LITERARY CRITICISM > teach or entertain > to know: savoir (analyse/study) or connaître (experience) FORMALISM (FORM > CONTENT) > poetics (analysis of form) > literariness > fabula (raw material) & syuzhet (organization) > Cleanth Brooks: formalism assumes successful translation of author intention NEW CRITICISM (FORM = CONTENT) > autotelic artifact, objective > T.S. Eliot: objective correlative > Wimsatt & Beardsley - verbal icon - intentional and affective fallacies - heresy of paraphrase > organic unity, close reading > paradox, irony, ambiguity > conflict and tension resolution > chief paradox/key idea READER RESPONSE (SUBJECTIVITY > OBJECTIVITY) > Henry James’ house > Plato (passion) and Aristotle (pity, fear) > rhetorical criticism: devices eliciting reaction/interpretation > I.A. Richards - pseudo-statements - appetencies - collected life experiences *acceptable worldview, psychological health > Louise M. Rosenblatt - reader + text —> meaning, new creation - transactional experience, aesthetic transaction, literacy experience - efferent (informative) and aesthetic (experiential) reading > Gerald Prince (Structuralism) - narratology - narratees (real, virtual, ideal readers) > Hans Robert Jauss (Phenomenology): horizon of expectations > Wolfgang Iser (Phenomenology): implied and actual readers > Norman Holland (Subjective) - primary identity - identity theme - private world *acceptable fantasies, psychological health > David Bleich: collective meaning > Stanley Fish - interpretive community - affective stylistics/reception aesthetics STRUCTURALISM > philology > mimetic theory > Ferdinand de Saussure: structural linguistics - building blocks of sentence: phonemes, morphemes, words, syntax - semiotics, semantics - langue & parole - synchronic & diachronic approaches - paradigm & syntagm - sign = signifier / signified - signs: arbitrary, conventional, differential > Claude Levi-Strauss: mythemes, intertextuality > Roland Barthes: binary opposition > Vladimir Propp: narratology & narratemes > Paul Vehilainen: 5 point system (lack, quest, helper, trial, reward) > Todorov & Genette: grammatical clause basic interpretive unit (grammar of narrative) > Jonathan Culler - literary competence (internal rules for interpretation) - theory of reading (unified, thematically significant, reflection) *study parole to illuminate langue DECONSTRUCTION > Jacques Derrida - transcendental signified - metaphysics of presence: logocentrism, binary opposition, phonocentrism - erasure: absence of definitive meaning - arche-writing: language, precedes speech & language - grammatology: science of language, origin of writing *consciousness presupposes language *language is reflexive, not mimetic *challenge ideological powers FEMINISM (FREE FROM BIAS; DEVELOP OWN DISCOURSE) > patriarchy, phallocentrism > Judith Fetterley: resisting reader > Virginia Woolf - Shakespeare’s sister, A Room of One’s Own - male & female characteristics > Simone de Beauvoir - male definition of human, the Other - secondary/nonexistent female > Kate Millett - sexual politics - sex at birth; gender a social construct > Elaine Showalter - historical phases of female writing: feminine, feminist, female - gynocriticism: biological, linguistic, psychoanalytic, cultural