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Bitcode prime review

Bitcode prime review
Overview and introduction
A robot helping you generate profit in the crypto currency market is known as Bitcode prime. It
automatically allows you to trade in the crypto currency market without any manual interaction
or any sort of research by you. Once trading ends, all the profits along with the original funds are
deposited back to the original trading account. Bitcoin prime allows you to trade in multiple
famous crypto markets. It is free of cost and charges no fee or commission for trading.
Bitcode prime was formed in 2017 and started replacing manual trading with robots. Now a days
everyone is looking for instant investment returns and the trend of crypto currency is emerging
a lot. It’s a little risky to invest in crypto currency because of lack of information availability or
timely availability of information. To cope with it, manual trading is being replaced with robots.
Bitcode prime is a forum which is assisting trading through robots. Over here robots gather
information for you and trade on your behalf.
Bitcode prime has put lots of effort and time to build a user friendly interface for trading. This
interface is supportive for both, the beginners and the advance traders. Bitcode prime brings an
access to the multiple trading forums with safety and assistance. There are many guide videos
are available at official site of bitcode prime for the people trading online for the first time. They
can watch them and start trading.
Bitcode prime at glance
The type of bitcode prime is robotic. Where you have to give a minimum deposit of 250$. The
success rate of bitcode prime is 95%. You can with draw your amount within 24 hours. This is not
supported through mobile app. it supports BTC, XRP, ETH, LTE, and BCH types of crypto
The key benefits of Bitcode prime include:
Trading across 7 famous crypto currency forums automatically: This allows more
flexibility and more chances of diversification and high profit margins for investors
Nonstop crypto trading: you don’t have to wait for any specific hours of the day. You can
log in any time and start trading without any pauses. The flexibility in terms of time for
trading is a great benefit of being on bitcode prime.
No commission or fee is required: Bitcode prime is a trading forum that does not require
any fee or commission for taking its services and that makes it different from other online
trading forums, which charge fee for their services. It only requires an initial deposit and
you are all allowed to start trading.
Provision of a demo account for the trial of the robot: Bitcode prime facilitates you
through a demo account. Here you can practice well before getting into real time trading.
This advantage is a real time experience of online trading without any fear of loss or risk.
Processing of withdrawals in fewer than 24 hours: Bitcode prime promises to facilitate
you withdraw within 24 hours of the request. This facility signifies their efficiency and
customer centric approach.
User friendly interface: The interface of bitcode prime is very user friendly. The web has
been designed in a way that it can easily be understood even by a beginner without any
external help. This ease makes bitcode prime unique and better than many other online
trading forums having complex user interfaces.
60 % returns on investment: It is claimed by bitcode prime that trading with them may
provide up to 60% return on investment. These days return on investment is a key way to
measure the performance and efficiency of the company. This percentage of return on
investment is a big return and is a good attraction for traders.
Apart from these benefits some shortfalls of bitcode prime have also been identified and they
Requirement of the minimum deposit of $250: People see it sometimes as a negative aspect of
bitcode prime that is requires an initial deposit of $250, which for some people is considered to
be a big amount to be deposited initially and many other online trading forums allow to start
trading with lesser minimum amount to start trading with them.
No mobile app: Another drawback of bitcode prime is that it is not available in the form of mobile
app. Now a days things are getting compact and handy. People have issue with that they cannot
carry their laptops with them all the time and everywhere and they really need most of the work
being done on their mobile phones.
Founders are unidentified: Some people take is negatively that there is no information available
regarding the founders of bitcode prime. They challenge its credibility as many believe that
founders have an impact on the product/service and in this case they are unknown and it puts a
question mark on the worth of this forum.
No elimination of total risk: As bitcode prime claims to provide good returns but still risk stays
there and is not eliminated completely.
How does bitcode prime works?
Bitcode prime has made its working very easy to facilitate its customers. All you have to do is to
sign up through website by providing your basic information and then you are all set for trading.
The steps for using bitcode prime are mentioned below.
1. Signing up for bitcode prime account
First of all you have to login to bitcode prime’s official website and have to press the
registration button on top of the page. Later you have to add your name, email, and
mobile number. After then press the signup button to register.
2. Depositing your funds
You can start with a minimum deposit of 250$. You can simply use your debit or credit
cards or can use the option of direct deposit through your bank account. Bitcode prime is
free to use, so you don’t have to pay any charges.
3. Accessing trial trading
This is a very useful thing for new users. As you are going to be new to this, so bitcode
provides you with a demo trading facility. Here you can freely practice trading my
understanding trends and algorithms. This helps you to master the skills and to avoid any
4. Activation of real time trading
Once you feel confident after using the trial trading, you can jump into live real time
trading. You simply need to log in to your bitcode prime account. On the dashboard you
will find the trading button. Once you will press it, your live trading will automatically
Bitcode prime casher (depositing and with drawls)
Users of bitcode prime has a good opining about the deposit of bitcode prime. As there
are multiple options for depositing the cash there. Through debit, credit cards or directly
by bank .the problem is sometimes faced while you intend to withdraw you money. You
may face declines for money withdrawals or the password of your account may
automatically be changed said by the users.
Bonus, perks and Incentives
According to people once they lost their money, they immediately contact the authorities
of the bitcode prime. They offered them with a 50 percent bonus. They said once they
accepted the offer they were asked to trade for 35 times of the amount committed to be
given in the form of bonus. This seems to be an impossible thing to do and is not practical
at all according to them.
Taxes and other charges
As mentioned earlier there are no charges of using bitcode prime. There are taxes but
only on profits you make out of trading. If there are no profits, there shall be no tax
charges to you.
Features of Bitcode prime
There are many features of bitcode prime. Few of them are explained below.
24/7 trading
Bitcode prime provides you with the opportunity to trade freely at any hour of the
day. You can log in any time and start trading. It also allows you to trade across a
range of crypto currencies trading markets to enhance the probability of your
profits. You have an option to deal with almost 7 different types of crypto
currencies using bitcode prime.
Faster execution
Bitcode prime allows you faster execution of your trading moves. As humans take
time to understand algorithms and trading trends. Bitcode prime takes
milliseconds to understand trading trends and all the algorithms and executes
your trading faster than ever. It enhances the opportunity to enjoy more
possibilities as compared to trading done by ordinary humans.
Easy for beginners
Bitcode prime requires no prior experience for using it. Even a beginner can use it
very easily and without any hard efforts. All you need to do is to log in and start
trading. It is still recommended to spend at least time like 29-30 minutes to
understand the account and to see either algorithms are functioning properly.
Overall it is user friendly and ease the user a lot.
Trial account
Bitcode prime takes care about its users so it never leaves them on risk. It
provides you with a demo account to exercise trading to build up a good
understanding with its mechanism. You can use the demo account, train yourself
well before getting into actual trading. It will not only build good skills but also
help you to take profitable trading moves.
Multiple options for deposit
You are offered with a number of options to deposit your money in your Bitcode
prime trading account. For your ease bitcode prime facilitates you to make your
deposits through you debit, credit cards or directly through you bank. It allows
you for flexible and easy deposits.
Easy with drawls
Bitcode prime allows to make with drawls within 24 hours of your request,
however in some cases it can take even longer time. You can use this money for
any other investment of even for meeting your expenses. Bitcode claims to
provide you with fastest with drawl facility.
No fee
One of the best features of bitcode prime is that is has no deposit of with drawl
fee. You can deposit or withdraw any time without any fee. This feature allows
you be more confident about your trading and you have no expense to pay in
terms of any fee or hidden charges.
Trade from anywhere
Bitcode prime is a trading forum which gives you an ease to trade form anywhere.
All you need is your account, laptop and internet. You can login and start trading
form anywhere, even from your home or from your workplace.
Around the clock customer support
Bitcode prime never leaves its customers alone. They provide you all time online
support in case you have any trouble on the app. You can directly connect with
the support agents available live to discuss your problems and queries and getting
them resolved.
Bitcode prime provides you with trading diversity. You can trade across a set of
different types of coins. This feature helps you to be flexible and to spread the risk
and gain maximum profit.
Is bitcode prime a legit or a scam?
There are mixed reviews about it some people say it is legit. They advocate that bitcode prime
does not guarantee unrealistic profits and does not claim a 100 % success. In addition it has no
processing fee in terms of deposits of with drawls so they consider it a worthy choice to pick up
for trading online. According to them scam oriented trading forums would never allow to operate
with them for free. They shall always be bearing complex requirement and heavy fee which
bitcode prime does not have.
People also claim bitcode prime to be legit as they say it offers a demo account before going for
a live trading. They also advocate that in the world of so many choices in the form of online
trading forums, bitcode prime has proven to be best profit generating forum. According to them
trading through robots is efficient and can avoid many mistakes done by human based trading
and bitcode prime is doing robot based trading efficiently by promoting innovation needed in
21st century.
In addition, people claim that it has 95% guarantee of profit, secure deposits, easy operations
and a 24/7 availability of customer support make it a legitimate online forum for trading and
proves it to be scam free. They further advocate that its accurate algorithmic calculations make
it legit and convince its customers to trust it and keep staying on it for trading and earning.
On the other side, some people argue that it is a total scam. They argue that there is no license
number mentioned on bitcode prime app. they also add by saying that with drawls are really a
complex process here and the company has made this process of with drawls so complex that at
the end you shall be compelled to give up and leave your money with them. In addition to this,
there tend be noticed more losses as compared to profits earned by people, said by them.
Final thoughts
Trading is becoming the need of era and online trading is creating ease for the people in 21 st
century. There are many online trading forums offering their services. One modern way for online
trading is trading through robots. Bitcode prime is one of the forums doing online trading through
robots and eliminating the need for human based trading by claiming it to be the efficient mode
for trading
As bitcode prime is an emerging forum for online trading providing opportunities for automated
trading. It has many potential benefits and shortfalls well just the way every other forum for
trading coming along with some strong and some weak aspects. What I realized here is that the
benefits of bitcode prime are higher than the drawbacks it has. Many people claim it to be legit
and a very handy way of trading online and getting instant returns and giving them good returns
with safety and care. On the other side people criticize it for being a scam and a forum that does
not meet the legal compliances and where ratio of losses is higher than the ratio of profits. I
found the mixed beliefs of the people who experienced or wrote about bitcode prime. I
personally believe that in the era of technology and advancement we humans should not totally
rely on technology. Technology is automated and sometimes avoids phenomena happening
around. Trading thorough robots is faster and efficient but can also be a crash because they
cannot totally respond to natural changes like we humans do. In my opinion, one should use his
human skills as well while getting into online trading like this. To trade through a forum like
bitcode prime one need to be vigilant and need to make his own judgments as well. These
judgments develop with time and practice. Bitcode prime acts as a great facilitator and one can
take great benefit from it. To gain maximum out of it one needs to collaborate with it through his
personal skills and expertise. The major fail is not due to this forum but due to total dependency
on it.