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NCEAN Reviewer: Professionalism, Resume & Cover Letter Writing

NCF Brand of professional living
Cover letter writing
8. be a problem-solver – before you meet with
your supervisor to discuss difficulties and
9. be resilient- develop coping skills that will
help you deal with setbacks and obstacles in a
good and helpful manner.
Profession- derived from research, education,
training at a high level.
10. communicate effectively- practice online, in
person, and interpersonal communication skills.
-it is a type of job that requires advanced
education or training.
11.develop self-awareness- learn to regulate
your emotions and become aware of your
emotional triggers.
-according to the corporate Finance Institute,
the term professional refers to anyone who
earns their living from performing an activity.
Professionalism- “extremely necessary” or
“critical” for a now college hire’s success.
12 ways you can develop % practice
1. be productive- make the most of your time.
Concentrate on your work and avoid being
distracted by social media.
2. develop a professional image- maintain a
professional demeanor by dressing correctly for
your sector and company.
3. take the initiative- request additional projects
or come up with tasks that will help your
4.maintain effective work habits- organize plan,
and manage your tasks and responsibilities.
5.manage your time efficiently- priorities must
established, goals must be set, and action plans
must be developed to meet deadlines.
6.demonstrate integrity- maintain
accountability for your work and actions.
7. provide excellence- produce work and
outcomes that demonstrate pride and
12.build relationships- network with colleagues,
customers, and clients to develop professional
Professional- standards are set of
practices, ethics, and behaviors that
members of a particular professional
Career readiness- has been defined by
the national association of colleges and
employers (NACE). As the acquisition
and display of essential ability.
The ff. are the eight competencies
related to career readiness:
Career and self-developmentproactively improve oneself and one’s
career via ongoing personal and
professional learning, knowledge, of
one’s strengths and limitations,
Communication skills- are essential for
any professional. It encompasses all
forms of communication including
written, verbal and nonverbal
Critical thinking- identify respond to
problems based on situational context
and logical analysis of relevant info.
Equality and inclusion- demonstrate
understanding, attitude, knowledge and
abilities necessary to engage and
integrate individuals.
Leadership- abilities are essential no
matter what you job perform in a
Professionalism- knowing your
environments differ greatly, understand
and demonstrate.
Teamwork- build and sustain
collaborative in order to work
successfully toward common goals.
Technology- understand and
responsibly apply technology to
improve efficiency, complete task, and
achieve goals.
Solicited- when one writes an application letter
to answer and advertisement.
Unsolicited- when one writes an application
letter because somebody tells him of her that
an employer is looking for someone to fill a
Right and left margin- 1.5 inches
Top button margin- 1 inch.
Full block- style- all letter parts begin at the left
-it is therefore the fastest traditional
arrangement style to type.
Blocked style- all letters part begins at the left
margin, except the dateline, complementary
closing, signature and writers’ identification.
Semi blocked-or modified block- the beginning
of each paragraph is indented 5 or 10 spaces.
Dateline- style accepted in business does not
abbreviate or use a number to indicate the
Inside address- consists of name of the person
with proper title. Typed two or three spaces
below the dateline.
Salutation- considered as a greeting and
expression of courtesy to put the reader in a
friendly reception frame of mind.
Body of letter- most important part of the
letter. It consists of full message of the letter.
Begin two spaces below the salutation.
Complimentary close- just as you open letter
with a word of friendly greeting, you close t
with cordial expression.
Signature block- this identifies the writer. 4-5
spaces below the complimentary close.
What are the particulars of an application
First paragraph- must attract favorable
attention and create interest for the interviewer
to continue reading letter.
Second paragraph- should indicate or
present your qualifications convincingly.
Closing paragraph- provides a smooth
transition from a description of your
qualifications to a request for interview.
RESUME- formal document that summarizes
your professional qualities, relevant on job
experience, abilities, education, and significant
Types of resumes:
Skill resume- obtained relevant
expertise through a variety of unconnected
This style also suitable for those who
are undertaking a bug career move.
Focus on what you can do rather than
where you have worked.
Chronological resume- style is almost
suited to people who have not had long period
of unemployment time b/w jobs.
Functional resume- most popular
resume formats and its ideal for those who
have dine internships or cooperative
Emphasizes past work experience that has
provided you with background experience for
the position you applying for.
Experience- paid part=time/full time
Volunteer work/community service.
/Summer jobs
References- choose references that is
knowledgeable about your skills.
Always obtain permission from
references in advance and provide them w/
current resume.
Preparing resume includes info:
Career goals
Work experience
Special skill you might have.
key components of resume:
Oral strategies- all company desires to have
employees who are communicatively
Screening interview- is aimed at narrowing a
pool of candidates or applicants for more
intensive follow-up interviews.
Review your resume- be sure you have
collected and reviewed the necessary info.
About qualification.
Heading- includes contact information
Name, address, phone, and email
Objectives- what is an objective?
One sentences summary of position
Short AND specific.
Education- name and location of the
Major, minor and area concentration.
GPA 3.2 or higher.
Skills- couple of sentence or bullets that
describe what you are like as a person and how
you do things. Including this personality traits
attitudes works habits.
Eye contact- always remember that eye contact
suggests confidence honesty, and interest.
Voice- modulate your voice to create good
Showing appreciation- express appreciation for
the interview time and interest at the end of
the interview.
Corporate attire- it’s important to make a good
first impression at a job interview and that the
choice of interview.
10 common interview questions.
Tell me about yourself
What are your greatest strengths
What are your weakness
About achievement
Your leaving current job
What brought u to company
Time when a customer disagreed w/ u
What Ur boss and colleagues say bout u
See yourself in 5 years
Should we hire you