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Biochemistry Principles: Living Organisms & Chemical Foundations

the study of living organisms at the
molecular level, has shown us many of
the details of the most fundamental
processes of life.
has shown us how information flows
from genes to molecules that have
functional capabilities.
In recent years, biochemistry has also
unraveled some of the mysteries of the
molecular generators that provide the
energy that powers living organisms.
The realization that we can understand
such essential life processes has
significant philosophical implications.
(Tymoczko, John L. et al., 2016)
Three principal areas:
(1) the structural chemistry of the
components of living matter and
relationships of biological function to
chemical structure;
(2) metabolism, the totality of chemical
reactions that occur in living matter;
(3) genetic biochemistry, the chemistry
of processes and substances that store
and transmit biological information. This
third area is also the province of
molecular genetics, a field that seeks
to understand heredity and the
expression of genetic information in
molecular terms. (Mathews,
Christopher K., et al. 2002)
What are the Distinguishing Features of Living
The study of biochemistry shows how the
collections of inanimate molecules that
constitute living organisms interact to maintain
and perpetuate life animated solely by the
physical and chemical laws that govern the
nonliving universe. Yet organisms possess
extraordinary attributes, properties that
distinguish them from other collections (Nelson,
DL. and Cox, MM., 2008).
1. A high degree of chemical complexity and
microscopic organization. Thousands of
different molecules make up a cell’s intricate
internal structures. These include very long
polymers, each with its characteristic sequence
of subunits, its unique three-dimensional
structure, and its highly specific selection of
binding partners in the cell
2. Systems for extracting, transforming, and
using energy from the environment. Enabling
organisms to build and maintain their intricate
structures and to do mechanical, chemical,
osmotic, and electrical work. This counteracts
the tendency of all matter to decay toward a
more disordered state, to come to equilibrium
with its surroundings.
3. Defined functions for each of an organism’s
components and regulated interactions among
them. This is true not only of macroscopic
structures, such as leaves and stems or hearts
and lungs, but also of microscopic intracellular
structures and individual chemical compounds.
The interplay among the chemical
components of a living organism is dynamic;
changes in one component cause
coordinating or compensating changes in
another, with the whole ensemble displaying a
character beyond that of its individual parts.
The collection of molecules carries out a
program, the end result of which is
reproduction of the program and selfperpetuation of that collection of molecules—
in short, life.
4. Mechanisms for sensing and responding to
alterations in their surroundings, constantly
adjusting to these changes by adapting their
internal chemistry or their location in the
5. A capacity for precise self-replication and
self-assembly. A single bacterial cell placed in
a sterile nutrient medium can give rise to a
billion identical ―daughter cells in 24 hours.
Each cell contains thousands of different
molecules, some extremely complex; yet each
bacterium is a faithful copy of the original, its
construction directed entirely from information
contained in the genetic material of the
original cell.
6. A capacity to change over time by gradual
evolution. Organisms change their inherited life
strategies, in very small steps, to survive in new
circumstances. The result of eons of evolution is
an enormous diversity of life forms, superficially
very but fundamentally related through their
shared ancestry. This fundamental unity of living
organisms is reflected at the molecular level in
the similarity of gene sequences and protein
phototrophs (Greek trophe ,
―nourishment‖ trap and use sunlight,
and chemotrophs derive their energy
from oxidation of a chemical fuel.
Some chemotrophs, the lithotrophs,
oxidize inorganic fuels—HS to S0
(elemental sulfur), SO to SO4, NO2 to
NO3, or Fe2 to Fe3, for example.
Organotrophs oxidize a wide array of
organic compounds available in their
surroundings. Phototrophs and
chemotrophs may also be divided into
those that can obtain all needed
carbon from CO2 (autotrophs) and
those that require organic nutrients
(heterotrophs). (Nelson, DL. and Cox,
MM., 2008).
Three Distinct Domains of Life
Two large groups of single-celled
microorganisms can be distinguished on
genetic and biochemical grounds: Bacteria
and Archaea.
inhabit soils, surface waters, and the
tissues of other living or decaying
Many of the Archaea
recognized as a distinct domain by
Carl Woese in the 1980s, inhabit
extreme environments—salt lakes, hot
springs, highly acidic bogs, and the
ocean depths. The available evidence
suggests that the Archaea and
Bacteria diverged early in evolution.
All eukaryotic organisms, which make
up the third domain, Eukarya, evolved
from the same branch that gave rise to
the Archaea; eukaryotes are therefore
more closely related to archaea than
to bacteria.
Within the domains of Archaea and
Bacteria are subgroups distinguished
by their habitats. In aerobic habitats
with a plentiful supply of oxygen, some
resident organisms derive energy from
the transfer of electrons from fuel
molecules to oxygen. Other
environments are anaerobic, virtually
devoid of oxygen, and microorganisms
adapted to these environments obtain
energy by transferring electrons to
nitrate (forming N2), sulfate (forming
H2S), or CO2 (forming CH4). Many
organisms that have evolved in
anaerobic environments are obligate
anaerobes: they die when exposed to
oxygen. Others are facultative
anaerobes, able to live with or without
We can classify organisms according
to how they obtain the energy and
carbon they need for synthesizing
cellular material. There are two broad
categories based on energy sources:
The Unit of Biological Organization:
The Cell The two great classes of organisms
have different cell types. Prokaryotic cells are
uncompartmented; eukaryotes have
membrane-bound organelles. The cell can be
thought of as a factory, with organelles and
compartments specialized to perform different
Biochemistry aims to explain biological
form and function in chemical terms.
The current understanding that all
organisms share a common
evolutionary origin is based in part on
this observed universality of chemical
intermediates and transformations,
often termed ―biochemical unity.
The four most abundant elements in living
organisms, in terms of percentage of total
number of atoms, are
hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and
carbon, which together make up more
than 99% of the mass of most cells.
They are the lightest elements capable
of efficiently forming one, two, three,
and four bonds, respectively; in
general, the lightest elements form the
strongest bonds.
Biomolecules as Compounds of Carbon with a
Variety of Functional Groups
The chemistry of living organisms is
organized around carbon, which accounts
for more than half the dry weight of cells.
Carbon can form single bonds with
hydrogen atoms, and both single and
double bonds with oxygen and nitrogen
atoms. Of greatest significance in biology is
the ability of carbon atoms to form very
stable single bonds with up to four other
carbon atoms. Two carbon atoms also can
share two (or three) electron pairs, thus
forming double (or triple) bonds.
Covalently linked carbon atoms in
biomolecules can form linear chains,
branched chains, and cyclic structures.
Most biomolecules can be regarded as
derivatives of hydrocarbons, with hydrogen
atoms replaced by a variety of functional
groups that confer specific chemical
properties on the molecule, forming various
families of organic compounds. Typical of
these are alcohols, which have one or
more hydroxyl groups; amines, with amino
groups; aldehydes and ketones, with
carbonyl groups; and carboxylic acids,
with carboxyl groups. Many biomolecules
are poly functional, containing two or more
types of functional groups, each with its
own chemical characteristics and
reactions. The chemical ―personality‖ of a
compound is determined by the chemistry
of its functional groups and their disposition
in three-dimensional space
Receptors convey to the cell that a
signal has been received and initiates
the cellular response. Thus, for
example, insulin binds to its particular
receptor, called the insulin receptor,
and initiates the biological response to
the presence of fuel in the blood.
Proteins also play structural roles, allow
mobility, and provide defenses against
environmental dangers. Perhaps the
most prominent role of proteins is that
of catalysts—agents that enhance the
rate of a chemical reaction without
being permanently affected
themselves. Protein catalysts are called
enzymes. Every process that takes
place in living systems depends on
Carbohydrates Are Fuels and Informational
Living systems contain a dizzying array of
biomolecules. However, these
biomolecules can be divided into just four
classes: proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic
acids and lipids.
Proteins Are Highly Versatile Biomolecules
Much of our study of biochemistry will
revolve around proteins. Proteins are
constructed from 20 building blocks,
called amino acids, linked by peptide
bonds to form long unbranched
polymers. These polymers fold into
precise three-dimensional structures
that facilitate a vast array of
biochemical functions. Proteins serve
as signal molecules (e.g., the hormone
insulin signals that fuel is in the blood)
and as receptors for signal molecules.
Most of us already know that
carbohydrates are an important fuel
source for most living creatures. The
most-common carbohydrate fuel is the
simple sugar glucose. Glucose is stored
in animals as glycogen, which consists
of many glucose molecules linked endto-end and has occasional branches.
In plants, the storage form of glucose is
starch, which is similar to glycogen in
molecular composition. There are
thousands of different carbohydrates.
They can be linked together in chains,
and these chains can be highly
branched, much more so than in
glycogen or starch. Such chains of
carbohydrates play important roles in
helping cells to recognize one another.
Many of the components of the cell
exterior are decorated with various
carbohydrates that can be identified
by other cells and serve as sites of cellto-cell interactions.
Nucleic Acids Are the Information
Molecules of the Cell
As information keepers of the cell, the
primary function of nucleic acids is to
store and transfer information. They
contain the instructions for all cellular
functions and interactions. Like
proteins, nucleic acids are linear
molecules. However, nucleic acids are
constructed from only four building
blocks called nucleotides. A
nucleotide is made up of a fivecarbon sugar, either a deoxyribose or
a ribose, attached to a heterocyclic
ring structure called a base and at
least one phosphoryl group. There are
two types of nucleic acid:
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and
ribonucleic acid (RNA). Genetic
information is stored in DNA—the
―parts list‖ that determines the nature
of an organism. DNA is constructed
from four deoxyribonucleotides,
differing from one another only in the
ring structure of the bases—adenine
(A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and
thymine (T). The information content of
DNA is the sequence of nucleotides
linked together by phosphodiester
linkages. DNA in all higher organisms
exists as a double-stranded helix. In the
double helix, the bases interact with
one another—A with T and C with G.
RNA is a single-stranded form of
nucleic acid. Some regions of DNA are
copied as a special class of RNA
molecules called messenger RNA
(mRNA). mRNA is a template for the
synthesis of proteins. Unlike DNA, mRNA
is frequently broken down after use.
RNA is similar to DNA in composition
with two exceptions: the base thymine
(T) is replaced by the base uracil (U),
and the sugar component of the
ribonucleotides contains an additional
hydroxyl (—OH) group.
Lipids Are a Storage Form of Fuel and Serve
as a Barrier
Among the key biomolecules, lipids are
much smaller than proteins or nucleic
acids. Whereas proteins and nucleic
acids can have molecular weights of
thou ands to millions, a typical lipid has
a molecular weight of 1300 g mol–1.
over, lipids are not polymers made of
repeating units, as are proteins and
nucleic acids. A key characteristic of
many biochemically important lipids is
their dual chemical nature: part of the
molecule is hydrophilic, meaning that it
can dissolve in water, whereas the
other part, made up of one or more
hydrocarbon chains, is hydrophobic
and cannot dissolve in water. This dual
nature allows lipids to form barriers that
delineate the cell from its environment
and to establish intracellular
compartments. In other words, lipids
allow the development of ―inside‖ and
―outside‖ at a biochemical level. The
hydrocarbon chains cannot interact
with water and, instead, interact with
those of other lipids to form a barrier, or
membrane, whereas the water-soluble
components interact with the aqueous
environment on either side of the
membrane. Lipids are also an
important storage form of energy. As
we will see, the hydrophobic
component of lipids can undergo
combustion to provide large amounts
of cellular energy. Lipids are crucial
signal molecules as well
The following learning points summarize
what you have learned in this section:
 Biochemistry is the study of living
organisms at the molecular level.
 Biochemistry has three principal areas:
(1) the structural chemistry; (2)
metabolism; and (3) genetic biochemistry
 The distinguishing features of living
organisms include: a high degree of
chemical complexity and microscopic
organization; systems for extracting,
transforming, and using energy from the
environment; defined functions for each of
an organism’s components and regulated
interactions among them; mechanisms for
sensing and responding to alterations in
their surrounding; a capacity for precise
self-replication and self-assembly; and
capacity to change over time by gradual
 Prokaryotic cells are uncompartmented;
eukaryotic cells have membrane-bound
 The three domains of life are: Bacteria;
Archaea; and Eukarya.
 Within the domains of Archaea and
Bacteria are subgroups distinguished by
their habitats.
 Organisms can be classified according
to how they obtain the energy and
carbon they need for synthesizing cellular
 The four most abundant elements in
living organisms are hydrogen, oxygen,
nitrogen, and carbon, which together
make up more than 99% of the mass of
most cells.
 Carbon atoms have the ability to form
very stable single bonds with up to four
other carbon atoms.
 Covalently linked carbon atoms in
biomolecules can form linear chains,
branched chains, and cyclic structures.
 Biomolecules can be divided into just
four classes: proteins, carbohydrates,
nucleic acids and lipids.