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Household Hazardous Waste Worksheet

Household Hazardous Waste
_____________________________ (HHW) is found in every home and includes CFLs, fluorescent
tubes, batteries, cleaners, paints and solvents, motor oil, chemicals and grease.
The average home uses __________ of hazardous products each year. Knowing which products are
hazardous can help you protect yourself, your family, workers and the environment. Look for these
symbols to identify hazardous products so that they can be used, stored and disposed of properly.
HHW Symbols
There are _______ symbols you will see on HHW products:
_____________: Can cause burns to your skin and eyes
____________: May catch fire; keep away from open sparks/flames
_____________: May explode and produce deadly vapours
________: Can be lethal if swallowed or inhaled
The shape surrounding each symbol is also significant as it indicates
the ________ of caution that must be taken in handling and
disposing of the product. Danger is the _________ degree of
hazard, caution is the ________ hazardous.
Things to remember when handling and disposing of HHW products:
Never pour HHW down the drain or in the storm sewer - it leads to our river system.
Do not bury hazardous waste or pour it into the ground - it can contaminate groundwater.
Never mix products together.
Use only recommended amounts.
Choose products with child resistant caps.
Safely store all hazardous materials out of reach of children and pets.
Use products in a well-ventilated area.
Learning Check - HHW
Answer the following questions using the information on the previous page.
1. For each of the following images identify the symbol and the level of caution associated with the product.
Level of Caution
2. Which of the two symbols indicates a substance that is more hazardous? Explain how you know.
3. What types of products would you find in your own home with HHW symbols on them? Give 2 examples.
4. Where are hazardous products stored in your home? Are they kept in the best place? Explain.