Uploaded by Ignacio Carrasco

Army Career Interest: Financial Officer Personal Statement

part 1
 The branch of the military that im the most interested in is the army,
i think is one of the most physically challenging and my college will
also be paid for.
 The requirements for joining are to be medically and physically fit,
and in good moral standing. Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
with a valid Green Card. Be a high school graduate or equivalent. Get
the minimum score on the Army's placement exam.
 A position that is interesting to me is financial officer since numbers
are a thing that i enjoy and are not that hard for me since i have
always been good for math and learn really quick
 The salary for that position would be from anywhere between
100k-130k a year
 In the army soldiers receive “duty performance points” from their
unit commander whenever they demonstrate core qualities of the
next rank
 The GI Bill helps current and former Soldiers pay for college, trade
school, technical school, licensing, certification programs, on-the-job
training, online schooling, and more. Many Soldiers using the GI Bill
receive full tuition for their service.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------part 2
The reason why im interested in this specific position in the army is
because me personally has never had trouble with math or numbers
in general, im really good at counting and in my current work i do
most of the finance so i dont think it would be that different. The
salary is also another thing being 100-130k a year is really good in
my opinion. When i decide to go to college my tuition will also be
paid so thats something i will not have to worry about.
For the military i wouldnt have long term goals since i want to do it
part time if its possible
Some skills that will benefit me if i join the military are being a good
listener, disciplined, fast learner, bilingual (this is useful because the
national guard army in texas is allied with my home country of chile
and most of the people there dont speak english or their english is
very poor).
A skill i would have to improve is my ability to stay motivated since
my motivation really comes and goes depending on the day