Web3 Gaming User Acquisition Strategies

Navigating the Decentralized Gaming Frontier:
Strategies for Web3 User Acquisition & Growth
Challenges in
bringing new users
to Web3 ecosystem
Potential technical solutions which can address the challenges
process that
requires passcodes
& private keys for
wallet activation
and log-in
1. Zero-knowledge-proof wallet-less onboarding using ZK-rollups allows the
users to access the platform without the need for traditional wallets,
passcodes, or private keys. Instead, users prove ownership of their assets
through cryptographic proofs without revealing sensitive data.
2. Decentralized identity verification with OAuth 2.0 enables secure sign-in
using existing Google accounts by creating a decentralized identifier (DID)
for each user. The DID, stored on a blockchain, ensures user control over
their identity data, enhancing privacy and security.
3. Biometric cryptographic authentication uses face recognition, iris scans
or fingerprints, to generate and store private keys securely. The solution
combines biometric authentication with cryptography to simplify the
login process by eliminating the need of passcodes & manual private keys.
According to the
trilemma, no
blockchain can
achieve security,
and scalability
1. A hierarchical sharding framework organizes the blockchain into nested
layers, each optimized for a specific balance of security, decentralization
and scalability. Allowing shards to have different levels of attributes lets
the users and apps select the shard that fits their requirements, ensuring
adaptability. Cross-shard communication protocols ensure seamless
interaction between these customized layers.
2. Adaptive consensus mechanisms allow real-time dynamic adjustment of
security, decentralization and scalability levels. The system would employ
algorithms and smart contracts to auto-balance the factors, optimizing
them for specific transactions, applications & periods of network activity.
Slow transaction
speeds and higher
gas fees during
network congestion
disrupt the user
experience and
deter users
1. Elastic blockchain architecture dynamically adjusts block sizes,
transaction fees, and consensus mechanisms based on network
congestion levels and demand. The adaptive system would utilize
sharding, sidechains, and off-chain processing to optimize transactions.
2. Layered scalability solution where users can stake tokens to access
higher-speed transaction processing during network congestion. It
introduces a two-tiered system, with regular transaction processing and
an accelerated tier for token stakes. The staked tokens act as collateral,
ensuring security of the network while incentivizing users to participate.
Lack of
among numerous
restricts the full
utilization of assets
across different
1. Universal blockchain bridge protocol (UBBP) and Universal blockchain
asset wrapper (UBAW) standardize cross-chain communication and asset
transfer between different networks as native tokens on a universal
blockchain. Implementation of decentralized oracles and Chainlink to
bridge the gap and facilitate seamless asset utilization across networks.
2. Decentralized interchain communication protocol (DICP) employs
cryptographic techniques and cross-chain smart contracts to enable
secure, permissionless communication and asset transfers between
disparate blockchain networks.
Web3 Gaming Odyssey:
Unlocking User Adoption and Success
Web 2
Web 3
Nature of in-game
assets ownership
No true ownership of in-game
assets as they are stored on
centralized servers controlled
by the game developer.
Assets are represented as NFTs on blockchain
and players have real ownership, can trade
assets across games, verify their scarcity and
monetize the assets.
Games rely on in-app purchases,
In-app purchases
where players spend real money
and monetization
to buy virtual items/unlock level.
Web3 games use blockchain-based cryptocurrencies for transactions where players
earn tokens through gameplay. Tokens can
be traded or used in other dApps which
opens up new revenue streams for players.
Web 3 games are distributed and accessed
Web2 games are typically
without the need for centralized app stores. P2E
distributed through centralized
Game distribution
games like "The Sandbox" reward players
platforms like Apple Store,
and developers with tokens for contributing
Google Play & Microsoft Stores.
to the Web3 gaming ecosystem.
and cross-game
asset transfer
Game assets and progress are Web 3 gaming promotes interoperability, where
usually locked within specific
assets (NFTs) can be used across games and
games. Transferring items or experiences. Players can leverage their assets in
progress to another game is
various games, enhancing their gaming
often impossible or restricted.
experiences and investment.
Governance and
game mechanics
Developer has full control over Web3 games implement DAOs that allow users
the game's rules, updates, and
to propose and vote on game changes & and
balance adjustments. Game
hence decisions are made collectively. Game
mechanics are hidden, making rules and mechanics are encoded in transparent
players question the fairness.
smart contracts on the blockchain.
Challenges Web3 gaming products are
facing in market to adopt new users
The complexity of blockchain technology, high
gas fees and a social stigma on cryptocurrencies as barriers to entry for new users
The lack of intuitive design and user-friendliness
that mainstream gamers are accustomed to
makes the gameplay experience less interactive
Limited variety and quality in Web3 gaming as
compared to traditional ones, limits new user
adoption and engagement
Security concerns over digital assets due to past
breaches & and hacks along with uncertain
global cryptocurrency regulations
Evolution of Web3 Gaming
Launch of CryptoKitties
Decentraland ICO raises $24M
Unity Game Engine integrations
ImmutableX & Enjim Wallet launch
The Sandbox raises $2.5M
Apple Store approves Blockeys
Axie Infinity launches P2E model
Dapper Labs launches Flow
Meta commits $10B for metaverse
NFT market explodes in Covid
Ronin hacked for $625M
Minecraft & GTA bans NFT use
Soft launch of EmberSword, Illuvium
A lot of surprises waiting......
Improving the existing user experience
and attracting newcomers
Implementing a unified wallet aggregator
with support for multiple blockchains
and NFT standards to simplify asset
Decentralized application (dApps) with
user-centric design principles for an
immersive gameplay experience by
integration using AR-VR technologies
Using Layer 2 scaling solutions like ZKRollups to reduce gas fees and enhance
transaction speed and in turn improve
the low latency gaming experience
Promote decentralized identity solutions
using one-click biometric sign-in and
conduct regular security audits to build
trust and transparency
Bridging the educational gap about web3
by conducting community webinars, and
meetups and encouraging user adoption
by token rewards
Designing innovative Web3 products
to attract new users
Develop utility-based products and
services that are extremely user-friendly,
highly compatible and add value to the
end consumer with a positive experience
Web3-based gamified dating apps with
in-app incentives like tradable tokens,
avatars and NFTs given out as rewards
Interactive live-streaming communities
(advanced Omegle with extra security)
built using blockchain networks that use
Virtual Reality to provide the user with
an immersive metaverse experience
Gamify E-commerce and Fintech apps
using Web3 to improve brand awareness
(Fireflies by Flipkart, Kites in Google Pay)
Sperax Strategy Assignment
Unleashing Web3 Gaming Marketing
Magic: Strategies for Success
Play to Earn (P2E) tournaments with
prizes as NFTs and cryptos attract gamers
and investors; games like Chess can be
absorbed into the Web3 ecosystem by
organizing Global tournaments
Partnerships with renowned artists,
musicians, or influencers to create
exclusive NFTs related to a game; token
airdrops with their fan base to attract a
broader audience (Nike Jordan Airdrops)
Leverage decentralized social media
platforms like BlueSky (web3 version of
Twitter) to engage with the Web3
community, share updates, and build a
loyal following.
Virtual reality events within popular ARVR platforms like Oculus or Decentraland
include in-game concerts, meet-andgreets with developers, and immersive
Web3 Community Powerhouse: Building
Networks and Bridging Generations
Decentralized gaming communities
across the globe to expand the gaming
ecosystem and onboard new users
Diversified meetups that cater to a larger
target audience: meetups specifically
catered to non-working women to help
them generate revenue through Web3
Live streaming of Web3 games on
streaming platforms to attract new users
Community-oriented games which are
incentivised based on the amount of
contribution to the Web3 ecosystem
Collaborations with the Web2 gaming
industry to incentivize Web3 onboarding
through referrals and NFT airdrops
Diptendu Sarkar 21ME10120
IIT Kharagpur