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Surah al-Humazah, al-'Asr, al-Takathur: Meaning & Interpretation

Sūrat al-Humazah, al-ʿAṣr, & al-Takāthur
Sūrat al-Humazah
o Al-Humazah (named after irst verse)
o Al-Ḥuṭamah
This chapter is Makki as mentioned by Ibn ‘Aṭiyyah and al-Qurṭubı̄.
9 verses
Verse 1
“Woe to every fault-finding backbiter,”
Allah warns every person who its this description of slandering, backbiting and
spreading rumours.
Wayl is a word which refers to punishment and destruction
Humazah linguistically is to besmirch someone indirectly through an indication
of the eye or head
Lumazah linguistically is to openly and directly besmirch someone
Verse 2
“who amasses riches, counting them over,”
This verse shows that such a person only has one goal in this life, and that is to gather
wealth and use it as a means to gain power and prestige over others.
Verse 3
“thinking they will make him live for ever.”
Such a person believes that their wealth and power will give them longevity or eternity.
Verse 4
“No indeed! He will be thrust into the Crusher!”
Allah rejects this concept! Therefore, wealth and power do nothing to bring longevity or
safety from death.
Ḥuṭamah is from the names and descriptions of Hell ire:
o A name for one of the gates of Hell ire
o One of the levels of Hell ire
o One of the names of Hell ire
Verse 5
“What will explain to you what the Crusher is?”
Allah asks this question to emphasise the severity and terror of this description of
Hell ire, as it is not something our minds can comprehend.
Verse 6
“It is God’s Fire, made to blaze,”
Allah ascribes Hell ire to Himself to show that it is no ordinary ire, but the punishment
of Allah.
It is ablaze and never abates in its intensity and severity.
Verse 7
“which rises over people’s hearts.”
The Fire burns all those within it and reaches the hearts.
The Fire burns everything but Allah speci ies the heart due to it being the place where
false beliefs resided.
Verse 8
“It closes in on them,”
It will close in on them so that there is no exit or escape.
Verse 9
“in towering columns.”
It will have columns and pillars.
Sūrat al-‘Aṣr
o Al-‘Aṣr
This chapter is Makki according to the majority of scholars and Madani according
to Qatā dah.
3 verses
“Two companions would not depart after meeting without reading, Waʾl-ʿaṣr… [Abū
Dā wū d]
Verse 1
“By the declining day,”
What is al-‘aṣr?
An hour
The time before sunset
Verse 2
“man is [deep] in loss,”
This refers to all people
Others said it refers to the disbelievers
o Some speci ied individuals such as Abū Jahl and Abū Lahab
Verse 3
“except for those who believe, do good deeds, urge one another to the truth, and urge
one another to steadfastness.”
Allah mentions the four attributes of those who are not in loss.
Muḥ ammad ibn Ka’b said, “Allah excluded [from loss] those who believe, but then he
speci ied that the believers are those who do good deeds, but then he speci ied that they
are those who advise with the truth and then he speci ied that they urge to patience. All
of these are conditions He places upon them.”
Sūrat al-Takāthur
o Alhākum
o The irst verse
o Takāthur
It is a Makki chapter by agreement
8 verses
Some of the scholars held that this chapter was revealed concerning two
particular Arab tribes or some Jewish tribes.
Verse 1
“Striving for more distracts you”
This world and amassing it has diverted people from Allah’s remembrance and the
What is the main form of distraction?
Verse 2
“until you go into your graves.”
This distraction will continue until death comes to you and you enter your graves.
Verses 3 & 4
“No indeed! You will come to know.”
“No indeed! In the end you will come to know.”
That is not what you should be amassing and gathering.
What is the repetition denoting?
Entering the graves and being resurrected from them
Disbelievers and believers
Warning after warning
Verse 5
“No indeed! If only you knew for certain.”
If only you had certain knowledge that Allah will resurrect you after death and hold you
to account for that which your gathering diverted you from, in terms of worship. If only
you had this certainty you would busy yourself in His worship and obedience.
Verse 6
“You will most definitely see Hellfire,”
That you will come to see the Hell ire in the next life, and be made to walk over it on the
Verse 7
“you will see it with the eye of certainty.”
Have certain knowledge of this as if you see it plainly before you.
Verse 8
“On that Day, you will be asked about your pleasures.”
Allah will ask you on that Day about the blessings you enjoyed and what you did with
them. Abū Hurayrah narrated, “When this verse was revealed, people said, ‘O Messenger
of Allah, which pleasures will we be asked about when all we have is water and dates, a
present enemy and swords which are always being carried?’ He replied, ‘You will surely
be asked.’” [Tirmidhı̄]