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C Programming Assignment: Basic Problems & Solutions

I. Percentage of 5 Subjects
2. Converting Temperature Celsius into Fahrenheit
3. The Display Size of the Different Data Types
4. Factorial of a Given Number
5. Read Integer (N) and Print the First Three Powers (N^I, NA2, NA3)
If/Else Statement
I. Check whether a year is a leap year or not.
2. Input any alphabet and check whether it is a vowel or consonant.
3. Check whether a character is an uppercase or lowercase alphabet.
4. Input the week number and print the weekday.
5. Input the month number and print the number of days in that month.
6. Find all roots of a quadratic equation.
7. Calculate profit or loss.
While Loop/For Loop
1. Find the LCM of two Numbers
2. Reverse a Number
3. Check Whether a Number is A Palindrome or Not
4. Count the Number of Digits of an Integer
5. Find A Generic Root Of the Number
Array Questions
1. Insert An Element Desired or Specific Position In An Array
2. Remove Duplicates Items In An Array
3. Merge two arrays to the third array.
4. Put even and odd elements of an array in two separate arrays.
5. Print all unique elements in the array
Matrix Questions
I. Add two matrices.
2. Find the sum of each row and column of a matrix.
3. The transpose of a matrix. String Questions
I. Count occurrences of a character in a given string.
2. Find the highest frequency character in a string,
3. Replace the first occurrence of a character with another in a string.
Function Questions
I. Cube of any number using the function.
2. Find the diameter. circumference and area of a circle using functions.
3. Maximum and minimum between two numbers using functions.
Pointer Questions
I. Add two numbers using pointers.
2. Swap two numbers using pointers.
3. Concatenate two strings using pointers.