. It’s one thing to discuss abstract concepts, such as oxygen kinetics, and it’s another thing to watch these processes occurring in live time. Even if you have no intention of using NNOXX’s biosensor technology I believe there is utility in understanding the material presented in this chapter since it will provide requisite context for other topics in this book that you can practically apply to your own exercise routines. Muscle Oxygenation (SmO2) Muscle oxygenation is a measurement of the percentage of total hemoglobin that is carrying oxygen in the capillaries of a muscle tissue and the subsequent transfer of oxygen to myoglobin, the oxygen carrying molecule located in said muscle. Muscle oxygenation is a localized oxygen saturation measurement that is influenced by muscle blood flow, exercise intensity, and alterations in hemoglobin’s oxygen dissociation curve. Muscle oxygenation is measured with a non-invasive optical technique that allows an exerciser to determine the relative amount of hemoglobin and myoglobin that are oxygen bound. The resulting muscle oxygenation measurement, called SmO2, is expressed as a percentage of a zero to one hundred scale. It is important to note that muscle oxygenation is measured in the microvascular capillary beds whereas pulse oximetry which measures oxygen saturation in the arteries. While SmO2 and peripheral oxygen saturation, termed SpO2, are both measures of a tissue's oxygenation level they are recorded in different regions of the circulation and as a result cannot be used interchangeably. For example, muscle oxygenation reflects the dynamic balance between oxygen 14 delivery to the working muscles and oxygen consumption in the capillary beds of said muscles. Peripheral oxygenation on the other hand reflects the function of the pulmonary system, and as a result there are very small variations in SpO2 in healthy individuals. The benefit of muscle oxygenation measurements is that they allow quantitative measurements to be made in the skeletal muscles, which provides a means for assessing two of the major determinants of exercise capacity: oxygen delivery and oxygen utilization. The non-invasive nature of muscle oxygenation measurements makes them appealing for use in dynamic environments and for activities of daily living. There are currently a handful of companies selling muscle oximeters to consumers. However, the quality of said devices and the accuracy of their muscle oxygenation measurements vary. The NNOXX wearable is equipped with state-of-the-art muscle oxygenation measurements and AI-powered analytics. This allows coaches and athletes to investigate their muscle physiology and transform those findings into practical insights without needing to have a comprehensive educational background in exercise physiology. One of the key differentiating factors between NNOXX’s muscle oxygenation measurements and their competitors is that the NNOXX biosensor is capable of recording measurements at a greater frequency as compared with other muscle oximeters. This allows exercisers to see the full variation in the muscle oxygenation measurements on a muscle contraction by muscle contraction basis whereas competing devices cannot capture this variation, as shown in figure seven. As a result, NNOXX’s biosensor device is the only one capable of quantifying the oxygen cost per muscle contraction, which allows an exerciser to quantify their movement economy and how their muscle coordinates the contraction-relaxation cycle. Additionally, the NNOXX biosensor can combine muscle oxygenation measurements with location data, such as GPS or accelerometer, in order to understand the relationship between muscle metabolism and external measurements of speed, power, or distance. This allows exercisers to track progress on key performance indicators, identify exercise limitations, and quantify both internal and external workloads in an unprecedented fashion. Mechanical, Metabloc, and Neurological Mediates of Skeletal Muscle Blood Flow The primary function of skeletal muscle is to contract and produce movement of the joints, which is an incredibly energy intensive activity. As a result, the skeletal muscles demand a 15 considerable amount of blood flow in order to provide oxygen and remove metabolic waste products in an efficient manner. The delivery of oxygen and removal of metabolic waste products is the responsibility of the circulatory system, which is laid out in a highly organized fashion with the muscle. Arterioles give rise to capillaries that run parallel to muscle fibers with each muscle fiber being surrounded by three to four capillaries. At rest the skeletal muscle’s need for oxygen is minimal and as a result only a fourth of capillaries are open and actively perfused with blood. In contrast, during high intensity exercise all of the capillaries may be perfused with blood, which increases the total number of open and active capillaries surrounding muscle fibers. The arrangement of capillaries around individual muscle fibers and the ability to open capillaries when needed minimizes the distance that oxygen must travel when it diffuses into the skeletal muscle cell. This allows for an efficient exchange of gasses between blood in the microvascular capillaries and the muscle cells, especially when oxygen demand in the muscle is high. During maximal effort full-body exercise muscle blood flow can increase by more than twenty fold above resting levels. Therefore, skeletal muscle has a very large flow reserve, which is made possible by alterations in blood vessel tone between resting and exercise conditions. At rest blood vessel tone is high, which limits skeletal muscle blood flow, and vice versa during exercise. Blood vessel tone at any moment is determined by the interplay between sympathetic vasoconstrictor activity, which decreases muscle blood flow, and metabolic vasodilator activity, which increases muscle blood flow. At rest vasoconstrictor activity dominates, leading to an increase in blood vessel tone, whereas metabolic vasodilator activity dominates during exercise, exerting the opposite effect. There are additional factors impacting blood flow as well, such as skeletal muscle contraction. The blood flow response to skeletal muscle contraction depends on both the type and strength of muscle contractions. During rhythmic muscle contractions below 30% of an individual’s maximum voluntary contraction strength, blood flow decreases during the contractile period and increases during the relaxation periods between muscle contractions. When the force of a muscle’s contraction rises above 30% of maximum voluntary contraction strength, as is often the case during resistance training, it can lead to venous occlusion. During venous occlusion muscle blood volume will increase significantly since blood is capable of entering the muscle through the arterioles, but cannot leave the muscle through the venules and veins. As a result, blood pools in the capillary beds. If maximum voluntary contraction strength exceeds 70% an arterial occlusion can occur, which means both arterial inflow and venous outflow are restricted. In this case oxygenated blood cannot enter the muscle, nor can metabolic waste products leave the muscle. In addition to mechanical factors impacting muscle blood flow, there are also local metabolic mechanisms that are responsible for dilating skeletal muscle blood vessels during exercise. For example, when blood flow is compromised during sustained high force muscle 16 contractions, muscle oxygen saturation will plummet and the tissue will become hypoxic. Tissue hypoxia then provides a signal for the blood vessels to dilate. The precise mechanism for how tissue hypoxia induces vasodilation is complex and involves an acute increase in interstitial adenosine and potassium ions upon the start of muscle contraction, followed by endothelial nitric oxide release and red blood cell mediated active nitric oxide release, among other factors such as dissolved carbon dioxide. Collectively, these factors that increase muscle blood flow during exercise make up the active hyperemic response. Until recently it was not possible to differentiate between the neural, mechanical, metabolic regulators of muscle blood flow with a wearable device. The previous generation of muscle oximeters do not measure blood flow directly. Instead, they measure a surrogate measure called total hemoglobin, or THb short. Total hemoglobin is a measure of muscle blood volume, not blood flow, which poses a number of challenges. For example, during exercise you the aforementioned muscle oximeters will display a simultaneous decrease in muscle oxygenation and an increase in total hemoglobin. Because these devices measure blood volume, and not blood flow, it’s not possible to discern if that increase in blood volume is due to venous occlusion, hypoxic vasodilation, or some combination of the two. Similarly, if total hemoglobin goes down during exercise they cannot discern whether that is due to a compression of blood vessels during muscle contraction, sympathetic vasoconstriction, or a left shift in hemoglobin dissociation curve from over-expelling carbon dioxide. In order to differentiate between the various factors that regulate muscle blood flow NNOXX has developed a novel measure of active nitric oxide release called personal nitric oxide, or PNO for short. PNO is a dynamic measurement of active nitric oxide release from the red blood cells during exercise. To fully appreciate the range of applications for measuring an individual's PNO level it’s important to understand the varying roles that nitric oxide and S-nitrosothiols play in human biology, which will be discussed in the next section. Personal Nitric Oxide (PNO) Nitric Oxide is one of the most important molecules for promoting health, fitness, and performance, yet few people are aware of its role in the body because our traditional understanding of the respiratory cycle is incomplete. We've all been taught the classic view of the respiratory cycle. We breathe oxygen in, and we breathe carbon dioxide out. This classic depicts blood as a passive substance that simply carries oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from tissues respectively, while the heart is the primary regulator of systemic blood flow. After blood leaves the heart it flows into large arteries that fan out into progressively smaller arteries that eventually reach individual organs and tissues. As hemoglobin packed into red blood cells travels through the body it flips back and forth between two distinct shapes. When hemoglobin is loaded with oxygen it takes on shape A, and after it releases oxygen it changes to shape B, then picks up carbon dioxide. In other words, hemoglobin’s shape changes depending on its oxygen supply. 17 The classic two-gas respiratory cycle accounts for oxygen and carbon dioxide, but there's a third lesser known gas, called nitric oxide, that completes the cycle. Ordinary nitric oxide is produced in the inner lining of blood vessels and is scavenged from tissues by hemoglobin as the red blood cells travel through the tissue's vasculature. When ordinary nitric oxide is picked up by hemoglobin, it binds to the heme-iron center in the hemoglobin molecule. On the way back to the lungs the red blood cells, which have already delivered oxygen to the tissues, are loaded with carbon dioxide and nitric oxide. Once the red blood cells enter the lungs they release carbon dioxide, which is expelled as a waste product. Then hemoglobin picks up oxygen in the pulmonary capillaries and the nitric oxide moves from the hem- iron in hemoglobin to the 93-cysteine amino acid site, forming S-nitrosohemoglobin, or SNO-Hb for short. Importantly, SNO-Hb is the bioactive form of Nitric oxide that controls blood flow to tissues. After leaving the lungs, many red blood cells are packed with hemoglobin carrying oxygen and SNO-Hb. They then travel to the heart and are pumped out to the rest of the body to nourish tissues including the brain, heart, and exercising muscles. When oxygen and SNO-Hb laden red blood cells reach the microvascular arterioles and capillaries of the tissues, such as muscle, hemoglobin senses how much oxygen is present. If the oxygen level in the tissue is low, hemoglobin responds by changing its shape, causing oxygen and SNO-Hb to be released. Oxygen nourishes the surrounding tissues whereas SNO-Hb signals for the blood vessels to widen, resulting in even greater blood flow and oxygen delivery to the tissues. When oxygen levels in the tissue are high, hemoglobin doesn’t change its shape and oxygen and SNO-Hb are not released. This system makes sense when you consider the need to regulate blood flow at the level of individual tissues. For example, when you exercise you must deliver more blood to working muscles to nourish them with oxygen. But when you stop exercising you want to slow blood flow back down. Each tissue has its own blood flow requirements and hemoglobin regulates blood flow to individual tissues on an as needed basis. Doctors have long known that there is a significant disconnect between the amount of oxygen carried in the blood and the amount of oxygen delivered to the tissues, such as exercising muscles. Therefore, the current generation of wearables that measure blood O2 levels lacks a key ingredient for giving you a better biomarker of health or fitness. While the aforementioned devices tell you how much oxygen is carried in the blood, they still leave you in the dark as to how much oxygen is delivered to tissues. Active nitric oxide increases blood flow to tissues; without active nitric oxide the ability to nourish tissues with oxygen is significantly impaired. Thus, by measuring both active nitric oxide levels and the amount of oxygen in muscles, NNOXX provides a powerful health and fitness index. 18 It’s well known that consistent and routine exercise can improve active nitric oxide levels over time. But the type, intensity, and duration of exercise that best increases those levels will vary from person to person. Traditional measurements of active nitric oxide require a blood sample from the macro-vasculature, as well as complex laboratory procedures, and cannot directly predict oxygen delivery to tissues. As a result, scientists have previously been limited in their ability to discover optimal and individualized methods to increase active nitric oxide (SNO-Hb) levels in order to improve brain and cardiovascular health, fitness, and exercise performance. NNOXX is redefining human health and performance with the world’s first and only non-invasive active nitric oxide activity measurement. NNOXX combines state-of-the-art biosensors and AI-powered analytics to help people boost their active nitric oxide levels through exercise. By doing so, exercisers can increase blood flow to their brain, heart, and working muscles. Additionally, NNOXX gives athletes a competitive edge by providing the most sophisticated tool for holistic performance enhancement. Sports Informatics & Data Analytics Data analytics is the process of discovering insights from data in order to make better decisions more quickly. In business data analytics are relied upon to guide an organization in developing their strategies. Similarly, elite sports can benefit from such a framework in order to streamline the effective use of data, which can be used to evaluate training progress, determine next steps in the training process, and reduce injuries. Figure eight provides an example data analysis framework that sports teams, coaches, and individual athletes can use to guide the long term athletic development process. The aforementioned framework combines descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics in order to transform data driven insights into actionable decisions. Fortunately, NNOXX has considered these various factors when designing an AI-powered analytics platform. By automating the processing, analysis, and interpretation of 19 data coaches and athletes can make better-informed decisions without having to spend time and effort sifting through data. Furthermore, they can spend their limiting time focusing on the training variables within their locus of control. The first level in the analysis framework shown in figure eight is descriptive analytics. Descriptive analytics explain what has already happened and can be used to compare an athlete's actual training progress with the expected results. For example, a coach may write a training program intended to increase a cyclist's VO2max and time trial performance by a specified margin. Descriptive analytics can compare the cyclists actual improvements in VO2max and performance with the coaches expectations, allowing the coach to monitor progress and assess the effectiveness of their program. However, descriptive analytics fail to explain why the athlete progressed as well as they did, or alternatively why they failed to progress on a well written training program. In order to glean insights about causality we look to the second level in the framework, diagnostic analytics, which answers the question “Why did it happen?”. For example, using diagnostic analytics we can look at the aforementioned cyclists training volume, intensity, workload distribution, and key performance indicators. By drawing causal relationships between these different factors we can better understand which training variables are most strongly associated with the observed performance improvements. Whereas the first two levels of analytics framework rely on simple statistical techniques, predictive analytics rely on advanced statistics and machine learning techniques such as regression and decision trees. Through the use of predictive analytics we can create forecasts that give us insight into the probability that a specific training outcome will occur. This isn’t dissimilar from forecasting the weather. A series of data points are used to make a prediction, like a thirty percent chain of rain next tuesday, and as additional data points are gathered the forecasts may change. For example, a coach may look at a forecast about an athlete’s injury risk or probability of improving their max deadlift. These forecasts are based on historical data points and can be used to guide future training decisions, which will in turn alter future forecasts. The final step of the analytics framework is prescriptive analytics which attempts to answer the question “what should we do next?”. For example, our predictive forecast may indicate that an athlete has a high chance of improving their time trial performance the following week. However, that athlete still needs to know the most effective strategy they should take to optimize their long term progress while simultaneously keeping injuries at bay. Prescriptive analytics can help identify the most effective and efficient training method for an athlete to use today, which can be taken at face value or modified to fit the overarching context of the training plan and the athletes preferences. It’s important to keep in mind that the analytics framework presented in this section is not a full-fledged substitute for a human coach. Coaches and exercisers are still the primary driver of 20 decision making. The role of data is to help these individuals avoid the different types of cognitive biases that cloud human judgment and enhance the overall training process. In the next section you’ll learn how human-machine interaction can elevate the field of human performance. The Role of Artificial Intelligence In Sports Science On the best days working with elite athletes is like operating a well run railway station. Things happen according to rules, generalization, and principles. We can forgive a two minute delay in the train's arrival as an exception to the rule because it almost always runs on time, and it’s sure to arrive shortly. Similarly, an unexpected PR in the gym doesn’t derail our sense of control over an athletes training program because there were clues that it would happen eventually. However, there are other times when the training floor in an elite sports performance facility is like a multi-car pileup on the freeway. We may understand the physics of the collision, but there are so many things happening simultaneously that we never could have predicted it, nor can we stop it from happening again in the future. These are the days where two athletes hit huge personal records, four of them have moderately productive workouts, and one limps out of the gym with a torn ACL. What is true of the athlete who achieves a personal best or has an uneventful workout is also true of the individual who has a season ending injury. All of these scenarios were influenced by interdependencies among an uncountable number of factors that overwhelm the explanatory power of the rules we use to guide our decision making progress. We may applaud one athlete for their success and curse another’s terrible luck, but it’s unlikely we could have predicted either of them through our own senses of perception. In fact, modern artificial intelligence algorithms are revealing how many of our everyday experiences are more random than they are governed by discrete rules. Artificial intelligence gains a considerable amount of its predictive power by ditching the types of generalizations that we humans tend to understand and apply. Some coaches are concerned about the ‘black box’ nature of AI systems for the simple fact that they excel at predicting things that we cannot. However, these same systems can help coaches redefine the world of high performance athletics and what is achievable. Machine learning works differently than traditional computer programs, which are the epitome of rule-based systems. For example, let's take a standard program that aims to recognize handwritten numbers. The computer programmer instructs the computer that a ‘1’ is drawn as an upright straight line and that a ‘0’ is an upright oval with perfectly symmetrical sides. The aforementioned program would work well in some cases, but its reliance on perfect examples of hand-drawn numbers means it will misidentify a high percentage of numbers written by humans with imperfect handwriting. A machine learning program on the other hand could be shown thousands of handwritten numbers with each correctly labeled with the number they represent. The system will then discover the relationship between the pixels composing the images that share a given label and over time it will correctly identify handwritten numbers, whether they are drawn by someone with perfect penmanship or a kindergartener. This is a simple example of how 21 machine learning can be used. So simple in fact that we can accomplish this type of image recognition task ourselves. There are many real-life scenarios where the amount of incoming data is so great, and the relationships between the data are so complex, that we could never understand it ourselves. For example, human physiology is influenced by an incredibly complex set of interacting and interdependent variables. Now, imagine someone creates a machine learning system, named Deep Physiology, that can accurately predict how the human body will respond to different environmental conditions, ingested compounds, and circumstances. Deep Physiology could conceivably become the most important source of knowledge about the human body, even if we have no idea how it produces its answers. Additionally, Deep Physiology may become the go to place for exercise scientists, sports physicians, and coaches to explore ideas and ask questions about how the human body will adapt to specific stimuli. Over time many coaches would become reliant on Deep Physiology and two camps would form among those individuals. One camp believes that the inexplicability of Deep Physiology is a problem that they need to put up with in exchange for useful information. The other camp sees the inexplicability of Deep Physiology as a profound truth. They believe that Deep Physiology works so well for the precise reason that it can perform more computations per second than they can without having to worry about explaining itself in a way that a human being can understand. It’s easy to believe that machine learning models are absent of rules, principles, and generalizations. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Machine learning works as well as it does because of its ability to make generalizations and predictions from an overwhelming amount of information. The crux is that the types of generalizations that machine learning models make are unlike our own. People like traditional generalizations because we can understand them and apply them in our everyday lives. Machine learning on the hand makes generalizations that are not always understandable. Instead, they are statistical, inductive, and probabilistic. These very things are what make machine learning models so useful to coaches and sports science practitioners. Rather than being fearful that machines will steal our jobs we should embrace the use of artificial intelligence in sport because it perfectly compliments our own strengths and weaknesses. This relates to Moravec’s paradox which states that it’s relatively easy to create machines with superhuman analytical abilities, but nearly impossible to give the same machines the perceptual skills of a toddler. This paradox is explained by the fact that humans have evolved over millions of years to develop powerful, though largely unconscious, perceptual skills. In Hans Moravec’s book titled Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence he says, “We are all prodigious olympians in perceptual and motor areas. So good that we make the difficult look easy. Abstract thought, though, is a new trick, perhaps less than 100,000 years old. We have not yet mastered it. It is not all that intrinsically difficult, it just seems so when we do it.” By equipping coaches, possessing a keen ‘coaches eye’, with AI-powered analytics we can usher in a new era of high performance athletics. 22 Chapter 3: Integrated Cardiovascular Control Blood flow regulation is one of the most interesting aspects of human physiology. When an exerciser performs high intensity exercise oxygen is consumed at a greater rate than it can be supplied to the working muscles, and as a result there is a net deoxygenation of the skeletal muscle. In response to skeletal muscle hypoxia, exerciser’s working muscles will undergo metabolic vasodilation, resulting in increased muscle blood flow. This process is simple during single joint or small muscle mass exercise, like a bicep curl for example. However, it becomes increasingly complex when we progress to regional exercise using multiple muscle groups in close proximity to one another or during full body exercise. The reason for this is that we have a finite ability to metabolically vasodilate tissue before we outstrip our cardiac output and cannot maintain our arterial blood pressure. As a result our body has built in protective mechanisms to ensure that we never vasodilate so much that it threatens our arterial blood pressure, which would lead to a loss of consciousness. One mechanism by which this occurs is an increase in sympathetic nervous system activity, termed sympathetic vasoconstriction. This sympathetic regulation of peripheral blood vessel tone guards against the extreme vasodilator capacity of skeletal muscle invoked by exercise and protects us from hypotension or low blood pressure. The fine regulation of skeletal muscle blood flow is never more apparent than when doing full-body, all-out, exercise like Crossfit or Nordic Skiing. During these full body endurance sports the demand for oxygen by skeletal muscle can be increased by multiple orders of magnitude and as a result skeletal muscle blood flow is very high. This creates some problems during full body exercise where there are two potentially competing physiological needs. First, skeletal muscle blood flow needs to be matched to meet the metabolic costs of muscle contraction. Second, blood pressure needs to be regulated to ensure there is adequate perfusion pressure to all organs. The idea that these two important needs compete arises when we consider the total mass and vasodilator capacity of skeletal muscle compared to the maximal pumping capacity of the heart. With enough skeletal muscle vasodilation there exists a risk that cardiac output is outstripped and blood pressure regulation will be threatened, resulting in an inability to maintain blood flow to the brain and vital organs. So, in addition to considering the heart as a pump, the blood vessels as an oxygen delivery system, and the muscle as an end user of oxygen, we also need to consider the overall need of the human body to maintain arterial blood pressure in order to ensure the brain and vital organs get enough blood flow. One way that arterial blood pressure is regulated is that the sympathetic nervous system restrains blood flow to the contracting skeletal muscles. This was first explained by Loring B. Rowell in his sleeping giant hypothesis which reflects the idea that the vast ability of skeletal muscle to vasodilate can outstrip the ability of the heart to generate adequate cardiac output and arterial blood pressure. If the sleeping giant awakens and blood flow to the skeletal muscle is not restricted, then autonomic failure will ensue and blood pressure will fall so low that an individual will quickly lose consciousness. 23 In addition to blood flow to the working muscles being restrained, there is also a diversion of blood flow away from less active skeletal muscle and other tissues so that the vast majority of cardiac output, after the brain and vital organs are perfused, is directed to active skeletal muscle. This adaptation is most impressive in elite endurance athletes. In these individuals vasodilating factors in the skeletal muscle outcompete sympathetic vasoconstriction in the arterioles closest to the contracting muscle while allowing for continued vasoconstriction upstream, which is called functional sympatholysis. This process allows for high degrees of oxygen extraction while maintaining high flow rates and simultaneously protecting cardiac output. In this way, elite athletes straddle the line between supplying the muscle with sufficient oxygen while keeping cardiac output as high as possible without threatening the ability to maintain consciousness. The Second Heart If an aeronautical engineer were to analyze a bumblebee they would quickly conclude that it could never fly. Yet, it does. Similarly, if a hydrodynamic analysis were done on the human circulatory system it would lead to the conclusion that human beings cannot stand upright, Yet, they do. We partly owe this ability to our ‘second heart’. While the heart acts as the master pump in our bodies, it’s just one part of an integrated system and it could not function without a secondary pump, called the muscle pump. The muscle pump acts as a secondary heart on the venous side of circulation. Without this second heart an exercising human could not force enough blood back to the right ventricle of the heart to maintain an adequate level of cardiac output to keep them upright and conscious, let alone exercising. If you’ve ever stood up for an extended period of time, without the slightest movement, you’re familiar with the sensation of teetering on the bring of unconsciousness. Thankfully, even the most modest muscle contractions of the leg muscles are enough to act as an effective pump driving blood back to the heart and preventing you from blacking out. The reason for this is that these muscles contract rapidly to restore ventricular filling pressures and stroke volume. However, cardiovascular control is extremely complex, and there are instances where we can’t rely on the second heart to help control cardiac output. For example, when exercising in high heat conditions. Exercising in high temperatures forces humans to cope with two of the most powerful regulatory demands they can face: the competition between the skin and muscle for large fractions of cardiac output and blood flow. The cutaneous circulation is second only to the skeletal muscle in its capacity to receive large amounts of blood flow and can therefore seriously compete with skeletal muscle for cardiac output during exercise. Simply put, we can’t increase blood flow to a great extent in one highly compliant region without decreasing it somewhere else. This means that at some level of physical output, in high heat conditions, cardiac output just can’t rise enough to supply both the skin and muscle with necessary blood flow. This competition between the skin and muscle for 24 blood flow provides a perfect example of how peripheral circulation determines the performance of the heart and lines up with the mid twentieth century physiologist August Krogh’s beliefs that the distribution of cardiac output determines the volume of blood available to the heart at any moment. When we shunt more blood to the skin's surface to dissipate heat it means that a lower fraction of blood volume is passing through the skeletal muscle pump and as a result less blood is being driven back to the heart between contractions. The price we pay for pumping more blood through the skin circulation, or any non-pumping circuit, during exercise is a fall in ventricular filling pressure, cardiac preload, stroke volume, and consequently cardiac output. We cannot sacrifice cutaneous blood flow for the sake of maintaining ventricular filling pressure and cardiac output, otherwise disabling hyperthermia would quickly ensue. This is one of the reasons why our performance is lowered when we exercise in very high temperatures, and it is also a cause of cardiac drift. Cardiac drift is a consequence of progressive increases in the fraction of cardiac output directed to vasodilated skin as body temperature rises. This causes decreases in thoracic blood volume, and consequently stroke volume with an upward ‘drift’ in heart rate at a fixed work bout. Local, Regional, and Systemic Exercise Have you ever wondered what the physiologic differences are between regional and systemic exercise? For example, if you wanted to do an interval session have you wondered if there is a meaningful difference between using a watt bike where only your legs are involved versus an airdyne bike that incorporates both lower and upper limb activity? If so, you’ve pondered questions about cardiovascular control mechanisms. When intense upper body movement is added to intense lower body movement blood flow to the legs at a given work rate will reduce by up to 10%. So, for example, if an exerciser is pedaling on an airdyne bike with only their legs, then starts using both their arms and legs, blood flow to their lower body would be reduced. A similar effect also occurs in the upper body, as would be the case if an exerciser was powering the airdyne bike only using their arms and then started using their legs as well. These reductions in blood flow to the extremity muscles are a product of peripheral vasoconstriction, which is caused by the arterial baroreflex. The arterial baroreflexes key function is to support and maintain blood pressure. Reductions in skeletal muscle blood flow can be observed when an exerciser is limited by the maximal pumping capacity of their heart during high intensity exercise and is incapable of increasing cardiac output to cope with an increased work demand. In these cases cardiac output is not sufficient to maintain blood pressure and the arterial baroreflex increases peripheral resistance by augmenting sympathetic nervous system activity and restricting blood flow to working skeletal muscles. This is an effective strategy because very small changes in the radius of a blood vessel have huge impacts on blood vessel resistance and subsequently blood flow. The 25 aforementioned scenario is common for Crossfit athletes who carry a meaningful amount of muscle, and have good local muscle oxidative capacity, but lack sufficiently high levels of cardiac output. These athletes often end up in a scenario where the demand for blood flow is higher than the cardiac system is capable of supplying and as a result blood flow to the working muscles is constrained. This phenomena is best observed during ramp incremental exercise tests where progressive restrictions in blood flow can be observed as an exerciser travels through the moderate, heavy, severe, and extreme exercise intensity domains. Full-body endurance sports like Crossfit pose additional constraints in that discrepancies between local and systemic energy reserves occur. Traditional endurance sports like running, on the other hand, involve regional muscle groups working in concert with one another or large muscle groups across the body working harmoniously, as is the case while rowing. Crossfit workouts certainly have movements that individually fall into these categories, but are complicated by the liberal sprinkling of small muscle mass exercises added in. For example, a crossfit athlete may be asked to row a fixed distance, then string together a set of rebounding box jumps before performing strict handstand pushups. These movements are systemically, regionally, and locally taxing respectively. Since Crossfit metcons exercise a large percent of an individual's total skeletal muscle mass a muscle oxygenation measurement captured on a single muscle group can misrepresent the status of their systemic energy reserve. As a result I advocate for measuring multiple muscles simultaneously which can be accomplished with one device on the largest primary working muscle, a second sensor on a secondary working muscle, and a third device on an intercostal muscle to assess the work of breathing. This allows an exerciser to determine whether they are systemically or locally limited. If an individual is systemically limited then they should aim to improve their VO2max which represents the maximum integrated capacity of the pulmonary, cardiovascular, and muscular system to uptake, transport, and utilize oxygen respectively. If an individual is locally limited on the other hand they should train to improve local muscle strength, coordination, or edurace. Understanding which of these factors is limiting an athlete is critical in order to retrieve the lowest hanging fruit to improve performance. 26 Oxygen Transport In Deep and Superficial Muscles In addition to understanding how the total amount of exercised muscle impacts systemic cardiovascular control it's also worth exploring the differences in oxygen kinetics between deep and superficial muscles. Figure nine includes muscle oxygenation data from a collegiate rower while they perform a maximal effort two-thousand meter row in six minutes and twenty-two seconds. The red trend line represents muscle oxygenation from the rectus femoris, a deep muscle, whereas the blue trend line represents muscle oxygenation from the vastus lateralis muscle, a superficial muscle. Deep muscles have greater capillary than superficial muscles, and as a result they receive greater blood flow during exercise. Deep muscles also tend to be more oxidative than superficial muscles, which explains why deep muscles have slower rates of oxygen desaturation than superficial muscles at a given power output as observed in figure nine. Additionally, deep and superficial muscles have different oxygen transport strategies. Deep muscles rely on perfusive oxygen transport whereas superficial muscles rely on diffusive transport. These differences are an underappreciated aspect of local muscle metabolic control and can account for many of the differences in muscle oxygenation between adjacent muscles during exercise. In addition to varying oxygen transport strategies, differences in coordination and recruitment will impact muscle oxygenation trends in adjacent muscles during exercise. For example, a rower may begin a two-thousand meter time trial with a knee flexion dominant slide pattern and as the knee flexors fatigue they may rely more on hip extension to power their stroke. This transition would result in less oxygen consumption in the vastus lateralis muscles and greater oxygen extraction in the rectus femoris. Knowing this, it’s clear that only monitoring one working muscle can misrepresent the status of overall systemic energy reserves, which is of practical importance when trying to reach the utmost pinnacle of endurance performance. In figure nine you can observe muscle oxygenation decreasing in both the rectus femoris and vastus lateralis muscles as soon as exercise begins. Within six hundred meters muscle oxygenation in both muscles reaches a local low point, which is maintained up to thirteen-hundred meters. This maintenance of muscle oxygenation from six-hundred to 27 thirteen-hundred meters indicates that the rower is working at a maximum steady state output. However, after the thirteen-hundred meter mark an inflection point occurs and muscle oxygenation in the vastus lateralis begins to increase while rectus femoris muscle oxygenation simultaneously decreases. This indicated a change in movement coordination and muscle recruitment, which is an unconscious strategy employed as primary locomotor muscles fatigue. Individual Variations In Skeletal Muscle Vasodilator Capacity There are local feedback mechanisms within exercising muscles that respond to imbalances in oxygen supply and demand and adjust vascular conductance, the ease with which blood flows through a muscle, accordingly. For example, during high intensity exercise muscle oxygenation will decrease as oxygen consumption increases, and in response to that deoxygenation there is a vasodilatory process that increases muscle blood flow. This vasodilatory process is called blood flow autoregulation. Under normal circumstances there is a proportionate compensatory increase in muscle blood flow per unit of oxygen consumed. However, there are individuals in which this response is absent. That is, certain individuals present with a ‘non-compensator phenotype’ and lack the ability to metabolically vasodilate a tissue in response to deoxygenation. Individuals with the non-compensator phenotype have lower than average exercise tolerance and experience greater reductions in performance during high intensity exercise due to their inability to increase muscle blood flow by an appropriate margin. The existence of exercisers with a non-compensator phenotype speaks to the importance of understanding interindividual differences in the mechanisms that govern the relationship between oxygen supply and demand. These mechanisms include changes in potassium ions, osmolarity, the partial pressure of oxygen, and adenosine which all play a role in the initiation of exercise induced increase in blood flow. However, the aforementioned factors lack a sustained influence as exercise continues as the varying molecules mentioned are cleared from the active working muscles within minutes of starting exercise. It is suggested that the sustained vasodilatory response during exercise, and compensatory vasodilation in response to deoxygenation, are more closely related to the red blood cells ability to sense muscle oxygenation. The red blood cell oxygen sensor hypothesis popularized by Dr. Jonathan Stamler has gained widespread recognition as a potential mechanism for matching muscle oxygen supply to demand. As an exerciser increases their workout intensity and red blood cells oxygen saturation decreases there is a conformational change in hemoglobin’s structure, which results in the release of bioactive nitric oxide. The release of bioactive nitric oxide in the microvasculature evokes a local vasodilatory response that aids in the supply of oxygenated blood to the working muscles. It has been speculated that the lack of compensatory vasodilation in exercisers with the non-compensator phenotype may indicate compromised active nitric oxide release in the red blood cells. 28 Figure ten shows muscle oxygenation and PNO trends, captured with the NNOXX biosensor, for two different athletes performing a ramp incremental exercise test consisting of four minute work bouts at 12.5%, 15%, 17.5%, 20%, 22.5%, 25%, 27.5%, 30%, and 32.5% of their respective maximum sprint speeds with one minute rest between each set. Athlete ‘A’ has an optimal vasodilatory response and is able to increase bioactive nitric oxide levels in direct response to deoxygenation. As a result, there is a large upward trend in their PNO levels during each work bout. Athlete ‘B’ presents with a non-compensator phenotype and has a blunted vasodilatory response during each work bout. Additionally, Athlete ‘B’ reported much higher ratings of perceived exertion in each work bout. I have also found that athletes with the non-compensator phenotype have significantly compromised work capacity when exercising at intensities above their critical power. To improve non-compensator athletes performance they need to improve their ability to vasodilate, which is accomplished by selecting training modalities that increase peripheral circulation and muscle capillarity. Additionally, these individuals may benefit from implementing interventions to improve blood sugar control, vascular health, and circulation. Genetic Influences on Muscle Oxygen Kinetics & Cardiovascular Control It’s well accepted that genetics play a meaningful role in an individual's adaptability to training, recovery, and subsequently performance. Yet, coaches and exercisers rarely consider individual genetic variations when designing a strength and conditioning program. The reasons for this are likely two-fold. First, direct to consumer genetic tests are of varying quality and many of the insights gained from these services are based on genome wide association studies which often have little predictive value for individual consumers. The second reason is that the influence of specific genetic markers on athletic performance is not abundantly clear. This relationship is muddied by the fact that superior genotypes do not guarantee a superior phenotype. It’s then further complicated by the fact that sports performance is so multifaceted that the effects of specific genes can easily be overshadowed by other factors that influence performance such as an individual's environment, their mental wellbeing, and the specifics of their training plan. That said, SNP genotyping may still be a useful tool when used in the context of a larger, more nuanced, athletic screening process. 29 SNP genotyping is a measurement of genetic variability in a person's single nucleotide polymorphisms, which are the most common types of genetic variations between individuals of the same species. The first SNPs to capture exercise physiologists' attention were those that code for variations in the ACE gene, which codes for the angiotensin converting enzyme that converts angiotensin-I to angiotensin-II. The angiotensin converting enzyme plays an important component of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, which regulates fluid volume and blood pressure. There are three broad categories of ACE genotypes than an individual can possess. The DD genotype is associated with high plasma levels of the ACE protein and as a result individuals with this genotype have the highest capacity to produce angiotensin-II. These DD genotype individuals experience a premature and excessive increase in blood pressure during exercise, which results in a lower than average max heart rate and VO2max. Individuals with the DI genotype have intermediate levels of the ACE protein and compared to DD genotype individuals they have a high maximal heart rate and VO2max. Additionally, individuals with the DI genotype have enhanced endurance performance compared to individuals with the DD genotype. The DII genotype is associated with the lowest levels of the ACE protein and individuals with this genotype often present with enhanced oxygen consumption and endurance performances. It shouldn’t be a surprise that DI and DII ACE genotypes are found with an increased frequency among elite endurance athletes. However, we can’t chalk up an exerciser’s performance to one gene alone. For example, it’s well established that variations in the ACTN3 gene, which codes for the alpha-actinin-3 protein, has a meaningful influence on an individual’s strength and endurance performance. There are also known synergistic effects associated with different combinations of ACE and ACTN3 genotypes. For example, possessing endurance-associated alleles in both genes predisposes an exerciser to excel in endurance sports whereas having strength-associated alleles in both genes predisposes an exercise to excelling in strength and power sports. One potential explanation for these findings is that particular combinations of ACE and ACTN3 genes can influence muscle fiber composition. In a paper titled, Influence of muscle fiber composition on muscle oxygenation during maximal running 5, the investigators identified a strong association between an individual's muscle fiber composition and the minimum muscle oxygenation level they reach after a maximal effort running exercise. Exercisers who are more slow-twitch, and have a higher percentage of oxidative muscle fibers, have higher muscle oxygenation levels after maximal effort running as compared to exercisers with a higher percentage of fast-twitch glycolytic muscle fibers. A potential explanation for this finding is that oxidative fibers have greater capillary density and vascular conductance when compared to glycolytic fibers which enhances oxygen delivery. On the flip side, glycolytic fibers have greater oxygen extraction when compared to oxidative fibers. 5 Kitada T, Machida S, Naito H. Influence of muscle fiber composition on muscle oxygenation during maximal running (2015). BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 30 Knowing an exerciser's ACE and ACTN3 allele variation can give a strong indication of whether they are likely to excel in strength or endurance sports. Additionally, knowing an exerciser's genotype can help inform what type of training protocols will be most beneficial for them. For example, if one athlete presents with a DD ACE allele and an RR or RX ACTN3 allele we would want to train them differently than an athlete with a DI or DII ACE allele and an XX ACTN3 allele. If both of these athletes wanted to gain muscle they would likely fare best with different total set volumes, repetition schemes, and intensity distributions. The first athlete may benefit more from high load, low repetition, resistance training whereas the latter athlete may benefit most from moderate load, high repetition, resistance training. One reason for this is that exercisers with a XX ACTN3 allele are deficient in the a-actinin-3 protein and as a result they have impaired skeletal muscle function which lessens their ability to recover from high intensity training. This paints an abundantly clear picture that the same exercise protocol will not affect two different people in exactly the same way. George Brooks expressed this idea well when he said, “It is wise to note that we are all individuals and that whereas physiological responses to particular stimuli are largely predictable, the precise responses and adaptations to those stimuli will vary among individuals. Therefore, the same training regimen may not equally benefit all those who follow it”. 31 Part II: Energy System Training Chapter 4: A Physiological Performance Paradigm Imagine we have two runners, John and Steve, who are to race one another. Both John and Steve have a VO2max of 80 millimeters of oxygen consumed per minute per kilogram of muscle mass. This VO2max value represents the maximum integrated capacity of their pulmonary, cardiovascular, and muscular systems to uptake transport and utilize oxygen respectively. Despite these athletes having identical VO2max values, John ends up beating Steve in a 5,000m foot race when they toe the line against one another. How do we reconcile this? I’ve often heard one camp of coaches make the argument that a high VO2max is everything, and that the results of races are predetermined before they start. I’ve heard a different camp of coaches make another argument entirely, which is that VO2max is meaningless because it can’t predict finishing places among elite runners. In reality, both of these camps are right to a degree. If two runners show up to a race and one of them has a VO2max of 50 ml/kg/min, and the other has a VO2max of 80 ml/kg/min, we can make a surefire bet that the later runner will win. But, when two athletes with high, but similar, VO2max values race against one another it’s a toss up who will win. That is, unless we account for other factors outside of VO2max. This relates to Simpson’s paradox which refers to the fact that correlations that exist within a heterogenous group often break down within homogenous groups. For example, while VO2max may be a strong predictor of performance at a population level, it is a very weak predictor in a group of athletes at a similar fitness level. One reason why VO2max is not predictive of performance in a homogeneous group of exercisers is that VO2max is a functional criteria and not a performance criteria. The following analogy uses cars to express this concept. The functional criteria of a car establishes how much power it’s engine can produce. However, it says nothing about how far the car can go, how quickly it can go from zero to sixty miles per hour, or how many miles it gets per gallon. These are all performance criteria. In the same way, VO2max tells us something about the maximum integrated capacity of major organ systems, but it doesn’t tell us how exactly an athlete will perform in a foot race. In order to understand why John beat Steve in the 5,000m footrace, we need to look past VO2max and start to consider certain performance criteria like critical speed, which represents the fastest pace an individual can sustain before their rate of oxygen utilization outstrips their oxygen supply. This has less to do with the maximal rate of energy turnover, and more to do with an individual's ability to transfer energy into mechanical work. For example, while John and Steve have the same VO2max, John may be able to sustain a 5:28 mile pace before his oxygen consumption outstrips his oxygen supply, and Steve can only sustain a 5:32 mile pace before the same thing occurs. In this case, John can run at a 5:30 mile pace without depleting his finite oxygen reserves, since he is running slower than his critical speed, while Steve depletes himself in order to hang on. However, when we’re dealing with the highest level 32 athletes things can get even more complex. Let's take another scenario, where we have two runners, Raina and Alexa. Both of these runners have a VO2max of 55 ml/kg/min, and they both have a critical speed of 7:45 per mile. Yet, when they go head to head in a 10k Raina ends up beating Alexa to the finish line. We know that both runners have the same rate of maximal energy turnover, as well as the same ability to transfer energy into mechanical work, yet one still wins the race while the other loses. This can be explained by differences in their running economy, which defines their energy expenditure per unit of output. Traditionally, one’s running economy is calculated as the rate of oxygen consumption for running at a specific submaximal velocity. Improvements in running economy allow athletes to run at a faster velocity for the same oxygen consumption, and thus achieve superior performances. The importance of running economy is demonstrated in a famous case study published by professor Andy Jones titled, The Physiology of the World Record Holder for the Women's Marathon 6. This study shows that over a five year period Paula Radcliff’s fastest 3,000m race time went from 9:22 down to 8:36 while her VO2max simultaneously decreased from 72.8 ml/kg/min to 66.7 ml/kg/min. Paula Radcliff’s drastic performance improvement can be attributed to a substantial improvement in her running economy, which is demonstrated by the fact that her oxygen cost while running sixteen kilometers per hour dropped from 53 ml/mk/min down to 47 ml/kg/min while her running speed at VO2max increased from 19 km/hr upto 20.4 kg/hr. In other words, Paula Radcliff not only improved her running speed at VO2max, but also consumed less oxygen at the greater speed. Using the earlier car analogy, this would mean the car's engine got smaller while simultaneously producing more horsepower and having better fuel efficiency. This is akin to trading a 1950’s muscle car for a Tesla Roadster. By accounting for multiple different functional and performance criteria it's possible to create a robust model of endurance performance that can accurately predict an individual's capability in real world racing scenarios. The first tier of this model is VO2max, which acts as an upper ceiling constraining an individual's performance potential. The next tier is lactate threshold, which is the fraction of an individual's VO2max they can sustain before lactate accumulates in the blood at a faster rate than it is consumed for fuel. While lactate levels themself are not an indicator of fatigue or performance, the lactate threshold is a good proxy measurement reflecting an individual's reliance on glycolysis to provide energy. The third tier in the performance model is critical power, which is the highest power output, or velocity, that an individual can sustain indefinitely before they begin to deplete their finite oxygen reserve. The fourth and final tier is movement economy, which describes the oxygen cost of performing a given activity at a submaximal intensity. 6 Jones AM (2006). The Physiology of the World Record Holder for the Women’s Marathon. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. 2:101-116. 33 Collectively the four aforementioned factors can be used to develop a comprehensive model of bioenergetic competence. In essence, this model states that whoever has the highest sustainable rate of energy turnover, the greatest ability to transfer that energy in mechanical power and the greatest ability to apply power to the task of running with the greatest efficiency and for the longest duration will win an endurance event when all other factors are equal. The crux is that there are metabolic tradeoffs between some of these traits, such that the individual with the highest VO2max will not have the highest economy and vice versa. It is up to each individual to determine which of the aforementioned factors should be prioritized over others in order to maximize their own performance. Increasing one’s VO2max requires improving their energetic limiter, and subsequently raising their ceiling for performance, which will be discussed in length over the next two chapters. Increasing critical power not only requires improving the maximal rate of energy turnover, but also increasing the percentage of maximal power output that can be sustained during steady-state exercise. Finally, improving movement economy will be a recurring theme throughout the next few chapters on understanding both energetic and sport specific limiters. 34 Chapter 5: Challenging Conventional Paradigms of Maximal Exercise Performance Loring B. Rowell, the late physiologist, once said, “Exercise more than any other stress taxes the regulatory ability of the cardiovascular system. The advantage to the investigator is that more is learned about how a system operates when it is forced to perform than when it is idle.” In simple terms, this means that exercise can be used to push the human body to its limits, which provides scientists with an understanding of human physiology that couldn’t have been gained otherwise. One reason for this is that it’s exceptionally difficult to record uniform and consistent measurements of an individual’s physiology at rest. Joseph Barcroft understood this as early as 1934 when he wrote, “scaling from measurements at rest suffers from the marked random variation characterizing that loosely defined state” in Features in the Architecture of Physiological Function. Joseph Barcroft’s key point was that the term rest is too seemingly arbitrary to be useful. For example, am I resting as I sit upright in a chair? Or, am I only resting if I lay supine without moving a single muscle? These questions may seem pedantic, but they have real consequences in research where conditions need to be standardized to the utmost degree. Rather than grappling with the aforementioned issues physiologists have adopted a different method of collecting uniform measurements. It’s long been known that the most uniform and consistent measurements of human physiology occur at an individuals’ maximal exercise capacity. The most common test used to interrogate an exerciser’s maximal work capacity is the ramp incremental VO2max test, which is a measurement of the entire cardiovascular system’s functional capacity. You can think of an exerciser’s VO2max as the maximum integrated capacity of their pulmonary, cardiovascular, and muscular system to uptake, transport, and utilize oxygen respectively. Despite VO2 being a relatively simple measurement of total body oxygen consumption there is a bit of nuance as to how a true VO2max is attained. For example, attaining a true maximum VO2 measurement requires that a certain fraction of an exerciser’s total muscle mass is engaged during activity. As a result, the term VO2max only applies to the highest attainable VO2 value an individual can reach, independent of exercise modality. On the other hand, the term VO2peak is contextual and refers to the highest VO2 value achieved during a given exercise bout. If you were to exercise a small fraction of total muscle mass by using an arm ergometer your VO2peak would be much lower than your VO2max. However, if you were to perform a full body exercise, like rowing, your VO2peak would be equal to your VO2max. Interestingly, you do not need to exercise your full body to reach a true VO2max. You only need to cross a critical mass of engaged skeletal muscle and past that point engaging even more muscle will not lead to greater whole body oxygen consumption. 35 Determinants of Maximal Oxygen Consumption The whole idea that there is a finite rate that oxygen can be transported from the environment to the mitochondria of exercising muscles began in the early 1920’s with the Nobel prize laureate Archibald Hill’s work. Since then VO2max has become one of the most ubiquitous measurements in exercise science. VO2max is calculated with the Fick equation, which states that the volume of oxygen consumed at any given time is the product of an exerciser’s cardiac output (which is itself the product of heart rate and stroke volume) and the difference in oxygen concentration between their venous and arterial blood, also known as the arteriovenous difference. Using the Fick equation one can derive that there are two ways that an individual can increase their VO2max. The first is increasing oxygen supply and the second is by increasing oxygen utilization. However, the traditional viewpoint is that interindividual differences in VO2max are almost entirely due to differences in stroke volume and cardiac output between exerciser’s. The idea is exemplified in Lundby, Montero, and Joyner’s paper titled Biology of VO2max: looking under the physiology lamp 7 where they state, “The dominant and deterministic physiological pathways that account for a vast majority of interindividual variability in VO2max are well known and center on total body hemoglobin content and peak cardiac stroke volume and as a result cardiac output.” It makes sense that an exerciser’s stroke volume would play a large role in determining their VO2max when you consider the fact that an enlargement of the heart’s ventricles, enhanced cardiac contractility, and increases in blood volume are all common adaptations from endurance training. These adaptations all allow for an increased filling of the ventricles between heart beats, and in turn they increase stroke volume. Additionally, it's well known that endurance training increases hemoglobin concentrations in blood, which can increase stroke and VO2max. Per-Olof Åstrand was the first to demonstrate this relationship when he showed that the differences in VO2max values between adults and children, and between adult men and adult women, are primarily due to differences in hemoglobin concentrations. Since then it has been shown that acute reductions in hemoglobin concentrations result in decreased endurance performance and oxygen carrying capacity in the blood, even when blood volume is maintained. Conversely, increases in hemoglobin concentration and blood volume are associated with enhanced endurance performance. The reason is that increases in blood volume cause end-diastolic volume, ejection fraction, and stroke volume to go up, which are all associated with increased VO2max values. Collectively, the aforementioned factors provide evidence for the existence of a cardiovascular oxygen supply limitation. However, this evidence does not mean that VO2max cannot be limited by other factors such as oxygen utilization in the working muscles, or 7 Lundby C, Montero D, Joyner M (2017). Biology of VO2 max: looking under the physiology lamp. Acta Physiol. 220: 218-228. 36 pulmonary oxygen supply. In other words, the existence of one phenomenon does not disprove another. For example, elite endurance athletes with very high maximal cardiac outputs will often present with pulmonary diffusion limitations because of the red blood cells moving through the pulmonary capillaries so quickly that they cannot adequately pick up oxygen. This form of pulmonary diffusion limitation was first observed in Peter Snell, the former world record holder for the fastest mile run. Peter Snell performed a maximal effort step test on a treadmill, and finished with an peripheral oxygen saturation of 80%, systemic oxygenation. Additionally, this finding was later confirmed by Jerome Dempsey, Scott Powers, and colleagues, when they showed that arterial deoxygenation occurs in some high trained endurance athletes and that when these subjects breath in hyperoxic gas mixtures their hemoglobin saturation and VO2max increase. It’s also common for elite Crossfit competitors to experience significant decreases in peripheral oxygen saturation after competition intensity work bouts. This suggests that pulmonary gas exchange can limit total body oxygen consumption in highly trained athletes who exhibit exercise-induced reductions in peripheral oxygenation at sea level. It also suggests that a healthy pulmonary system can become a so-called limiting factor to oxygen transport and utilization as well as carbon dioxide transport and elimination during maximal effort exercise in the highly trained. According to the Fick equation, an increase in VO2max must be accompanied by a concomitant improvement in maximal cardiac output or a widening of the arteriovenous oxygen concentration difference. Knowing this, it’s clear why a pulmonary diffusion limitation would decrease VO2max and impair performance. If an exerciser’s peripheral oxygen saturation decreased, it would minimize the concentration difference between their arterial blood, which should be highly oxygenated, and their venous blood, which has a lower oxygen concentration. In these cases improving pulmonary function would widen the arteriovenous concentration difference, thus increasing VO2max. However, oxygen utilization limitations may also be present, which would truncate the arteriovenous concentration difference by increasing the oxygen content of venous blood. In these cases improving an exerciser’s oxygen extraction and utilization would widen the arteriovenous difference, increasing VO2max as a consequence. Redefining VO2max Traditionally VO2max has been defined as the maximal rate of oxygen consumption measured during intense exercise, and it’s long been believed that stroke volume is the dominant and deterministic limiter of VO2max. However, there are well-established cases where VO2max is limited by other physiologic factors. As a result, It’s more appropriate to define VO2max as the maximum integrated capacity of the pulmonary, cardiovascular, and muscular systems to uptake, transport, and utilize oxygen, respectively. It’s now clear that VO2max can be limited by a range of physiological factors such as an exerciser’s pulmonary diffusion capacity, maximal cardiac output, peripheral circulation, and the 37 oxidative capacity of skeletal muscle. However, most coaches and physiologists still do not hold this view. Instead, they believe that the cardiovascular system’s capacity to transport oxygen to the working muscles is the principal determinant of VO2max. This idea emerged as a result of Archibald Hill’s research in the early 1900’s. While Archibald Hill’s work undoubtedly contained many partial truths, its partial validity shouldn’t mask its clear shortcomings. It is crucially important to realize that Archibald Hill formulated his hypotheses based on a small number of measurements of expired respiratory gasses. He did not include any measurements of cardiovascular function, pulmonary function, or any measurements of skeletal muscle contractile and metabolic function. An unfortunate consequence is that generations of exercise physiologists have been taught that respiratory gas analysis, in the absence of other biomarker measurements, can give you answers about the factors that limit human performance. I believe this is false. For example, in Archibald Hill’s quantitative estimates he calculated that arterial blood would be 90% saturated during all-out exercise and that mixed venous blood would be 10-30% saturated. He also assumed that these values would generalize to all exercising individuals. If this were true, and the arteriovenous concentration difference were fixed, it would lead to the natural conclusion that cardiac output is the primary determinant of VO2max, as Hill and generations of physiologists after him asserted. However, we know these values are not only not fixed, but vary considerably between exercising individuals. Thus, opening the door for a more nuanced understanding of the limiting factors for maximal exercise performance. How Does VO2max Increase? The cardiovascular system has a profound ability to adapt and change when it is repeatedly exposed to exercise-induced stressors. Physical conditioning, from exercise, increases the functional capacity of the cardiovascular system in two distinct ways. First, physical conditioning increases maximal cardiac output by increasing heart rate and/or stroke volume. Second, conditioning can lead to adaptations that widen the arteriovenous oxygen concentration difference during exercise which is accomplished by increasing arterial oxygen saturation or increasing fractional oxygen extraction. In healthy young adults who are previously untrained VO2max can increase by upwards of 20% after three months of training. Approximately half of the increase in VO2max can be attributed to increases in maximal cardiac output and oxygen extraction respectively. Additionally, the exercise induced increases in cardiac output are due almost entirely to increases in stroke volume, and not heart rate. However, in advanced athletes who have undergone years of training 30% of improvements in VO2max are attributed to increases in stroke volume, 10% are attributed to increases in maximal oxygen extraction, and the remaining 60% of improvements are attributed to enhanced movement economy and pulmonary diffusion. 38 Based on the broad body of exercise physiology literature it’s apparent that the peripheral adaptations that lead to increased oxygen extraction occur rapidly in response to exercise. For example, improvements in oxygen extraction and muscle oxygen utilization have been observed in as little as two to three weeks of dedicated training. Cardiovascular and circulatory adjustments, on the other hand, occur over much longer time scales. The rates of adaptation in different bodily systems helps explain why oxygen extraction limitations are less common among elite athletes. Increasing Stroke Volume There are three proposed mechanisms contributing to exercise-induced increases in stroke volume. These include changes in the myocardial contractile state, changes in ventricular afterload, and changes in ventricular preload. Although it has traditionally been believed that changes in the myocardial contractile state lead to exercise-induced increases in stroke volume that theory can be quickly dispensed with. While it is true that the myocardial contractile state increases as exercise intensity increases, additional enhancements to the myocardial contractile state over time with training are small because left ventricular ejection fraction is already high at 85%. Additionally, end-systolic volume is low at peak exercise. As a result, it’s unlikely for exercise to yield further improvements in the myocardial contractile state. Ventricular afterload is the amount of pressure that the heart must work against to eject blood during systole, which is the phase of the heartbeat when the heart muscle contracts and pumps blood into the arteries. While it has been proposed that changes in afterload account for some of the observed increases in stroke volume with physical conditioning I find this to be implausible. There is little evidence demonstrating significant effects of training on ventricular afterload. Additionally, cross sectional studies show that highly trained athletes and sedentary individuals have similar mean arterial pressure at their respective maximal cardiac outputs. This suggests that physical training is accompanied by peripheral adjustments that match total vascular conductance to maximal cardiac output, without significant changes to ventricular afterload. Collectively the aforementioned information suggests that the bulk of increases in stroke volume as a product of physical conditioning are attributed to changes in ventricular preload. Ventricular preload, also known as end-diastolic volume, is the amount of stretch that the cardiac muscle cells experience at the end of ventricular filling between heart beats. Based on cross sectional studies, it’s been shown that ventricular preload is significantly elevated at rest and during exercise in athletes as compared to sedentary individuals. It is also believed that structural changes in the heart allow for increased ventricular preload, which is supported by medical imaging and autopsy studies showing that chronic physical training increases ventricular volume 39 and ventricular wall thickness and that there is a significant correlation between heart size, stroke volume, cardiac output, and VO2max. Additionally, long term-training results in meaningful increases in blood volume, which can have a small but noticeable positive impact on ventricular preload. Arterial Oxygen Saturation During Exercise It’s important to remember that the circulatory system is a closed loop where oxygen travels from the heart to the working muscle and back along the following route: heart → artery → arteriole → capillary → venule → vein → heart. When we record arterial oxygen saturation, often referred to as SpO2 or SaO2, we are measuring at the location of the artery. Arterial oxygen saturation depends both on hemoglobin concentration as well as its oxygen binding capacity, pulmonary diffusion capacity, and alveolar ventilation. It’s commonly assumed that both arterial oxygen content and hemoglobin saturation are well maintained during exercise. However, during maximal effort exercise arterial hemoglobin concentration and oxygen carrying capacity can both rise by up to 10%. This occurs when plasma water is lost into the active muscle cells and interstitial fluid as the concentration of osmotically active particles in the muscles rise. Insofar as an individual’s arterial oxygen capacity rises, while their oxygen content remains constant, their arterial oxygen saturation will fall. This is why you’ll often see a meaningful decrease in peripheral oxygen saturation during very high intensity exercise. Additionally, the aforementioned decrease in peripheral oxygen saturation during high intensity exercise is partly attributable to reductions in arterial pH and a rise in temperature, both of which lower arterial oxygen saturation at a given oxygen binding capacity. In very extreme cases you may see peripheral oxygen saturation fall below 90%, though this is much more common in elite endurance athletes. In these cases the extreme drops in peripheral oxygen saturation are caused by a pulmonary diffusion limitation. Skeletal Muscle Oxygen Extraction During Exercise The Fick equation states that the volume of oxygen consumed at any given time is the product of an exerciser’s cardiac output and the difference in oxygen concentration between their venous and arterial blood. Muscle oxygenation, as recorded with the NNOXX biosensor, is measured in the microvascular capillaries, which approximates mixed venous oxygen content. The two populations where the lowest muscle oxygenation values are observed are high training athletes with enhanced oxygen extraction capabilities, and heart failure patients who have very low cardiac output due to an insufficiency of the heart as a pump. Highly trained athlete’s enhanced oxygen extraction capabilities are explained by a range of factors. Unlike cardiac muscle where moist capillaries are open at all times, only a small fraction of capillaries are perfused in skeletal muscle during rest. As a result, the diffusion 40 distance between capillaries and muscle fibers is large. When you consider these large diffusion distances and the fact that the mean transit time of red blood cells through the muscle capillaries are very short, there is little time for oxygen extraction and uptake by the skeletal muscle at rest. However, during exercise the number of open capillaries increases, which reduces the diffusion distance and increases capillary blood volume significantly. As a result, the mean transit time of red blood cells increases, which allows for more oxygen to be unloaded from the blood to the working muscle. As a consequence of increased capillary recruitment during exercise, each muscle fiber is supplied by more capillaries than at rest. Therefore, to maintain high oxygen extraction across the muscle there needs to be a balance between optimal rates of muscle blood flow, capillary blood volume, and the minimum mean transit time of red blood cells to release oxygen for skeletal muscle uptake. This balance is well preserved during intensity exercise where both muscle blood flow and oxygen extraction increase significantly, thus increasing whole body VO2 as well. In these cases capillary blood volume and red blood cell mean transit time are large enough to allow oxygen to be released from hemoglobin and diffuse all the way from the capillaries to the mitochondria of muscle cells. Oftentimes exercises with low training ages will present with oxygen extraction limitations as a result of low mitochondrial and capillary density. Additionally, there are instances where athletes with very high maximal cardiac outputs will present with oxygen extraction limitations as well, particularly when they eschew high intensity training for extended time periods. In both cases increasing muscle mitochondrial and capillary density, and improving vascular conductance, will lead to enhanced skeletal muscle oxygen extraction. Mitochondrial DNA, Maximal Oxygen Consumption, and Metabolic Efficiency For decades mitochondria have been seen as nothing more than microscopic cellular powerhouses. However, mitochondria also play critical roles in regulating cell death and survival, aging, and various physical adaptations to endurance training. It’s well known that mitochondria are the only organelles in animal cells with their own discrete genome, which is attributed to their endosymbiotic origin. Thus, while we inherit our chromosomal DNA from both our parents, our inherited mitochondrial DNA comes exclusively from our mothers. This maternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA, combined with the high mutation rate of mitochondrial DNA, allows us to track our maternal lineage back through generations. You can envision these mitochondrial DNA lineages as a giant tree, where the clustered groups on the different branches make up different haplogroups. These haplogroups arose in geographically localized populations, and their distribution across the world has allowed researchers to reconstruct the ancient migrations of women across the globe. It is well accepted that one of the main determinants of the individual variation in endurance performance is the metabolic properties of skeletal muscle, particularly its mitochondrial oxidative potential, which is coded by mitochondrial DNA passed down through the maternal lineage. This material DNA codes for some of the most essential polypeptides of the 41 mitochondrial energy generating system, most notably OXPHOS, which generates cellular energy by the oxidation of dietary calories. As electrons move down the electron transport chain the energy released pumps protons out across the inner mitochondrial membrane to generate a proton electrochemical gradient, which the ATP synthase enzyme can employ to drive ATP synthesis. Therefore, the mitochondrial genome provides a few candidate genes for the study of elite endurance athletic status. Since mitochondrial DNA genes have a central role in OXPHOS expression, different haplogroups and functional variants in mitochondrial DNA can have massive impacts on human physiology and exercise performance. For example, the efficiency with which the electron transport chain generates the proton gradient and by which the proton gradient is converted into ATP is referred to as the coupling efficiency. Humans can differ substantially in their coupling efficiency due to mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms. Since a dietary calorie is a unit of heat, every calorie burned by the mitochondria generates one calorie of body heat. Tightly coupled mitochondria generate the maximum ATP and minimum heat per calorie burned and thus could be beneficial in warmer climates, while loosely coupled mitochondria must burn more calories for the same amount of ATP, generating more heat, and could be of benefit in colder climates. The importance of heat generation per unit of energy created will be discussed shortly. As previously mentioned, aerobic ATP generation by OXPHOS is a vital metabolic process for endurance exercise. Notably, mitochondrial DNA codifies 13 of the 83 polypeptides implied in the respiratory chain. As such, there is a strong rationale for identifying an association between mitochondrial DNA variants and endurance phenotypes. In the context of endurance performance, high sustained ATP synthesis is one of the most important competitive advantages. It is increasingly recognized that there is a conserved evolutionary trade-off between maximum-power output using fermentative pathways and maximum metabolic efficiency using complete oxidative phosphorylation, which is rooted in differences in the catalytic capacity of the different pathways. The phenomenon is known as overflow metabolism. The reason that metabolic overflow occurs stems from a bottleneck deep inside the mitochondria termed complex-I. At lower power outputs such as during long slow distance training, the muscles energy stores are burned efficiently using complex-I. When power output is increased, complex-I reaches its full capacity, so to be able to match the energy requirements mitochondria start to bypass complex-I choosing a metabolic strategy with a higher capacity but a lower efficiency. This allows the muscles to produce more power, but also more heat. Going into power mode thereby means that your energy stores are zapped faster and the athlete risks hitting the wall before reaching the finish line. This becomes relevant when we think of rate limiting factors for increasing an individual’s VO2max. While many athletes use VO2max as a measuring stick for performance improvement, they seldom consider that improving VO2max may come at the cost of decreased efficiency. For example, Oskar Svendson has been recorded as having the highest VO2max of all 42 time. Naturally, this leads to the question of why wasn’t he a faster cyclist? Mikael Flockhart and Filip Larsen offered a suggestion to this question in their 2019 paper in the Journal of Applied Physiology titled, Physiological adaptation of aerobic efficiency: when less is more 8. In essence, they suggest that Svendson has a massive engine but poor fuel efficiency and that this is no coincidence. Michael Joyner has made a similar suggestion in a paper titled, Modeling: optimal marathon performance on the basis of physiological factors 9, where he stated, "It may be that high VO2max values are incompatible with an excellent running economy." Interestingly, in the early 1990’s Michael Joyner had posited that the first runner to run a sub 2-hour marathon would have a high but realistic VO2max, running economy, and lactate threshold without any of these individual variables being off the charts. He was clear that the individual with the highest VO2max value would be an unlikely candidate. The reason for this is that it’s physiologically implausible for someone with a very high VO2max to have a world-class running economy in the same way that it’s unlikely to hit the mega millions jackpot twice. Interestingly, Eliud Kippchogee perfectly fits this bill. He has a high VO2max at 78 ml/kg/minute, but it is by no means off the charts. However, his economy sets him apart, which allows him to use 0.2 ml/kg/minute of oxygen per minute than his competitors at a top speed. He has struck the perfect balance between power and efficiency. Research suggests that between two elite runners with equal race times, the individual with the higher VO2max will have a lower economy and vice versa. This surely applies to Oskar Svendson and is a topic of discussion in Bent Ronnestad and colleagues' paper titled, Case Studies in Physiology: Temporal changes in determinants of aerobic performance in an individual going from alpine skier to world junior champion time trial cyclist 10. Interestingly, Oskar Svendon’s data suggests that his gross efficiency (the power delivered to the bike pedals divided by the rate he burned calories) was highest before he began science training and as his VO2max progressively increased, his efficiency dropped at a disproportionate rate. A potential mechanism for this lies in Avlant Nilson and colleagues' paper titled, Complex-I is bypassed during high intensity exercise 11, which hammers home the aforementioned concept that at very high intensities mitochondria bypass complex-I and rely on metabolic strategies that allow for higher capacity, but with lower efficiency. This strategy will enable muscles to produce more power, but also more heat. It stands to reason that the individuals with the highest VO2max values in the world, also have some of the most loosely coupled mitochondria and vice versa. Remember, loosely coupled mitochondria are beneficial in colder climates, whereas highly coupled mitochondria benefit in warmer climates. Interestingly, some of the highest VO2max values have been recorded by athletes of northern European descent, whereas individuals living closer to the equator tend to have lower than average VO2max values when adjusted for age and body mass. While investigators have 8 Flockhart M, Larsen FJ (2019). Physiological adaptation of aerobic efficiency: when less is more. J Appl Physiol. Joyner MJ (1991). Modeling: optimal marathon performance on the basis of physiological factors. J Appl Physiol. 10 Rønnestad BR, Hansen J, Stensløkken L, Joyner MJ, Lundby C (2019). Case Studies in Physiology: Temporal changes in determinants of aerobic performance in individual going from alpine skier to world junior champion time trial cyclist. J Appl Physiol 11 Nilsson A, Björnson E, Flockhart M, Larsen FJ, Nielsen J (2019). Complex I is bypassed during high intensity exercise. Nat Commun 9 43 begun to identify mitochondrial haplotypes associated with both of these adaptations, more research is needed before consumer DNA tests can be used for talent identification. Chapter 6: Understanding Bioenergetic Limiters 44 I suspect that many of you, reading this book, came here to learn more about bioenergetic limiters. For one reason or another, this is one of the concepts I've become best known for, and it always seems to drum up interest. While I do think this is a useful concept for profiling athletes and identifying low hanging fruit that you can go after in their training, it's not the only thing we should be concerned with when trying to optimize performance on a given task. We can’t neglect sport specific limitations, or the fact that an individual’s bioenergetic limiter is just one part of an integrated system that should be trained in all its capacities. A common misconception about limitation based training models is that exercisers should only train to improve their bioenergetic limiter in order to enhance their performance. For example, this would mean that a delivery limited athlete only trains to improve their ability to transport oxygen to the working muscles, which is an obvious mistake. It’s important to realize that an exerciser’s bioenergetic limiter is the rate-limiting process for increasing their VO2max.There are instances where increasing an individuals’ VO2max will result in a direct performance improvement, but that isn’t always the case. For example, an exerciser’s maximal rate of oxygen consumption may be limited by their pulmonary systems ability to uptake oxygen. However, if this same exerciser wants to compete in a 100m sprint it’s unlikely that their pulmonary system will be the rate-limiting factor for performance improvements. Instead, they are more likely to be limited by their maximal rate of oxygen utilization in the working muscles. Similarly, if the same athlete decides to compete in an ultramarathon their event specific limiter will be different. In the latter case they are likely to be limited by their ability to deliver oxygenated blood to the working muscles, regulate their blood pressure, or they may even be limited by central fatigue and glycogen depletion. Finally, it’s important to understand that an athlete will not fail to perform when their limiter can no longer cope with the demands of maximal effort exercise. They will fail when they have exhausted all of their available compensatory strategies. It’s not a matter of if an athlete’s limiter will fail to cope with the demands placed on it during maximal effort exercise, but when. Enhancing the capacity of an exerciser’s limiter will get them further before they are forced to rely on compensatory strategies, but they still need to strengthen the compensating systems nonetheless. While it’s important to train known limitations and always aim to grab the ‘lowest hanging fruit’, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a time and place to climb a bit higher and grab the next highest piece up in the tree. After all, when the lowest hanging fruit is exhausted, the next highest is effectively the new lowest. Functional Systems Theory A functional system is a collection of biological components that work in unison to achieve a useful adaptation for an exerciser. Inclusion, or exclusion, of a given training quality or biological component in a functional system is predicated on its usefulness for aiding in the achievement of an exerciser’s goals. In practical terms, we can think about this from a systems 45 standpoint. In our body we have varying organs systems like muscular system, pulmonary system, cardiovascular system, and so forth. All of the aforementioned systems will need to function for survival, and as a result they will all be developed to a given degree. But, when we undergo a specific type of physical training for years on end we start to develop some systems more than we do others. For example, if you’re an olympic weightlifter your functional system will exclude very high degrees of cardiopulmonary system development. But, you’ll develop the muscular system to a greater extent. As a result, your physiology will self organize according to those principles and you will develop adaptations that are useful to your goal, and neglect those that are not, which is the development of a functional system. On the other hand, if you are a cross country skier, then your functional system will include very high degrees of cardiopulmonary system development. This is important so far as it ties into the concept of limiters, which is the backbone of the energy system training model that I'll discuss in the next few chapters. No limiter is inherently good or bad. Different sports select for different limiters. So, knowing this, we need to understand the energetics of the goal, and athletes' limitations, and how to best train them for that task. Anytime I work with an athlete in a work capacity sport I ask myself the following questions: 1. What result are we trying to achieve? This can be broad or highly specific. For example, the desired result can be improving cardiac output, or it can be rowing two thousand meters in six minutes and fourteen seconds. 2. What is the physiological disposition of the athlete? Are they limited by their ability to uptake oxygen, transport oxygen to the working muscles, or utilize oxygen in the working muscles? 3. What mechanisms or training qualities will support the desired result? The answer to this question will be derived from our answers to the two questions above. For example, if we have two athletes who both want to row two thousand meters in six minutes and fourteen second, but one of them is limited by their ability to delivery oxygen to the working muscle and the other is limited by their rate of oxygen extraction they will need to take very different paths to achieve the same end result. Global Adaptation Trends When you take a diverse group and have them train in a similar manner over time, you’ll find that they adapt in unique, but somewhat predictable, ways depending on their bioenergetic limiter. These defined patterns of adaptation are called global adaptation trends. Global adaptation trends are easiest to spot in work capacity based sports like Crossfit, mixed martial arts, and tactical strength and conditioning where you have athletes from very diverse backgrounds, physiological makeups, and bioenergetic limiters all training to accomplish 46 similar tasks. The first global adaptation trend, discussed below, pertains to respiratory limited athletes. Respiratory limited athletes most often present with above average maximal cardiac output, high mitochondrial density, and high capillary density. As a result, these individuals have well developed oxygen transport systems and a high maximal rate of oxygen utilization in the primary working muscle groups for their sport. However, these athletes are limited by the strength or fatigue resistance of their inspiratory muscles, expiratory muscles, and diaphragm. During high intensity exercise the diaphragm has a large energy requirement and will be required to contact with high force and frequency. When the diaphragm muscle begins to fatigue locomotor muscle oxygenation will decrease, as will expelled carbon dioxide. In extreme cases exercises will present with hypoxemia, defined by a large decrease in arterial oxygen saturation levels as measured with a pulse oximeter. I’ve previously observed arterial oxygen saturation levels as low as 15% below resting resting values during maximal effort exercise, which is indicative of a pulmonary diffusion limitation and lack of respiratory muscle endurance. It’s common for respiratory limited athletes to have a low forced vital capacity, and functional lunge volume, relative to their body mass. Additionally, basic spirometry measurements can be used to discern between inspiratory and expiratory muscle limitations. An athlete with weak inspiratory muscles will have a lower forced vital capacity (FVC6) and a low forced expiratory volume (FEV1), but the ratio between the two will be between 76-80%. An athlete with weak expiratory muscles will also have a low FVC6 and FEV1, but the ratio between the two measurements will be below 76%. Among elite endurance athletes, respiratory limitations are the most common bioenergetic limiter. While most systems in the body undergo substantial adaptations to intense exercise, this doesn’t appear to be the case for the respiratory system. For every increase in VO2max we should expect to see an increase in hemoglobin mass, left ventricular volume, and mitochondrial density in the working muscles, among other adaptations. Given the adaptability of various organ systems we would expect the airways, pulmonary vasculature, and lungs to adapt to exercise as well. However, recent research has revealed multiple circumstances in which one or more parts of the respiratory system are shown to be anatomically underbuilt or incur high biological costs during maximal effort exercise. For example, even highly trained athletes with high VO2max values may not have enhanced pulmonary diffusion or lung volumes compared to the average sedentary adult. The lack of training effects on lung structure is shocking given how well the cardiovascular and muscular system adapt to exercise. In addition to lacking clear signs of adaptation, several components of the respiratory system can be negatively impacted by intense exercise. For example, elite endurance athletes have an elevated risk of airway narrowing during, 47 or immediately following, high intensity exercise. Additionally, high intensity training can lead to maladaptive remodeling and hypersensitivity in the airways of elite endurance athletes. The reason this occurs is that the high ventilatory demands of maximal effort exercise require flow rates in excess of ten times resting levels, which can injure the airways. The aforementioned phenomenon is most prevalent in female elite endurance athletes, though it also occurs at a higher than average frequency in male elite endurance athletes as well. High resolution computed tomography has shown that airway cross-sectional areas are comparable between the sexes throughout the maturation process, but post-pubescent females show a 20–30% reduction in the diameter of the trachea and main stem bronchi. A smaller lung size in adult females accounts for much of these differences in airway size, but even when a limited number of comparisons were made at equivalent lung volumes adult females had narrowed trachea and bronchi compared to males of an equal body mass. Resting diffusion capacity and lung volumes are also lower in women versus men, even when adjusted for age, height, and hemoglobin concentration. According to Jerome Demsey, we can interpret the aforementioned data to mean that adult women over a broad range of fitness levels gave hormonally determined trachea, bronchi, and lung sizes that are underbuilt for the flow rates demanded by maximal intensity exercise. Additionally, because the consequences of airway dysanapsis are likely to exist in the majority of adult women we should expect to see a higher susceptibility to respiratory limitations during high intensity exercise compared to men at any given fitness level. In addition to respiratory limitations, which limit the rate of oxygen uptake, cardiovascular limitations can also limit oxygen supply to the working muscles. From here out I'll refer to cardiovascular limitations as delivery limitations, since they limit an individual's ability to deliver oxygenated blood to the working muscles. Exercisers with delivery limitations often have high maximal rates of oxygen extraction and are limited by the maximal pumping capacity of their heart during exercise, which limits their peripheral blood flow. As a result, oxygen utilization in the working muscle supersedes oxygen supply, resulting in very low muscle oxygenation levels when volitional failure occurs. Strong, heavily-muscled, athletes with great local and regional muscular endurance often present with delivery limitations and as a result they struggle with tests of systemic work capacity that utilize a large percentage of total skeletal muscle mass. For example, among competitive Crossfit athletes you’ll often find individuals who can perform very large unbroken sets of ring muscle-ups, handstand pushups, and chest to bar pullups in isolation and when non-fatigued. However, when they pair the aforementioned movements with other full body exercises in a metcon they’ll often struggle to complete even the smallest sets unbroken without getting ‘pumped up’. This occurs because delivery limited athletes have lowered maximal cardiac outputs, and as a result they are limited in the total amount of skeletal muscle they can vasodilate at any given moment. This is problematic when they are forced to alternate exercising muscle groups and it results in severe extremity muscle deoxygenation. 48 Oxygen utilization limitations differ from both respiratory and delivery limitations in that exerciser’s with this form of limitation are able to supply a sufficient amount of oxygen to the working muscles. It's difficult to create a representative avatar of a utilization limited athlete because the underlying causes of utilization limitations are so broad. For example, utilization limitation can be caused by insufficient mitochondrial or capillary density, excessive muscle damage, impaired muscle coordination and requirement, or changes in blood chemistry. Additionally, exercisers with utilization limitations may be limited by their maximal rate of oxygen utilization, the magnitude of oxygen utilization in the working muscles, or both. Given the range of ways that utilization limitations can present themselves, there are few broadly applicable global adaptation trends. However, some commonalities among utilization limited athletes are poor rate of force development, a low maximal power output relative to their critical power, poor skeletal muscle recruitment, and impaired metabolic activity in peripheral tissues. Applications for Interval Training Interval training is most often performed with repeated series of work bouts done at a fixed speed. For example, an exerciser performing rowing intervals may repeat back to back sets of a 1k row while maintaining a 2:00/500m average split across each of them. However, manipulating intra-interval pacing can significantly impact how an athlete adapts to the exercise bout, even if these alterations do not impact the total time it takes to complete each interval. For example, if we wanted to prescribe 500m row repeats at race pace to an individual who can row 2,000m in seven minutes we could have them perform fixed pace intervals at 1:45/500m, we could use a gradual ramping structure where they start at a 1:55/500m pace and increase in speed by 0:05/500m every 100m increment, or we could have them perform a hard start interval where they start at a 1:40/500m pace and gradually decrease their speed to 1:50/500m. Each of the three aforementioned approaches will result in the rower finishing the intervals in the exact same time. Yet, the respective adaptations to these three interval approaches will vary. The athlete who performs the hard start interval will stress the pulmonary system the most. Hard start intervals induce higher mean oxygen consumption levels than traditional intervals despite similar average speeds, indicating that hard start intervals are a good strategy for accumulating volume at a high percentage of an individual's VO2peak while controlling for total training volume. On the flip side, the athlete performing intervals with a gradual ramping pace structure will slowly build in pace in order to overcome cardiac lag and balance oxygen supply and utilization in the working muscle. This approach will create a larger stress on the cardiovascular system, with less stress to the pulmonary system, and as a result it’s more suitable for a delivery limited athlete. None of the three aforementioned approaches are superior to the others. However, there are circumstances where one choice is better suited to achieving a specific outcome than the other two. For example, if I were training a respiratory limited athlete I'd preferentially use a 49 hard start interval if their goal was to increase their VO2max. Knowing how to manipulate intra-interval pacing structure is a useful skill when you want to alter a training stimulus without meaningfully adjusting total training volume. Additionally, these types of adjustments can be exceptionally useful when you’re coaching a team of athletes and everyones working needs to conform to a specific time table, but you still want to add a dimension of individualization to their training. Chapter 7: Understanding Sport Specific Limiters Having a high VO2max is necessary, but not sufficient for elite level endurance performance. In other words, an individual is unlikely to be an elite endurance athlete if they do 50 not have a high VO2max, but having a high VO2max alone is not enough to compete at the highest levels of sport. This same concept broadly applies for other work capacity works, like Crossfit for example. The broader the demands of a given sport, the more factors that are necessary, but not sufficient, for high level performance. For example, being able to complete thirty ring muscle-ups in under four minutes is necessary, but not sufficient to be an elite Crossfit competitor. As is being able to snatch one hundred twenty-five kilograms and row two thousand meters in under six minutes and twenty seconds, among many other metrics. This concept reminds me of a quote by Marilyn Strathern where she states, "When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.” If sufficient rewards are attached to some measure, people will find ways to increase their scores on that measure one way or another, and in doing so will undercut the value of the measure in assessing what it was originally intended to assess. In order to be a competitive Crossfit athlete we know there are some minimum strength metrics that need to be achieved, certain paces an individual need to be able to sustain for a given duration on the rower, and some ballpark estimates they should be able to hit on workout such as thirty muscle-ups for time, one hundred strict handstand push ups for time, and so forth. However, being able to achieve all of these milestones does not necessitate that an individual will be a great Crossfit athlete. It’s a matter of necessity versus sufficiency. Being able to compe;te these metrics is the equivalent of being accepted to study at a university. Just because a student has been admitted through the doors does not mean they are automatically eligible to graduate. I’m always hesitant to put athletes through generic sport specific testing batteries. At best, I can check a few boxes and see where they stack up relative to the field, which is helpful for determining what they need to prioritize in their training. However, improving on specific skills in isolation won’t necessarily translate to improved sports performance. Furthermore, it can create the illusion that improving on the test metrics is the goal in and of itself. As a result, I take a different approach and approach sport specific assessments from a bottom-up standpoint. Conceptually I think about Crossfit, or any other work-capacity based event, as a cyclical endurance sport. Like any cyclical endurance sport, the goal for a Crossfit athlete is to move continuously, in effect turning a metcon into a cyclic activity. When an athlete is incapable of performing a metcon in a cyclic manner I'll investigate why that is the case and after identifying their rate-limiting factor I will train them to overcome that limitation. For example, instead of having an athlete perform a classic test such as thirty ring muscle ups to see how they stack up against their competition, I'll assess whether or not they can perform ring muscle ups in a cyclic fashion during a sport specific event. If not, my aim is to understand why. A beginner athlete may lack the requisite strength to perform consecutive muscle ups. An intermediate athlete may struggle with their breathing mechanics and coordination under fatigue. Finally, an advanced 51 athlete may be limited by their ability to supply oxygenated blood to the working muscle at a fast enough rate. Science Backed Wisdom Prior to the 2016 Crossfit games an organization I was working for hosted an athlete camp with a handful of top competitors. One of the competition simulations at the camp included a high volume of kettlebell snatches, box jump overs, and rope climbs. During the event a colleague of mine made a comment that one of the athletes was able to complete the metcon as if it was a cyclical event. It wasn’t intended to be a profound statement. Rather, he was acknowledging the fact that the athlete did not stop moving for more than a split seconds whereas a lot of the other competitors were breaking up their kettlebell snatches, using more time for their transitions, and generally looked like they were approaching the metcon as a circuit with defined work and rest periods. The aforementioned observation really struck a chord with me because it matched my observations from conducting physiological tests on Crossfit competitors. In my observations, the best Crossfit athletes can turn the majority of metcons into cyclical workouts whereas the rest of the pack cannot. For example, the top athletes have steady blood flow to the working muscles, a linear rate of oxygen utilization from start to finish, and their VO2 kinetics look similar to what you’d expect during a two thousand meter row versus a circuit style workout. This is demonstrated in figure eleven, which depicts two crossfit games athlete’s muscle oxygenation trends during a metcon that includes thrusters, burpees, and rowing. At the time of the aforementioned workout the athlete whose data is on bottom was a top ten individual games competitor, and the athlete whose data is on top was a sanctional level competitor who later qualified for the games as an individual. Note that the athlete on bottom has a near linear oxygen desaturation trend across the workout without any major dips or peaks. They were able to move through the workout unbroken with minimal rests and transitions, thus allowing for a very high rate of energy turnover. The athlete on top, on the other hand, had less steady blood flow to the working muscles and as a result they were forced to stop, rest, and complete the workout in small chunks of intervals interspersed with rests and long transitions. Interestingly, the total amount of work time for the athlete on top is actually slightly less than the athlete on bottom, indicating a faster rep speed, but it was so broken up so much that they ended 52 up taking over two minutes longer to finish the workout. This raises the question, Why can some athletes turn metcons into cyclical work but others cannot? The rest of this chapter will be used to answer this question, as well as to provide some practical takeaways for how we can get an athlete to make metcons more cyclical in nature based on their individual sport specific limiters. Understanding Local Muscle Fatigue Among hybrid athletes like Crossfit competitors, and mixed martial artists, local muscle endurance is a commonly cited exercise limiter. However, the cause of local muscle fatigue is poorly understood, and as a result training interventions intended to improve local muscle endurance have mixed results. One of the leading causes of local muscle fatigue is a restriction of muscle blood flow due to high intramuscular mechanical pressure. Under ordinary circumstances there are two different mechanisms by which muscle blood flow increases. During muscle contraction muscle blood flow is diminished, and during muscle relaxation blood flow increases. This process is known as active hyperemia, and it regulates blood flow on a contraction by contraction basis. Across many muscle contractions there is another process called auto-regulation that increases blood flow in response to muscle deoxygenation. Both of these processes occur simultaneously and their combined effects determine the net change in blood flow moment to moment. However, there are cases where both of these responses are blunted, thus decreasing muscle blood flow and oxygen availability. For example, when individuals employ high threshold movement strategies, contract their muscles with excessive force, or have elongated muscle relaxation times they will impede muscle blood flow, which will quickly lead to local muscle fatigue limitations and an inability to sustain work-output. The aforementioned phenomenon was observed in a study titled, Assessment of lower-back muscle fatigue using electromyography, mechanomyography, and near-infrared spectroscopy 12, where the investigators observed mechanical pressure decreasing muscle blood flow during muscle contraction due to a compression of the blood vessels. In figure twelve you’ll find a muscle blood volume measurement recorded from a biosensor placed on an athlete’s spinal erectors. At the start of muscle contraction, delineated with the leftmost arrow, the capillaries in the muscle are compressed, thus driving muscle blood volume down. Then upon the cessation of contract, marked by the right arrow, muscle blood volume returns back to baseline. When the 12 Yoshitake Y, Ue H, Miyazaki M, Moritani T (2001). Assessment of lower-back muscle fatigue using electromyography, mechanomyography, and near-infrared spectroscopy. Eur J Appl Physiol. 84: 174-179. 53 capillaries in a muscle are compressed the muscle will deoxygenate as oxygen utilization supersedes oxygen delivery. This will manifest as local muscle fatigue, which is exacerbated during high density bouts of exercise where the muscle cannot fully reoxygenate between repeated contractions. Now you know the underlying cause of local muscle fatigue. However, that still leaves the question of how an individual can improve their local muscle endurance and performance. In order to determine which protocol will be most effective for improving local muscle endurance, we need to identify the rate limiting factor for increasing muscle blood flow. For example, one athlete may have poor intramuscular coordination, resulting in a blunted active hyperemic response. Another athlete may have poor breathing mechanics and mobility, which puts excess tension on the working muscles and impairs muscle blood flow. Finally, a third athlete may lack strength in a specific movement and as a result they are contracting their muscles with such a high percentage of their maximum voluntary contraction force that they are creating an arterial occlusion. All three of these individuals will need to use different training methods to improve their local muscle endurance. In figure thirteen you’ll find an algorithm for determining the lowest hanging fruit for improving an athlete's muscular endurance. If I were to apply the algorithm in figure thirteen, I'd first start by determining if an athlete's local muscle endurance on a specific movement is limited by strength. For example, let's say an athlete is struggling with their lower back fatiguing during a Crossfit metcon with high rep thrusters at ninety-five pounds. If this load is greater than thirty to forty percent of the aforementioned athletes one rep-max front squat they may benefit from improving their absolute strength. However, if this athlete is already quite strong, it is very unlikely that additional increases in absolute strength will improve their muscular endurance. If we identify that strength 54 isn’t the limiter, I would then ask the athlete if they are able to perform ninety-five pound thrusters for high reps in isolation without their lower back fatiguing, or if they are always limited by lower back fatigue. In the former case the athlete may be limited by diaphragm muscle fatigue, which is exacerbated under fatigue when their respiration rate is elevated. In the later case I would ask the athlete if they are able to perform a thruster without any mobility restrictions. If they are unable to perform the movement without restriction they should aim to address that limitation before looking elsewhere. If they are not limited by their mobility I’d assess their breathing mechanics while doing thrusters to see if they are able to inhale with sufficient depth and exhale fully between breaths. Finally, if breathing is not an issue, I’d assess their coordination at high contraction speeds and under fatigue. After identifying an athlete’s individual limitation I would track improvements with the NNOXX biosensor to ensure they are adapting to the new training stimulus. For example, lets say the athlete is limited by strength and their one rep max front squat load is two hundred thirty-five pounds. On week one I would have them perform a set of twenty unbroken thrusters and while observing their muscle oxygenation levels. As this athlete improves their front squat strength I’d repeat the aforementioned assessment. If they are able to perform the same number of thrusters, in the same amount of time, with a higher finishing muscle oxygenation level they have lowered the metabolic cost of that movement. At some point additional gains in strength will not be accompanied by improved thruster performance, and at that point we’d look to identify a new rate limiting factor. We could also track this athlete's max unbroken set of thrusters during this process as well to ensure that it is increasing simultaneously as we train the identified limiter. 55 Chapter 8: Training Interventions For Delivery Limited Athletes When working with delivery limited athletes I break their training down into a few different sub-categories including foundations, general adaptations, tier one energy system training interventions, and tier two energy system training interventions. Starting with foundations, these are what I tend to consider to be prerequisites that need to be met before someone can start performing high volume or intensity training. Though reductionist, the three types of foundations I consider are movement capabilities, coordination, and breathing. If an athlete cannot comfortably perform all of the relevant movements for their sport, they lack coordination in said movement patterns, or they have trouble breathing with movement appropriate mechanics they need not spend time hammering out intensive energy system training. There is no sense in climbing all the way up a tree to pick the hardest to reach fruit when you can easily reach overhead and pick a few apples without exhausting much time or energy. During the writing of this book I began coaching a late stage intermediate Crossfit competitor who believed they were limited by their maximal cardiac output and their reasoning that their lower back and quadriceps always ‘blows up’ during metcons. They surmised that when performing high intensity workout the pumping capacity of their heart was not sufficient to allow for steady blood flow to the working muscles, resulting in an occlusion. However, after putting this athlete through testing and identifying their absolute power outputs, and their maximal rate of oxygen utilization, I felt fairly confident that this athlete was most limited by their ability to utilize oxygen in the extremity muscles. Yet, we can’t neglect the fact that this athlete was experiencing their lower back and quadriceps getting ‘pumped out’. So, instead of jumping to early conclusions I did a big picture assessment and one of the things I noticed early on was that this individual had an utter lack of ankle and hip mobility. As a result they would dump their torso forward anytime they were doing wall ball throws, thrusters, overhead squats, snatches, or cleans. In these cases they were using their lower back musculature to stabilize themselves, resulting in a restriction of blood flow to those issues, rapid muscle deoxygenation, and an early onset of fatigue. In this case the athlete presented with a localized delivery limitation, but it was less related to their maximal cardiac output and more so due to their inefficient movement patterns. After a few weeks of working on this athlete's mobility and movement capabilities, the ‘pumped out’ phenomenon disappeared. Had we neglected the foundations and moved straight to flashy energy system protocols we would have missed out on this straightforward, and low cost, opportunity to improve their performance. As a result, we always need to start with the fundamentals and only when these are taken care of do we move to more advanced methods of addressing delivery limitations. In addition to making sure an athlete has sufficiently mastered the basic movement 56 capabilities needed for their sport, we also need to ensure that their coordination and breathing are not limiting their ability to deliver oxygenated blood to the working muscles. The former is a particularly large concern when athletes are frequently limited from performing a greater work density due to getting ‘pumped out’ or ‘blown up’ during workout. This is a common occurrence in string, well-muscled, athletes who have a long history of strength and power training, but lack a wide base of conditioning. As muscles contract with increasing force the demand for oxygen in those muscles increases. However, that increase in the force of muscle contraction necessitates an increase in intramuscular pressure as well, which can impede blood flow. Even as little as twenty to thirty percent of an individual's maximum voluntary contraction can cause a restriction in venous outflow in some individuals. What separates the good athletes from the great athletes is how quickly they can relax between muscular contractions and restore blood flow to the working muscle. Novice athletes can contract a muscle in ~0.3 seconds and relax in about ~0.45 seconds. Elite athletes on the other hand can contract in ~0.25 seconds and relax in ~0.20 seconds. Think about that for a second - elite athletes can contract a working muscle in ~80% of the time as novice athletes, but they can relax in less than 50% of the time. So, is the separator between the two a slightly faster rate of force production, or the ability to relax between contractions much faster? If athletes who can relax quicker can clear waste products from the muscle at a faster rate, and they will have steadier blood flow and tissue oxygenation. This would constitute an improvement in intramuscular coordination, which is the coordination of motor unit recruitment and synchronization within a muscle. However, we cannot neglect intermuscular coordination, which is the coordination of multiple muscles during an activity. When athletes have phenomenal movement capabilities, intramuscular coordination, and intermuscular coordination they make movement look effortless. But, in order to maintain this fluid chain of movement, they need to master the third fundamental which is breathing. Not only is coordinated breathing a requirement for sustaining efficient movement, but being able to breath with sufficient volume and with a high enough frequency is needed to maintain cardiac output. Cyclical changes in intrathoracic pressure upon inspiration have significant effects on the cardiovascular system, partly by influencing central venous pressure, venous return and cardiac filling. This is called the 'thoracic muscle pump' or simply the 'respiratory pump'. When we take a deep breath there is an immediate decrease in intrathoracic pressure, which decreases central venous pressure. When central venous pressure decreases there is an increase in driving pressure, which promotes greater venous return. This increase in venous return then increases end-diastolic volume, stroke volume, and subsequently cardiac output. Because the cardiovascular system is a closed-circuit the same volume of blood that leaves the heart needs to enter the heart after going through our systemic circulation. Any increases in venous return will ultimately increase cardiac output. What this means is that proper breathing mechanics, depth, and frequency can be leveraged to improve venous return and cardiac output and poor breathing mechanics can have a substantial negative impact on cardiac output and subsequently performance. 57 Improving your breathing, as a skill, is essentially low hanging fruit for any athlete in a work-capacity sport. If you cannot breath in the bottom of a squat, hanging from a pullup bar, or with a barbell over your then you're leaving a lot of progress on the table. Once you master these basic skills in addition to the other fundamentals discussed in this chapter you can move on to tier one energy system training interventions for improving delivery. These include methodologies intended to elicit the following adaptations: improved blood flow and peripheral circulation, cardiovascular adaptations including increased end-diastolic volume and stroke volume, morphological changes to the heart including increased left ventricular hypertrophy, and improved cardiac-pulmonary coordination. Tier One Energy System Training Interventions The tier one energy system training interventions for delivery limited athletes can collectively be bucketed together and referred to as ‘basic endurance training’ or ‘basic delivery training’. In this subchapter I am going to lay out general guidelines for basic delivery training categories, which include D0, D1, D2, and D3 training respectively. Classically, these training categories fall under the classification of structural endurance training, though I classify them as oxygenating training due to the fact that one’s rate of oxygen delivery supersedes their rate of oxygen utilization when performing this type of work. However, there are subtle differences as to the physiological adaptations and magnitude of stress imposed by the basic delivery categories D0 to D3. The first delivery training category, D1, is a staple of many endurance training programs. The purpose of D1 training is to develop basic cardiovascular adaptations to support future training loads. When you begin exercise from rest your cardiovascular, pulmonary, and muscular system all respond to the imposed stressor, but they cannot ramp up to full capacity instantaneously. It can take a few minutes for cardiac output to rise to a meaningful degree, for blood vessels to begin dilating, and for skeletal muscle oxidative enzymes to begin catalyzing reactions. The time it takes for these processes to occur are referred to as your oxygen uptake kinetic rate, which is sped up and improved by this form of training. Additionally, performing this type of training will accelerate recovery from training by decreasing vagal tone, heart rate, and sympathetic vasoconstriction at rest, which will allow for steady blood flow to the skeletal muscle as well as a faster removal of waste products. As far as training guides go, D1 training is best done within the following constraints: 1. Long duration continuous work bouts lasting twenty minutes on the low end up to three to five hours on the high end. For powerful, heavily muscled, athletes I often advise using short intervals at a low intensity with short rests interspersed in between rather than one long continuous interval. For example, instead of doing a thirty minute row at 2:30/500m, I may have them perform a forty second row at that speed, rest for twenty seconds, and 58 repeat for forty total work sets. 2. Performed at low, sustainable, intensities. This type of training should be both easy and very tolerable. For individuals recording biometric data we may want to see heart rate values in the ballpark of 50-65% of an individual's maximum heart rate, and no blood lactate accumulation above baseline concentrations. Additionally, muscle oxygen saturation should be steadily increasing across the interval, or it should be stabilized at a local maximum. Multiple D1 training sessions can be performed in a twenty four period, or on back to back days, without negative consequences to the athlete. 3. So far as exercise selection goes, D1 training is best done using cyclical modalities including cycling, rowing, running, swimming, or skiing to name a few. This assumes an individual has the requisite skill, movement capabilities, coordination, and breathing mechanics to perform said movement without restricting blood flow to the working muscles. Example D1 Training Sessions: 60 Minute WattBike at 15-17.5% of maximum power output. Modulate power and RPM in order to reach a maximum SmO2 steady state. 3 Rounds at 50-55% of HRmax: 5:00 Row (20-24 SPM/ 5 damper) 5:00 Echo Bike 5:00 Run on Treadmill (2% incline) 60 Minute EMOM: 1st - :30 Walking Lunge 2nd - :30 Skierg 3rd - :30 Erg Bike 4th - :30 Jacob's Ladder 5th - :30 Ground based flow 6th - :30 Erg Bike *Module work rate so SmO2 never dips below 50% during work, and recovers >70% during all rest periods. Heart rate should not exceed 60% HRmax at any point. Finally, some important considerations when prescribing D1 training for athletes are as follows: 1. Performing D1 training is ‘stimulative’ in nature, whereas D2 and D3 training can be thought of ‘developmental’ due to the greater magnitude of stress imposed by the latter training categories. As a result, D1 training is best used to maintain adaptations as well as active recovery. 2. Athletes almost always overestimate their paces while performing D1 training. As a result, monitoring biometric data such as heart rate, muscle oxygen saturation, or blood lactate can be valuable for keeping intensity within check. However, when such measures are not available a simple talk test can be applied. If an individual is incapable of holding a fluid conversation during D1 training then they are working too hard. 59 3. D1 training can be used to replace D2 or D3 training during deload weeks or during training weeks where an athlete is performing a higher volume of sport specific training and may not be able to tolerate the stress imposed by higher intensity delivery training sessions. Whereas D1 training is intended to improve the cardiovascular systems function at low intensities, D2 training is used to improve the function and efficiency of the cardiovascular system at moderate intensities. The target adaptations for D2 training are to develop cardiovascular efficiency without the influence of local muscular limitations, as well as to create morphological and structural adaptations to the cardiopulmonary system and mitochondria. While D1 training is generalizable in the sense that it can play a role in any athletes training the inclusion criteria for performing D2 training is more specific since it generates more fatigue per unit of volume than D1 training. As far as training guides go, D2 training is best done within the following constraints: 1. Long duration continuous work bouts lasting between twenty minutes on the low end and one hundred eighty minutes on the high end. D2 training can also be performed in an interval format using ten to thirty minute intervals for a total of two to six sets and resting between thirty second and ninety seconds between sets. 2. Performed at moderate, sustainable, intensities. This style of training should require focus on the part of the athlete while still being tolerable. For individuals recording biometric data we should expect to see heart rate values between ~65-75% of an individual's maximum heart rate, very little blood lactate accumulation above baseline concentrations, and muscle oxygen saturation levels stabilized between roughly forty to seventy percent. For those without biometric data, D2 training should be done at ~70-75% effort and if asked an athlete should be able to speak a full sentence. 3. Multiple D2 training sessions can be done within twenty hour hours on one another, or on back to back days, with little to no negative consequences for the athlete. 4. Ideally, D2 training is done using cyclical modalities such as rowing, cycling, or running. However, other regional and global movements such as kettlebell swings, burpees, and thrusters, for example, can be implemented as well. In these instances the total repetition counts, cycle time, and loading of these movements all need to be tightly monitored so as to not cause any restrictions of blood flow to the skeletal muscle or excess local muscle deoxygenation. 60 Example D2 Training Sessions: 20 Minute WattBike at 40-55% SmO2 holding as high of a wattage as possible while staying in this range x4 Sets, Rest 1:30 between sets. 30 Minute Row at 65-75% maximum heart rate (5 damper). Hold as high of an output as possible while staying in this HR range. If power output needs to drop by more than 10% to stay within this range then stop, rest for up to ninety seconds, and then resume your workout. 5 Rounds at 70-75% effort: 500m Row (5 damper) 6-12 UB Thruster (95lb) 6-12 Bar Facing Burpee 1 Mile Echo Bike *You should be able to speak in full sentences on the Row/ Echo Bike. If you experience any local muscle burning between six and twelve reps on the thruster or BFB cut the set and go on to the next movement. Additional considerations when prescribing D2 training for athletes are as follows: 1. An important factor when programming D2 training is that the goal is to elicit cardiopulmonary adaptations with as little recovery cost as possible. In other words, we want a high stimulus to fatigue ratio. 2. Some athletes will be able to use running as a trainable modality here, while others may see their heart rate jump out of the desired range, or their muscle oxygen saturation plummet to undesirable levels, too quickly. In these cases the athlete should either select a different cyclical modality, or start with shorter running intervals and build up their intraset duration over time. The same concept applies when adding regional and global movements like thrusters, burpees, and pullups to D2 training intervals. 3. As with D1 training, heart rate, muscle oxygen saturation, and blood lactate monitoring can all be invaluable tools for ensuring athletes properly regulate their intensity. It can be mentally challenging for athletes unaccustomed to these types of sessions to work at such low relative power outputs. Having objective data to help regulate an athlete's output can help an athlete pull back on the reins until they are fit enough to work at faster paces without outstripping their oxygen supply or until they get a feel for this type of training. 4. For advanced athletes with a history of performing long duration steady state training, D2 training can replace the bulk of D1 training that is regularly prescribed to them. The final delivery training category, D3, has the highest relative intensity associated with it than all of the other delivery training categories. Whereas the goals of D1 and D2 training are to improve the efficiency of the cardiovascular system and low to moderate intensities, D3 training improves the efficiency of the cardiovascular system at moderate to moderately high intensities. D3 training can also be used to improve an individual's ability to tolerate greater volumes of high intensity training, and as a result it’s often used as a bridge between basic endurance work and higher intensity threshold and VO2max style training. My guidelines for performing D3 training 61 are as follows: 1. Medium to long duration continuous work bouts lasting between fifteen minutes to sixty minutes. D3 training can also be performed in an interval format using sixty second to ten minute long intervals resting between half as long as the interval duration upto the same length as the interval duration. 2. Performed at moderate to moderate high, sustainable, intensities. This style of training ranges from moderate to hard, but it should remain tolerable throughout. For individuals recording biometric data we should expect to see heart rate values between ~75-85% of an individual's maximum heart rate, little blood lactate accumulation above baseline concentrations, and muscle oxygen saturation levels stabilized between roughly thirty to fifty percent. For those without biometric data, D3 training should be done at ~75-85% effort and if asked an athlete should be able to speak five words without gasping for breath afterwards. 3. D3 training sessions can be done within twenty hour hours on one another with little negative consequence, though they should not be performed with this frequency on a regular basis. This style of training is not as physically demanding as threshold or VO2max style training, but it still poses a meaningful recovery demand on the athlete. 4. Unlike the other delivery training categories, D3 training can be performed equally well using both cyclical and mixed modalities. However, this assumes an individual can maintain a high cycle rate and turnover while employing mixed movements. Most global movements can elicit an appropriate training response during D3 sessions and some regional movements can be utilized as well as long as they are paired with cyclical movements to ensure that local muscular endurance limitations do not occur. Example D3 Training Sessions: 6 Minute WattBike at 35-45% SmO2 holding as high of a wattage as possible while staying in this range x5 Sets, Rest 3:00 between sets. 60 Minute Run at 75-80% maximum heart rate. Hold as high of an output as possible while staying in this HR range. If average speed needs to drop by more than 10 second/ mile to stay within this range then stop, rest for up to three minutes, and then resume your workout. 5 Sets at ~80% effort: 15 Wall Balls (20lb) 12 Toes to Bar 30 Double Unders 750m Row Rest 4:30 Between Sets Additional considerations when prescribing D2 training for athletes are as follows: 1. The most important consideration when writing D3 training is that the goal is to improve an athlete’s tolerance to higher intensity training and to seamlessly bridge the gap 62 between lower intensity delivery training and threshold or VO2max training. 2. Often athletes push too hard on D3 training and have a challenging time straddling the line between the upper end of sustainable power outputs and unsustainable power outputs. As a result biometric data can be useful for objectively determining the ‘goldilocks’ range of power outputs that are not too low, or too high, but just right. 3. For those familiar with the MAP model of energy system training, that entire model fits within the D3 training category. I mention this to help reconcile your current knowledge base with what I am presenting here. Before moving on to tier two delivery training interventions there is one last basic delivery training category to cover. D0 training is unlike all of the other delivery training categories in that it is not intended to produce a target adaptation. The purpose of D0 training is to stimulate the lymphatic system, reach a maximal oxygen saturation in the working muscle, and drive the body into a parasympathetic state, all with the goal of accelerating recovery and bolstering the body's restorative capabilities. In essence, D0 is similar in many facets to D1, but it differs in one major way which is that D0 is performed at a local maximal muscle oxygen saturation level. This means that the intensity used needs to be kept within a very tight range, which is achieved with a Moxy muscle oxygenation monitor. In order to elicit maximal oxygenation in the muscle tissue blood volume needs to be elevated, which requires a degree of intensity, but if taken too far muscle oxygen saturation will start to decrease. As a result, D0 training requires one to ride a fine line. Tier Two Energy System Training Interventions Imagine you are coaching a strength athlete, and they come to you with the goal of driving their one rep max back squat up. There are plenty of effective strategies we can employ in this athletes program to get the job done, but ultimately if we were to distill this program down to its most basic components we’d likely have this athlete doing some combination of assistance exercise and heavy squat training. I can’t think of any coaches who would make the mistake of filling this athletes program with single leg exercises, leg extensions, and hamstring curls, but neglecting heavy squat training entirely. Yet, coaches often make that mistake when aiming to improve a delivery limited athlete's performance. Long slow distance training and high volumes of ‘zone two’ training without higher intensity training inputs are akin to training leg extensions and leg curls, but neglecting to squat heavy. In essence, the tier two energy system training interventions for delivery limited athletes are the ‘heavy squats’ that accompany the tier one delivery training interventions, which are the ‘assistance work’ in this analogy. Generally, my tier two energy system training interventions are either composed of combo workouts or blended workouts. Combo workouts are when two or more workout intensities are performed within a single session. Blended workouts, on the other hand, are when two or more training intensities hit within a single interval or work bout. Most programs abruptly move from one intensity to another over the course of a training phase, and the use of blended workouts helps to integrate training in a more seamless fashion. Blended workouts can also be used to target specific physiological adaptations, or systems, as a means of addressing certain 63 limitations. Let’s say we had a delivery limited athlete who’s best 2,000m row performance is seven minutes flat, which averages out to 1:45/500m. If we had this athlete use a traditional interval structure where they perform 500m repeats at their 2,000m row pace, their rate of oxygen utilization would quickly outstrip their oxygen supply and they would perform the majority of the intervals in a hypoxic state. This is fine when the goal is to peak or prepare for a competition, but it is hardly an effective means for improving their energetic limiter. Instead we would want to use a gradual desaturation interval structure where we gradually build in pace at a rate where oxygen supply matches oxygen utilization. For example, we could have them do a 500m row repeat where they build in speed every 100m starting at a 1:55/500m split and cutting the pace down every 100m to 1:50/500, 1:45/500m, 1:40/500m, and 1:35/500m. If you calculate the average speed of this interval, it still comes out to 1:45/500m, but the adaptation is quite different from the traditional interval structure. Additionally, if you were recording NIRS data, you would find that the correlation between muscle oxygen saturation and total hemoglobin is inverse-linear in the latter workout example (-0.9 to -1), whereas it will be much weaker in the former example (-0.2 to -0.7). This indicates that the THb signal in the former example is primarily influenced by hypoxic vasodilation during gradual desaturation training, where it is dominated by occlusion and sympathetic vasoconstriction during traditional intervals meaning that oxygen supply and utilization are not being effectively coupled in the latter scenario. In essence, this is one of the reasons why tempo runs are such a valuable tool for middle distance and long distance runners. Example Cyclical Sessions: 1k Row building from 2k PR pace -10 seconds ---> 2k PR pace across the interval. Rest to recovery x6 work sets. Gradually build in speed so you’re pulling 2k PR pace -5 seconds at the 500m mark, then over the last 500m drop the pace down to 2k PR pace. 20 Minute WattBike building from 50% effort to 85% over the course of the interval. At the ~10 minute mark you should be roughly at your FTP pace, then the last 3-5 minutes should be hard, but tolerable. If you’re holding composure and not experiencing any pooling of blood in the last 1-2 minutes you can finish with a strong surge. 6 Minute Echo Bike Rest 4:00 x4 Sets *Start each interval at 225 watts and gradually increase in speed across the interval such that you’re finishing with your SmO2 between 25-35%. There is some gamification that will happen here. You can trace out 6:00 on the screen and try to impact what a linear desaturation trend will look like, and then modulate your pace in live time to achieve that. While it is recommended that blended energy system training protocols aimed at improving delivery are done cyclically, advanced mixed sport athletes can benefit immensely from doing them in a mixed modal format. However, this requires a high degree of cardiopulmonary development to ensure that the muscular contractions from regional and global 64 movements do not create outflow restrictions, which will decrease venous return and impair cardiac output. It should also be noted that these protocols are best done by alternating between upper and lower body movements to challenge blood pressure regulation and the ability to redistribute cardiac output between involved and non-involved muscle groups. Example Mixed Sessions: 3:00 Minute Assault Bike building from 50-85% of HRmax. No rest, straight into…. 15 cal Skierg 20 Unbroken Wall Ball (20lb) 15 Unbroken CTB Pullup 400m Run Rest 4-6 Minutes x4 Sets *Alter the order of movements each set, while adhering to the upper-lower alternation pattern. 10:00 AMRAP With Spectrum Pacing: 10 Thruster (95#) 10 Bar Facing Burpee 10 Toes to Bar 20 cal Echo Bike (Rest 10:00) X2 Sets *First ~2:00-2:30 at ~75% effort gradually building in effort across the workout such that you’re hitting an ~85% effort at around the 6:00-7:00 mark, and finishing the last 1:00-2:00 at ~90-95% effort intensity. 2:00 AMRAP: 5 OHS (95#) 5 Lateral Bar Burpee 5 Toes to Bar 6 BJ Step Down (24”) 12 cal Row (Rest 1:00) x8-10 Sets *Pick up each set where the previous left off. This should not be a hard effort - the goal here is to focus on movement quality, rhythmic breathing, and deliberate transitions. Move from one station to the next at a steady pace. This should feel like a ~275-300 watt echo bike (for an advanced athlete) where you’re just cruising along steadily. Reference Charts When prescribing energy system training the two questions I always ask myself are: 1. What result am I trying to achieve with this session? 2. What style of training will best facilitate me achieving said result? Figure fourteen is intended to take the guessing out of this question for you. On the top of the chart we have a multitude of different physiologic adaptations to adaptations to energy system training and on the left hand side we have our four basic delivery training categories listed out. Next to each energy system training category you will see boxes with ‘X’s’ 65 corresponding to a range of different adaptations. The number of ‘X’s’ represents the magnitude of adaptation for a given dose of training. The more ‘X’s’, the greater the magnitude of adaptation is conferred by that form of training. Chapter 9: Training Interventions For Respiratory Limited Athletes As with training delivery limited athletes, we can also sub-categorize respiratory limited 66 athletes training into a handful of classifications including foundations, tier one energy system training interventions, and tier two energy system training interventions. When I think about the foundations for improving a respiratory limited athlete's performance, the first things that come to mind are structural foundations. The reason when anatomy and physiology are traditionally paired together in higher education curricula is that anatomical structures dictate physiological functions. The four primary structural points I’m concerned with for respiratory limited athletes are the position of the pelvis, the position of the thoracic spine, the orientation of the ribcage, and the width of the infrasternal angle of the ribcage. Addressing the structural foundations need not be overly complicated and there are plenty of resources for navigating this area. However, we do need to consider the fact that there is a ‘chicken or egg’ relationship between said structural limitations and respiratory muscle strength. For example, some athletes who are stuck in thoracic extension may be in that position because they have an expiratory muscle strength limitation. In these cases they present with a hyperinflation pattern, which is a state of excess inhalation with inadequate exhalation. This hyperinflated pattern can be asymmetric or symmetric. In the former scenario it’s common for the left side of the rib-cage to be more flared out than the right side, whereas in the latter scenario both sides of the rib cage are flared out. This is a case where function, specifically strength, impacts structure. On the other hand, we can have a scenario where structure impacts functions, which is the case when a kyphotic athlete presents with an inspiratory muscle weakness. After addressing the aforementioned foundational structures, I start to think about how these structures move as well as the capacity of these structures. Collectively, this compromises the functional foundations for respiratory limited athletes. These functional foundations include the strength of inspiratory and expiratory muscles including the diaphragm, external obliques, and abdominal muscles. These functional foundations alone include the fatigue resistance of the respiratory muscles, breathing coordination, as well as the ability to breath with an optimal depth and frequency in sport specific movement patterns and scenarios. Once these structural and functional prerequisites are met a respiratory limited athlete can begin redistributing their training volume to spend more time on tier one and tier two energy system training interventions. These include methodologies intended to elicit the following adaptations: improved capacity and efficiency of the cardiopulmonary system, improved respiratory muscle strength and endurance, increased VO2max, and increased output at one’s maximum metabolic steady state. Tier One Energy System Training Interventions The tier one energy system training interventions for respiratory limited athletes can collectively be bucketed together and referred to as balanced delivery and utilization training. In this subchapter I am going to lay out general guidelines for balanced delivery and utilization 67 training categories, which include B1 and B2 training respectively. Classically B1 and B2 training would be referred to as threshold and VO2max style training and would fall under the umbrella of functional endurance training or maximal aerobic endurance training because these categories comprise the highest intensities that can elicited before oxygen utilization begins to outstrip oxygen supply. Any time we discuss compartmentalized energy system training categories we are really drawing proverbial lines in the sand. In truth, these different categories lie on different areas of the spectrum between very low intensities when we are delivering oxygen at a much faster rate than it is utilized up to very high intensities where oxygen utilization greatly supersedes oxygen supply. Practically, B1 and B2 training fall somewhere in the middle of this spectrum where oxygen delivery and utilization are closely matched to one another. The difference between said categories is that B2 training is done at the highest output that can be achieved before oxygen utilization begins to outstrio oxygen supply whereas B1 training is done at a slightly lower intensity than that. Traditionally B1 training is referred to as threshold training. The purpose of B1 training is to decrease the amount of lactate that accumulates above baseline concentrations while working at moderate to high intensities, increase the rate of lactate transport and consumption, as well as to create an individual's power output that can be sustained before they begin to utilize oxygen at a faster rate than it can be supplied to the skeletal muscle. Typically athletes whose sports require them to operate above or near their critical power for an extended period of time, whether that is in one continuous effort or multiple repeated efforts, can benefit from B1 training. This includes field sport athletes, middle to long distance endurance athletes, and mixed sport athletes like Crossfit competitors. My guidelines for performing B1 training are as follows: 1. B1 training is best completed in an interval format using roughly forty second to ten minute long intervals and resting between one fourth as long as the interval duration upto the same length as the interval duration. However, B1 training can also be performed in a continuous format with work bouts lasting between ten to forty five minutes. 2. Performed at high, but tolerable, intensities. This style of training is hard, but should be sustainable for extended durations. For individuals recording biometric data we should expect to see heart rate values between ~85-90% of an individual's maximum heart rate, small to moderate blood lactate accumulation above baseline concentrations, and muscle oxygen saturation levels stabilized between roughly thirty to forty percent. For those without biometric data, B1 training should be done at ~85-90% effort and if asked an athlete should be able to speak three to four words without gasping for breath afterwards. 3. B1 training is much more demanding than any of the basic delivery training categories, 68 and as a result roughly forty eight hours are needed for optimal recovery between B1 training sessions. 4. As with D3 training, B1 training can be performed equally well using both cyclical and mixed modalities. However, this assumes an individual can maintain a high cycle rate and turnover while employing mixed movements and that they can tolerate high contraction volumes of these movements without accruing meaningful muscle damage. The majority of global movements can elicit an appropriate training response during B1 sessions, but the loads will need to be scaled appropriately to ensure that local tissues are not overloaded. Regional movements, like kipping pull ups or push presses, can also be used during B1 training sessions as long as they are combined with a cyclic modality to ensure local muscular endurance limitations do not occur. Example B1 Training Sessions: 1k Row at 30-40% SmO2 holding as high a wattage as possible while staying within this range and maintaining a Delta ΔSmO2 of 0% per second. Rest = ½ Work x6 Sets. 40 Minute Wattbike at 85-87% of maximum heart rate. Hold as high of an output as possible while staying in this HR range. If sustained power needs to drop by more than 8-10% to stay within this range then stop, rest for up to three minutes, and then resume your workout. 6:00 AMRAP at 85-90% effort: 20 cal Echo Bike 12 KBS (24kg) 14 Wall Ball Throws (20lb) 10 Burpee (Rest 4:00) X3 Sets, picking up each where the previous one left off. Additional considerations when prescribing B1 training for athletes are as follows: 1. The goal is B1 training to increase the power output or pace that an athlete can sustain before their oxygen demand supersedes their oxygen supply. Many athletes will have a tendency to push this type of training too hard to the extent that they ‘spillover’ into an unsustainable intensity domain. As a result, monitoring biometric data can be extremely useful for helping athletes regulate their work rates. 2. As athletes become more advanced, and accustomed to this form of work, you can decrease the rest times below ½ their work time to further challenge their ability to match their rate of lactate transport and consumption with lactate production. Elite swimmers are able to perform thirty to sixty minute B1 training sessions with no more than twenty second rest periods interspersed throughout the workout. 3. The amount of fatigue generated per unit of stimulus for B1 training is quite high, and as 69 a result this style of training needs to be used sparingly. Additionally, this form of training has a tendency to lower active muscle tension, so it must be implemented in a strategic manner when working with mixed sport athletes who are not only trying to train their energetic limiters, but are also required to perform resistance training throughout the training week. The second, and final, tier one training category for respiratory limited athletes is B2 training, which is often referred to as maximal aerobic endurance training or VO2max style training. This type of training can be utilized for a wide range of athletes including track and field competitors, field sport athletes, mixed martial artists, and crossfit competitors. In fact, this training quality will be one of the primary ceilings for performance in 1,600m to 5,000m running specialists as well as open level Crossfit athletes. My guidelines for performing B2 training are as follows: 1. B2 training is best done in an interval format with set durations lasting between thirty seconds to ten minutes. The rest intervals between intervals should be complete, and approximately matched to the previous sets work time. 2. B2 Training should be done at a very high, to near maximal, intensity for the interval duration. This style of training is very challenging, and uncomfortable to sustain for the interval duration. For individuals recording biometric data we should expect to see heart rate values between ~90-95% of an individual's maximum heart rate, moderate blood lactate accumulation above baseline concentrations later into the workout, and muscle oxygen saturation levels stabilized between roughly twenty to forty percent. For those without biometric data, B1 training should be done at ~90-95% effort and if asked an athlete should be able to speak two to three words without gasping for breath afterwards. 3. While B2 training is not performed at a maximal effort, it is quite taxing on athletes both physically and mentally. As a result, it is advised that athletes do not complete this form of training more than once every seventy two hours. However, there are times of the year when this may not be avoidable as is the case during a pre competition phase for a Crossfit athlete or during championship racing season for a middle distance training and field competitor. 4. B 2 Training is most effective when performed in a cyclical modality, however advanced athletes may be able to combine cyclical and mixed elements effectively and still get the appropriate training response. Most global movements can elicit an appropriate training response as long as an athlete can maintain a very movement cycle rate with a high relative power output. If the load gets too heavy or if an athlete is forced to rest due to a local muscular endurance limitation then the relative intensity will drop too low to be 70 effective. Example B2 Training Sessions: 60 second WattBike at 125-130% of FTP pace, Rest 60 seconds x15 work sets. *If SmO2 drops below 15% on any of these work sets, or cannot recover above your resting baseline, then reduce your loading by 10%. 1,000m Row at 90% effort, Rest = Work x4-6 Sets. Note your finishing heart rate and SpO2 on all work intervals. If HRmax exceeds 95% and/or SpO2 drops below 94%, end the workout. 5:00 AMRAP at 92.5-95% effort: 8 Thruster (95lb) 10 Lateral Bar Burpee 18 cal Skierg (Rest 5:00) x3 Sets Additional considerations when prescribing B2 training for athletes are as follows: 1. This style of training is extremely potent. Most athletes will see benefits from 1-2 exposure per week at most, and this style of training should not be performed year round. 2. Rest intervals should be held close to 1:1 or 2:1 work to rest. It’s important to rest enough such that power output can be sustained from set to set without meaningful deterioration. Tier Two Energy System Training Interventions One of the most important considerations I take into account when training respiratory limited athletes is that the amount of work accumulated at a high percentage of their peak oxygen consumption is a primary determinant of performance. However, the amount of training volume that an athlete’s muscles, bones, and joints can tolerate week after week is finite, which puts a limit on how much work they can conceivably do at a high percentage of their peak oxygen consumption. This is especially true in mixed sport athletes who can only dedicate so much time to performing energy system training given all of the other sport specific qualities that need to be trained year round. As a result, it’s crucial that we find ways to elicit these adaptations with as little volume as is necessary to do so. One way to add training precision is by manipulating intrainterval pacing structures to stress some systems more than others. For example, let’s say we had a respiratory limited athlete, and we wanted to train at a high percentage of their VO2peak. We could either have them do a traditional interval training session where they complete a series of fixed pace intervals or we can use a ‘hard start’ interval method. The latter entails starting at a very fast pace and descending in speed across the interval. Numerous studies have shown that hard start intervals induce higher mean oxygen consumption levels than traditional interval structures despite similar average speeds, indicating that hard start intervals are a good strategy for interval sessions aiming to accumulate more time at a high percentage of VO2peak with less wear and tear. Practically, this could entrail replacing fixed pace 500m rowing intervals where the average pace 71 equals 1:40/500m for a 500m rowing interval where an athlete perform the first 125m at 1:34/500m, the next 125m segment at 1:38/500m, and the next two 125m segments at 1:42/500m and 1:46/500m respectively. In addition to hard start interval methods, we can also utilize blended energy system training protocols designed to stress the respiratory system in a more targeted fashion, as demonstrated with the workout examples below. Example Cyclical Sessions: NNOXX Guided: Row @1:32/500m (+/- 1 second) until SmO2 stops declining and starts to level out at the same %. Rest until SmO2 stops going up and reaches a recovery baseline. Repeat x2-5 total times. 500m Row @decreasing speed every 125m (1:32-1:36-1:40-1:44/500m). Rest 2:00 x6 Sets Auto-Regulated: Row - as long as "comfortable" @~5-10 seconds faster than 2k pace. Rest for 2:00 in a quadruped position focusing on breathing mechanics and coordination. Rest to recovery x2-4 sets. I want you hitting your respiratory threshold on each of these repeats, sitting there until you start to feel either local fatigue or HR/breathing are reaching the limit of control and then resting until you're ready to repeat the same effort agai 6:00 WattBike at FTP pace (+/- 15 watts), Rest 4:00-6:00 x4-6 Sets. Start with what feels like normal relaxed breathing for this effort. If you feel like you're not getting enough air in, then aim to increase your respiratory rate (RR) while maintaining your depth of inhale and exhale.Over time we can push the intensity and get you comfortable breathing at high RR's while maintaining depth. In addition to the aforementioned tier two energy system training interventions, respiratory limited athletes can also benefit from using respiratory muscle trainers such as the Spirotiger or Idiag-P100. Strength Endurance Coordination 72 Set the ST or P100 to a respiration rate of 0 breaths/ min so you can concentrate on the depth of breathing instead of speed or frequency. Complete 3-5 sets of 5 minutes w/ a 5 min rest b/w sets using 75-80% of FVC6. Inhale and exhale maximally at a comfortable frequency focusing on expelling all air on the exhale. The only metrics on the device of concern are balancing gas exchange and depth of inhales/ exhales, not speed. Once an athlete can comfortably complete this they will do the same workout with a RF of 10-20 breaths/ minute; and they can progress this workout by adding breaths per min while maintaining depth of breath, reps, sets, and rest periods. It is recommended that this is performed 1-2x/week, but not before a heavy strength training session. A simple progression would be to start with 10-15 minutes of non stop breathing w/ a 20 breath per minute respiratory frequency at 50% of FVC6. I'd have the athlete do this 2-3x/ week, and every 4-6 sessions I'd increase the time by 5 minutes. Once an athlete can comfortably do 30 minutes at that respiratory frequency, I drop them back down to 10-15 minutes and up the breath frequency by 5 per minute and then progress forward by increasing time. After continuously progressing this workout until the athlete can complete 40 breaths/ minute for an entire 30 minutes I would then increase the bag size by .5-1L and begin the process from step one. If an athlete is not trained enough for the initial step 1 of this progression, then I would start them with 1-5 minute intervals at 20 breaths/ min with 50% of their vital capacity and build up from there. Use a spiro bag measuring roughly 30% of FVC6. On week 1 start with 20 breaths for 5 minutes to establish a baseline, then make a pyramid w/1 minute steps going up by 5 breaths/ min until you cannot complete a set. So, for example.... 5 Min @20 RF 1 Min @25 RF 1 Min @30 RF 1 Min @35 RF 1 Min @40 RF (Failure) Then work down the pyramid as you came 1 Min @35 RF 1 Min @30 RF 1 Min @25 RF 5 Min @20 RF Once you can reach 40 breaths/ minute comfortably and work back down without an issue then you can start with 5 minutes @25 RF, and work in one minute steps upto 45RF and back down the pyramid and so forth. Reference Charts Chapter 10: Training Interventions For Utilization Limited Athletes 73 Before discussing training interventions for utilization limited athletes it’s important to acknowledge that the underlying causes of utilization limitations are quite broad, and as a result we cannot have once catch all set of foundational components that need to be addressed for these individuals. For example, a lack of mitochondrial density, a disruption to the normal muscle fiber structure following injury, changes in intramuscular and intermuscular coordination, chronic overtraining, and a left shift in the hemoglobin dissociation curve from hypocapnic breathing can all impair skeletal muscle oxygen extraction. In order to reconcile this, I suggest we zoom in on mitochondrial density as that will have a meaningful impact on both the magnitude of oxygen extraction, as well as the rate. Additionally, that falls within the sphere of influence of coaches, whereas some of the other contributing factors for utilization limitations are less easily assessed and influenced without bringing other trained professionals into the fold. What I find interesting about training utilization limited athletes is how tightly changes in their physiology are linked to improvements in performance. Assuming a utilization limited athlete is not overtrained or injured, the primary adaptations they’ll want to target in their training are increased mitochondrial density, increased enzyme concentrations, improved coordination and recruitment, and increased metabolic oxygen utilization. With a quick internet search, you can look up any of these key terms and find a host of protocols that claim to improve mitochondrial biogenesis. However, I’m always skeptical when I see cookie cutter protocols and programs that claim to elicit a highly specific adaptation without any instruction for how to adapt the program to the individual or any inbuilt autoregulatory components. There are plenty of protocols that should elicit a given adaptation in theory. They may even consistently improve performance. However, we don’t always have a reliable way of knowing how and why they lead to performance improvements. As a coach, or athlete, you may not even care why something works, as long as it does work, but there’s a good argument to be made for why you should care. At some point you're bound to encounter an athlete who doesn't respond to cookie-cutter training protocols. If you don’t understand what that individual's underlying limitations are and how to target that specific limiter effectively you may be at a loss for how to modify their training. In that scenario you can throw your hands in the air and tell them they’re a non-responder, or you can select another protocol at random and throw darts at the board with a blindfold on. Alternatively, you can use the process of inductive reasoning to come up with an educated guess as to what they need, then follow that hypothesis to its natural conclusion and put it to the test. 74 A low cost way to better understand the effect of your training methods and how they relate to increases in performance is through basic statistical methods. In figure sixteen we have a tactical athlete’s rate of change of muscle oxygen saturation recorded with a NNOXX biosensor, termed ΔSmO2, plotted against maximum power output on the Echo Bike over a 36-week training period. ΔSmO2 clues us into the balance between oxygen supply and demand — the more negative ΔSmO2 becomes, the greater skeletal muscle oxygen extraction is relative to skeletal muscle oxygen supply. When I began coaching the athlete whose data we can observe above, we identified that their maximal rate of oxygen extraction and utilization was a primary limiting factor for increasing their VO2max. Additionally, through speed preservation testing we determined that they needed to improve their maximum sprint speed (MSS) while maintaining their ability to preserve a fixed % of MSS over a set distance. My hypothesis is that these energetic limitations and sport specific limitations had a common cause. In testing we found that this individual's maximum rate of oxygen extraction was 4.5% SmO2 per second and that their maximum sprint speed on the echo bike was 1,315 watts. Over thirty six weeks of training we had them repeat the exact same training protocol and we tracked the highest power output elicited in that session as well as the most negative ΔSmO2 value. In figure sixteen you can see these data points plotted against one another. Over the thirty six week training period we saw a 31% increase in maximum oxygen extraction and a 20% increase in maximum power output. But, the real kicker is that when we calculated the correlation between their ΔSmO2 and maximum power output trends we saw an inverse linear relationship between changes in oxygen extraction and changes in power output. In other words, for every increase in oxygen extraction and utilization we saw a proportional increase in maximum power output. Furthermore, when we calculated the correlation between their training progress on a weekly basis and their increase in power output the correlation coefficient was +0.84. Collectively, these data points give us a strong understanding of how the protocol we used works, how it changes the individual’s underlying physiology, and how it relates to increases in performance. 75 In order to confirm that these findings extrapolate to a larger population, I then recruited 21 subjects to perform a six week exercise trial where they performed the same repeat desaturation training session weekly and we tracked percent changes in maximum power output and ΔSmO2. You can find the data from that experiment in figure seventeen, which shows a strong correlation between changes in maximal oxygen extraction and increase in power output such that the individuals with the greater percent change in ΔSmO2 also had the greatest increase in maximal power output. In another instance I had an athlete who wanted to improve their performance on a 30-second Echo Bike for max calories. After assessing this athlete we determined that they need to improve their maximal power output to get better at this test since they were holding a very high percentage of their maximal sprint speed already. Additionally, we found this athlete was limited by their rate of oxygen utilization. Over a ten week period we had this athlete complete one developmental U2 training session as well as a 30-second Echo Bike test. In figure eighteen you'll find their five most negative ΔSmO2 values captured during their U2 training sessions plotted against their performance on the 30-second Echo Bike test. Over the ten week training period they consistently hit more negative ΔSmO2 values, and they also improve their score on the Echo Bike test nearly every week. When calculating the correlation coefficient between ΔSmO2 and performance, I got a value of -0.97. This tells me that the training intervention not only yielded the correct physiological outcome, which is an increase in the rate of maximal oxygen extraction, but also that this physiologic change drove the desired performance outcome. Now imagine that you apply these concepts to the bulk of your training protocols and you have a streamlined system for identifying an individual's limiters — rather than guessing what protocols to use when, you can create a surgical system for spotting and training limitations. Tier One Training Interventions 76 In this subchapter I'm going to discuss the tier one energy system training interventions for utilization limited athletes, which include U1 and U2 training respectively. Traditionally these two training categories would be referred to as ‘anaerobic lactic endurance’ training and ‘alactic power’ training, though it should be understood that these terms are misnomers given that oxygen and lactate are both part of the energy transduction process at all times. U1 and U2 training can both be used to increase one’s magnitude and rate of oxygen utilization in the skeletal muscle which we can juxtapose to the basic delivery training categories, D1 to D3, that improve one’s rate of oxygen delivery. Consequently, U1 and U2 training are referred to as deoxygenating training. U1 training has traditionally been referred to as lactic endurance training in Crossfit, anaerobic power endurance training in strength and conditioning circles, or purple training in swimming. If you have ever done this type of training the purple designation will make intuitive sense as that is the color you’d expect your face to be after completing a U1 training session. The target adaptations for U1 training are improved tolerance to high levels of acidosis, increased intramuscular and systemic buffering capacity, and an extension of the amount of time one can operate with lowered muscle oxygen saturation levels. Examples of athletes who may benefit from this type of training are elite Crossfit competitors preparing for a sanctional event, one hundred to two hundred meter swimmers who need to be able to preserve a high percentage of their max sprint speed for an extended duration, or elite eight hundred meter runners. My general guidelines for performing U2 training are as follows: 1. U1 training is best completed in an interval format using forty second to one hundred eight second long intervals and resting between three and twelve minutes between work intervals. However, U1 training can also be performed in a continuous format with a single work bout lasting between three and fifteen minutes. It should be noted that athletes with poor delivery may not tolerate this style of work and will need longer than average rest periods between sets whereas athletes who lack absolute power will get a subpar stimulus from this style of training. 2. U1 training should be performed at a maximal or near maximal exertion level. This style of training is exceptionally difficult and athletes will often develop a fear or distaste for this style of training. For individuals recording biometric data we should expect to see heart rate values between ~95-100% of an individual's maximum heart rate, moderate to high blood lactate level, and muscle oxygen saturation levels that are rapidly declining or stabilized between roughly 5 to twenty percent. For those without biometric data, U1 training should be done at ~95-100% effort and if asked an athlete should only be able to speak in one to three word sentences before it disrupts their sense of composure. 77 3. U1 training poses the greatest recovery demand compared to all of the other tier one energy system training categories. As a result, it’s recommended that this style of training is not performed more than once per week, and that it is not performed for more than three to six consecutive weeks. 4. Cyclical modalities are most effective when performing U1 training sessions. However, most global movements can elicit an appropriate training response assuming a near maximal cycle speed can be maintained and power output stays relatively high. Regional and local movements for U1 training due to the fact that they do not elicit a great enough whole body energy demand. Example U1 Sessions: Row; open up with a hard start at 85-90% of MSS, then once SmO2 reaches a nadir hold steady until you cannot maintain that power output without biomechanical or cardiorespiratory compensation. Rest until SmO2 is at and/or above your recovery baseline for 4-6 minutes, then repeat for a total of three work sets. 200m Run at 95% effort Rest 3:00 x4 Sets (Rest 10:00) x2 Series For Time: 20 Unbroken Thruster (95-115 lb) -No more than :05 in transit15 Chest to Bar Pullups AFAP -No more than :05 in transit20 cal Echo Bike (Rest 10:00-12:00) x3 work sets The most important things to keep in mind when prescribing U1 training sessions are as follows: 1. This style of training is exceptionally stressful to athletes, both mentally and physically. As a result, it should be used sparingly in an athletes training program, if used at all. For most athletes I would advise against performing more than one U1 training session per week, and I would limit a progressive structure to 3-4 weeks in most cases. 2. Rest intervals should provide ample recovery so that an individual can maintain similar power outputs across repeats. If training quality begins to deteriorate it’s recommended that the rest duration is extended, or that the session is terminated early. The final tier one energy system training category is U2, which is traditionally referred to as ‘alactic power’ training. It should be noted that this term is a misnomer, because lactate is certainly generated while performing this style of training. However, it tends to be consumed at a relatively fast rate as well, which is why measured blood lactate concentrations will appear low when performing this style of work. The target adaptations for U2 training are an increased rate of oxygen utilization, increased recruitment of fast twitch muscle fibers, increased mitochondrial density, and increased maximal power output. Examples of athletes who can benefit from this style of training are Crossfit competitors who are enduring, but lack absolute power, two hundred meter runners who need to improve their top end speed, or field speed athletes who have to cover 78 short distances in the fastest possible amount of time. As far as training guides go, U2 training is best done within the following constraints: 1. Very short work bouts lasting between five to twenty seconds with long, complete, rest periods between sets. 2. U2 training should be performed at a maximal intensity. While this style of training is hard, the short time durations and extended rest periods make it quite tolerable for most individuals. For those monitoring biometric data, muscle oxygen saturation levels should reach personal minimum thresholds when performing this style of work. Heart rate is not an applicable metric during this style of training, and while high levels of lactate are produced during this style of work the complete rest periods allow for clearance rates to exceed production. Thus, making blood lactate measurements an ineffective monitoring technique for this style of training. 3. Most individuals need forty eight hours or more to recover from U2 training, though some advanced athletes may require a longer period of time between training sessions. 4. U2 training is best done with specific cyclical modalities including running, sled pushing, and cycling. Example U2 Sessions: 10 second Echo Bike at 100% Every 4:00 for 16:00-20:00: effort, Rest 2:00 x6-8 Sets 15 second Sled Pushup with a light to moderate load at 100% effort (maintaining a maximal turnover rate) 20m building to a maximal sprint speed followed by 20-40m of sprinting at maximal velocity. Rest 3-5 minutes between sets x4-8 total work sets on the day based on your ability to maintain maximal power output. The most important considerations when performing U2 training are two fold: 1. Most athletes will feel the urge to cut their rest intervals down during this style of training. However, they should resist the urge to do so since this form of training requires maximal intensity on every work set, without degradation from set to set. 2. Volume does not need to be high to get the desired training effect from U2 training. Advanced athletes can often make improvements with no more than three to four sets per week. Tier Two Training Interventions Imagine we take an elite cyclist and have her do a step test on a stationary bike with a muscle oxygen saturation monitor affixed to her vastus lateralis or rectus femoris. We would see 79 that she has a well developed cardiovascular system, and subsequently a great ability to deliver oxygen to her working muscles. Given her extensive training history on the bike it’s also likely that she excels at utilizing oxygen in the working muscles while performing her sport. Now imagine we take this same athlete and we have her perform a step test on a Skierg with a muscle oxygen saturation monitor on her triceps and lat. It’s likely that she will still present with good oxygen delivery to the working muscles, but i’d suspect that her oxygen utilization would be impaired. The reason for this is that she lacks mitochondrial density in the extremity muscles of the upper body. One way to improve this would be to have her perform repeat desaturation training on a ski-erg. This method of training needs to be performed at a near maximal intensity with an interval duration that is long enough for muscle oxygen saturation to reach a nadir. So far as repetitions, we want this individual to keep going until she can no longer deoxygenate the muscle down to the same nadir as previous sets or she cannot recover muscle oxygen saturation back to the same baseline level. In the session examples below you’ll find a NIRS guided, auto-regulated, and mixed repeat desaturation training session. Example Repeat Desaturation Training: As many rounds of..... 20 Second Row at 85-90% max wattage Rest 1 Minute b/w sets *The session terminates when SmO2 cannot be depleted to the extent of previous sets, you cannot reach a SmO2 recovery baseline during rest, you can no longer hit the rx'd wattage, you compensate biomechanically, or effort needed to sustain intensity begins to exponentially increase from set to set. *This can also be completed with a Skierg at 90-95% of max watts or a 10 second Echo Bike at 70-75% max watts. (Running time on 45:00 Clock) As many rounds of..... 10 second Echo Bike at 75% max watts Rest 1 min b/w bouts *terminate workout when you begin to compensate biomechanically (shifting or changing movement pattern to accommodate for fatigue), breathing cannot get back down to baseline while rest/hyperventilation is induced, you can no longer elicit the Rx'd power output, or quality of work significantly drops off. For remaining time in the 60 min AB, wattbike, row, or walk at a low intensity / cooldown effort As many rounds of..... 20 Second Skierg @90% max watts Rest 1 Minute 10 Thrusters AFAP (115lb) Rest 1 Minute b/w sets *The test terminates when SmO2 cannot be depleted to the extent of previous sets, you can no longer hit the rx'd wattage,or you begin to compensate biomechanically (shifting or changing movement pattern to accommodate for fatigue). *This can also be completed with a 20 second Skierg at 90-95% of max watts or a 20 second Row 85-90% of max watts. 80 Before wrapping up this chapter on training utilization limited athletes I wanted to expose a common misconception, which is that we only need to train an individual's limiter to increase their performance. For example, only training to improve a utilization limited athlete’s rate of oxygen utilization and ignoring all else. This is a mistake in my opinion. Just because you’re limited by utilization in the vast majority of sport specific contexts does not mean that you cannot be limited by your cardiopulmonary system, and oxygen supply, in other scenarios. You do not fail in an event when your ‘limiter’ cannot cope with the imposed demand. You fail when you’ve exhausted all forms of compensation. Improving your limiter gets you further before you begin to rely on those compensation patterns, but you still need to improve those other systems, for lack of a better term, as they will be pushed to their capacity eventually. While it’s important to train known limitations and grab the ‘lowest hanging fruit’ that doesn’t mean that there is not a time and place to climb a higher higher and grab some fruit from the top of the tree. Reference Charts 81 Chapter 11: Movement Classification For Energy System Training In chapters seven through nine I provided an overview of the training interventions and tools I use for delivery, respiratory, and utilization limited athletes respectively. In this chapter I'm going to hone in on exercise selection for energy system training. By the end of this chapter I want you to understand when it is appropriate to use global, regional, and local exercise during energy system training, how exercise selection and repetition count influence what adaptation is conferred through energy system training, as well as how neural and metabolic strain influence movement selection. Global Movements Global movements are a broad category of movements that use roughly sixty percent of an athlete's total muscle mass or greater. Often coaches will refer to global movements as compound, multi-joint, or functional movements. An example of a global movement used in energy system training would be a thruster since the musculature in the hip flexors and hip extensors, knee flexors, deltoids, and trunk are all going to be challenged as an athlete performs this movement, taking a barbell through a large range of motion. When performing global movements under high fatigue athletes are more likely to be limited by central fatigue versus peripheral fatigue due to the fact that no single muscle group is going to be overloaded. Additionally, since global movements use a large percentage of an individual’s total muscle mass they will challenge an exerciser’s systemic cardiovascular control mechanisms to a significant degree. However, some individuals may still present with local, or peripheral, muscular limitations while performing these movements, so specific exercise selection within this broad category will need to be assessed on a case by case basis. Other examples of global movements are as follows: 1. Non-impact cyclical modalities like rowing, swimming, and skiing; 2. high-impact cyclical modalities like running; and 3. externally loaded movements like deadlifts and cleans. Regional Movements Regional movements are those that recruit regions of muscle mass, which equate to roughly forty to sixty percent of an athlete’s total skeletal muscle mass. While performing regional movements athletes may be either centrally or peripherally limited. Additionally, a given regional movement may elicit a central, or systemic, limitation in one individual and a local peripheral limitation in another. Prototypical examples of regional movements include kipping pullups, or push presses. For both of these movements the loading and cycle rate can be major determinants of whether an individual is limited by their cardiorespiratory system, or local tissue limitations. Faster cycle rates will lend themselves to driving cardiorespiratory limitations while slower cycle rates are more likely to elicit local muscular limitations. This is true both in a movement like a push press, but also in cyclical modalities like cycling where rotations per minute can be modulated independent of power output. Other examples of regional movement include: 1. Non-impact cyclical modalities like road cycling, echo biking, or ski-erging; 82 2. Externally loaded movements like push press, or belt squats; and 3. Basic conditioning and calisthenic movements like unloaded walking lunges, kettlebell swings, box jumps, and kipping handstand pushups. Local Movements Local movements use forty percent of an athlete's total skeletal muscle mass or less. When performing local movements athletes are primarily limited by peripheral, local muscle, fatigue. Generally these types of movements will have little impact on an athlete's respiration, or cardiovascular control. In the vast majority of circumstances local movements are not appropriate for movement choices when performing energy system training unless an athlete's sport requires them to train in this manner. Examples of local movements are as follows: 1. Nonimpact cyclical modalities like an arm ergometer; 2. Externally loaded movements like a strict press, bicep curl, or leg extension; and 3. Strict calisthenics movements like strict pull ups, strict handstand pushups, and pushups. 83 Chapter 12: Combining Strength And Energy System Training Concurrent Training is defined as the combination of resistance and endurance training in a periodized program to maximize all aspects of physical performance. In simple terms this can mean training multiple different types of training qualities within the same phase, or even the same workout. Given this broad definition concurrent training can take on a lot of different forms. For example, a soccer player who is spending time each day on the field, in the weight room, and doing road work in order to improve their sport specific skills, gain muscle, and improve their speed and endurance. Other examples could include a hybrid athlete who competes in regional powerlifting competitions and local 5k running races as well as a Crossfit competitor who needs to improve a vast array of physical qualities simultaneously for their sport. The pros of concurrent training are that you can improve on more things at once without as much compartmentalization. The cons are that while training different qualities simultaneously they can compete with one another for adaptation currency. All types of training produce specific responses in the body and fitness is a result of cellular changes that cause the body to adapt in one way or another. These changes occur because of the activation or blocking of specific genes and signaling pathways. One of the big arguments against concurrent training is that the varied stimuli confuse the body as to how it should respond. This allegedly leads to sub-par adaptations and is termed the interference effect. Over the past ten years I've coached concurrent sport athletes across a number of disciplines, including Crossfit athletes ranging from recreational competitors to individual and team games competitors. Seeing what these individual athletes are able to accomplish, I once felt that the proverbial nail had been put in the interference effects coffin. After all, if I can watch an athlete snatch close to one hundred thirty kilograms and run a mile in less than five minutes then it must not exist. However, that line of thinking was flawed. The best Crossfit athletes would be mediocre high school runners and rowers at best, and their lifting numbers would hardly let them pull rank at a regional powerlifting meet. Of course, being able to perform in both disciplines simultaneously is a skill in and of itself, but my point is that we've yet to see anyone who is an elite endurance runner and lifter. So, perhaps the jury isn’t out on concurrent training. It’s clear that you can train all qualities simultaneously and make excellent progress, but maybe the old saying about being a jack of all trades and master of none isn’t so far off. After all, no one is going to win the Boston marathon and USAPL nationals in the same training phase. While it does appear that there is a degree of interference with concurrent training, perhaps it’s grossly overstated in the average athlete who doesn't work at the limits of human performance. I think there is also a case to be made that the mechanisms explaining it are incomplete, and that many of these effects can be mitigated with good program designs. In this chapter I'll present some relevant heuristics for 84 combining strength and endurance training which will help you sift through the nonsense and apply your knowledge practically. Best Practices For Concurrent Training In order to understand how to write training programs for real world athletes I believe it is important to understand what constitutes optimal training and what it looks like in practice. Some basic guidelines that we try to follow when designing energy system training for athletes are as follows: 1. Organize training from high to low skill - while this principle constitutes a ‘best practice’ there are exceptions to this rule when performing sport specific work. For example, a biathlete may want to do hard interval work at or above race pace prior to skill work to practice shooting under fatigue as that would occur in their sport. Similarly, a Crossfit athlete may want to train the snatch at high percentages of their one rep max under fatigue in order to prepare for a competition. 2. Order training from least fatiguing to most fatiguing - collectively, these first two points ensure that athletes are able to perform higher skill movements and high power training without the influence of fatigue from previous training pieces. 3. Do not mix high intensity, fatiguing, training inputs that drive the same physiological adaptation - in truth, there is no reason you can't do this, but it's not an efficient way to train. You can only adapt to so much of a given stimulus in a certain period of time, so past a given volume threshold it's more efficient to space 'like' training inputs out to maximize adaptation and manage fatigue. 4. Know when to break the rules - Of course, there are times when we'll want to break all of these rules. If you're working with a CrossFit competitor you will need to train high skill movements under fatigue, perform fatiguing training before non-fatiguing work, and hit multiple high intensity workouts (with overlapping movement patterns) in a very short period of time. As a result, we need to know when it is or isn't appropriate to break these rules, why the rules need to be broken at times, who to break the rules with (and conversely, who we should not break these rules with), and how to break the rules with the least consequences for the athlete. Now that we've laid out some of the ground work, we can start to discuss how to optimal order training within a single session or day. Ordering Training 85 The order of training components can play a major role in what type of adaptation occurs. For example, if you have an athlete perform U1 training where the goal is to drive blood lactate levels up, and maintain tissue hypoxia for an extended period of time, and then ask them to complete a B1 training set where the goal is to minimize lactate accumulation, and keep tissue saturation levels stable, these conflicting training adaptations may yield a different result than what was intended. From a conceptual standpoint we want to order our training in a way that minimizes the impact of one training modality on the next. This means we want to organize the sessions in the manner depicted in figure twenty. This type of framework can be applied in a single training session, across a training day, or across multiple days. For example, you may start a training session with some high neural demand resistance training (featured below), followed by a high metabolic demand rowing interval, and a low intensity cool down. Sample Training Session: Part I: High Neutral Demand: A. Hang Clean (1" above or below knee); 1.1 every 2:00 for 8:00-12:00 (~8.5 RPE) B. Clean Pull; 1.1 x3 sets, rest 2:00 b/w sets (100-105% load from "A") C. Back Squat; Max UB Reps @88% 1RM, Rest to full recovery x2-4 sets (# of sets is determined by drop in reps - more than 10% drop from 1 set to the next = shut it down) D. Chest Supported BB Row; 6-8 x3, rest 2:00 (Pull hard, then 1 sec pause in contracted position, then control it down. Part II: High Metabolic Demand: Part III: Low Intensity Rower @375 watts until 10:00 AB @150-175 watts, failure (you cannot hold the then movement flow. wattage, biomechanics start to break down significantly, RPE reaches >9.25/10); Rest 5:00 x2 Sets 86 These should be powerful reps, but no rapid changes of direction) Additionally, you may have an advanced athlete who starts their day with a high neural demand resistance training session, performs a high metabolic sport specific interval session in the afternoon, and finishes their training day with some low intensity movement work and correctives. For a beginner to intermediate athlete you may spread these out and use a three day rotation where they have a high neural demand day, a high metabolic demand day, and then an active recovery session. There are many different combinations and possibilities you can use depending on the athlete, their goal, and the sport they compete in. Ensure Your Low Intensity Work Is Low Intensity Hard training days should be hard are easy training days should be easy. You can call this approach 80/20 training, polarized training, or even just a basic strategy for load management. We've all heard this saying in one form or another. Unfortunately, however, few individuals do this well. Seldom do athletes give up their active rest days without a fight and those who perform low-intensity base training often use arbitrary heart rate zones to determine what low intensity is for them without considering how much physiological stress they are imposing. Just because an individual is working in the 120-140 beat per minute heart rate range and it subjectively feels easy does not mean they’re doing low-intensity work, facilitating cardiovascular adaptations associated with improved efficiency, or speeding up their recovery. In some contexts, what individuals perceive to be their low intensity is one of their most significant stressors in their training week. Heavily muscled, powerful athletes often have trouble doing true low-intensity work. In these cases, heart rate is not a reliable indicator of how much stress they impose on a given activity. For example, in figure twenty-one, we have a NNOXX muscle oxygenation trend from a sanctional level Crossfit athlete performing a 30-minute active recovery echo bike ride at a heart rate of 110-120 beats per minute. Note the drop in muscle oxygen saturation mid way into the 87 work bout followed by a maintenance of low muscle oxygen saturation. When muscle oxygen saturation is low oxidative metabolism is compromised, which leads to an increased reliance on glycolysis to replenish phosphocreatine, and subsequently ATP. This is bound to occur during high-intensity training, but when this goes on for the majority of an athlete's low days, it means that they are never genuinely polarizing their workouts. They have hard days where mental and physical stress is high, then easy days where mental stress is low, but the physiological stress is still meaningful. The aforementioned form of training that isn't hard enough to drive specific adaptations and isn't easy enough to facilitate recovery and maintain health doesn't serve much purpose. There are times and places where it can be used, but we shouldn't kid ourselves by calling it active recovery or regeneration work. We need to accept that recovery work may look very different for a two hundred pound CrossFit athlete than for a one hundred forty pound distance runner. Everyone's physiology, movement coordination strategies, and responses to a given type of training are unique. What might be a low-intensity training stimulus for one individual drains another individual's adaptive reserves. Just as we individualize hard developmental training, we need to individualize recovery sessions as well. Progression Progression in training is as important as having a well planned training day or week. Without implementing a consistent increase in volume, intensity, as well as changes in density and other variables, athletes will eventually stagnate and fitness will no longer improve. This is especially true when working with high level competitive athletes. Fitness is a critical component of sport and implementing planned progressions can ensure athlete’s are maximizing their fitness at the correct times for optimal performance. There are a vast array of ways to progress an athlete's training, but most of these progressions consist of some amalgamation of volume, intensity, density, and complexity progressions. The combinations are limitless and they range from very simple to extremely intricate. In this subsection I am going to discuss two of the most common, and easiest to manage, points of control which are volume and intensity respectively. The currency of training volume in most instances are repetitions, sets, series, and duration of training. Volume progressions allow us to develop an athlete’s tolerance to training stress in a controlled manner, which is why they are one of the most commonly used types of progression. The simplest form of a volume progression is by simply increasing the amount of work, in terms of interval duration, or number of reps, or number or series from week to week. These progressions are best implemented in training categories which develop the endurance of an energy system like D0-3, B4, and U1. Generally volume can be increased for relatively long durations assuming that deload weeks are planned every 2-6 weeks or so to allow athlete’s a chance to adapt or ‘catch up’ to the progression. It is recommended that you do not exceed the maximum guidelines laid earlier in this chapter, with the exception of advanced or elite level 88 athletes or those who compete in sports that require them to perform for that long like ultra marathon runners, military selection candidates and so forth. The second of the most commonly used types of progression is an intensity progression, which is concerned with increasing the load, tension, pace, or velocity of training. An example of this would be to have an athlete shift from B1 to B2 pace training leading into a competition or to progress from running 20m sprints in 30 seconds to 28 seconds from one week to another. Intensity progressions are efficacious in preparing athletes for the higher metabolic demands associated with competition. These types of progressions are best implemented with the training categories that improve the power of a given system like B2 or U2, then they can also be effective with B1, U1, and blended energy system training as well. Intensity progressions do not work well with the D0-3 training categories as their purpose is to build volume and endurance. By progressing intensity in these training categories you are essentially stripping the athletes muscles of oxygen and moving them into the next sequential training category. Generally intensity is progressed for shorter periods of time than volume because developing the power of an energy system can be quite taxing for athletes. Periods of three to four weeks of progression followed by a deload are good starting points; and most athletes will hit a point of diminishing returns between six to twelve weeks. Lastly, intensity progressions are preferred over volume progressions at certain times of the year, like leading into a race or competition. The last type of progression I will cover in this section is an alternating progression, which is when volume and intensity are increased in an alternating weekly or fortnightly pattern. These types of progressions are generally used to slow the rate of progression in the intensity category for longer seasons. This can be very effective for high level athletes who have long competitive phases throughout the year. Program Design Heuristics Finally, we'll finish off with some programing heuristics: 1. Respect the synergy between resistance training and energy system training: You can’t just throw a Russian squat cycle together with Crossfit™ main site work, and a dash of Jack Daniels running formula. You may get lucky, but most likely you won’t succeed long term. Each of these programs were constructed with an optimal balance of stress and recovery in mind; and as I previously mentioned everything is connected to everything else. Strength training, energy system training, and movement training all fundamentally impact the way our brains regulate adaptation, and in order to leverage this process we need to respond to both how these types of training complement one another, and what is the systemic impact they have on our bodies. 2. Don’t neglect the fundamentals: I get it, hard training is fun, but at the end of the day it’s the least exciting aspect of a holistic training program that ultimately determines an 89 athlete’s long term success. Are sleep, stress, food, and tissue quality in check ? Yes, then have at it. If not, you need to spend less time worrying about the minutiae in a training plan and more time taking care of the basics. 3. Balance intensity and recovery: Hard days are hard, and easy days are easy. You should be able to tell the difference. The majority of workouts are small to moderate stressors, which compound and cement adaptations over time, and we’ll layer in some ‘see god’ workouts on top. Too much of the latter, or a steady stream of equal volume/ intensity (what I call the ‘grey zone’) day in and day out and we’ll inevitably hit a wall. 4. Build and maintain: Traditional block periodization structures are concerned with building a given training quality (like an ‘aerobic base’) for a handful of weeks, then switching the focus to something like speed in hopes that the athletes end up in a better position than where they started. I believe this is a waste of time, and for Crossfitters specifically I’m of the opinion that we should never drop one training quality off entirely — instead I like to keep touches on everything at all times, but the relative contribution of each training quality will be dictated by an athlete’s training priority at that moment. 5. Take the next logical step: Let's say we have a Crossfit athlete and this week I have him do 6 sets of 10 Power Snatch, 10 Bar Facing Burpee, 200m Run; resting 1 minute between sets. I know he can handle 10 sets of that the following week, but will the magnitude of adaptation from that be greater than, say 8 ? Maybe, but not by a huge margin. What matters is that the magnitude of stress increases from week to week — whether or not we push it to the physical maximum isn’t as important in the vast majority of scenarios, and in most cases it leaves the athlete less room to grow. Instead of going for broke each and every week, it’s better to take the next logical step, collect all the low hanging fruit, and then ramp things up when the need arises. In other words, don’t ‘go there’ before you need to. 90 Part III: Resistance Training Chapter 13: Resistance Training Fundamentals Traditionally, exercise physiologists and strength coaches alike believed there was a dose-response relationship between the amount of reps in a set and the subsequent adaptation accrued in the skeletal muscle. For example, it was believed that training in the 1-5 rep range built strength, the 6-10 rep range was for functional hypertrophy, the 10-15 rep range was for non-functional hypertrophy, and anything above fifteen reps increased muscular endurance. However, the aforementioned dose-response relationship lacks supporting evidence. In fact, it appears that training with very light loads can produce similar muscle gains as training with much heavier loads. The only meaningful difference between the two loading conditions is the number of reps an individual will be able to complete before volitional muscular failure. Additionally, the current body of literature suggests that the intra-set repetition ranges aren’t of the utmost importance for eliciting muscle hypertrophy as long as work sets are taken to momentary muscular failure, or close to it. Somewhere along the lines, most strength trainees have encountered the idea that there is an optimal repetition range for eliciting muscle hypertrophy. In most instances the optimal rep range is said to occur between eight and twelve repetitions. Why would a heavy load that an exerciser can only perform three to five repetitions with create less of a stimulus for muscle growth than a lighter load that they can perform eight to twelve repetitions with? Especially when the heavier load puts more tension, which is the principal determinant of muscle growth, on the muscle fibers. The truth is that neither lighter load, nor the heavier load, would not produce greater hypertrophy when volume is equated. If strength training with less than eight repetitions produces meaningful hypertrophy then how does the muscle adapt to work sets with greater than twelve repetitions? Or twenty for that matter? Based on the current body of literature it appears that works performed with as low as thirty percent of an exerciser’s one repetition maximum will be equally effective as those using eighty percent of an exerciser’s one repetition maximum as long as both sets are taken close to volitional failure. Does this mean that intensity does not matter for muscle growth as long as sets are taken to momentary muscular failure, or close to it? The short answer is no. Intensity does matter. There is a minimum and maximum intensity threshold for optimizing muscle hypertrophy and while these thresholds vary between individuals they are likely to occur around thirty and ninety percent of an exerciser's one repetition maximum load respectively. However, I personally hedge my bets by using loads between 40-85%. Assuming an individual performs all of their working sets within the aforementioned intensity range the total number of sets, taken close to momentary muscle failure, is the primary driver of muscle gain. Since the number of repetitions per set is not of the utmost importance it leaves wiggle room to personalize how an exerciser distributes their training volume across different intensity 91 ranges. I personally would not advocate for performing all of your hypertrophy training at the upper end of the effective intensity range, due to the increased risk of connective tissue and joint injury, nor would I recommend only performing lower load training. My personal recommendation is for exercisers to perform the bulk of their hypertrophy training volume between 60-80% of their one repetition maximum and to distribute the remainder of their volume between the lower and upper bounds of the effective intensity range. There is a both physiological and psychological rationale for this recommendation. For example, if an exerciser is doing heavy load training and is capable of performing four repetitions this week they would need a 25% improvement in strength to complete five repetitions next week. While possible, one cannot expect that type of weekly progress for an extended duration. Physiologically it’s not necessary to add load or reps every week in order to build muscle, but many athletes struggle to train hard day in and day out when they cannot observe acute progress. When performing light to moderate load training there is a greater opportunity to have small wins in every workout, which can improve an exerciser’s consistency. For example, if an athlete completes ten to twenty repetitions in a work set they only need a 5-10% strength improvement to add another rep next week. By blending light, moderate, and heavy load training an exercise can observe progress on multiple different time scales, which helps create a positive feedback loop that ultimately facilitates long term progress. Coaches often neglect the fact that consistency is the key to physiological development and adaptation over long time scales. I’d personally rather an individual do a training program that isn’t optimal if they enjoy it and are able to stick with it week after week versus a perfectly dialed-in program that they hate doing and have trouble committing to. Remember, progress is about habit formation, consistent behaviors, and small changes compounding over time. The next few sections of this chapter are dedicated to providing you with information about the current body of evidence for what constitutes optimal training on average. However, it’s up to you to integrate this information into your decision making framework and apply it to the individual. My goal is not for you to take my words as blanket recommendations, but rather as suggestions for how you can apply specific principles in practice. The Mechanisms of Muscle Hypertrophy In 2010 Dr. Brad Schoendeld published a paper, titled The mechanisms of Muscle Hypertrophy and Their Application to Resistance Training 13, which presented a comprehensive mechanistic model of muscle growth. In this paper Dr. Brad Schoendeld provided evidence for what many traditionally believed, which is that muscle damage, mechanical tension, and metabolic stress are the primary causative factors of skeletal muscle hypertrophy. The 13 Schoenfeld BJ (2010). The mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy and their application to resistance training. J Strength Cond Res. 10:2857-2872. 92 importance of mechanical tension in promoting muscle growth is indisputable, but in recent years the roles of metabolic stress and muscle damage in hypertrophy have been challenged. Mechanotransduction is the process of turning a mechanical stimulus, like tension or stretch on the muscle fibers, into a chemical signal. When a tension stimulus is applied to a muscle fiber it begins the myogenic signaling process. Myo stems from the Greek word mŷs, which means muscle, and genesis comes from the ancient Greek word gígnomai which is loosely translated to “to be produced’. Using these root words we can derive that myogenic signaling starts the process of skeletal muscle creation. The aforementioned myogenic signals include IGF-1, IL-6, and other growth factors that are released in response to mechanical tension. The next step includes mTOR signal integration which is where the mTOR enzyme integrates the myogenic signals and initiates gene translation. Then muscle protein synthesis occurs, which is the actual process of muscle growth where myo-fibular proteins are added to the muscle tissue, and finally we have myonuclear addition. This process is depicted in figure twenty-three. Muscle Damage is the tearing of muscle fibers and muscle cell membranes. Traditionally it was believed that muscles grow in response to damage, which assumes that the growth process involves a breaking down of muscle tissue and a subsequent phase of rebuilding. While muscle damage does appear to be correlated with muscle growth, that does not imply causation. In all actuality, it appears that muscle damage and muscle hypertrophy are both consequences of a common cause, which is lifting weights and applying mechanical overload to a tissue. However, this begs the question of why we can observe meaningful increases in muscle protein synthesis after inducing muscle damage? After all, we have already established that increases in muscle protein synthesis are the process of adding new myofibrillar proteins to a tissue, which should translate to new muscle growth. It appears that these initial increases in muscle protein synthesis above baseline after inducing muscle damage work to repair and remodel the muscle tissue, but do little to contribute to muscle hypertrophy after the attenuation of damage. This is likely why we can observe large increases in muscle protein synthesis after an individual performs downhill running, but those increases in muscle protein synthesis don’t correspond to muscle growth. Additionally, strength training protocols that do not promote muscle damage induce equal or 93 greater levels of muscle hypertrophy than those that do promote muscle damage, which suggests that in addition to muscle damage not being a prime contributor to muscle hypertrophy, it may be counter productive as well. This also explains why individuals performing a well structured hypertrophy training program see greater increases in muscle hypertrophy in the later weeks of the program even though net muscle protein synthesis is greatest in the first few weeks of training. In those instances the large spikes in muscle protein synthesis early into the training program function to attenuate muscle damage from a novel stimulus, then as the program goes on less muscle damage is induced and net protein synthesis is lower, but a greater fraction of muscle protein synthesis is oriented towards increase muscle cross sectional area. This relationship is depicted in figure twenty-four. 14 Metabolic stress is the accumulation of metabolic by-products in the muscle such as lactate, inorganic phosphate, hydrogen ions, and hypoxia. Metabolic stress’ relationship to muscle hypertrophy is more complicated than mechanical tension or muscle damage. This is partly due to the fact that metabolic stress is extremely difficult to quantify. As a result, we’re forced to rely more on the applied than mechanistic research. One interesting case study we can look at to try and parse out the role of metabolic stress on muscle hypertrophy is the comparison between HIIT training and standard resistance training protocols. On a set by set basis, HIIT training induces greater metabolic stress than traditional resistance training methods, but when volume is equated it actually appears to be less effective in its ability to promote muscle hypertrophy. Additionally, it has been shown that longer rest periods are more effective than shorter rest periods for enhancing muscle hypertrophy, even when volume is equated between the two modalities. This suggests that if metabolic stress is an independent driver of hypertrophy, it has less of a meaningful impact than mechanical tension since metabolic stress should be elevated when performing shorter rest periods compared to longer rest periods. In order to test the independent effects of metabolic stress we can also look at the effect of blood flow restriction in the absence of an exercise stimulus. In a paper titled, Blood Flow 14 Figure 24 credit: Damas F, Libardi CA, Ugrinowitsch C (2017). The development of skeletal muscle hypertrophy through resistance training: the role of muscle damage and muscle protein synthesis. Eur J Appl Physiol. 118: 485-500. 94 Restriction Only Increases Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis With Exercise 15, by Jean Nyakayiru and colleagues the investigators assessed the effect of blood flow restriction with and without low-load resistance-type exercise on in vivo myofibrillar protein synthesis rates in young men. Their findings suggest that blood flow restriction does not increase myofibrillar protein synthesis, or stimulate muscle hypertrophy, under resting conditions despite inducing a meaningful degree of metabolic stress. Additionally, in a separate investigation it has been demonstrated that performing a set of dumbbell bicep curls to failure, then restricting blood flow immediately after each set, does not lead to greater muscle hypertrophy than only performing a set of bicep curls to failure, even though the former elicits greater metabolic stress. These findings support the idea that metabolic stress is only anabolic in the presence of muscular contractions and mechanical overload, which is why metabolic stress is often called a back door pathway to muscle hypertrophy. Balancing Mechanisms of Muscle Hypertrophy As previously stated, mechanical tension is the primary driver of muscle hypertrophy, and metabolic stress is likely to be a backdoor pathway to muscle hypertrophy. I’m going to revisit this idea through the lens of integrative physiology, and refine metabolic stress as a negative rate of change of muscle oxygenation, which indicates that oxygen utilization is outstripping oxygen supply. When oxygen is utilized at a faster rate than it can be supplied to a working muscle there will be an impairment in the sensitivity of actin-myosin myofilaments to calcium ions, which increases peripheral nervous system fatigue. The increase in peripheral nervous system fatigue then causes an increase in motor unit recruitment, which will lead to an increase in mechanical tension. This is in line with the observed oxygen conforming response, which refers to the rapid adjustment of muscle force production for the same motor neuron activation in response to changes in muscle oxygenation so that the cell's environment remains stable. In other words, the skeletal muscles' inherent response to changes in oxygenation is to adjust ATP demand accordingly. Importantly, the oxygen conforming response occurs in both directions: downregulation of force with decreased muscle oxygenation and upregulation of force when muscle oxygenation is increased. This means that muscle activation will rapidly rise and blood flow to a tissue is impaired and muscle oxygen saturation reaches a nadir. This also explains why there are higher than expected increases in motor unit recruitment and mechanical tension when lifting low loads to failure and why loads ranging from roughly thirty to ninety percent of an individual's one rep max have an equal ability 15 Nyakayiru J, Fuchs CJ, Trommelen J, Smeets JSJ, Senden JM, Gijsen AP, Zorenc AH, VAN Loon LJC, Verdijk LB (2019). Blood Flow Restriction Only Increases Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis with Exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 51:1137-1145. 95 to elicit muscle hypertrophy when volume is equated. Another interesting observation is the relationship between loading and local muscle desaturation such that the heavier the load the greater the rate and magnitude of muscle desaturation occurs. Since heavier loads, greater than roughly seventy percent of an individual's one rep maximum, are sufficient to restrict both arterial inflow and venous outflow this may explain why heavy lifting causes maximum motor unit recruitment off the bat. So, in and of itself, local muscle desaturation and metabolic stress do not appear to cause hypertrophy, but rather they lead to the generation of mechanical tension which is the primary causative factor for muscle hypertrophy. This jives with the previous observation that metabolic stress is only anabolic in the presence of muscular contractions and mechanical overload to a muscle tissue. This relationship is depicted in figure twenty-five. Basic Training Guidelines For Muscle Hypertrophy If you accept that mechanical tension and local muscular fatigue are the two main drivers of muscle hypertrophy, any choice of training intensity represents a tradeoff between those two mechanisms. The heavier you go, the more tension you develop, but the less local muscular fatigue and subsequently metabolic stress you develop before the point of fatigue and vice versa. However, it seems that there needs to be some balance of both mechanisms to maximize growth. From a practical standpoint the questions we need to be able to answer are as follows: 1. Intensity: how heavy is heavy enough, and where are the low and high end cutoffs? 2. Volume: how is it quantified and what is its role in hypertrophy? 3. Frequency: how is it derived from volume? When thinking about the relationship between training volume and intensity I like to use the following analogy. If you want to boil water on the stove you wouldn’t put the flame to the lowest setting because the water would never reach a rolling boil no matter how much time you lent it. Instead, you would set the flame to the appropriate intensity and then lend it the necessary time it needs to heat the water until it begins to boil. For hypertrophy training the appropriate intensity appears to be greater than thirty percent of an athletes one repetition maximum, and based on the current body of literature it appears that a set performed with roughly that load provides an equally meaningful stimulus for much growth as a work set performed with upwards of ninety percent of an individual's one repetition maximum so long as both sets are taken within a close proximity to failure. If an individual is training in the aforementioned effective loading range and pushing their work sets close to failure then it appears that volume, defined as the total number of work sets completed, is going to be the greatest point of leverage for inducing muscle growth. The third training related factor that we can manipulate is frequency, which is derived from the total volume per muscle group per week. As volume gets higher it appears that we need to increase frequency to see continued gains, or prevent a backslide, which will be discussed in greater depth in a later chapter. 96 Chapter 14: A Decision Making Algorithm For Muscle Hypertrophy Whether you’re coaching bodybuilders who need to grow specific muscle groups, a weightlifter who needs to hypertrophy their quadriceps to improve their front squat, or general fitness clients aiming to improve body composition, being able to create a comprehensive hypertrophy training plan is a useful skill. After having read the previous chapters you should understand the basics of training to increase muscle hypertrophy. However, there are cases where exercisers present with lagging muscle groups that appear resistant to growth. For example, you may encounter an individual who sleeps nine hours a night, is in a caloric surplus, and is making good training progress with all major muscle groups except one specific lagging muscle. Oftentimes individuals in this scenario will take the approach of increasing total weekly set volume for their lagging muscle. While this can be an effective approach in some cases, it’s not the only option, and oftentimes it is surely the wrong choice. Figure twenty-six depicts a decision making algorithm for hypertrophying a lagging muscle group. I’ve traded some nuance for ease of interpretation and applicability. However, my hope is to use the remainder of this chapter to parse out the underlying principles that went into creating this model so you can effectively troubleshoot issues with it as your guide. Are You Recruiting The Target Muscle Effectively? One of the surest signs that someone is not recruiting a target muscle effectively is that they maintain a high muscle oxygenation level in that muscle even after pushing a work set to momentary muscular failure. For example, figure twenty-seven shows two different athletes 97 muscle oxygenation trends recorded with a NNOXX wearable on their biceps brachialis during a set of hammer curls. Athlete ‘A’ desaturates their biceps brachialis down to ~15% muscle oxygenation at the nadir, while Athlete ‘B’ has a muscle muscle oxygenation of ~45%. There are a handful of factors that can influence an exercier’s ability to utilize oxygen effectively in a target tissue including their pre-position, exercise selection, movement execution, metabolic activity in the target tissue, and muscle recruitment. Starting with coordination, we need to look at the position of the axial and appendicular skeleton to see if there are any major postural faults. For example, if an individual is stuck in thoracic flexion and shoulder internal rotation they’re not going to be in an advantageous position to load the biceps. Before worrying about the nuances of exercise selection, volume, or intensity they need to improve their position first. Then once they are able to get into the proper pre-position, they can consider the specific movements they are using to train the target muscle. Some movements lend themselves better to creating high levels of mechanical tension while others lend themselves better to creating higher metabolic stress. Oftentimes individuals select movements based on how much of a stretch they feel while performing it. However, that doesn’t mean it’s actually an effective movement for loading the tissue. Additionally, it’s worth considering whether the target muscle is being loaded in the shortened position, mid-range position, or lengthened position. If all of your training is being done with movements that load the muscle in the mid-range, which is a common occurrence, you may be missing out. Now, assuming that an individual has optimized their pre-position and exercise selection, the next factor I'd look into is exercise execution. Oftentimes simple changes in an exerciser’s hand, wrist, or elbow position during a biceps curl can make a substantial difference, as can specific tactile cues. For example, if an athlete has trouble feeling their biceps i’ll often make the following recommendations: (1) Minimize movement at the shoulder joint and aim for full elbow flexion and extension while keeping the elbows themselves in a fixed position through the full range of motion, (2) Imagine trying to crush an imaginary pencil placed on the inside of the elbow joint at the top of each rep. You should aim to touch your forearm to your bicep and if you’re performing a supinated curl you can squeeze your pinky finger towards the shoulder of 98 the same side, (3) Control the eccentric, then lightly contact the triceps at the bottom of the eccentric. Finally, if all else fails and the individual is doing everything right, but still cannot desaturate the target muscle, I'll do a thermography screen to see if there are any underlying tissue pathologies. The picture below depicts sample thermograms taken from an athlete recovering from a left ACL injury and a right achilles tendon injury. A thermogram is a representation of heat radiating from the body. Skin temperature regulation is impacted by blood flow, muscle recruitment pattern, inflammation, and injury. Despite the fact that our bodies are thermally balanced, injuries can cause thermal asymmetries. As a result, infrared thermography allows one to detect these thermal asymmetries, which represent regions of interest related to tissue pathologies, faulty biomechanics, or changes in tissue perfusion. In figure twenty-eight above you’ll see cases where an individual has a hypothermic asymmetry caused by decreased metabolic activity in the tissue. In these scenarios individuals will often have atrophy in the surrounding tissues, and will often note that they can’t get a pump in those muscles. In order to hypertrophy these tissues normal function first needs to be restored. Are You Training With Sufficient Intensity? If you want to boil water on the stove, you would never put the flame on the lowest setting. The water would never reach a rolling boil no matter how much time you gave it. Instead, you would set the flame to the appropriate intensity and then lend it the proper time it needs to make the water boil. The same concept applies to hypertrophy training. If you’re not training with the requisite intensity, it doesn’t matter how much volume you’re accumulating over time. You’re not going to make improvements. The first component of intensity is loading. Based on the current body of research it looks like a set performed with thirty percent of an individual's maximum voluntary contraction or one repetition maximum provides the same stimulus for muscle growth as a set performed with ninety percent, assuming both sets are taken to volitional failure. This has been demonstrated by Jenkins and colleagues in their paper titled, Neuromuscular Adaptations After Two and Four Weeks of 80% Versus 30% 1RM Resistance Training to Failure 16, as well as by Schoenfeld and 16 Jenkins ND, Housh TJ, Buckner SL, Bergstrom HC, Cochrane KC, Hill EC, Smith CM, Schmidt RJ, Johnson GO, Cramer JT (2016). Neuromuscular Adaptations After 2 and 4 Weeks of 80% Versus 30% 1 Repetition Maximum Resistance Training to Failure. J Strength Cond Res. 30: 2174-2185. 99 colleagues in their paper titled, Effects of Low vs. High-Load Resistance Training on Muscle Strength and Hypertrophy In Well-Trained Men 17. If exerciser’s can elicit muscle hypertrophy with as little as thirty percent of their one repetition maximum, can they do it with ten percent? Where is the low end cut off point? In a study by Lasevicius and colleagues titled, Effects of Different Intensities of Resistance Training With Equatted Volume Load on Muscle Strength and Hypertrophy 18, the investigators sought to answer this question. Based on their findings we can infer that the low end cut off for muscle hypertrophy occurs between twenty to thirty percent on an individual's one repetition maximum, though I'd wager that it may be higher than thirty percent for select individuals who were underrepresented in this study. The crux for any athlete wishing to achieve a meaningful degree of muscle hypertrophy is figuring out where their cut off points are so they can train with greater specificity. If the number of hard work sets you can do for a given muscle group per week are limited, as they are for any individual, then it’s crucial that all works sets be performed in an intensity range where an individual is capable of desaturating a tissue, increasing motor unit recruitment, and eliciting hypertrophy. Personally, I recommend exercisers err closer to ~40-85% of maximum voluntary contraction for practical and logistic reasons, with the bulk of training being done within the upper two-thirds of that loading range. The second component of intensity is proximity to failure. I tend to advocate for leaving one to two repetitions in reserve on work sets for most individuals. However, people often underestimate their proximity to failure, so it can be worth having lower training age athletes extend their work sets until they reach momentary muscular failure every so often, on exercises where it is safe to do so, as a means of calibrating their efforts. Are You Training With Enough Volume? An S-shaped curve, depicted in figure twenty-nine, demonstrates the relationship between total weekly training volume, defined as the number of sets performed within an effective loading range taken within close proximity to failure, and an individual's rate of muscle growth. If an individual performs too little effective training volume for a given muscle group the rate of muscle growth will be very slow. The lowest volume threshold needed to produce a result is often termed the minimum 17 Schoenfeld BJ, Peterson MD, Ogborn D, Contreras B, Sonmez GT (2015). Effects of Low- vs. High-Load Resistance Training on Muscle Strength and Hypertrophy in Well-Trained Men. J Strength Cond Res. 29: 2954-2963. 18 Lasevicius T, Ugrinowitsch C, Schoenfeld BJ, Roschel H, Tavares LD, De Souza EO, Laurentino G, Tricoli V (2018). Effects of different intensities of resistance training with equated volume load on muscle strength and hypertrophy. Eur J Sport Sci. 18:772-780. 100 effective volume (MEV). Then as volume increases, the rate of muscle hypertrophy will increase, up until a point where additional volume yields diminishing returns. This threshold is often referred to as maximum adaptive volume (MAV). Finally, there will be a point where even more volume provides little additional gain and where crossing it becomes maladaptive. That threshold is often referred to as the maximum recoverable volume (MRV). The goal is to determine what range of work sets correspond to each of these thresholds for a given muscle group. These ranges differ substantially from person to person and from muscle to muscle within a given individual. A good starting point for beginners and early stage intermediates can be ten sets per week per muscle group for a given individual. For late stage intermediates or advanced athletes fifteen to twenty sets per muscle per week may be more appropriate. These ranges often approximate MEV for many athletes and are unlikely to be within striking range of MRV, so they are safe starting points. However, hard gainers' minimum effective volumes are often much higher. If the primary goal is muscle growth, we’ll also typically want to work within volume ranges on the right end of the s-curve closer to MAV. Are You Managing Frequency Well? Suppose an individual uses proper exercise selection, executes movements correctly, and performs all of their training within an effective loading range. In that case, the total number of work sets taken to near failure for a specific muscle group is likely the greatest determiner for building muscle. However, as volumes get higher, it appears that we need to drive frequency up to see gains or even prevent a backslide from occurring. Based on the current body of evidence, it seems that the most productive sets an individual can do in a session for a given body part range from eight to fourteen sets on average. The exact optimal volume in a session is likely a product of the proximity to failure for each work set, the specifics of the training plan, the muscle group being trained, and individual factors like recovery, genetics, work capacity, physiological predisposition. For example, suppose you’re only doing ten sets of bicep training per week. In that case, you’re probably fine doing all of your volume in a single session, though splitting it up into two sessions may allow for higher training quality and subsequently greater gains. But, if you’re performing twenty sets of biceps training per week, it is ill-advised to do all of that in one session, and you’d probably fare better spreading that out over two to three sessions. It makes intuitive sense that you can only stimulate so much muscle growth, or any other adaptation, within a single workout. Another reason why higher frequency may be desirable as training volume, defined as total work sets per week for a given muscle group, is that there is a limit to the amount of quality training you can do in one session. One of the more obvious reasons for this is that neuromuscular fatigue will accumulate across a workout, which will reduce muscle activation and, subsequently mechanical tension. Another reason is that we will accumulate more muscle damage with each set performed. Past a given point, each additional work set provides such little benefit that it is not worth the cost of being performed. If you keep 101 pushing past that point, each set may not only provide little benefit but may actually be counterproductive as it may result in a negative protein balance, due to muscle protein breakdown, without stimulating more muscle growth or muscle protein synthesis. If this is done frequently enough over time, you may end up in a net negative protein balance, leading to losses in muscle mass. The presence of a maximum productive training volume per workout would also explain why some studies find benefits of higher training frequencies, but others do not. Most of the studies that find benefits of higher training frequencies are in trained lifters with higher than average weekly training volumes. Conversely, there are many studies where training frequency does not seem to matter independent of training volume, and these studies are mainly done with training volumes below ten sets per week for a given muscle group. The key to maximizing volume over an extended duration is all about walking the razors of ‘just enough’ before we start to see detriment, while simultaneously being able to drive progressive overload as a proxy for ensuring we’re getting muscle growth. Additionally, training volume should be optimized with training frequency in mind, not separately. Training volume should also be considered on a per-workout basis, not just on a total weekly basis. Training your chest two times per week with ten sets per session may have worse results than training three times per week with six to seven sets per session or even four sessions per week with five sets per session. That being said, when training with lower volumes, below twelve sets per week per muscle group, manipulating frequency doesn’t appear to be nearly as important as when training with fifteen to thirty sets per week for a given muscle group. The crux then becomes figuring out which of the above options are optimal. Troubleshooting What happens if an individual answers yes to all of the questions in the decision-making algorithm, depicted in figure twenty-six, but they are still not growing the target muscle? The short answer is that they’re more than likely overlooking one of the components mentioned in this chapter. Maybe their exercise execution isn’t as optimal as they think it is, they’re leaving more reps in the tank each set than they think, they’re using too little or too much volume, or they’re not dividing up their work sets throughout the week in a way that maximizes the quality of their training. All of those are possibilities. There is also the possibility that they are making improvements but just have unrealistic expectations of both the magnitude of change that will occur on short time scales and the length of time it takes to make a perceptible change to a given muscle. If you find yourself in the aforementioned scenario my recommendation is to track performance on an isolation movement for the target muscle group you’re training. If you’re increasing total reps across multiple sets consistently over many weeks it’s more than likely a 102 product of muscle gain. Alternatively, you can track your ten or fifteen rep max on an isolation exercise, like a strict preacher curl, or a regional exercise, such as a leg press. Both of the aforementioned choices are good litmus tests to gauge whether or not you’re making measurement progress or not. If you are not making any measurable progress for a specific muscle group, but are still progressing in the rest of your training, it's worth working back through the decision making algorithm in figure twenty-seven to determine if you’re overlooking any major variables. However, if your progress has stalled across the board my recommendation is to deload for one to two weeks before resuming training and continuing to troubleshoot. 103 Chapter 15: Auto-Regulation For Resistance Training Imagine we performed an experiment where we took one hundred athletes and trained them all in the exact same manner for one year. What do you predict would happen at the end of the experiment when we checked in on their results? If the program was well constructed we’d probably see a bell curve distribution with the majority of individuals getting good results and then fifteen to twenty athletes getting either excellent results or doing very poorly. In the training community, we tend to act as though everyone is capable of looking, performing, and adapting the same. This is the premise on which every training plan sold in mass, and most training books, are based. It’s the premise upon which Prepillin’s Table was derived, and which exercise physiology studies are built upon when they try to isolate a single variable and neglect the fact that the participants in the study aren’t homogenized. The truth is that we would all differ even if we trained the same, ate the same, and lived in the exact same environment. These differences are the result of the differences among our pasts, “differences that assert themselves from just beneath the surface like some sea monster faintly visible in the dim light of our collective minds” as Robb Dunn eloquently stated in his book The Wild Life Of Our Bodies. The models depicted in the strength and conditioning literature are based on statistical averages and not on an individual’s body, which is why the standard textbook protocols work for some and not others. A common fault among coaches is that they try to make athletes fit their rigid models and prescribe these protocols that should in theory elicit a given adaptation. While this may work for those whose physiologies are congruent with their protocols, it will yield subpar results for others. Those that don’t fit this profile may simply assume they don’t have the genetics to elicit a given adaptation, like muscular hypertrophy, for example, when in reality they just need to take a different path to get there. After all, we cannot fight mother nature. Instead we need to maximize an athlete’s ability and augment what they already possess. This relates to a concept in research called response heterogeneity, which can be defined as important individual differences in the physiological response to the same intervention that cannot be attributed to random within-subject variability. A great example of this was observed in a study conducted by Felipe Damas and colleagues titled, Individual Muscle Hypertrophy and Strength Responses to High vs. Low Resistance Training Frequencies 19. In this study the researchers had a population of participants train one leg with high frequency (5x/week) and the other leg with low frequency (2x/week). The researchers measured the participants muscle cross sectional area and one repetition maxes before and after an eight week training periods, and the results were as follows: for muscle hypertrophy, six individuals (31.6% of the sample) responded better from high frequency training, seven individuals (36.8% of the sample) responded better from low frequency training, and the other six individuals (31.6% of the sample) showed no difference in the hypertrophic responses between training frequencies. 19 Damas F, Barcelos C, Nóbrega SR, Ugrinowitsch C, Lixandrão ME, Santos LMED, Conceição MS, Vechin FC, Libardi CA (2019). Individual Muscle Hypertrophy and Strength Responses to High vs. Low Resistance Training Frequencies. J Strength Cond Res. 33: 897-901. 104 The purpose of the aforementioned study wasn’t to say that high or low frequency training was superior, but to show that different people respond to training differently. This might be why you see some people proclaiming that something like HIIT training, which necessitates a lower frequency, is superior while others will support high frequency training with just as much fervor. In reality, both camps may be ‘right’ in that whatever they are doing might be ‘optimal’ for them, but that doesn’t mean that everyone will respond in the same way to that method. While this study was able to sort out individual variation, this isn’t an easy task when designing a study. As a result it’s extremely difficult to actually filter out the effects of response heterogeneity. This is why I generally don’t advocate basing training solely off of studies. Studies rarely, if ever, tell us what to do. Instead, they dimly light a path for us and it’s up to the practitioner to decide how to proceed and navigate the path. While the ‘bros’ often make the mistake of thinking what works for them will work for others I often see evidence based coaches make a similar mistake. That is, that they think what works for the average in a study will work for the individual or that a single study qualifies as ‘evidence’ of something. This is also why tracking your own training response over time is so important. If you’ve struggled to achieve a certain training outcome, while simultaneously doing everything else correctly, you’re more than likely using training methodologies that are ill suited for your individual physiology. I know this has certainly been the case for myself and many of my clients who have come to me after stalling out or hitting major plateaus in their training. Oftentimes figuring out how to make non-responders adapt means letting go of constraints and what constitutes optimal training from a textbook perspective. The majority of people are clustered around the mean, or within a few standard deviations of it. However, in one area or another they may be misrepresented by the mean. The only way to know this is to collect reliable observations and data points over time, as well as to experiment with training volumes, intensities, or methods that deviate from the norm. Textbook training recommendations and constraints are useful for helping novice and early stage intermediate athletes organize their training. However, following constraints can eventually become a limiting factor that prevents an individual from progressing to the advanced phase. One way to circumvent this trap is to apply auto-regulation to your training. There are many ways to autoregulate training, some of which are included in figure thirty. The chart in figure thirty is intended to demonstrate common ways of auto-regulating training based on subjective perception and biomarker readings. If you plan to experiment with these methods my recommendation is to pick one exercise per week to autoregulate, such as a back squat, and continue using the same protocol for four to six consecutive weeks. By doing so you can gain an understanding of what normal rates of progress look like for yourself, as well as how your body adapts to this type of stimulus. 105 106 Part IV: Models Of Performance Chapter 16: Critical Power And Critical Metabolic Rate For something so familiar that everyone has experienced it, fatigue is paradoxically challenging to define. This is partly due to the limits of language and the fact that different fields of science define fatigue differently. But, it’s also due to the complexity of all of the underlying processes that lead to fatigue. For much of the time that fatigue science has been a field, the catastrophic model of fatigue was used to describe what occurs when an athlete reaches the absolute limit of their physical performance. Proponents of this model assert that the body either runs out of key nutrients or is ‘poisoned’ due to metabolite accumulation in the working skeletal muscles. However, as early as the dawn of the twentieth century, some individuals challenged these assumptions, one such example being Angelo Mosso, who stated, “At first sight [fatigue] might appear an imperfection of our body, is on the contrary one of its most marvelous perfections. The fatigue increases more rapidly than the amount of work done saves us from the injury which lesser sensibility would involve for the organism”. If we take a look through the lens provided by Angelo Mosso we can begin to see fatigue as an immensely complex derivative of a number of functions, behaviors, and psychological processes. As a result, exercise limitations involve a wide range of systems working together in harmony to maintain homeostasis. While these descriptive views of fatigue and exercise limitations can be useful, they don’t improve practitioners’ ability to predict or manage fatigue in athletes. As a result, the link between fatigue and performance has always been elusive. However, in recent years compelling evidence has indicated that the relationship between fatigue and performance is enshrined in the concept of critical power. At its core, Critical power represents the highest power-output that can be sustained indefinitely, and the total amount of work that can be performed above this critical power is referred to as W’. Traditionally W’, pronounced as “W Prime”, has been described as an anaerobic work capacity’, yet there is a lot of compelling evidence that suggests that W’ is sensitive to oxygen delivery. When we view Critical Power and W’ through the lens of oxygen delivery and utilization, which are two of the major components of exercise capacity, we can gain a new perspective that allows us to better model and predict time to fatigue in athletes. What Is Critical Power And How Is It Calculated? Critical power is mathematically defined as the power-asymptote of the hyperbolic relationship between power output and time to exhaustion. In essence, critical power describes the duration that an individual can sustain a fixed power output in the severe exercise intensity domain, and physiologically critical power represents the boundary between steady-state and non-steady-state exercise. As a result, critical power may provide a more meaningful fitness index over better known measurements such as heart rate, VO2max or functional threshold power. The hyperbolic equation which describes the relationship between power output and 107 exercise tolerance within the severe exercise intensity domain is as follows: Time to Exhaustion = W’ / (Power - Critical Power). This equation creates a two-parameter model where critical power represents the asymptote for power, and W’ represents the finite amount of work that can be done above critical power, as depicted in figure thirty-one. Taken together, these two parameters can be used to predict how long an individual can exercise at any intensity above their critical power output. Interestingly, the critical power model appears to apply across kingdoms, phylums, and classes of animal life as well as different forms of exercise, and individual muscle groups for a given individual. These observations suggest a highly conserved and organized physiological process, and perhaps a unifying principle of bioenergetics. There are currently two validated methods for determining critical power and the fixed amount of work that can be done above critical power, termed W’. Traditionally critical power and W’ were calculated after having an individual perform three to seven all-out work bouts where they hold a fixed power-output until failure. These test results are then plotted on a chart where the X-axis and Y-axis variables respectively represent time to failure and power for each trial. Critical power is then determined as the slope of the work-time relationship, whereas W’ is determined from the y-intercept. More recently, though, investigators have introduced a 3-minute all-out exercise test, known as the 3MT, that has enabled the determination of critical power and W’ from a single exercise bout. The idea behind the 3-minute all-out test is that when a subject exerts themselves fully and expends W’ wholly, their finishing power output equals their critical power. This idea can be summarized and expressed with the following equations: (1) Power = W’ / Time to Exhaustion + Critical Power and (2) Critical Power = Power - W’ / Time to Exhaustion. Using the aforementioned testing methods, critical power was originally defined as the external power output that could be sustained indefinitely. However, it should be understood that this definition is largely theoretical since no bout of exercise can be sustained forever regardless of the intensity. As a result, we can better understand critical power as the highest power output that can be sustained for a very long period of time without fatigue. In contrast to the historical definition, critical power is now considered to represent the greatest metabolic rate that results in wholly oxidative energy provision, where wholly-oxidative considers the active organism as a whole. This means that energy supply through substrate-level phosphorylation reaches a 108 steady-state and that there is no progressive accumulation of blood lactate or progressive breakdown of intramuscular phosphocreatine. Given that muscle oxygenation, as measured with the NNOXX biosensor, approximates phosphocreatine kinetics measured with magnetic resonance spectroscopy, we can conclude that a relationship between critical power and oxygen kinetics exists. As a result, the balance of oxygen supply and demand, which are two of the major determinants of exercise performance, can be used as a means of understanding critical power and W’. What Is The Relationship Between Critical Power And Oxygen Delivery? As previously stated, critical power is the maximal power output at which a metabolic steady state characterized by stable intracellular levels of ATP, phosphocreatine, hydrogen ions, inorganic phosphate, and blood lactate are reached. When exercising above critical power, an exerciser begins to deplete W’, which is characterized by a finite amount of work that can be done above critical power. W’ was initially described as an anaerobic work capacity but has subsequently been shown to be associated with the depletion of intramuscular energy stores and is sensitive to alterations in oxygen delivery. When exercising at a fixed power output that is above critical power there will be a progressive increase in VO2, intracellular inorganic phosphates, and blood lactate until exhaustion occurs. At that point VO2 will also reach a maximum value, termed VO2max. VO2max refers to the maximum rate of oxygen consumption measured during intense exercise, and it represents the maximum integrated capacity of the pulmonary, cardiovascular, and muscle system to uptake, transport, and utilize oxygen. VO2max can be measured in absolute liters of oxygen consumed per minute (L/min) or relative to weight in milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body mass per minute (mL/Kg/min). VO2max is a physiological characteristic bounded by the parametric limits of the Fick Equation, which states that VO2 = Q̇ × [(a-v)O2], where Q stands for cardiac output, which can be calculated as stroke volume multiplied by heart rate and (a-v)O2 diff represents the arteriovenous oxygen difference. According to the Fick equation, every change in VO2max is matched by a concomitant change in maximal cardiac output or arteriovenous difference. If VO2 reaches a maximum value when work done above critical power is performed, and as W’ is depleted, it would indicate that there may be a causal relationship between critical power and oxygen delivery and extraction. If this were the case, then there should be evidence that increasing an individual's VO2max will come with a concomitant upward shift in critical power. According to Archibald Hill, Long, and Lupton, “In running the oxygen requirement increases continuously as the speed increases, attaining enormous values at the highest speeds; the actual oxygen intake; however, reaches a maximum beyond which no effort can drive it. The oxygen intake may attain its maximum and remain constant merely because it cannot go any higher owing to the limitation of the circulatory and respiratory system”. Since then, there has been additional evidence supporting the belief that 109 the pulmonary system can be a limiting factor in maximal effort exercise. For example, in elite athletes with very high maximal cardiac outputs, the decreased transit time of red blood cells in the pulmonary capillaries can lead to a pulmonary diffusion limitation. This was demonstrated in 1965 when the former mile world record holder Peter Snell performed a maximal treadmill step test, where he finished with a SpO2 level of 80%. Additionally, this finding was later independently confirmed by Jerome Dempsey and Scott Powers when they showed that arterial oxygen desaturation occurs in some highly trained endurance athletes and when these subjects breathe hyperoxic gas mixtures, their hemoglobin saturation and VO2max increase. In 2010 Anni Vanhatalo, and colleagues, found that the power-duration curve asymptote was shifted upwards when exercise was performed while breathing hyperoxic air, as demonstrated in their paper titled, Influence of hyperoxia on muscle metabolic responses and the power-duration relationship during severe-intensity exercise in humans: a 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy study. On the other hand, Jeanne Dekerle and colleagues demonstrated that the power-duration curve asymptote was shifted downwards when exercise was performed while breathing hypoxic air, as explained in their paper titled, Influence of moderate hypoxia on tolerance to high-intensity exercise 20. These experiments involved the within‐subject manipulation of arterial oxygen content by having study participants breath hypoxic and hyperoxic gas, which alters oxygen delivery to the exercising muscle. By doing so they demonstrated that critical power was increased with hyperoxia and decreased with hypoxia. This lends support for the relationship between critical power and oxygen transport given that oxygen transport to the skeletal muscle is a product of both cardiac output and arterial oxygen saturation, both of which can be limiting factors for VO2max. Jeanne Dekerle, and colleagues, have already shown that reductions in oxygen transport, through breathing hypoxic air, result in a downward shift of the power-duration asymptote. However, in order to further substantiate the relationship between oxygen transport and critical power, there should be evidence that reductions in blood flow will cause a similar downward shift in critical power as well. During occlusion exercise, where blood flow is restricted, the Fick equation states that VO2max is proportional to oxygen extraction. Given the speculative relationship between oxygen delivery and critical power, Monod & Scherrer published a speculative paper titled, Capacity for static work in a synergistic muscular group in man 21, where they postulated that that blood flow occlusion during exercise would reduce critical power to zero watts without altering the curvature constant W’. This was later empirically tested by Ryan Broxterman and colleagues, in an investigation titled, Influence of blood flow occlusion on muscle oxygenation characteristics and the parameters of the power-duration relationship 22, where they assessed the 20 Dekerle J, Mucci P, Carter H (2012). Influence of moderate hypoxia on tolerance to high-intensity exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol. 112: 327-35. 21 Monod H, Scherrer J (1957). Capacity for static work in a synergistic muscular group in man. C R Seances Soc Biol Fil. 115:1358-1362. 22 Broxterman RM, Ade CJ, Craig JC, Wilcox SL, Schlup SJ, Barstow TJ (2015). Influence of blood flow occlusion on muscle oxygenation characteristics and the parameters of the power-duration relationship. J Appl Physiol. 118: 880-889. 110 influence of blood flow occlusion on critical power, W’, and muscle oxygen kinetics. In this case, it was found that the reduction in oxygen delivery with blood flow occlusion decreased critical power to zero watts and led to an increased W’ compared with the control group. These findings support the aerobic nature of critical power and demonstrate that the amount of work that can be done above critical power can vary across conditions. Moreover, the amount of work that can be done above critical power appears to be a consequence of the depletion of intramuscular energy stores and the accumulation of fatigue-inducing metabolites, limiting exercise tolerance and determining W’. Based on these findings, it appears that reductions in blood flow, and subsequently, oxygen delivery, lower critical power, resulting in the utilization of W’ and fatigue at lower relative intensities. Additionally, the larger body of evidence suggests that any alteration in oxygen delivery, whether through blood flow changes or inspired oxygen concentration changes, will directly affect critical power and W’ depletion. The Impact Of Oxygen Delivery On W’ and It’s Reconstitution The curvilinear relationship between power output and the time for which it can be sustained is a fundamental and well-known feature of high-intensity exercise performance. Simply put, the harder you work the sooner you’ll have to stop. This relationship levels off at a critical power that separates power outputs that can be sustained with stable values of, for example, muscle phosphocreatine, blood lactate, and pulmonary oxygen uptake, from power outputs where these variables change continuously with time until their respective minimum and maximum values are reached and exercise intolerance occurs. The amount of work that can be done during exercise above critical power is known as the W’. The W’ is constant but may be utilized at different rates depending on the exercise power output's proximity to critical power. As a result, the W’ represents a fixed amount of work that can be performed above critical power before exhaustion ensues. The mechanistic basis of the W’ are complex and remain ambiguous. The W’ was originally described as an anaerobic work capacity, but it is now understood to be sensitive to manipulating in oxygen delivery and extraction via blood flow occlusion and alterations in the muscle contraction duty cycle. Additionally, it appears that the amount of work that can be performed above critical power does not appear to be a determinant of W’, but rather a consequence of the depletion of intramuscular energy stores like phosphocreatine and glycogen, and oxygen, as well as the accumulation of fatigue-inducing metabolites like inorganic phosphate and hydrogen ions, which limit exercise tolerance and determine the W’. We can conceptualize W’ as a fuel tank where fuel is expended when power output exceeds critical power and it is refilled when power output is below critical power. However, if W’s reconstitution during relaxation phases between bouts of work done above critical is insufficient, a net depletion of W’ will occur and when W’ is fully depleted task failure ensues. This depletion of W’ may be causally linked to insufficient re-oxygenation of the muscle during the periods of relaxation. While W’ will be used in its entirety for exercise intensities above critical power, the proportion of W’ that contributes directly to external work is not constant 111 across all power outputs. For example, at rest under occlusion W’ will be used it it’s entirety to support factors distinct from external work like resting cellular processes and ion handling, which is demonstrated by resting blood flow occlusion leading to myoglobin desaturation, increases in adenosine diphosphate, and decreased phosphocreatine. As power output increases, a greater proportion of W’ would be utilized for external work, though it appears that some of the energy derived from the utilization of W’ still contributes to factors that are distinct from external work. Additionally, W’ is reduced following resting blood flow occlusion, which impedes oxygen delivery. Based on the aforementioned evidence, we can infer that W’ is tightly correlated with oxygen delivery and availability such that a very low muscle oxygenation saturation is an indication of depleted W’. Based on empirical evidence that appears to be the case. Not only is muscle oxygen a predictor of proximity to momentary muscle failure, but maximum and minimum values of deoxyhemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin, respectively, are strongly correlated with a loss of force production. The Impact Of Hypoxia On VO2max, Critical Power, and W’ During exercise the circulatory system is challenged to improve oxygen delivery to the working tissues. Both convective and diffusive factors regulate oxygen delivery. Convective oxygen transport refers to the bulk movement of oxygen in the blood and depends on active, energy-consuming processes that generate flow in the tracheobronchial tree and circulation. Diffusive oxygen transport refers to the passive movement of oxygen down its concentration gradient across tissue barriers, including the alveolar-capillary membrane and the extracellular matrix between the tissue capillaries and individual cells mitochondria. During exercise in hypoxia and at exhaustion, the circulatory system is challenged to facilitate oxygen delivery to the working tissues, which ultimately impacts performance and the development of fatigue. As altitude increases, there is an expected and logical decrease in convective oxygen transport. Specifically, there is a decreased peak oxygen uptake in the pulmonary system and systemic circulation and a reduction in pulse oxygen saturation at the capillaries level. At and above 3,800m, maximal heart rate is also decreased. Given that VO2max is determined through a combination of central factors, like stroke volume and heart rate, as well as peripheral factors like arterial oxygen saturation, it is logical that VO2max is meaningfully decreased at altitude and in hypoxia. These convective oxygen delivery changes can also occur through modifications in blood flow, and they can even be induced in a healthy human exercising heavily at sea level. As exercise increases up to a heavy exertion level or close to a maximal power output, there is a progressive decrease in muscle oxygen saturation to a minimal point or plateau, which gives rise to exhaustion. In hypoxic conditions, this plateau or bottoming out in oxygenated hemoglobin concentration is considered an indication of maximal skeletal muscle oxygen extraction as a product of reduced oxygen availability. These oxygenation and hemodynamics changes can be observed non-invasively with near-infrared spectroscopy in live time. 112 Consistent with the data on hypoxia's dose-response effect on VO2max, there is a curvilinear decrease in critical power under hypoxia conditions. It is important to note that VO2 at critical power is below VO2max, and that critical power is associated with the highest exercise intensity where a VO2 steady state occurs. The VO2 steady state indicated the highest intensity where a ‘metabolic stability’ can be achieved, where metabolic stability is characterized by minimal disturbances to intramuscular phosphocreatine stores among other factors. There is evidence supporting the idea that phosphocreatine is not only reconstituted via oxidative means but dependent on oxygen availability. In hypoxia, convective oxygen transport to the working muscles occurs, and the VO2 primary component decelerates. Since the VO2 primary component is considered an epiphenomenon of metabolic stability and has been shown to correlate with critical power, then an oxygen supply and delivery limitation on VO2 kinetics may impair metabolic stability and thus explain why critical power is reduced in hypoxia. Since critical power is lower under conditions of hypoxia, then it holds that a given absolute intensity will cause a faster depletion of W’ under these conditions. According to the critical power model, faster depletion of W’ will cause a reduction in time to exhaustion at a given fixed power output above critical power. This would be associated with an exacerbated rate of fatigue development in hypoxia, which has been demonstrated by Lee Romer and colleagues in an investigation titled, Effect of acute severe hypoxia on peripheral fatigue and endurance capacity in healthy humans. Hence, rather than conceptualizing hypoxia per se as the mechanism which exacerbates fatigue, it is the effect of hypoxia on decreasing critical power that leads to a more rapid onset of fatigue coinciding with the depletion of W’ at a given fixed absolute power output. However, there is also evidence that W’ will be reduced at altitude and that changes in W’ are related to changes in critical power relative to VO2max, which suggests that W’ isn’t simply an aerobic energy store as was once believed. Additionally, the effect of hypoxia on W’ appears to display a threshold characteristic since there is no significant change in W’ at a lower altitude, but past 4,250m meaningful reductions were observed. Giambattista Valli and colleagues have suggested that the decrease in W’ at altitude is consistent with reduced muscle-venous oxygen storage in a paper titled, Exercise intolerance at high altitude: critical power and W'. This seems plausible given the decreased peak oxygen uptake that occurs at altitude, which results in lower arterial oxygen saturation and as well as lower muscle oxygen saturation. Both of these have been shown to cause a direct decrease in VO2max and critical power. This suggests that oxygen uptake and transport can be rate-limiting factors that determine critical power and W’. Pacing With Critical Power The critical power model describes the relationship between sustainable power output and severe intensity exercise above the ‘critical power’. In this model W’ is progressively depleted during exercise whenever power output exceeds critical power and it is reconstituted whenever power output falls below critical power. Additionally, if W’ is depleted to zero, then 113 time to exhaustion also reaches zero, and task failure occurs. If we know an athlete's critical power output, as well as their W’, we can use this information to inform their tactics in a race. Most endurance athletes will know if they are a pace pusher or a kicker. A pace pusher can force a field of runners to run at a fast speed out of the gate knowing that their own max steady-state speed is higher than their competitors. This athlete knows their best shot at winning is to slowly burn out their competitors by forcing them to run above their respective critical power outputs, or critical speeds. The kicker wants to play a different game though. They fare best when they can lull everyone into complacency early on. A kicker knows that their own max steady state pace may not be the fastest in the field of athletes, but that their advantage lies in their ability to force a blistering pace in the back quarter of a race and outkick everyone else to the finish line. Anyone who has ever competed in cross country or the middle to long distance track and field events knows which of the two aforementioned camps they fall into, but seldom are athletes aware of the science behind why racing tactics are individualized based on their physiology. However, this can be explained through the lens of critical power and W’. Let's say we have two athletes, Bob and Jim. Bob has a critical power of 400 watts and a W' of 10,000 KJ. In this case, 400 watts is the cutoff where if Bob works at a higher output, he depletes W', and if he works at a lower output, he restores W'. Our second athlete, Jim, has a critical power of 350 watts, and a W' of 15,000 Kj. Bob is the pace pusher. If he forces a pace of 375 watts out of the gate, he will trick Jim into depleting his W' early on without depleting his own W'. Once Jim depletes his W' he's done for. The only way for him to reconstitute his W’ will be to drop below 350 watts of power, and if he were to do that Bob would be long gone by the time Jim’s W’ was recharged. However, if Jim can lull Bob into complacency early into the race, his W' will be enough that he can blast off towards the end of the race, and Bob will not have enough W' to match Jim's speed over a fixed short distance. In order for the critical power model to accurately demonstrate fatigue and performance predictions though, a few basic assumptions need to be made. First, sufficient apriori testing data is required for accuracy. Second, W’ reconstitution rates are individualized and can vary depending on an individual’s fitness level at any given point in time as well as the modality they are using. Third, Time to exhaustion pre-tests need to match the racing conditions and finally, continual inputs are required to get relevant critical power and W’ estimates as fitness changes over time. Critical Metabolic Rate In Perrey and Ferrari’s systematic review, titled Muscle Oximetry in Sports Science, they state that tissue oximeters provide information on the balance between oxygen supply and 114 oxygen demand in skeletal muscle and that regional oxygen saturation represents a tissue reserve capacity following oxygen extraction. In essence, the concept can be summed up with the following equation: SmO2%= ((Oxygenated hemoglobin + myoglobin) / (total hemoglobin + myoglobin)) x 100. If we combine this the aforementioned concepts relating to regional oxygen saturation and modeling time to exhaustion with critical power, we can can hypothesize that the following statement will hold true: Time to exhaustion = SmO2% / ΔSmO2, where SmO2% represents a live muscle oxygen saturation reading and ΔSmO2 is the rate of change of muscle oxygen saturation. However, because this statement assumes that task failure will occur at 0% SmO2, it must be modified based on an individual's minimum achieved muscle oxygen saturation based on prior date. As a result, a more accurate equation describing the relationship between oxygen kinetics and task failure is as follows: Time to exhaustion = (SmO2min - SmO2max) / ΔSmO2. There is evidence showing that the aforementioned equation accurately predicts time to exhaustion during static exercise. Interestingly, this formula also holds accurate during dynamic exercise with occlusion, because like static exercise SmO2min is relatively fixed. However, during dynamic exercise without occlusion SmO2min is too variable for this to be accurate. As a result, more accurate means are needed to predictive model dynamic exercise without occlusion. Whereas critical power represents the higher power-output that can be sustained indefinitely, critical metabolic rate represents the highest rate of steady state oxygen supply and demand. In essence both critical power and critical metabolic rate can modulate intensity independent of one another. Demonstrating this concept is a case study from an elite post collegiate rower I coached through his 2019 competitive season. Over three separate days this athlete completed time to exhaustion trials on an erg where they held 350, 375, and 400 watts until failure. For each test I recorded his average power output, time to task failure, and his rate of change of muscle oxygen saturation, termed ΔSmO2. Based on his average power output and time to task failure data points I calculated his critical power to be 322 watts. I also calculated his critical energetic rate using his ΔSmO2 and time to task failure data points. The hyperbolic equation which describes the relationship between the balance of oxygen supply and oxygen utilization and exercise tolerance within the severe exercise intensity domain is as follows: Time to Exhaustion = M’ / (ΔSmO2 - Critical Energetic Rate). Using this formula I calculated this athlete's critical energetic rate to be -0.05% SmO2 per second, which represents the rate of change of muscle oxygen saturation that can be sustained indefinitely before oxygen utilization outstrips oxygen supply. One week after completing the three aforementioned tests I had this athlete do one final trial where they were asked to hold 365 watts on the erg until task failure ensued. Based on this individual's critical power and critical energetic rate curves I predicted they would fail in twenty two minutes and thirty eight seconds 115 with a ΔSmO2 of -0.29 %/second. In actuality they sustained this power output for twenty two minutes and forty six seconds with a ΔSmO2 of -0.28 %/second. This demonstrates the fact that both critical power and critical metabolic rate can predict time to exhaustion independent of one another. However, critical metabolic rate makes up for many of critical power’s shortcomings. For example, critical metabolic rate predicts exercise intensity and an athlete's current proximity to task failure in constant fixed power output, constant mixed power output, and intermittent activities. Additionally, critical energetic rate removes the need for individualized W’ recharge rates and it lessens the testing burden required to create accurate predictions compared to critical power. Finally, the critical metabolic rate demonstrates a clear intensity duration relationship. 116 Chapter 17: Fitness-Fatigue Dynamics In the book Antifragile, Nassim Taleb tells the story of a king who, in a fit of rage, declares that his son must be punished for a misdeed and that the punishment will consist of having a boulder dropped on his head, which would without a doubt kill him on impact. As the day of the punishment grew closer, the king began to regret his decision, yet he was also reluctant to withdraw his decree of punishment fearing that his subjects would see him as being weak. As a result, his advisors developed an ingenious solution to his dilemma. Rather than dropping one large boulder on his son's head, he would break the boulder into a thousand pieces and drop them onto his son's head one by one. The same total would be dropped on his son, but rather than it having a fatal outcome it would really just lead to mild discomfort. This story, in all its silliness, demonstrates a key feature of the biological response to stress. Specifically, it's non-linearity. We all understand this intuitively. If I were to deadlift 500 lbs for a single rep, it would impose much more stress than deadlifting 100 lbs five times, despite the fact that the net load is the same in both cases. Similarly, running for 10 minutes at an RPE of 5 arbitrary units is much less stressful than running for 5 minutes at an RPE of 10 arbitrary units, even though the net amount of stress is 50 arbitrary units in both instances. As a result, it's not only important how much work we do, and at what intensity, but also how that work is distributed. Most methods of quantifying training loads under-represent the amount of stress imposed by short very high intensity work bouts compared to longer, more voluminous, workouts done at more moderate intensities. One way to get around this issue, and quantify volume in a more rigorous way, is to use more complex models. One such example is the impulse response model. While not always practical to apply, the impulse response model gives a very accurate representation of an athlete's fitness, fatigue, and ability to perform at any given point in time. This chapter is merely intended to introduce you to the concept of impulse-response and give you some of the background information as well as some simple tools to help you apply it if you so chose to do so. Fitness Fatigue Dynamics For those who have been training for a few years, it’s well known that early into one's training career performance improves quickly, then it later improves more slowly, and finally progress tends to screech to a halt. One reason for this is that early into a training career we can make substantial improvements with relatively little work, but over time the amount of work needed to yield further performance improvements has such a high fatigue cost, that any true ‘developmental’ load is bound to carry enough weight of fatigue that we won’t see an immediate performance improvement. We can understand this concept through the lens of fitness fatigue dynamics. With any imposed training load there will be a near immediate increase in fitness, as well as a near immediate increase in acute fatigue. 117 In 1984 Eric Banister gave a speech at the Olympic Scientific Congress where he defined performance as fitness minus fatigue, which was later amended with performance being multiplied with an exponential decay function that accounts for fatigue. In this model performance can increase or decrease modestly or substantially over both short and long time intervals. Using arbitrary units, let's say that after performing a rigorous training session an athlete gains five AU’s of fitness, with a cost of negative ten AU’s of fatigue. The sum of these two variables is negative five, which represents performance at the first measured time point along the fitness-fatigue curve. Despite the fact that this individual did in fact get fitter from performing a challenging training session, the weight of fatigue is greater than the influence of fitness, and as a result performance drops acutely. This makes intuitive sense. If you train very hard today, your performance will likely suffer tomorrow. However, fatigue is reduced at a faster rate than fitness, which is why we see an increase in performance after an appropriate period of rest. The term fitness-fatigue dynamics refers to the push and pull relationship between these two variables, which ultimately dictates the level of performance than an athlete can express at any given point in time. Before getting into the nuances of how the impulse-response model can be used to understand fitness-fatigue dynamics, it’s worth noting that this model does not aim to interrogate the underlying physiology of how these processes occur. In this way, the impulse-response model differs from descriptive theories of how adaptation occurs as well as the underlying physiological changes that lead to increases in performance. In the history of adaptation research, one of the earliest proposed ideas was the concept of overload by Julius Wolff who linked the loading of bones to their adaptation and remodeling in the late 1800’s. His hypothesis was later extended to other organs and the term overload was expanded to include forms of loading that are not mechanical in nature. While Wolff’s general principle of overload and adaptation was correct, it didn’t explain the underlying mechanisms by which these changes occurred. It wasn’t until a separate theory, called supercompensation theory, was proposed that anyone provided a potential mechanistic explanation for adaptation. Supercompensation theory is rooted in the general adaptation syndrome concept proposed by Hans Selye in the mid 1900’s. The supercompensation hypothesis is defined by a decline in an often undefined Y-axis variable during exercise and its recovery after exercise. According to this hypothesis, the recovery does not only reach pre-exercise levels, but it overshoots it. Despite the fact that this hypothesis is widely accepted among exercise scientists and coaches it is riddled with flaws and there is little mechanistic evidence to suggest that it is true. In recent years the scientific justification for this hypothesis has largely evaporated, yet it continues to be cited in training books and coaching manuals in a near ubiquitous fashion. I believe this is largely a case of path dependency. As early as the 1960’s and 1970’s emerging scientific evidence began to chip away at Hans Selye’s theories. According to Dr. John Kiely, “Classic Selye inspired theory was straining 118 to accommodate evidence demonstrating that neither homeostasis nor the stress response was static, but varied dynamically under the influence of life history and oscillating biological rhythms.” Then, as the twentieth century entered its final quarter, the explanatory limitations of Selye’s model were increasingly exposed. Most notably, the portrayal of stress as a predictable biologically mediated phenomenon was undermined by the demonstrable effects of non-physical factors on the physiological stress response and an emergence of increasingly convincing evidence that the stress responses were not generalized and non-specific, but rather highly individualized and context specific. You may be wondering if this really disproves the notion that supercompensation exists. Can the stress response not be highly individualized, yet still follow the supercompensation time course? This is a question that I had wondered about myself, and there is a wealth of information repudiating supercompensation theory. The supercompensation theory implies that recovery periods are essentially for adaptation. However, this need not be the case. For example, the heart adapts to exercise despite continuous contraction and skeletal muscles can adapt and hypertrophy in response to chronic electrical stimulation applies continuously over weeks as well. Despite being propagated for decades, there is little evidence that the supercompensation time course is essential for adaptation. In contrast, there are hundreds of scientific references supporting an alternative hypothesis that signal transduction pathways mediate all adaptations to exercise. According to the signal transduction theory, specific sensor proteins detect exercise-regulated signals which are then computed by transduction pathways or networks. These early signals regulate downstream events including gene transcription, gene translation, protein synthesis, and protein breakdown. The results are tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms that have adapted to exercise. Impulse-Response Modeling The impulse-response model quantitatively relates an individual's performance potential at a specific time point to the cumulative effects of prior training loads and it succinctly describes an individual's exercise dose-response relationship and handles the complicating factors of nonlinear time dependence and individuality in a single framework. Eric Banister and colleagues recognized the difficulty in translating the results of training studies into practice and in their original paper titled, Modeling Human Performance In Running , they state that, “quantitative data relating performance to different programs of training has been obtained by several investigators but it is still difficult to predict the results of a particular training program.” To address this need Eric Bannister conceived the impulse-response model for training planning organization and optimization. Although its use to date has primarily been confined to laboratory studies, the model has attracted renewed interest among elite athletes. In examining a hypothesized time course that followed from training, Chris Calvert and colleagues proposed that performance kinetics behave like a first order system. A system whose behavior varies over time is typically modeled using ordinary differential equations. 119 The impulse response model provides a window into the dynamics of adaptation to physical training where we have positive training effects (PTE) and negative training effects (NTE). The PTE and NTE profiles qualitatively correlate with measurable physiological parameters related to fitness and fatigue respectively. For example, the kinetics of iron status biomarkers in female runner generally follow that of the NTEs, as do biomarkers of muscle cell damage such as elevated serum enzyme activities including creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, and aspartate aminotransferase. Figure thirty-two shows a recursive form of the impulse-response equation. A recursive formula is a formula that defines each term of a sequence using preceding terms. As such, recursive formulas must always state the initial term, or terms, of the sequence. In order, the terms used in this equation are as follows: P(t) and P(0) represent performance at a specified, and defined, point in time and the initial performance level respectively; Ka is the weighing factor for PTE’s, or positive training effects; τa is the time constant and decay factor for PTE’s; Kf is the weighted factor for NTE’s or negative training effects (fatigue); τf is the time constant and decay factor for NTE’s; and WS is the ‘work score’ or daily training does. Under all circumstances the weight of Ka is less than the weight of Kf and the time constant τa is greater than the time constant τf. This means that when initial conditions are present there is a positive and negative training effect from a given training stimulus, but performance decreases because the weight of negative training effects supersedes the weight of positive training effects. However, during continued periods of training the net effect of PTEs supersedes the net effect of NTEs because τa is greater than τf, which means that training induced fatigue fades at a faster rate than training induced adaptation. Finally, during deload or taper periods performance rapidly increases because Ka and Kf both decrease meaningfully, but PTEs degrade much faster than NTEs, which results in a transient expression of peak performance. 120 Part V: Integrated Biomechanics Chapter 18: Variations Of Human Movement Human movement is a combination of both mobility and stability, as well as the brain’s ability to plan and execute movement. Mobility, or passive range of motion, can be equated to our movement potential and it is influenced by the extensibility of our muscle, the flexibility of our connective tissues, and the kinematics of our joints. Mobility is regulated by the central nervous system, which is why someone out under general anesthesia will immediately gain more range of motion. Stability on the other hand refers to how well we an individual can control themself dynamically, statically, and passively, through the ranges of motion they currently possess. Finally, we have the brain’s ability to plan and execute movement, which can best be explained through dynamical systems theory, which asserts that human movement is an intricate network of co-dependant systems including the respiratory, circulatory, nervous, skeletomuscular, and perceptual systems. Proponents of dynamical systems theory advocate that humans do not come pre-programed with the ability to perform certain movements, but rather that movement emerges through a process of self-organization in response to environmental and task specific cues. It follows that no two environments will ever be exactly the same and therefore no two individuals will execute a given movement in the exact same manner either. When the human nervous system is tasked with planning the execution of a novel skill, like learning to kick a soccer ball, there is no kick program available to tap into at any movement. Instead, novices search for and display many different movement strategies while learning to perform a novel task. As that individual practices the new skill, specific components of their movement pattern become stable, consistent, and repeatable, which is referred to as an attractor state. However, this specific skill composed of attractor states also contains variable components called fluctuators, which allow it to be flexible enough to accommodate the varying demands placed on an individual like taking the newly acquired skill of kicking a soccer ball on flat ground and then learning to kick the ball at different angles on an uneven playing field. Variations of Human Movement Most modern gym movements are simple and take place in a single plane of motion such as vertical pressing and pulling, horizontal pressing and pulling, squatting and hinging. These six patterns and their various derivations compose the vast majority of training programs. I am not inferring that there is not a great value in specialization, but we also need to acknowledge the fact that human movement is infinitely complex and by clinging to the reductionist ways of our specialty we ignore the big picture. Movement allows all systems to be freely expressed, but by training solely in the bilateral sagittal plane, we rob ourselves of what it means to be human. Equally as important as the aforementioned patterns are those that involve hanging, tumbling, inverting, lunging, twists, throwing, and so forth. As stated by Ido Portal, “It does not matter how 121 much you can load in alignment - if you cannot absorb shock outside of those positions you are weak,” and as we know, going out of alignment at one point or another is a certainty, not a probability. As such, there is value in training tri-planar and multi-planar movements in various combinations. Rather than training these movements for load, reps, or time as you would for sport-specific movements, it is best to create flow in your movement practice when the goal is to improve variability. Flow is characterized by a chaotic and improvised practice where one is constantly changing joint angles, sequencing, entries and exits, and the movements contained in a given session. Additionally, it is key that one’s practice is deliberate in this effort and that the focus is on quality of movement, and exploration, versus trying to get a set amount of work done in a given period. When trying to develop flow in a movement practice many people are hindered because they perceive there is a right or wrong way to move. There are more safe or less safe ways to move, more stable and less stable ways to move, more economical and less economical ways to move, and so forth, but the truth is there is no one right way to move. We all create some form of compensation to generate motion and no one is perfect. Even if there were a perfect standard of movement no one would be able to meet it. In order to better understand movement, most people pick skills they want to cultivate. Then they learn the muscles involved, how to breathe in that pattern, how to brace, how to relax, and so forth. As this process unfolds, people aren't always conscious of it, and as a result, they often can't transfer these skills to other movements quickly. But, by zooming out, or taking a step back, they can see the big picture and individual skills become easier to learn. For example, if someone wants to get better at handstand push ups where do they start and how do they identify limitations or create progressions? One way to tackle this issue is to work through the skill in a stepwise fashion focusing first on movement freedom, then strength, endurance, and variability. Movement freedom encompasses the ability to access the relevant ranges of motion to perform a movement safely and without significant mechanical compensations. For example, having sufficient range of motion in the wrists and shoulders to be able to support oneself in the inverted position during a handstand pushup. Movement strength is the ability to support oneself through the entire functional range of motion for a given movement without any mechanical aids or supports. For example, having the core and shoulder strength to support oneself while inverted during a handstand pushup, or having the strength to stand up with a given load after controlling oneself through the eccentric phase on a front squat. Movement endurance is the ability to withstand repeated stressors in a given movement pattern. For example, having the ability to tolerate a meaningful amount of handstand pushup volume in training week after week without an increased risk of shoulder, wrist, elbow, or neck injuries. Movement variability is the ability to react to changing movement demands and stabilize. For example, having the ability to create effective compensatory movement patterns under fatigue, without injuring oneself, or having the ability to transfer a given skill to a context other than that which has been previously practiced. 122 Each of the four aforementioned characteristics can function as a lens through which you can view movement in order to identify areas for growth, and will be expanded on in the preceding chapters. 123 Chapter 19: Tensegrity And Regional Interdependence Traditional anatomical education focuses on the structural and mechanical understanding of individualized human structures, such as muscles, ligaments, nerves, and organs. While anatomy textbooks list that we have roughly six-hundred muscles, it is more accurate to say that we have one muscle and six-hundred pockets of fascial webbing. Fascia is a densely woven system in the body, resembling a spider’s web, that covers every muscle, bone, nerve, and organ. It should be noted that these fascial coverings are not separate entities. They are part of one continuous structure that wraps us from head to toe without interruption. In this way, you can see that each part of the body is connected to every other part by the fascia, like a gigantic spider’s web. However, this limited description of fascia only encapsulates its function from a morphological tissue and structure perspective. In 2007 at the International Fascia Research Congress, Robert Schleip and Thomas Findley proposed a much more nuanced definition of fascia stated as, “Fascia is the soft tissue component of the connective tissue system that permeates the human body, forming a whole-body continuous three-dimensional matrix of structural support. It interpenetrates and surrounds all organs, muscles, bones, and nerve fibers, creating a unique environment for body system functioning. The scope of this definition and interest in fascia extends to all fibrous connective tissues including aponeurosis, ligaments, tendons, retinaculum, joint capsules, organ and vessel tunes, and so forth”. Tensegrity and Tissue Properties The human body is a massive network length-tension relationship. Whatever muscles may be doing individually, they also operate across integrated body-wide continuities within their fascial webbing, which forms a connective tissue fabric that warps to the shape of the body. Thus, all tissues are interconnected and all force transmission or strain will be felt by all tissues to some degree. In this way, the human body acts like a tensegrity structure. The word tensegrity is a portmanteau of the words tension and integrity. By definition, tensegrity is the characteristic property of a stable three-dimensional structure consisting of members under tension that are contiguous and members under compression that are not. Buildings do not act like tensegrity structures. For example, if a tree comes crashing down on one side of the house it will damage the roof and the structural components under that spot may collapse, but the rest of the building will remain in perfect condition as if nothing happened. The building collapsed where force was directly applied and where the strain was most significant. This is intuitive and easy to understand. If you smash the downstairs window of a house with a baseball you wouldn’t expect the upstairs toilet to shatter. However, that is not the case with a tensegrity structure like the human body. A tensegrity structure breaks at its weakest point regardless of where a force is applied. Therefore, as humans and tensegrity structures a stressor applied to our foot or shoulder may manifest as pain in the lower back or vice versa. The human pelvis, which consists of three bones fused together, is a great example of the principle of tensegrity. Without muscles, ligaments, and fascia the pelvis would float somewhere around our 124 midsection. Luckily, this isn’t the case. The pelvis is like a house of cards, and what keeps a house of cards from collapsing to one side or another is an equal amount of tension imparted in each direction. On the front of the pelvis we have the hip flexors and on the back we have hamstrings. If the hamstrings lack tension the pelvis will tilt forward and give the hip flexors leverage. Additionally, if one or both sides of the pelvis carry too much tension then an individual will be more prone to injury, which will manifest where the tensegrity structure is weakest. If you want a practical demonstration of how our bodies act like tensegrity structures you can attempt a forward fold, marking how far down you were able to touch. Then spend one minute rolling a lacrosse ball under your bare feet before retesting your forward fold. There is a high probability that your ability to reach further increases. The reason for this is that the sole of the foot and hamstring are connected via the superficial back fascial line and as a result the rolling of the foot provided neurological stimulation that caused a decrease in tension both in the foot as well as through other areas in the superficial back line such as the hamstring. This is a case where a local intervention has a regional effect on tension, which is only possible because the relative tension in any given area of the body is influenced by the tension in other interconnected regions. If we choose to use this model as our way to view the structure and adaptation of bio-organisms, then we can start to consider how stress being applied to the human body can lead to targeted and specific adaptations depending on what type of stress is applied and where it is applied. Different forms of mechanical stress are classified in a multitude of ways including torsion, tension, shear, ease, compression, stretch, bending and friction. Each of these different mechanical stresses lead to a different form of mechanotransduction, which is the process through which cells sense and respond to mechanical stimuli by converting them into biochemical signals, which elicit specific cellular responses. This process of turning mechanical stressors into chemical activity is capable of changing gene expression and our inflammatory response. For example, if you perform a set of moderate load bicep curls to failure you will stimulate the mechanoreceptors in your bicep, which will lead to a cascade of biochemical responses that will help shape the way you adapt to that mechanical stimulus. Fascia and Fascial Lines Regardless of what muscles do individually, they also affect tissues throughout the entire body through fascial based interconnections. These interconnections are called facial lines and are seen by tracing the body’s connective tissue structures during dissection. Fascial lines help create stability, movement, elasticity, compensatory postures. While all tissues in the body are linked to the fascial network, the fascial lines can be distinguished and viewed as distinct entities. 125 The superficial back line connects the entire posterior side of the body running from underneath the feet to the top of the skull and it helps keep the body in an upright posture. Because of the structure and function of this fascial line it’s not uncommon that athletes lacking intrinsic foot strength and flexibility present with lower back pain. When viewed through a traditional lens this type of back pain’s origin is often mysterious as it cannot be attributed to a standard local tissue related diagnosis, however when looking through the lens of the fascial theory alternative explanations can be gleaned. The superficial front line, which connects the entire anterior side of the body running from the top of the feet to the sides of the skull, is in juxtaposition with the superficial back line when the body is upright and the hips are extended, The lateral line begins on both sides of the body on the center of the foot and frames the body by extending along the outside of the leg and thigh, passing over the torso in a zigzag pattern and attaching near the ears. The function of the lateral line is to stabilize the torso relative to the legs, to help with coordinating full body movements, and to control forces transmitted from the superficial front and back lines. The spiral line creates a loop around the body in two circles, running opposite one another right and left. Starting at the skull, these lines cross the upper back and run under the arms until they go around the chest crossing each other at the naval and then running to the sides of the hips and forming an ‘X’ before trailing down the outside of the thighs, running under the feet, and finally running back up the thighs and converging at the spinal erectors. The spiral line stabilizes the body in all planes of motion and is especially useful for regulating the position of the knee during the gait cycle by connecting the foot and pelvis. Because of the position of the spiral line individuals with excessive hip flexor tone or strength, compared to pec tone or strength, often present with lower back pain. The arm lines are the most complex of those previously mentioned since they run through the shoulder joint in four different planes and along the arm on multiple sides including two deep lines on the front and back of the arms respectively. With the structure and function of these lines in mind, we can consider how this influences exercise selection. For example, if we want to train our biceps through all of the functional ranges of the muscle we cannot only rely on standard single plane pronated and neutral grip curl variations. We may also want to incorporate other functions of the bicep into our training repertoire including bracing the arm in a locked out position, creating shoulder flexion, and working rotationally along the plane that the muscle fibers are laid out. The functional lines cross both the front and back side of the body, creating a large ‘X’ on both sides. Additionally, a third function line runs from the shoulder to the inside of the knee on the same side. The functional lines are not very active during static standing posters, do aid in stabilizing the body and generating power in movements where we push off the ground to create 126 force from the opposite side of the body. For example, winding up to throw a punch by pushing off the ground and rotating the hips. Finally, the deep lines form a three-dimensional shape rather than a line, taking up more space than any other fascial line and running through the legs, around and the torso, through the chest cavity, and around the neck. The deep line contains many stabilizing muscle fibers and can be contraindicated in many injuries if dysfunction is present. By working in sync with one another the different facial lines aid in the generation of balanced, fluid, and integrated movement. This runs counter to the traditional view of muscle function where muscles work only at their point of origin and either contract or resist. When we consider fascia’s ability to transmit force the picture becomes much more nuanced. In the past, fascia has been viewed as a passive structure that gives the muscle extra support and serves as a second skin barrier. However, it actually serves an integral role in the human body. Contrary to popular belief, fascia is not a passive tissue and it has the ability to contract and has its own sensory network. On a pound by pound basis, fascial can have upwards of eight times the tensile strength of muscle tissue. It is my speculation that the contractile abilities of fascia are responsible for many of the superhuman feats of strength seen by acrobats, climbers, gymnastics, and elite weightlifters who can squat upwards of four times their bodyweight. Pound for pound gymnasts and acrobats are some of the strongest athletes and if you gave them a barbell it is likely they would outperform many high level strength athletes. Yet, gymnasts and acrobats rarely train with weights. I believe much of that strength comes from the fascial system, which is developed as a result of their training with complex and full body integrated movements under loading. These movements which often involve twisting, contorting, and rotating under load are the perfect stimulus for creating adaptations in the fascia and exercising it’s contractile abilities. However, most people simply cannot perform these movements let alone do so under load due to the fact that their fascia is bound up as a result of repetitive training in a single plane of motion, and repetitive postures. In order to depict the negative effects these inputs have on fascia I like to use the following tee-shirt analogy. If you pull up on the right corner of your tee-shirt the whole shirt will move along with it, not just that corner. Then when you let go of that corner the shirt will snap back to its original spot and there will be no wrinkles in it. But, if you pull on that corner and hold it there for hours, or days, when you release it, it will not snap back and there will be wrinkles. This is akin to what happens to our fascia when we perform repetitive training in a single plane for years on end. A good example of this is shoulder or pec minor pain that comes from repeated bench press training. Through a traditional lens one might say that an athlete can just do some external rotation work or rear delt work to offset the bench pressing or balance out the motions, but in practice this seldom works. Comparably, an athlete will always be able to overload the pecs more than their antagonists and, as a result, viewing the body through this narrow structural balance perspective 127 is not the answer. It’s not uncommon for athletes to also try to take the approach of doing horizontal rowing to offset horizontal pressing, but this is equally misguided as the pecs and lats both function as internal rotators of the humerus which further compounds the issue. It is only through the lens of holism that we can begin to move in the right direction by viewing the body as a single integrated unit. This means addressing restrictions in the fascia, breaking the pattern of repetitive motion, and training with complex movement patterns that integrate the body as a single unit. Regional Interdependence Earlier in this chapter I stated that many musculoskeletal issues, like back pain, are often non-attributable to standard tissue related diagnosis and as a consequence of that we need to focus on the interrelationships between muscles and their functions to understand those types of issues. This is directly related to the concept of regional interdependence, which asserts that seemingly unrelated musculoskeletal impairments in remote anatomical or body regions may be associated with or can contribute to one another. Additionally, contemporary research on regional interdependence has shown that varying body systems can also be affected by one another. What this means is that the body needs to be observed in its entirety if we are to truly understand it. This runs in opposition to the traditional medical model where each component is assessed in isolation. Vladimir Janda, the late 1960’s Physical Therapist, was ahead of his time in understanding this concept when he stated, “The motor system functions as an entity. It is a principally wrong approach to try to understand impairments of different parts of the motor system separately without understanding the function of the motor system as a whole”. When we embrace this concept wholeheartedly, we can begin to see human movement from a holistic standpoint. One way to view regional interdependence is through the interrelationship between mobile and stable segments of the body. If any joint that has it's primary movement in one plane of motion is considered a stable joint, and consider those that don't have just one primary range of motion a mobile joint, you can observe that the human body works in a pattern of alternating stable segments connected by mobile segments. For example, if we work from the ground up we can observe a pattern of alternating mobile and stable joint segments, as demonstrated in figure thirty-three. 128 By looking through the lens of regional interdependence and alternating mobility and stability you can see how dysfunction in this pattern will occur through predictable patterns of compensation. For example, Crossfit athletes often present with low back pain, shortened hip flexors, and a lack of thoracic spine mobility. This lack of mobility and range of motion in the hips and thoracic spine, which should be mobile segments, causes a compensation pattern. As a result, the lumbar spine, which should be a stable segment, sacrifices that stability in order to obtain more range of motion. As a result, they often end up with low back pain that is non-attributable to the standard tissue based diagnosis and in turn it often goes solved. This same concept can be applied to other areas of the body as well. For example, one might lose thoracic mobility and get neck and shoulder pain as a result of that or one may lose wrist mobility and get elbow pain as a consequence. Thus, examination of joints that are both proximal and distal to joints that are afflicted with pain is a crucial concept of regional interdependence. Thus far I have discussed the concept of regional interdependence as it relates to pain and rehabilitation. Specifically, how a lack of mobility or stability in a joint can impact the function, and cause pain, in the joints proximal or distal to it. However, this concept also has implications to, and applications for, sports performance. Whereas the mobility of a joint can impact those surrounding it, the strength and endurance of the musculature surrounding a joint can impact the function of muscles upstream from it. In 2018 Dr. Maximilian Sanno and his colleagues at the German Sport University of Cologne conducted a study titled, Positive Work Contribution Shifts from Distal to Proximal Joints During a Prolonged Run. The investigators found that as extended duration runs, at a slightly slower pace than 10,000m race efforts, are performed, runners progressively do less and less work with their ankles and progressively do more work with their knees and hips. What this shows is that as distal joints and muscles fatigue more 129 proximal ones compensate to take the brunt of loading, raising the question of whether or not the runners could improve their performance simply by strengthening their ankles and improving fatigue resistance in the surrounding muscle groups. According to the investigators in this study, that does in fact appear to be the case. As a result, I would make the argument that athletes involved in work capacity sports that require high levels of strength and endurance train the fatigue resistance of muscles that are both proximal and distal to the primary muscles used in their sport. For a Crossfit athlete this can mean strengthening the feet, ankles, elbows, and wrists, all of which are often overlooked in training programs. Another application of this concept is what I refer to as landmark movement routines which can be performed as stand alone training sessions or tacked onto the back of a stimulative training session. Landmark movement routines consist of foot, ankle, diaphragm, thoracic spine, neck, and shoulder training. Addressing these common problem areas will often remediate upstream and downstream issues as well, making landmark movement routines a low investment insurance policy for athletes in a variety of sports. That said, if someone prevents with a specific pathology or movement dysfunction then that should be addressed with a targeted intervention. However, for those who move well and aren’t currently experiencing any pain or dysfunction you'll find a landmark movement routines are often enough to stave off injuries and improve resilience. 130 Chapter 20: Gait, Posture, And Locomotion Leonardo Da Vinci once remarked that in addition to being a work of art, the human body is a marvel of engineering. Da Vinci’s statement is particularly true when it comes to the anatomical structures necessary to allow for bipedality since walking on two legs presents an engineering conundrum. During the gait cycle, our lower extremities must be supple enough to absorb shock and accommodate for changes in terrain as well as become rigid enough to tolerate the forces of acceleration during propulsion off the ground. This is in contrast to quadrupeds, who have the luxury of being able to absorb shock with their forelimbs while their hind limbs are used for support and acceleration like a pouncing house cat for example. The human body can accomplish these contradictory functions through a series of complex articular interactions that allow the same anatomical structure to behave differently during the early and later phases of gait. In this way, gait is not owned by the feet as many would assume. Instead, it is owned by the processes of perception of all our senses. Because of this, and the fact that our bodies are a network of length-tension relationships, gait and posture are the epitomes of repetitive compensation patterns. In addition to the engineering quandary posed by bipedality, an even more significant problem lies in the fact that the human body is not symmetrical. The neurological, respiratory, circulatory, muscular and vision systems are not the same on the left side of the body as they are on the right. They have different responsibilities, functions, positions, and demands placed on them. These systemic asymmetries are a fantastic design, and in fact the human body is balanced through these systemic imbalances. For example, the torso is balanced with the liver on the right side and the heart on the left, and extremity dominance is balanced through a reciprocal function, meaning that the left arm moves with the right leg and vice versa. When these normal imbalances are not regulated by reciprocal function during walking, breathing, or other activities a pattern emerges which creates structural instabilities and often manifest with musculoskeletal pain or weakness. By assessing an individual's posture and gait we can gain insight into unilateral discrepancies, discrepancies between active and passive ranges of motion, potential aberrant joints, as well as global compensation patterns. What is Posture? The dictionary definition of posture is “the position in which someone holds their body when standing or sitting”. For something so simple and mundaneI find it paradoxical how complex posture can be when we seek to understand the underlying factors that influence it. Posture is a reflection of the ‘position’ of many systems that are regulated, determined, and created through limited functional patterns which reflect our ability and inability to breath, rotate, and rest symmetrically. The term ‘limited functional pattern’, refers to a movement that is restricted in directions, planes, or normal boundaries of functional range as a result of improvement of joint and muscle resting positions. An individual's function is therefore limited 131 because of soft tissue and osseous restrictions that prevent them from using muscles and joints in their normal range. Adaptation and compensation for these limitations require neuromotor encoding and hyperactivity of muscles that are placed in improper positions that exceed normal physiological length or in positions that make them a mover or counter-mover in planes and directions that are not observed when one is in a neutral or more symmetrical state of rest. This compensatory activity and hyperactivity usually become dyssynchronous in the accessory muscles of respiration and at the appendicular flexors and axial extensors, thus limiting functional rotation at the trunk and through the lumbopelvic-femoral and cranial-mandibular-cervical complex”. This means that these limited functional patterns which result from an improper joint position, soft tissue restrictions, muscle weakness, and maladaptive biomechanics determine the compensation patterns we employ, which give rise to our default posture and mode of locomotion. What Constitutes Perfect Posture? "Sit up straight:, "stop slouching", "stand up tall". These are all statements that aim to instill a sense of perfect posture as defined by the society at large. The reality is that we cannot truly, or objectively, determine what perfect posture entails but there are common positions that should be expressed to both increase longevity and alleviate movement dysfunctions. These include a neutral pelvis, neutral head position, not rounding the upper back, keeping the ribs pressed down, and keeping the abs braced. A lack, or excess, of any of these positions, can lead to issues such as thoracic kyphosis and hyperlordosis. Thoracic kyphosis is a forward rounding of the back. While some rounding is normal, the term ‘postural kyphosis’ is used to reference an exaggerated rounding of the upper back . This impairment results from short, and weak, hamstrings, and often serratus anterior, combined with overactive pecs and lats. In many cases, the sternocleidomastoid muscle will present as overactive as well, which leads to the forward head posture that often occurs in those with postural kyphosis. Therefore, when treating kyphosis, our goal is to inhibit the lats while simultaneously lengthening the hamstrings and serratus anterior. Oftentimes those with postural kyphosis present with a posterior pelvic tilt as well, which occurs via an extension of the lower back. A posterior pelvic tilt occurs when the front of the pelvis rises, and the back of the pelvis drops. This typically occurs in those who spend a lot of time sitting, which ‘shortens’ their hip flexors. The hip flexors connect the femur to the hips and lower back, and while standing, shortened hip flexors will cause the hip to tilt forward and the curvature of the lower back to increase. Lordosis refers to the normal inward curvature of the lumbar and cervical spine regions, and an excessive inward curvature is known as hyperlordosis. A significant feature of hyperlordosis is a forward pelvic tilt, also known as an anterior pelvic tilt, which results in the 132 pelvis resting on top of the thighs. The primary cause of hyperlordosis and anterior pelvic tilting is a combination or immobile hip flexors, a tight lower back, as well as weak glutes, hamstrings, and abs. In our modern climate, where we spend much of our days sitting, hunched over typing on computers, and with our heads craned downward looking at phones, we often lose the vital capacity to stand erect without encountering the aforementioned issues. Those covered in this chapter are some of the most commonly encountered, and pervasive, postural faults and understanding how to spot and treat them is a big step in developing a system to understand human movement. Once you learn to identify these issues, you can also begin to observe the compensation patterns that unfold around them. When discussing posture it's important to distinguish between acute and chronic. While I believe chronic thoracic kyphosis, or lordosis, are issues that should be addressed I do not think these positions are inherently bad. For example, in some circumstances an athlete may leverage their ability to get into lordotic posture in order to gain a mechanical advantage while sprinting or deadlifting. Additionally, a kyphotic posture may confer a benefit during a sandbag carry as it allows for more functional length in the arms due to the forward rounding of the shoulders which makes it easier to grab the bag. The issue with these postural faults is not that we have the ability to get into those positions or that we can leverage them in specific scenarios, but instead when they become our normal resting postures or when we cannot get out of those positions. This distinction between acute and chronic is critical as many positions which appear to be maladaptive for general health and wellbeing, or as normal resting postures, can be leveraged to a positive effect during sport as long as the athlete is able to find neutral or a safe baseline position after the task is complete. Postural Patterns While the concept of a postural pattern is a bit reductionist in scope, it is mighty in that it allows a practitioner or coach to take in, chunk, and convey large amounts of information quickly, which can help them decide how to move forward with a movement training program. The patterns describe an individual's musculoskeletal position, and overactive and underactive joints and muscles. Some of the most common compensation patterns people fall into are the Left Anterior Interior Chain (AIC) pattern, Right Brachial Chain (BC) pattern, and Posterior Exterior Chain (PEC) pattern, which come from the Postural Restoration Institute. Before discussing the specifics related to each of these patterns, it's necessary to recognize that they all manifest from the inherent asymmetry between the left and right side of the body. While this asymmetry should be balanced through a complex system of imbalances, problems arise when disturbances in this system occur. 133 A typical example of the inherent asymmetry of the human body is the diaphragm which has a larger attachment on the right side and is more stable there as a result. Our diaphragm is a primary spinal stabilizer and is the primary muscle of respiration. With the average adult having an average daily respiration rate of twelve to twenty-five breaths per minute this means we use the diaphragm 18,000-36,000 times a day, and as a result, if it's not working correctly it can have a deleterious effect on our posture and ability to withstand loading. An example of this would be the left side of the diaphragm flattening out which in turn causes the left abdominals to become less active and the ribs on the left side to flare outwards. As a result of this, our trunk will also bend slightly toward the right, and our left side of the pelvis will rotate forward, which is a crucial feature of the left AIC pattern. When the left side of the pelvis is rotated forward in this position, we stand more on our right leg than our left. As a result, the pelvis will shift more load onto the right foot than the left foot and the load will resign on the outside of the right foot and instep of the left foot, which often causes lower back, knee, and hip pain. A classic example of the left AIC pattern is The Statue of David. When someone is in the left AIC pattern, and the pelvis rotates to the right side of the body, he or she will often compensate by counter-rotating their trunk to the left as a means of keeping their body oriented straight ahead. The primary muscles that keep the body in this leftward upper body counter rotation are the muscles that comprise the right brachial chain. In this scenario, a one-sided lower body problem gives rise to a one-sided upper body counter compensation, thus leading to the formation of the right BC pattern. When the body shifts into the right BC pattern the ribs flare on the left side while the trunk rotates to the right. This orientation of the ribs often causes the right scapula to sit lower and farther from the spine than the left scapula, which makes it inherently unstable. Because the scapula is the base of the shoulder joint, this pattern often locks down the right shoulder, which can manifest in ways ranging from general pain to rotator cuff injuries, impingements, or slap tears. The final compensation pattern I will discuss is the Posterior Exterior Chain pattern. This pattern often emerges when someone has been stuck in the left AIC pattern for an extended period of time, and as a result, they create a secondary compensation to allow for functionality without pain. The PEC pattern is essentially a bilateral AIC pattern meaning both sides of the pelvis have rotated forward. This causes a dramatic arch in the lower back. In return, the thoracic spine will come into extension, the abdominals turn off, and subsequently the ribs flare out on both sides. When this occurs, the head and shoulders move forward to aid in reaching or pressing activities, which can result in shoulder and neck pathologies, persistent headaches, and often low back and knee pain. Gait and Locomotion As previously mentioned, walking is a compensatory strategy. In order to assess faults and compensations in gait, it is essential to understand the intricacies of a proper gait cycle. The 134 gait cycle is broken into two primary phases, the stance phase and swing phase, which can both be broken down into various sub-phases. When analyzing the gait cycle, one foot is taken as the ‘reference foot,’ and all motions are studied relative to it. The Stance phase is the portion of the gait cycle in which the foot remains in contact with the ground. This phase constitutes roughly 60% of the gait cycle and can be further broken down into the five following movements: 1. Initial contact - during the initial contact the heel is the first bone of the lead foot to touch the ground. 2. Loading response - in the loading response phase we transfer our weight onto the reference foot, shifting to a flat-footed position, which allows us to absorb shock and begin forward motion. 3. Mid stance - during the mistance we align our center of mass with the reference foot. 4. Terminal stance - during this phase of gait the lead, or reference, foot begins to rise while the toe is still in contact with the ground. 5. Toe off - during toe off the reference foot rises and swings in the air, which begins the swing phase of the gait cycle. The swing phase is the part of the gait cycle where the reference foot is not in contact with the ground and it swings through the air. This phase constitutes roughly 40% of the gait cycle and is composed of three parts which include the initial swing, mid swing, and terminal swing. These represent the different orientations of the reference limb as it moves through space. While there are countless potential gait-related dysfunctions, some of the most common are as follows: 6. Contralateral hips and shoulders moving out of sync. 7. Unilateral discrepancies between hands, shoulders, hips, and feet. 8. Knees extending when they should be flexing. 9. Overpronation of the feet. 10. Leaning to one side over the other. 11. Rotational orientation of hands and feet. In gait literature, there is quite a bit of debate as it relates to working through gait-related dysfunction, or retraining gait. Few studies compare holistic impacts of conducting gait retraining versus not conducting gait retraining. However, there seems to be good evidence supporting the fact that gait retraining can halt or slow the progression of some pathologies and even reverse them in some cases. The clinical application of gait retraining is beyond the scope 135 of this book or my depth of knowledge on the topic, but I can speak to the level of its application in sport. The most applicable example being running as there is a large body of evidence linking mechanics with injury, which justifies altering those mechanics. While more work is needed to understand the optimal way to retrain gait patterns in runners, simple cues that correct the cause of the faulty pattern are often a powerful enough tool to begin catalyzing change. Figure thirty-four lists the most commonly observed faults in runner’s gait patterns, their potential causes, and cues or solutions that can be used in the gait retraining process. 136 Chapter 21: Pain, A Complex Emotion Language is important for many reasons. Some uses of language are practical, like instructing an athlete during a training session or communicating the nuances of their program to them. Other times language is helpful in conveying heartfelt needs, communicating emotions, or resolving issues. Language is so ubiquitous and comes in handy in such a wide array of circumstances that it would be foolhardy to denigrate it as being unimportant. Still, it seems that language is not up to the task of capturing the fullness of reality, or conveying the intricacies of complex emotions like pain. For something so familiar that everyone has experienced at one point or another, pain is paradoxically difficult to define. In the literature pain is described as a complex emotion with the teleological function of preventing us from harming ourselves. Said differently, pain is a public service announcement about a credible threat to our safety. In the case of pain induced by a burn the message is simple. Fire is dangerous! Do not touch it again! Pain is also emotionally traumatic, which ensures that we remain permanently keen to avoid whatever caused it initially. However, the biology of pain is never really straight forward, even when it appears to be. Take chronic pain, phantom limb pain, or pain with no apparent cause, for example. What information is encoded in that? Perhaps pain is not only a message from injured tissues to be accepted at face value, but rather that it is a complex experience that is thoroughly tuned by our brains. In this chapter I'll delve into the science of pain and how pain may be influenced by neurological, psychological, and physiological factors. Plasticity, Pain, & Perception Neuroplasticity is the capacity of the brain to adapt and remodel itself as a result of an individual's interactions with their environment. Plasticity can have positive or negative outcomes. We can leverage the ability of our brains to adapt in order to develop new skills or ingrain a positive habit. We can also undergo changes referred to as negative plasticity, which can produce post traumatic stress disorder, chronic pain disorders, phantom pain, and other conditions where our neural communication pathways become more efficient at creating negative responses. For example, athletes can develop chronic pain related ailments due to negative plasticity. In these instances the pathways in their brains that generate pain signals become more developed and more efficient at generating the pain response in the future. For example, an individual with a herniated disk may experience ongoing pain for years as a result of the pain pathways becoming very efficient at generating pain. Additionally, pain receiving fibers can increase in number and brain out to further increase pain perception. Over time these new pathways heighten the pain response even though the initial injury may no longer be present. In these cases the individual experiencing pain is undergoing a low-grade form of post traumatic stress which is caused by an overactivation of the sympathetic nervous system. They have been trained to experience and perceive pain when no actual threat is present. Perception is the brain’s best guess about what is happening in the outside world. Perception is an inference. There are cases where a specific sight, sound, smell, or specific 137 bodily sensation can elicit a physiological response, like pain or even an immune response. Additionally, specific environmental cues can cause the onset of pain or bring traumatic memories back to the surface. Most of the time we aren’t even consciously aware of the impact that these sights, sounds, smells, or environments have on us. This raises an interesting question. Is the pain we experience in these instances real if nothing has changed physically that would indicate physical damage? In many instances we can perceive pain when it is not real, in that there is no structural abnormality causing it. Brain regions like the amygdala and hippocampus work together to protect us from danger, perceived or real, when certain sensations, that you may or may not be aware of, reach a critical threshold. When this occurs a threat response is triggered, which may lead to the sensation of pain from a past injury in the present. These painful memories are real, but they need not be accepted at face value as that can alter our perception and create a feedforward loop that perpetuates the pain response. When we tell ourselves a story about our bodies and repeat it over and over we use thought to regulate our physical sensations instead of awareness. The more we focus on an injury and the more resources we allocate to thinking about it the more the brain continues to perceive it as a threat due to the process of potentiation. Potentiation is a process by which synaptic connections between neurons become stronger with frequent activation and it is thought to be a way which the brain changes in response to experience, and thus may be a mechanism underlying learning and memory. You cannot think your way out of a physical problem. At some point you need to be present in your body, which can be challenging when you have been in pain or reacting to external stimuli for a long time. To turn down the volume on the pain response, when no structural abnormalities are present, you need to create space between your perceptions and reality and recognize what is occurring in real time. You need to ask yourself whether your thoughts and bodily sensations are accurate representations of where you are at right now. Additionally, you need to examine how your body is reacting to your current environmental cues and understand how your subjective experience is our brain's best guess at how to protect you from a perceived threat. If your left knee is aching for no apparent reason, then move your right knee and notice the subtleties of the movement. Is there something fundamentally different between the issue free side and the side that hurts? Oftentimes when we experience a sudden ache or pain we become more attune to bodily sensations like crepitus and we attribute the pain to these phenomena. When we expand our focus we may realize that the sensation of crepitus occurs elsewhere where pain is absent. This outward expansion of our attention allows us to not become hyper focused on a specific bodily region and it can help free us from the compulsion of tightening up, rapidly breathing, or obsessing about a minor ache or pain, which often perpetuates the problem. By doing something different like changing your environment, altering your movement, exploring new movements and feeling new sensations you become less interoceptive. This allows you to adjust your perception and turn down the noise on the brain's threat detection system when no true threat is present. This relates to the allegory of the stone cutter which tells the tale of a man who relentlessly strikes a massive stone day in and day out. 138 After four days and one thousand strikes of the stroke cutters hammer a young man approaches the stone cutter remarking that the stone shows no evidence of damage. All of the stone cutters' efforts were for naught. Finally, one day, the stone cutter deals the final flow completely shattering the stone. Was the the one thousand and oneth strike that shattered the stone, or was it the culmination of all of the stone cutters efforts and determination any evidence of triumph up to that point? The answer should be clear that it was the culmination of repeated strikes that shattered the stone. This allegory also applies to the process of getting out of pain, whether that pain is caused by a movement dysfunction, tissue trauma, or it is a chronic pain based issue. The systems that respond to and generate pain are idiosyncratic and as the pain response continually occurs it becomes more difficult to produce other outputs as the brain becomes increasingly proficient at creating protective signals. The longer this cycle repeats itself the longer it will take to get out of pain. Additionally, recovery is not a linear process and we can go long stretches without any discernible difference in the level of pain we experience day to day. This does not mean that progress is not being made, but as with the allegory of the stone cutter, our labor may not bear fruit until the job is complete. The process of delayed results often leads athletes to select more aggressive treatment methodologies in hopes that their work will manifest an immediate change or decrease their subjective sensation of pain sooner. This is not the correct solution and it can potentially undue days worth of work by re-potentiating the pain response. Instead graded exposure based approaches borrowed from cognitive behavioral therapy should be used. Graded exposure can best be analogized as slowly filling up a cup without it overflowing. In this case the cup represents our threshold pain response and the water in the cup is our sense of threat. If we fill the cup too quickly we’re at risk of it overflowing, thus triggering a protective pain response. Instead the goal is to slowly increase exposure to threats at a rate where a pain response is not elicited such that an individual can return to normal activity overtime without experiencing pain. The pain science literature suggests that these types of interventions can form lasting changes to the brain through positive plasticity so long as the volume, frequency, and duration of interventions are not perceived as stressful to the individual undergoing treatment. Pain and Motor Control Pain alters motor control in an unpredictable manner that cannot be perfectly modeled. This is counter to the traditional, reductionist, models of pain and motor control that were based on joint inhibition. Joint inhibition is when a damaged, or painful, joint inhibits the muscles surrounding it from functioning at peak capacity. This is a form of reflexive inhibition. An example of this process would be a decrease in muscle fiber recruitment and force production of the biceps muscles as a result of an elbow injury. However, more recent research suggests that pain’s impact on muscle activation is not so clear cut. In fact, there are some circumstances in which it can have the opposite effect of joint inhibition and increase muscle activation instead of 139 decreasing it. Although pain’s role in muscle function and motor control is still not fully understood, there have been major breakthroughs in recent years. The latest research indicates that despite pain's impact on motor control being somewhat unpredictable, it is most likely related to the specific task being performed. This means that the brain will increase or decrease muscle activation in the presence of pain in response to the task being performed. This has many implications, but one of the most far reaching is that individuals in pain are utilizing motor patterns that are compensatory in nature. In 2011 Paul Hodges and Kylie Tucker proposed a new theory of pain and motor control which describes the process the motor control system undergoes to provide short term protection for an afflicted bodily area. The consequence of the natural protective change in motor control is altered muscle activation and movement. This helps explain why changes in muscle function can be so unpredictable because they depend on, and are informed by, the specific problem at hand. As a result, increases or decreases in muscle activation can both serve a protective function in the context of a specific injury. These subtle changes in movement at a micro level can culminate into clinically observable dysfunctions at a macro level, which can also be identified with technologies like NIRS or surface electro electromyography. 140 Chapter 22: Breathing And Autonomics Mindfulness meditation and breathing based practices are keystones in many eastern cultures. These practices have the ability to integrate and connect us physically, neurologically, and emotionally. It is said that breath equals behavior, and behavior is the culmination of the way we move, how we perceive our environment, our self awareness, and our ability to adapt to our surroundings and cope with environmental stressors. For a practice that is so highly valued and common in eastern cultures, its existence is wholly lacking in the west. This does not mean we need to adapt an esoteric or spiritual approach to mindfulness, but it is worth considering the value that a deliberate mindfulness practice can have in a holistic training or rehabilitation program. Deliberate practice is the key word. Quality is much more important than quantity, especially so when dealing with mindfulness practices, movement practices, and rehabilitation. The human body has an incredible ability to adapt to poor movement patterns as well as optimal ones. If the demands we impose on ourselves are causing us to default to weak and unstable positions, then the body will adapt to those subpar positions. The purpose of this chapter is to identify the relationship between breathing, the nervous system, movement capacity, and the integration of breathing based practices as a means of working towards addressing movement dysfunction and improving athletic performance. Respiration, the Diaphragm, and the Nervous System The autonomic nervous system is a key regulator of physiological functions including the control of respiration, cardiac regulation, vasomotor activity, and reflexivity. This system acts unconsciously and is the primary control mechanism for the ‘fight, flight, or freeze’ and ‘rest and digest’’ responses. The diaphragm is the autonomic nervous system’s connection to the rest of the body. In this way the diaphragm and respiration influence myriad bodily functions. The diaphragm also attaches directly to the lumbar spine and contracts before extremity limb movement, making it a major core stabilizer. During inhalation the diaphragm contracts and descends into the abdomen while out interval organs are pushed forward and downward against the abdominal musculature. When this happens intra-abdominal pressure and systemic tension increase, perpetuating a sympathetic nervous system response via excitation. This causes heart rate to increase with inhalation and decrease during exhalation with the latter increasing parasympathetic tone through inhibition. Following exhalation there is a slight pause before the next breath cycle, which allows the diaphragm to relax and ascend as well as helping to build up carbon dioxide tolerance which aids in control of the respiratory drive. Lastly, the abdominals serve as an anchor for the diaphragm and the obliques, as well as the transverse abdominis which controls both the ribs and the diaphragm’s position during respiration. During inhalation the ribs expand and externally rotate and during exhalation the ribs return and internally rotate. This motion of the ribs lengthens and decompresses the thoracic column. 141 Breath manipulation in a general sense is about autonomic nervous system control and breathing is neurologically linked to the stress response. In times of stress our heart rate and cardiac output increase, cortisol frees up glucose for immediate energy, oru muscles tense, and we begin to hyperventilate which causes hemoglobin’s oxygen dissociation curve to shift to the right and it also hyper-inflates our lungs to rigidify the spine as a means of increasing stability. These behaviors and actions are highly beneficial in the presence of danger but are maladaptive when they become chronic. In other words, when we are not in danger, but are breathing like we are. Shallow breathing patterns that create hyper-inflated states put us into extension and keep us in a sympathetic dominant state. When the sympathetic nervous system is overly active our prefrontal cortex is inhibited which reduces motor variability and leads to rigidity. This decrease in prefrontal cortex activation and increase in rigidity squanders our ability to learn new motor tasks and relieve chronic pain symptoms. In order to decrease rigidity and increase function we can use breathing based practices. reathing Based Practices B The impacts of breathing practices on our health and wellbeing are numerous. In addition to calming the nervous system, controlled breathing practices, done with proper mechanics, improve oxygen delivery, self-awareness, movement variability, and can be used to alter the tone of the autonomic nervous system. While our breathing patterns can be altered to facilitate the sympathetic nervous system and perpetuate a threat response, the primary value of breath training is to calm the nervous system via slow, deep, breathing with an emphasis on full exhalations. This helps to increase nociceptive tolerance and decrease systemic tension. In other words, turning down the alarm on the stress response. The best place to start for beginners who would like to incorporate a new breathing based practice is with simple breath awareness. A basic beginner protocol is as follows: 1. Lay supine on on your back with your knees bent, or sit upright in a yoga position; 2. Breath in slowly and gently through your nose with your tongue against the roof of your mouth; 3. Once you have completed your relaxed inhale, exhale slowly letting the last bit out air out with a slightly forced exhale; 4. Pause at the end of the exhale until you feel the first subtle urge to breathe again. 5. During this time you should be observing your breathing frequency without trying to change it. You should note how this changes over time. As you become more accustomed to diaphragmatic breathing you can begin to use rhythm as an indicator of control and make note of how different breathing patterns impact your 142 mood, level of pain, and sensitivity to stress. You can and should begin to explore new status and dynamic positions as well. As Gray Cook has said, “If you cannot breathe in a movement you do not own that movement.” It’s also worth reflecting on some of the common breathing faults that athletes may have as well as how to fix these faults so they can ‘own their movements’, so to speak. First and foremost, the position of the thoracic spine and ribcage govern the function of the diaphragm muscle. If an athlete’s positions are compromised, then their ability to breathe with optimal mechanics and volumes will be compromised as well. We want to ensure that an athlete has sufficient, but not excessive, thoracic flexion and extension, that their scapula sits properly on their ribcage, and that their ribs are not flared. These factors compromise the foundation of proper breathing and once they are addressed we can start to think about the mechanics of breathing. One of the major mechanical faults that athletes often have is an overreliance on inhaling through the mouth, versus breathing through both the nose and the mouth combined. This can be due to nasal congestion or a deviation in the nasal septum, but in most instances the solution can be found in simple cueing. For example, you can first have an athlete focus on pressing their tongue to the roof of their mouth while simultaneously breathing through their nose, which will preserve the maxillary arch and keep their neck muscles relaxed. Once an athlete gets comfortable breathing through their nose in a relaxed posture or during low intensity training you can begin working with them to breathe through their nose and mouth simultaneously with the tongue in a neutral or depressed position. This allows for greater gas exchange during high intensity work bouts, which is an advantage as they try to extend their work durations. After addressing an athlete's positions and inhalatory mechanics the third most common fault is a lack of complete exhalation, which manifests itself as hyperinflation and an overextended posture where an individual is incapable of finding a neutral position. In some cases fixing this issue is as simple as drawing an individual's conscious awareness to it and cueing them to focus on slow smooth exhales through the mouth until all air is expelled from the lunges. It’s important to emphasize that the exhales should be smooth, and not forced, to avoid clamping down on the rectus abdominis muscles or straight the neck. The role of breathing based practices in an athletes training, and how much they should dedicate to these practices, can vary widely. For those who are currently in pain or suffering from chronic injuries it can be helpful to dedicate entire training sessions to breath work, manual therapy, and corrective exercises. For those who are just looking to augment their current training routine simply integrating breath work within warmups can be great focused reminders. The addition of breath work to warmups allows for time, not under load, to help athletes feel the dynamics of the rib cage during inhalation and exhalation. This also sets athletes up to be more receptive to coaching cues during the subsequent training session. For individuals who are having trouble bridging the 143 gap between breathing with optimal mechanics during warmups and prehab exercises and doing so during dynamic exercises i’ll often use loaded carries and holds, then low load dynamic exercises, and over time we’ll increase the cardiorespiratory demand in accordance with an individual's ability to adapt. Respiration and Holism In the previous subsection of this chapter I mentioned that an athlete who does not fully exhale during the respiratory cycle often ends up in a hyperinflation posture, which results in them defaulting to an overextended position. In this subsection I will expand on that concept by taking a whole organism approach and demonstrating how a subtle breathing fault can perpetuate issues throughout the body. These issues may manifest in a particular bodily region, but are often non-attributable to localized tissues and are difficult to remediate without addressing the root causes. For example, when an athlete is stuck in an overextended posture as a result of hyperinflation the diaphragm cannot fully expand during respiration, as as a result the superficial neck muscles and sternocleidomastoid will pull the distal head of the clavicle upwards to create vertical space for the diaphragm to expand. The upward pull on the distal head of the clavicles can often create the appearance of the clavicle forming an ‘V’ shape when viewed from the front. Over long stretches of time the chronic tension placed on the superficial neck muscles can result in compensatory hypertrophy and which places the accessory inspiratory muscles under increased stress. This excess tension can also lead to shoulder and pec minor pathologies as well. When the superficial neck muscles are constantly shortened they will become overused and as a result the jaw will clench down, creating tension through the superficial front line that runs from the sides of the skull down to the tops of the feet. The excess tension in the superficial front line manifests where the chain is weakest, as with any other tensegrity structure. In many cases this means excessive tightness, decreased force output, and pain in the adductors. Often these athletes who present with adductor pain aim to treat this issue with standard local tissue based therapies, only to come up short time and time again. It isn’t until they address the root causes of excessive superficial neck muscle tension and breath dysfunction that can rid themselves of this issue. To demonstrate the impact of superficial neck muscle tension on adductor length you can try the following drill. Start by laying on your back without bending your knees and then try to raise your leg to the side into a split position. Next, spend two minutes applying gentle pressure and massaging the jaw muscles, superficial neck muscles, and the area where the neck meets the earlobes. Finally, you should retest for mobility. Chances are that after performing the above exercise your adductor range of motion will have increased. The purpose of including this subsection is to depict how everything in the human body is interconnected and how a minor breathing fault can manifest as tension in various, seemingly unrelated, bodily regions. Athletes experiencing tension and pain in these regions will often try to treat the affected tissue without success because they are addressing a 144 symptom and not the root cause. When they learn to view the body as an integrated unit they can make connections and see how things like adductor tightness, jaw tension, and shoulder pain are not only connected to one another, but can also stem from something as simple as not fully exhaling during respiration. Additionally, they can see how these seemingly unrelated issues can cascade out and have rippling effects throughout the body. For example, let's take the individual with a hyperinflated postures whose thoracic spine is locked into extension. They have turned the thoracic spine which should be a mobile joint segment in a stable joint segment. In order to create more degrees of freedom for motion this individual may sacrifice lumbar spine stability for mobility, and as a result they may experience chronic lower back pain that does not respond to standard tissue related therapies. This can lead athletes to become frustrated over time and it isn’t until they begin viewing movement through a holistic lens like a detective that they find the root cause of their issues, allowing them to achieve long lasting relief. 145 Chapter 23: Muscle Tension Have you ever stretched a muscle for days on end with little impact on the perceived tightness of that tissue? Maybe you tried foam rolling it, performed banded distraction work, or dug into it with a massage tool, but the tissue is as stiff as ever. If you are not seeing changes in mobility with the work you’re doing you need to take a step back, reassess, and view the body as a system of systems. The key is to find an accepting relationship with tension that allows you to engage and be more aware. If you aimlessly stretch, smash, and roll tissues it is unlikely that you’ll find the long term developmental progress that you’re seeking. Muscle tension, and subsequently mobility, is highly regulated by the central nervous system. Despite the negative connotation that the word tension carries in the high performance community it is not something to be feared. Humans live and die by tension. Without sufficient muscle tension we lack the ability to create intramuscular compression and regulate our blood pressure during activity and the ability to tolerate and meaningful external load placed on us. Additionally, our bodies are held together by a network of length tension relationships and without these relationships we would lose the ability to generate movement, let alone keep ourselves upright. Tension simply refers to the degree of tautness in the muscles at any given point. Our muscles are never entirely relaxed, even where we are at rest. The amount of muscle tension our tissues maintain at rest can be altered and it plays a role in determining our active and passive ranges of motion, both of which are relevant for performance. If resting muscle tension is too low then muscles cannot contract as rapidly or produce as much work. On the other hand, if tension is too high then muscles are less efficient at contracting and producing force, and their active range of motion may be impaired as well. Our bodies maintain our muscle tension based on both active and passive components and the nervous system actively adjusted tension based on feedback it receives from the muscle itself. Specific portions of the muscle such as the muscle spindle cells monitor the degree of stretch in the muscle and relay that information back to the central nervous system. If the muscle is stretched too much, or too little, the brain responds by altering the length of the tissue and resetting its tension. Additionally, muscle tension can be manipulated through physical training and movement based therapies. This can be a natural, unintended, outcome of our training or it can be something that is strategically altered as a means of optimizing force production and efficiency. Stretch Physiology The stretch reflex is set by the central nervous system based on our previous experiences and our muscles capability of functioning within a given range. If we spend much of our time in a certain position, or posture, our body will adapt in order to maximize efficiency within those active ranges. In order to change our default setting, so to speak, we need to disrupt the system. The central nervous system is resistant to significant changes, and it will guard against 146 disruptions and perturbations. If you try to take a joint past it’s normal active range your body will react by pulling you back into your normal range. This process is mediated through the stretch reflex. If we want to increase an athlete's active range of motion we first need to improve their ability to control themselves in all of their currently accessible ranges, then we can begin teaching their nervous system to control progressively larger ranges as well as preparing tissues to function in these newly acquired ranges. The simplest way to accomplish this is through a combination of stretching and isometric loading. For example, taking a given joint to, or near, it’s end range of motion and then applying an isometric muscle control above eighty percent of the maximum voluntary contraction force. This will override the stretch reflex and allow one to gain access to newly acquired ranges or motion. Isometrics are the safest and most effective way to bypass the stretch reflex and are highly effective for activation motor units. Additionally, this process can be expedited through the use of breathing drills that help to change mobility and move athletes into new ranges of motion in a safe manner. Mind you, athletes will not maintain all of their newly acquired ranges of motion, but they will retain some of it. In this way the process of increasing active range of motion is akin to taking three steps forward and two steps backward. It's a continuous battle to gain new ranges and capture them through deliberate movement practices, breathing patterns, and habits. Identifying tension Manipulating tension in a strategic manner requires that you be able to identify it. This means identifying which tissues and bodily regions are too tense, too lax, or lacking stability and control relative to the demands that someone wishes to put on their body. A simple, albeit subjective, way to identify tension is through our ability to rebound off the ground and produce force. If you are able to rebound off the ground and produce force easily, compared to your baseline, then your muscle tension is higher than normal. If you find yourself unable to jump as high as usual, feeling like your stride lacks your normal springiness, or your ability to generate force is compromised then your muscle tension is lower than normal. However, the latter assumes that losses of power that you’re experiencing are due to lower muscle tension, and not generalized fatigue and sluggishness. Decreases in muscle tension are localized and impact regions of tissues, while sluggishness from fatigue causes a global malaise that impacts the entire body. Determining whether the issue is localized to the primary muscle groups in question, or felt across the body, is the key to differentiating low localized tension and systemic fatigue. A more objective way to gauge tension in a muscle is through palpation. While at rest you can push into the belly of a major muscle, noting how much give it has to your action. The more force that is required to press into the muscle, the greater the tension. Conversely, if you can easily push into a muscle with little resistance then tension is low. You can also use a reactive strength index test to estimate the effects of muscle tension as well. An individual’s reactive strength index can be calculated with the following formula where time to takeoff includes both the eccentric and concentric phases of the stretch shortening cycle: RSI = jump 147 height / time to take off. The higher an athlete's jump height and the lower their ground contact time, the higher the reactive strength index score. Too much, or too little, tension in the system will dampen an athlete's reactive strength, so this information should be tracked and compared to their mean jump height over time.An effective way of gauging muscle tension is to use a combination of the aforementioned subjective and objective techniques. It’s important to understand that high resting muscle tension can be indicative of both mechanical tension and neurological tension, which need to be handled differently. Mechanical tension is often caused by tissue fibrosis whereas neurological tension is caused by an increase in neural drive. If a tissue is taut and gives resistance to pressure while it is static then the manifested tension is likely to be neurological. If the tissue has a lot of give while static, but is restricted while passively taken through ranges of motion then mechanical tension is the likely culprit. Mechanical tension can be moderated through manual therapy techniques that aim to remove fibrosis and neurological tension can be addressed through treatments that focus on resetting the nervous system. Lastly, even though the terms tension and trigger points are used interchangeably by some, there is a distinction between two. The true definition of a trigger point is a hyperirritable region in the fascia surrounding skeletal muscle with pain referral when it is compressed. Trigger points are associated with palpable nodules in taut bands of muscle fibers and can be caused by both a hyper excited neurological area or a mechanical lesion. Manipulating Muscle Tension All muscle fibers have an optimal length for force production, which is known as the length-tension relationship. The optimal length-tension relationship varies considerably in the context of the desired performance outcome. If muscle tension is too low or too high, you will not be able to generate force optimally or efficiently for the task at hand. Our nervous system ultimately regulates how muscle tension is managed, but our muscle spindle cells provide the inputs that the nervous system needs to do so. There is an optimal level of muscle length and tension for a given activity and our muscle spindle cells will optimize tension to maximize efficiency for that activity. For example, if an athlete performs a high volume of threshold run training their muscle spindle cells will optimize tension for that activity which includes very high volumes of low force muscle contractions. By virtue of optimizing tension for that task, tension will not be optimized for strength and power based activities that require very high levels of tension, and a small number of maximal force contractions. Knowing this, one of the mechanisms by which some individuals seem to lose strength when performing high volume of energy system training is a simple mismanagement of muscle tension and not an interference effect from concurrent training as many would believe. In order to counteract this effect you can use varying training inputs to conserve or manipulate tension across a training day or a training week. Figure thirty-five depicts the impacts of different training variables on muscle tension. 148 One way that the information in figure thirty-five can be used is to help optimize a runner's peak and taper leading into a competition. In many instances athletes will cut back their training intensity too much leading into a competition, and they’ll show up feeling flat as a consequence. This is a case where an athlete comes into their competition with too low muscle tension, which could have been avoided with the strategic use of high intensity training in the days leading into the race. For energy system dominant sports, a good rule of thumb is to make more substantial adjustments to tension a week out from competition and then make progressively smaller changes on a day to day basis leading up to the event to ensure an athlete has the right ‘feel’ for their event. Another example of this chart can be used with mixed sport athletes who are required to strength training and perform energy system training throughout the week. As previously mentioned, many of the negative effects on maximal strength and power that are associated with aerobic training are due to a mismanagement of muscle tension across a training week. In order to mitigate these effects and make simultaneous improvements in strength and aerobic capacity you can phase tension management protocols across a session. If an athlete is performing threshold style training today and I know they are planning on lifting heavy tomorrow I may have them finish their workout with a few sprints or plyometric drills to ramp tension up. Similarly, if an athlete is performing speed and power training today and they plan to do delivery training the next day I may have them wrap today’s session up with ground based movement work, low intensity spin biking, and progressive muscular relaxation drills to lower systemic tension in anticipation of the next day's training. 149 Chapter 24: Load Management Measuring acute to chronic workloads has become a ubiquitous practice within professional sports over the past few years. But, I really question the efficacy of these practices. Of course, anything that teams can use to manage training loads is better than nothing, but that’s less of an argument for the acute to chronic workload ratio (ACWR) concept and really just points to the fact that we should make logical decisions with how we handle training volume on a week to week basis. For those unfamiliar with the ACWR concept, the idea is that coaches can predict injury risk by calculating the ratio between acute training loads, typically over a five to seven day period, and chronic training loads over a three to four week period. The theory is that if acute training loads are too high in relation to chronic workloads, the athlete is at an increased risk of injury. I have no qualms with either of these assertions, broadly speaking. Of course, if you double your training volume from one week to the next, it’s likely to open you up to an increased risk of injury, but the devil really is in the details. Most coaches measure workloads by multiplying session RPE (rating of perceived exertion) and session duration, which creates a daily workload score in arbitrary units. This fails to acknowledge the influence of different types of training, for example, resistance training versus energy system training, and it also assumes that a given external workload will always create the same internal stress — having used technologies like NIRS for years now, I can comfortably say that is not the case. Many people reading this will say, “Who cares if the methodology is flawed? If coaches are using acute to chronic workload ratios and it’s helping them make informed decisions about training loads, that’s a net positive.” I understand this argument, and it’s a good one. I’ve consulted with professional sports teams and military special operations training groups for years now and I’m comfortable saying that anything that increases dialogue around training loads and their impact is a win in and of itself. A few years back, it wasn’t uncommon for me to see MLB coaches that have no clue what their pitcher’s pitch counts were, volleyball teams that didn’t even think about jump counts, and CrossFit athletes that had no volume control whatsoever. To that effect, implementing ACWRs has been a game-changer in many cases. That being said, ‘better than nothing’ is far from optimal. To make informed decisions about an athlete's training loads, we not only need to have accurate measurements of their external training loads, but we also need to consider internal training loads — that is, the physiologic impact of training. Some strength and conditioning coaches in professional sports will acknowledge the limitations of ACWRs and use it as a tool to have discussions about training loads with the team's head coach or other support staff. However, the idea of measuring something for the sake of increasing the potential for conversation is a little silly. Additionally, anytime we measure something, we assign some inherent level of value to it. When we assign value to a measurement, it’s hard to dismiss it outright. Even if you know 150 ACWRs are not ideal, it’s hard not to get a little panicked when you see a player’s number jump from 1.6 (right in the sweet spot) to 2.2 (into the danger zone). Challenging these load management ideas doesn’t mean we say they are meaningless. Instead, I propose a more nuanced approach to player load management where we account for both external and internal loads, which allows for much more nuanced data collection, analysis, and insights. While there are a number of load monitoring tools I see value in, like NIRS, the same principles govern how all of them inform an athlete centric training system. First, an athlete does a workout, then the athlete's performance in the session and response to the session inform both future training sessions as well as the ‘load monitoring algorithm’. Next the load monitoring algorithm looks at the athletes response, total training volume, training intensity, and training distribution and tells us if the training load appears to be too much, too little, or ‘good’. Then, the load monitoring algorithm helps steer future training decisions. Should the coach increase volume or is there a specific muscle group or region that needs less loading? Finally, the coach adjusts training to help steer the athletes response and progression, and then the cycle repeats itself. In this process load monitoring doesn’t always give comprehensive answers — instead, it allows coaches to ask better questions and helps them make informed decisions. In terms of the types of load management we can do, I break them into offensive and defensive strategies. The offensive strategies include methods for auto-regulating intra-session volume and intensity, as well as training frequency. The defensive strategies include injury prevention strategies used to detect regions of interest (ROIs) and modify the training plan, treatment modification strategies, as well as return to play protocols. Load Management Heuristics As previously mentioned, there is an offensive and defensive side of load management. On the defensive side we have injury prevention tactics, treatment modification techniques, and return to play protocols. Unjust prevention can include questionnaires, movement screens, as well as tools such as surface electromyography, muscle oximeters, and infrared thermography to detect regions of interest and adapt training plans accordingly. Treatment modification techniques include monitoring the effectiveness of current treatment modalities and adjustment treatments relative to that incoming information. Return to play protocols entail quantifying how much compensation is occurring in live time as a means of determining the optimal training load to increase fitness while simultaneously mitigating injury risk and speeding up an exerciser’s return time after injury. The offensive load management techniques include within session tactics to auto-regulate training volume, intensity, and density in order to elicit a specific training response as well as 151 between session tactics to determine an exerciser’s readiness such that they can manipulate training frequency to get as many effective training exposures in through the week with the lowest possible fatigue cost. The defensive and offensive load management techniques are both depicted in figure thirty-six. Injury Prevention And Treatment Modification With Infrared Thermography A thermogram is a representation of heat radiating from the body. Skin temperature regulation is impacted by blood flow, muscle recruitment pattern, inflammation, and injury. Despite the fact that our bodies are thermally balanced, injuries can cause thermal asymmetries. As a result, infrared thermography allows one to detect these thermal asymmetries which represent regions of interest (ROIs). ROIs show potential injury risk from workload mismanagement, biomechanical inefficiencies, tissue pathologies, or other sources or thermal asymmetry. An injury is often related to variations in regional blood flow, and these changes in blood flow can affect skin temperature which increases in the case of inflammation or decreases in the case of tissues with poor perfusion, degeneration or reduced muscular activity. Evaluating thermal profiles of athletes pre-season and intra-season can be extremely useful as functional thermal asymmetries are highly correlated with risk of soft tissue and overload injury. Infrared thermography can help identify ROI’s that need specific attention for injury prevention, treatment modification, and return to play scenarios. When looking at left to right symmetry we can classify injuries based on the degree of thermal asymmetry, which correspond to the varying alarm phases. For example, a 0.0-0.3 °C difference between sides is normal variation; 0.3-0.6°C is the first sign of a potential ROI; 0.6-0.9°C is when injury prevention strategies should start being employed; 0.9-1.2°C is when an athlete is actively undergoing treatment and significant modifications need to be made to their training; 1.2-1.5°C means injury is likely to occur if it hasn’t already; and 1.5°C or greater is an indication of severe injury. 152 Alarm phase one is the first sign of a potential region of interest, which we can use to flag an issue or let a coach know it’s something to keep an eye on. Alarm phase two is when we start to employ injury prevention strategies. Alarm phase three is when an athlete is actively undergoing treatment and significant modifications need to be made to their training. Alarm phase four indicates that injury is likely to occur and alarm phase five indicates that an injury is likely to have already occurred. As a result, it is possible to use infrared thermography as another form of pre-training or post-training screen, which can help steer the training process. On the left hand side of figure thirty-seven we have an athlete who is three years post operation after a left ACL rupture and repair. This athlete has reported periodic pain around the patella and often presents with a temperature variation of greater than one degree celsius from right to left side. In this instance the previously injured leg presents with a hypothermic asymmetry. This hypothermic tissue region indicated lowered metabolic activity and perfusion in the tissues surrounding the knee joint, which can be corroborated with NIRS. On the right hand side of figure thirty-seven we have a twenty two year old distance runner training roughly sixty miles per week who was diagnosed with mid-portion achilles tendinopathy. The temperature difference on the right achilles was roughly 1.4 degrees celsius lower on the left leg, which indicates a decrease in metabolic activity with the loss of a normal muscle fiber structure. There are also cases where infrared thermography can be used for treatment modification as well, which is demonstrated in figure thirty-nine. This is a case where an athlete was diagnosed with what was believed to be achilles tendonitis on their right achilles, and was not responding to the treatment for that. Using infrared thermography they were able to identify that the afflicted area was actually hypothermic. Because tendonitis is an inflammatory issue, which is associated with increased heat, this would indicate that they are actually suffering from a tendinopathy, which is associated with decreased skin temperature as a result of lower metabolic 153 activity. As a result, they can modify their treatment plan as a consequence of this data. Optimizing Return to Play With The NNOXX Wearable Active nitric oxide is associated with a wide range of physiological processes including smooth muscle relaxation, vasodilation, inflammatory responses, and the inhibition of platelet adhesion and relaxation. Additionally, active nitric oxide controls the release of oxygen from red blood cells into tissues and acts as a signaling molecule that plays a vital role in dilating blood vessels. Until recently, no one has been able to measure active nitric oxide levels in tissues non-invasively. However, NNOXX has developed a novel measure of nitric oxide bioactivity and muscle blood flow called personal nitric oxide, or PNO for short. Personal nitric oxide is a dynamic measurement of active nitric oxide release from the red blood cells during exercise, thus making PNO a measurement of the primary determinant of blood flow to working muscles. Additionally, PNO can be used to assess limb asymmetries in active nitric oxide release, which when combined with other NNOXX biomarker measurements can be used to flag increased injury risk in live time. Figure thirty-nine shows an NHL Forwad’s personal nitric oxide levels during three consecutive exercise bouts labeled A, B, and C. The aforementioned NHL player struggled with recurring right knee injuries and premature fatigue in the right leg while skating. Using NNOXX’s platform, the athlete’s active nitric oxide release in their right leg was found to be impaired compared to their left leg. Additionally, the asymmetry in active nitric oxide release is exacerbated with each additional work set. By identifying the aforementioned trends in live time, the NNOXX platform can inform coaches about an athlete’s ability to handle loading before or during a training session. Additionally, the NNOXX platform can make recommendations for how an individual should modify their exercise to increase their fitness while simultaneously mitigating their risk of injury. 154 Part VI: Athlete-Centric Coaching Chapter 25: Exercise Adaptation Adaptability is the property of a system to increase its capacity as a result of stress, shocks, or perturbations. In other words, adaptability is the ability of a system to strengthen under disorder. The process of training is rooted in the adaptable nature of human beings. We impose a stressor, big or small, and through our adaptive capacity we become stronger, faster, or more enduring, as a consequence. The process is often referred to as supercompensation in the training literature, however it is not so cut and dry. Complex biological systems, like the human body, are filled with nonlinear responses and mechanisms evolved to maintain homeostasis, which is the tendency of our bodies to seek and maintain balance. Additionally, physiological adaptation comes with a cost and in order to create change we must pay a price. The goal of training is to achieve a given output, or physiological response, with a minimum cost of adaptation to the individual. In order to do so it is critical that we take a holistic view, and study methods for controlling the training process based on known mechanisms of adaptation. Additionally, we must respect the synergistic effect of different energy system training methods, resistance training methods, movement work, stress management, sleep, nutrition, and all other inputs. In order to fully understand the topic of physiological adaptation, as it applies to training, I think it is first important to understand the history of this topic. Which can be best explained through the phenomenon of path dependence. At any point in time a large percentage of scholars in a given field all hold the same basic assumptions, whether or not they are true. Call it dogma, or simply the echoes of the past continuing to resonate. As time goes on, and a new generation of scientists come into age, the dogma of yesteryear tends to fade away. Thus, allowing the field to progress as a whole. But, what happens when the field fails to progress; and when it cannot move forward despite all evidence pointing to a new direction ? This is directly related to the concept of path dependence, which explains how the set of decisions one faces for any given circumstance is limited by the decisions made in the past, even though past circumstances may no longer be relevant. The classic example of path dependence is the QWERTY keyboard we are all accustomed to. The QWERTY keyboard was designed to reduce typing speed in order to prevent mechanical jamming on typewriters. By separating the most often used keys on the keyboard, and creating a very inefficient key configuration, the QWERTY keyboard eliminates jamming on mechanical typewriters. Although new technological innovations ensure that jamming on keys on a keyboard is no longer an issue, we still live with the legacy of a solution to a nonexistent problem. As such, the phenomenon of path dependency provides a window through which we can reflect upon the influence that historical precepts hold over future innovations. In this way, ideas perpetuated by path dependence serve as a conceptual ceiling constraining the evolution of more 155 creative and effective paradigms. This is never more apparent than when looking at the way training induced adaptations are viewed. Supercompensation Hypothesis vs. Signal Transduction Theory Physiological adaptations are changes that occur within individuals in response to external factors like exercise or environmental factors such as altitude. In the history of adaptation research, one of the earliest proposed ideas was the concept of overload by Julius Wolff who linked the loading of bones to their adaptation in the late 1800's. His hypothesis was later extended to other organs and the term overload was expanded to include forms of loading that weren’t mechanical in nature. While Wolff’s general principle was correct, in that it is true that exercise is required for exercise-induced adaptations, it didn’t explain the underlying mechanisms by which that occurred. It wasn’t until a different theory, called the super-compensation hypothesis, depicted in figure forty, was proposed that anyone provided a potential mechanistic explanation for adaptation. Supercompensation hypothesis is rooted in the general adaptation syndrome concept proposed by Hans Seyle and it is defined by a decline of an often undefined Y-axis variable during exercise and its recovery after exercise. According to this hypothesis, the recovery does not just reach pre-exercise levels, but it overshoots it. Despite the fact that this hypothesis is widely accepted, it has many flaws and there are no clear mechanistic explanations for it. In recent years the scientific justifications for this hypothesis have largely eroded, despite the fact that it is still so widely cited. I believe this is largely a case of path dependence. Already, In the 60's and 70's emerging science started to erode Seyle's theories. According to John Kiely, "Classic Selye-inspired theory was straining to accommodate evidence demonstrating that neither homeostasis nor the stress response was static, but varied dynamically under the influence of life history and oscillating biological rhythms.” Then as the twentieth century entered its final quarter, the explanatory limitations of Hans Selye’s paradigm were increasingly exposed. Most notably, the portrayal of stress as a predictable biologically mediated phenomenon was undermined by the demonstrable effects of non-physical factors on physiological stress responses and increasingly convincing evidence that stress responses were 156 not generalized and non-specific, but highly individualized and context-specific You may be wondering if this really disproves the notion that super-compensation is an underlying principle of adaptation. Can stress responses not be highly individualized, yet still follow the supercompensation time course? That is a question I had wondered myself and there is actually quite a bit of evidence against supercompensation theory.The super-compensation hypothesis implies that recovery periods are essential for adaptation. This isn’t actually the case. For example, the heart adapts to exercise despite continuous contraction and skeletal muscles can adapt to chronic electrical stimulation applied continuously over weeks as well.Despite being propagated for decades, there is little actual evidence that the supercompensation time course is essential for adaptation. In contrast, there are hundreds of scientific references supporting an alternative hypothesis that signal transduction pathways mediate all adaptations to exercise. According to the signal transduction theory specific sensor proteins detect exercise-related signals which are then computed by transduction pathways or networks. These early signals regulate downstream events including gene transcription, translation, or protein synthesis and protein breakdown. The result is tissues, organs, organ systems, or organisms that have adapted to exercise. Figure forty-one depicts the signal transduction process that leads to muscle hypertrophy in response to resistance training. First a mechanical stimulus is applied to the muscle fibers, which activates myogenic signaling and in turn initiates the process of adding myofibrillar proteins to muscle tissue. Next the myogenic signals such as insulin-like growth factor-1, mechano-growth factor, and interleukin-6 are released. After that the mTOR enzyme, also known as the mammalian target of rapamycin, integrates the mitogenic signals which begins the process of gene translation. Finally, muscle protein synthesis begins. Ultimately, all forms of exercise training work by activating different genetic, epigenetic, and metabolomic expression circuits shape relevant physical, cognitive, and behavioral traits. For example, it’s well understood that certain forms of endurance training lead to blood vessel formation. However, this is only the case if the vascular endothelial growth factor gene is increased above basal levels in response to training. In the future wearable devices will be able to continuously track the aforementioned expression circuits and provide instantaneous feedback, which will help athletes enhance their performance in a previously unprecedented way. 157 Chapter 26: The Limiter-Bridge-Performance Model The more training literature you read the more you’ll notice specific training schema and theories being rehashed and recycled by different training camps. For example, it's not uncommon for training books to include a section on the supercompensation model of adaptations, which is used as a justification for the progressive training structures and periodization plans explained later on. Supercompensation theory, which is based on classic stress physiology literature, has been used to rationalize specific periodization models since its genesis. However, the field of stress physiology has shifted dramatically in the last thirty years and despite its evolution outdated theories of yesteryear are still firmly rooted in training culture at large. All training plans are created with the goal of driving adaptation, but the aforementioned plans are only as found as the theories they are based upon. Training models built around supercompensation theory are flawed in that they do not account for how the human body truly adapts to training. Additionally, the aforementioned models lack dynamic flexibility because they do not consider the wide ranging inter-individual variability in training responses. As a result, I created the limiter bridge performance model. The limiter bridge performance model of training is designed to improve physiological limiters, raise the ceiling for future performance, as well as to drive functional and structural adaptations simultaneously. Functional adaptations are the transient adaptations to an overabundance of stress that result in temporary increases in physical capacity. Functional adaptations occur over short time scales and are effectively adaptive survival mechanisms. These adaptive mechanisms can be taken advantage of in training in order to elicit a specific physiological response. For example, a coach may create a workout where an athlete needs to cope with every increasing amount of metabolic by-products week to week. As a result, their athletes' weekly improvement will be driven by a need to survive the aforementioned short term, transient, stressor. Once this stressor is removed and the need to tolerate increased metabolic by-products subsides the athlete will return to their baseline state. This is why athletes often see rapid gains in fitness after beginning an overly aggressive training program but quickly revert to their baseline level of fitness following their inevitable burnout or injury. In these scenarios the athletes see quick improvements due to functional adaptations despite the fact that they have not developed structural adaptations to support their increased training loads long term. However, if a stressor is applied at an optimal dose with a high enough frequency, and for a long enough duration, it will become an environmental stressor that elicits structural adaptations over time. Structural adaptations are changes to the muscles, bone, heart, lungs, and mitochondria that allow our bodies to cope with the demands of training long term. Additionally, structural adaptations are the base which functional adaptations are layered on top of. As such, we are always going through overlapping processes of functional and structural adaptation. 158 In the next subsection I'm going to present a more comprehensive model for phasing training called the Limiter-Bridge-Performance (LBP) model, which is based on the principles of athlete centric coaching and dynamic programming. Prior to creating the LBP model my approach to training involved analyzing the performance demands in a given work capacity based work and then reducing those demands down so they can be isolated and trained. In this system training was based on internals targeting discrete training zones intended to elicit specific adaptations. The problem is that neither sport-specific training and physiological adaptations do not fit nicely into discrete categorizations. While the aforementioned approach was effective for increasing an athlete’s potential it seldom maximized performance and as a result athletes were left underprepared for competition. On the flip side, many training programs emphasize sport-specific training at the expense of developing limiters, which leaves athletes poorly conditioned despite being technically and tactically prepared. The LBP model aims to prevent both of the aforementioned scenarios by touching on all training qualities at all times with different degrees of emphasis based on an individual's priority at any given time point. The Limiter-Bridge-Performance Model As the name implies, the Limiter-Bridge-Performance model is broken down into three different types of training, each emphasizing different aspects of performance. Limiter training intends to drive biological adaptations that are specific to improving an athlete's rate limiting factor for maximal oxygen consumption. Additionally, limiter training is used to raise the ceiling for future performance as well as to pave the pay for future adaptations, versus maximizing performance in the short term. Examples of limiter training include tier two energy system training protocols such as hard start intervals, gradual desaturation intervals, and repeat desaturation training. Bridge training is used to seamlessly transition from limiter to performance training, or as the name implies to bridge the gap between developing an athlete’s limiter and maximizing their sport-specific fitness. As a result, bridge training puts less of an emphasis on driving specific physiological adaptations and more of a focus on preparing the body for performance training, which is an often overlooked step. Example bridge training protocols include broken intervals, and fast twitch fatigue resistance intervals. The final phase in the LBP model is the performance phase, which is used to develop the specific physiological and psychological qualities that are needed to maximize sports performance. The key to performance training is taking a multi-faceted approach where training mimics the demands of competition in all regards. For example, the environment that training is performed in, the feelings of psychological stimulation or threat associated with competition, as well as the volume, intensity, and density of exercise. Performance training sessions are the most stressful among the various types of workouts included in the LBP model. Example performance 159 training sessions include time trials, competition simulations, scrimmages, and small sided games. Despite the limiter-bridge-performance model including a phased training approach, it is not a periodization model. Rather, it is a method of phasing training protocols over time to elicit specific adaptations. However, the LBP model can be combined with a dynamic programming approach in order to create a comprehensive athlete centric training system. Dynamic programming is an approach to training where workouts are not pre planned well in advance. Instead, programming is informed by prior sessions. In other words, the workout plan depends on the athlete's feedback and status and fluidly adapts to changing conditions. In an ideal scenario this can even be done on a daily basis. Combining the principles of dynamic programming with the LBP model allows one to avoid many of the common pitfalls associated with traditional periodization schemes. For example, a common flaw when periodization training is to create too much polarization between training phases. For example, a traditional block periodization model for an endurance athlete may start with an accumulation phase consisting of a high volume of easy aerobic training followed by an intensification phase consisting of sport specific training and special endurance work, and then it will finish with a realization phase where the focus is integrative preparedness and event specific tactics. While this approach has been shown to work in the past, I do not believe it is optimal as it does not coincide with how our bodies build, maintain, and regulate adaptation. For example, block periodization structures are concerned with building a given training quality, like an aerobic base for a handful of weeks, then switching the focus to other qualities such as speed in hopes that the athlete will end up in a better position then when they started. I believe a better approach is to never drop off any given training quality entirely — instead I advocate for training all qualities at all times and adjusting the relative contribution of each training quality based on an individual’s highest priority at the moment. Despite the LBP model being split into phases I do not recommend only prioritizing limiter training in the limiter phase, bridge training in the bridge phase, and so forth. Instead I recommend that limiter training is the highest priority in a limiter phase and that the remaining training time is spent on bridge and performance training, or maintaining other adaptations. The same concept holds true for the bridge and performance phases as well. Additionally, I advocate for programming in short one to two week training cycles with micro adjustments made between each cycle based on the athlete’s feedback. This arrangement allows for dynamic adjustments and makes it easier to build and maintain adaptations versus a block periodisation approach. From one mini cycle to the next few changes are made to the training program, but over multiple months clear distinctions before identifiable. I liken this approach to the arc the iphone has taken over the past fifteen years. From the first to second generation iphone, or the ninth to tenth, little has changed. But, when you compare the first and tenth generation iphone there is a massive difference. However, the 160 aforementioned changes occurred so gradually as to not be noticeable. Training should work in a similar way. In an athlete centric training paradigm the next mini cycle depends on the response to the prior one, which means that few changes are warranted if the athlete is actively progressing. Athlete Centric Coaching Made Simple Monitoring internal and external workloads over time simplifies the athlete centric coaching process and removes the need for guesswork when designing training programs. In the image above you’ll find muscle oxygenation measurements from a tactical athlete performing the exact same workout on two different days separated by three weeks. The workout they performed included eight sets of a four hundred meter run in seventy-six to seventy-eight seconds per set with thirty seconds between sets. In the interim period between the first and second time this athlete performed the workout they prioritized workouts that enhanced their respiratory muscle endurance and cardiac output with the eventual goal of improving their two mile run performance. The aforementioned key performance indicators were chosen because this athlete needs to improve their cardiovascular control. During race pace efforts this individual diverts a high percentage of their cardiac output to their respiratory muscles to support continuous and prolonged hyperventilation. For them the easiest way to improve cardiovascular control is to increase the strength and capacity of the respiratory muscles so they do not require as much oxygen while running at race pace. Additionally, they can increase cardiac output which will allow them to shunt more blood to the respiratory muscles so when they do inevitably fatigue extremity muscle blood flow will not be compromised to as meaningful a degree. In addition to displaying muscle oxygenation in the image above, you’ll also find the aforementioned athlete’s rate of change of muscle oxygenation, termed ΔSmO2. Whereas SmO2 reflects the amount of oxygen in a muscle at a given point, ΔSmO2 reflects the balance of oxygen supply and demand in said muscle. The more negative the ΔSmO2 value gets the greater 161 the rate oxygen utilization is outstripping oxygen supply, and vice versa. Of particular note is that from week one to week four my athlete is not desaturating the working muscle as much during the 400m repeats — this is reflected by the fact that the SmO2 trend from week four (in green) is higher than the trend in week one (in purple). Additionally, their ΔSmO2 from week one is -0.4 (%/s) versus -0.1 (%/s) in week four, indicating that this athlete’s ability to supply oxygen to the working muscles has improved relative to their muscle oxidative capacity. When we consider the fact that this athlete maintained their speed across the two sessions we can contextualize this physiologic data and come to the conclusion that they have improved their efficiency and running economy. In the absence of performance data we can’t make sense of muscle oxygenation measurements, but when we contextualize this physiologic data with measurements of power, speed, or endurance we can start to get a more complete picture of how an athlete is adapting to training over time. This is a major benefit of the NNOXX wearable because it captures internal biomarker measurements as well as external measurements of speed and power output. Furthermore, it can help us decide what the next step is for making additional performance improvements. Had we decided to prioritize improving this athlete's oxygen extraction after week one, we would have quickly hit a wall since the margin for improvement was so small considering that they were already deoxygenating the working muscles down to 3-5% SmO2. However, after the second workout there are more paths to improvement, and we can aim for some combination of improving oxygen supply and demand. By combining physiologic measurements and performance metrics we can take the guesswork out of the coaching equation and simplify lofty concepts such as athlete centric coaching and dynamic periodization. Rather than projecting our plans out weeks in advance we can turn each training session into an assessment, allowing for tighter feedback loops and more strategic decision making. Are You Really Assessing Performance Improvements? Having an evaluation process that determines if an athlete has improved in key performance indicators is critical for understanding how successful an individual’s training is over time as well as how different protocols impact a given individual's physiology and fitness. As coaches, sports scientists, and trainers we’re always working in an applied setting — as a result we’re tasked with making decisions that will have the greatest impact on a specific athlete with a unique performance fingerprint. It’s not enough to say that 8/10 athletes in your program are improving in some specific quality — we need everyone to improve and that warrants having a somewhat sophisticated assessment process. For starters, analyzing athlete data requires understanding what the test is measuring, and if it’s a valid test for what you’re trying to measure in the first place. Assuming the test is capable 162 of measuring what you want it to we then need it to have a minimal amount of noise and error. Tests that are too noisy make it exceptionally difficult to know if improvements (or lack thereof) are due to true improvements in fitness, measurement error, or just biological variation. For example, let’s say that you wanted to improve your athlete’s VO2max (which represents the maximum integrated capacity of the pulmonary, cardiovascular, and muscular system to uptake, transport, and utilize oxygen respectively), but you lack a metabolic analyzer to measure expired gas concentrations. In this hypothetical scenario you come across a research paper saying that improvements in 2,000m row time trial performance are valid predictors of VO2max improvements. Even if that were true, there is a lot of noise in this test. For example, racing tactics, a willingness to suffer, and day to day variability in performance can all have a significant impact on trial performance, which can lead a coach to believe that their athletes VO2max improved by a much greater margin than it really did, or that they didn’t make improvements to their VO2max when they did in fact. It’s also important to acknowledge and accept the role of random chance, or dumb luck, in performance. As a result, recognizing that all athletes exhibit some level of regression to the mean helps us contextualize their performance on a given day. Additionally, because of the inevitable regression to the mean, an athlete is most likely to not improve on a performance test after having a major breakthrough. It’s easy to mistake a regression towards the mean as a failure to increase sports specific fitness, which highlights the importance of looking at longer term data trends. For example, in the image below we have an athlete's snatch 1-RM recorded from a weekly mock meet plotted against time in weeks. Note that in weeks 1-3 they lift loads ranging from 103-104.5kg. In week 4 they have a breakthrough, hitting 108kg, then over the next 6 weeks they fail to beat 108kg. Does that mean that this individual increased their sport specific strength for 4 weeks, then failed to make additional progress? The short answer is no. If we look at their loads for weeks 5-8 for example we see that their 1-RM ranges from 104.75kg to 106 kg, and in week 7-10 their 1-RM ranges from 105.75kg to 106.75kg. Despite the fact that this individual does not best 108kg in weeks 5-10, the 3 week rolling average of their 1-RM increases significantly, as does their normalized snatch 1-RM. Similarly, if a baseball player starts the season going 7 for 10 we wouldn't assume that they have a 0.700 batting average — we intuitively know that they will regress towards their own mean, settling to something more normal given their true abilities. Given all of the points mentioned above I’m inclined to take the results of any given performance test with a grain of salt. As a result, I seldom make decisions about how to restructure an athletes training plan based on a single test or competition. I’m also skeptical of the traditional test-retest method of program design. Instead, I like to look at long term performance trends as well as biomarker data to make informed decisions about the direction of an athletes program 163