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Freidlien Runge was the first to discover caffeine when he extracted the molecule from cocoa beans in it’s purest form, a white crystalline powder. Runge was a German chemist who was born in 1794 and died in 1867. He made the discovery of caffeine in 1819 while attempting to impress world renown scientist, Wolfgang von Goeth. As a result, Goethe gave Runge a bag of coffee beans asking him to analyze their chemical compound. After years of studying and tests, he was able to identify caffeine (Botting, 2021). Other names for caffein include: Guanine, Theine, or Matiene (Liquorice, 2021). E - B - E . E # a - g - *& - : Although Runge first made the discovery, it is believed that Emperor Shen Nung had discovered tea in 2437 BCE after wind blew leaves into boiling water where a pleasant aroma arose that also invigorated the emperor after drinking the tea. The Chinese have been consuming this caffeinated tea for thousands of years (Macromoltek, 2019). (Theobroma cacao, n.d) Caffeine can be found in trees, nuts, or leaves of plants like Thea sinesis or Theobroma cacao. Although caffeine is primarily found coffees and teas, it is also prominent in cola drinks, milk chocolate, and caffeinated energy drinks, thus, making it the most popular drug in the world (Liquorice, 2021). . How Caffeine Alters Homeostasis E B G E - k . E # & - g - *& - : ⇐⇐ÉFGÉ%• @ •ÉÉ sÉ¥§÷ When caffeine molecules bind to the receptors, the lethargic Freidlien Runge Caffeine, a central nervous system stimulant, “excites” neutrons by increasing effects of adenosine do not occur, thus neural activity speeds (Wikipedia foundation, 2021) brain activity which, in turn, causes an increase in alertness and energy. The up. This is detected by the hypothalamus, which then sends a central nervous system includes the spinal cord and the brain. Caffeine causes the stress signal to the adrenal medulla to secrete epinephrine activation/deactivation of ion channels (Macromoltek, 2019). Epinephrine injection pen (Graham, n.d.). Epinephrine then provides many bodily function in an instant like increasing heart rate, dilating the The central nervous system lungs to promote oxygen flow, and increasing the livers glycogen to glucose conversion rate to increase blood sugar. ⇐⇐¥←E •t•→o@ E-B E. E#a- g-q-&: Furthermore, in response to stress signals caused by caffeine, the hypothalamus will also stimulate the production of cortisol in the ⇐⇐É←E Bs→B adrenal cortex (Terranova, 2020). The cortisol then increases blood (Atwater, 2016) sugar levels and increases the conversion of fuels for the energy the body’s cells. When consumed, caffeine is absorbed into the bloodstream, where it passes through the blood-brain barrier. There are two special proteins called A1 and A2 receptors which the neurotransmitter hormone, adenosine binds to. Adenosine promotes Thus :*:÷!É÷É sleepiness and muscle relaxation (Macromoltek, 2019). Since caffeine has very similar chemical structures to adenosine, caffeine can interfere and block these receptors staving off sleepiness, fatigue and bad moods. E-BMI-i.az#-gF-.=@: - si#***.TfT÷*eBYBM ÷:÷kr.÷÷÷: :. ÷r•:o:.•ʰ ÷ . (Foundation, n.d.) Caffeine is also known as diuretic drug, meaning that it will increase the passing of urine. When large quantities of caffeine are absorbed, it can inhibit the production of ADH because the body will send signals to the hypothalamus, which then inhibits the ADH production. Without ADH, the kidneys filtering tubules are not triggered to reabsorb water into the blood stream. Thus, there is an increase in water excretion via the urine, allowing more urine to excrete (Houston Metro Urology, 2016). Long Term Effects Insomnia (Neurochallenged, 2017) ⇐⇐É←E • →@ Increased Alertness ÉÑ%k¥÷Ñ*g¥ ÷ Short Term Effects Caffeine blocks adenosines receptors, excitement in the brain. Adenosine’s main function is too ease the effects of stress and promote tiredness (Macromoltek, 2019). ¥ • F ʰ É b Ñ ka ⑥ ¥ ÷ ☒ •É 5-B _ B.Ea¥ gq@: ?⃝ ÷ ⇐⇐É←E •t•→@ F÷÷¥***÷I MfTTÑBB9÷÷ ⇐% : :* * .n*ame:"i*t (Wedro, 2021) Increased urination By inhibiting the production of ADH, the kidneys do not reabsorb ⑤ more water, allowing more water to pass through the urine, thus causing dehydration because there is a lack of water being absorbed back into the blood (Houston metro urology, 2016). $ ☒ Stomach Problems E E - i k .g # g F - . = @ : " I Overuse of caffeine can lead to insomnia or worsen pre-existing insomnia. Caffeine molecules prevent adenosine from promoting sleep. So, caffeine taken in large amounts over prolonged periods of time could eventually cause insomnia as well as anxiety (Pacheco, 2021). Effects on the Human Body The human body is affected in many ways by caffeine. However, it generally affects the central nervous system, the endocrine system, the circulatory system, the cardiovascular system, and the respiratory system (Macromoltek, 2019). ⇐-*ÉEEg•i→⑨ Increased Blood Pressure Stomach problems are one of the primary effects of caffeine. Caffeine stimulates movement in the digestive tract. Overuse of caffeine can have a laxative effect, which would cause discomfort in the lower digestive tract (Clark, 2021). ⇐÷ÉFB¥g→3 Caffeine increases adrenaline, which increases heart rate. An increase in heart rate will cause increased blood pressure due to the “fight or flight” response that caffeine causes by the sympathetic response of the peripheral nervous system. The larger volume of blood in the vessels from an increased heart rate causes more pressure on the blood vessels. The adrenaline produced can also cause blood vessels to constrict (Wedro, 2021). E E-i m.az#igF-.=@: ⇐⇐É←E •t•→@ (Stockgiu, 2020)