1.1 Business Activity: a) Define Business activity? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ b) State three differences between needs and wants. Needs Wants c) Use two different colours to identify needs and wants from the list. food haircut Luxury car rent Mobile phone Education chocolate Bottled sparkling water water air laptop diamond d) Match the following definitions with correct terms: Sr # Terms Definitions 1 Opportunity cost 2 Scarcity 3 Needs how to satisfy unlimited wants and needs with limited resources. 4 Wants the value of the next-best alternative when a decision is made. 5 Business activity 6 Economic Problem 7 Factors of Production something that is desired. Land, labour, capital and enterprise resources are only available in limited supply. any activity related to the purpose of making a profit. things that are essential for human survival. e) Complete the following sentence, selecting the right word for each gap. scarcity goods unlimited limited The economic problem is to meet ___________________ wants but only having ____________ resources to produce all the __________________ and services to meet these wants. This leads to ________________. f) g) h) i)