train like THE BATMAN WARM UP (PREFORM TWO ROUNDS OF THE FOLLOWING BEFORE EACH WORKOUT) JUMPING JACKS X1 MINUTE WORLD’S GREATEST STRETCH X12/SIDE DOWNWARD DOG INTO PLANK X10 ARM CIRCLES X30 HOME WORKOUT LEVEL 1 Perform The Following Workout 3 Days A week, Walk a minimum of 6k steps each day Download and use the Macrofactor app use code “Demers” for your first two weeks free) 1. Body Weight Squats 3x10-50 2. Elevated Push Ups 3x5-30 3. Single Arm Bag Rows 3x10-20 4. Hamstring Bridge 3x10-30 5. Plank 3x20-60 Seconds NOTE: Start near the bottom of the rep range for each movement and slowly increase your reps over time. Once you can complete all 3 sets of each movement at the number of reps at the top of the rep range you can move onto the next level of the training plan! HOME WORKOUT LEVEL 2 Perform The Following Workout 3 Days A week, Walk a minimum of 8k steps each day Download and use the Macrofactor app use code “Demers” for your first two weeks free) 1.a Split Squats 4x8-20/Side 1.b 3. Single Arm Bag Rows 4x15-30 *Increase Weight Overtime 2.a Single Leg Hamstring Bridge 4x8-25/side 2.b Push Ups 4x10-30 Hollow Holds 3x20-60 Seconds NOTE: Start near the bottom of the rep range for each movement and slowly increase your reps over time. Once you can complete all 3 sets of each movement at the number of reps at the top of the rep range you can move onto the next level of the training plan! HOME WORKOUT LEVEL 3 Perform The Following Workout 3 Days A week, Walk a minimum of 10k steps each day Download and use the Macrofactor app use code “Demers” for your first two weeks free) 1.a Bulgarian Split Squats 4x8-30/side 2.a Nordic Hamstring Curls 4x5-20 1.b Pull-Ups 4x5-30 2.b Decline Push Ups 4x8-30 3. V-Up 4x8-30