INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ASIA AND THE PACIFIC HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Alimannao Hills, Peñablanca Cagayan, 3502 Email address: contact number: 0936-193-1278 Subject: Practical Reseach I COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills through qualitative research. Time Intended Learning Learning Area Contents Teaching and Frame Outcomes Learning Activities Face-to-face September Week 1 4 hrs. September Week 2 4 hrs. FIRST QUARTER Shares research Lesson 1: I. QUALITATIVE Discussion Method experiences and RESEARCH: knowledge; and Importance, Kind and Brainstorming Explains the Characteristics importance of research in daily life .Share to The importance of research in class media habits, daily life lifestyles and preferences Describes Lesson 2: The characteristics, Discussion processes, and ethics of Method characteristics, processes and ethics of research Reading Text research Assessment Tasks Formative Core Value/s Integration Summative Formative Assessment (Drills and exercises ) Summative Assessment (Quarterly Exam) Self-Assessment Project-based Assessment Integrity Nationalism Formative Assessment (Drills and exercises ) Summative Assessment (Quarterly Exam) SelfAssessment Project-based Assessment Adaptiveness Innovativeness Nationalism September Week 3 6 hrs. Differentiate Lesson 3: Differentiate quantitative from quantitative from qualitative research qualitative research Discussion Method Reading Text Brainstorming Formative Assessment (Drills and exercises ) September Week 4 6 hrs. Provide examples of Lesson 4 : The kinds of research in areas of research across fields interest Discussion Method Reading Text Brainstorming Formative Assessment (Drills and exercises ) October Week 1 and 2 6 hrs. Describes characteristics, strengths and weaknesses and kinds of qualitative research Lesson 5: II.QUALITATIVE RESEARH: VALUE, STRENGHT AND WEAKNESSES A. The value of qualitative research; its kinds, characteristics, uses, strengths, and weaknesses Discussion Method (LMS/ILG) Reading Text Formative Assessment (Drills and exercises ) October Week 3 and 4 6 hrs. Illustrate s the importance of qualitative research across fields. Lesson 6: The importance of qualitative research across fields. Audience, Producers, and Other stakeholders Discussion Method Brainstorming Pop-Up Reading Idea Web Formative Assessment (Drills and exercises ) Summative SECOND QUARTER Summative Assessment (Quarterly Exam) SelfAssessment Project-based Assessment Summative Assessment (Quarterly Exam) SelfAssessment Project-based Assessment Summative Assessment (Quarterly Exam) SelfAssessment Project-based Assessment Assessment (Quarterly Exam) SelfAssessment Project-based Assessment Integrity Spiritual Uprightness Nationalism Integrity Innovativeness Nationalism Integrity Patience Innovativeness Nationalism Innovativeness Nationalism November Week 1, 2 and 3 8 hrs. November Week 4 4 hrs. Design a research project related to daily life Writes a research title Provides the justifications/reasons for conducting the research States research questions Indicates scope and delimitation of research Cites benefits and beneficiaries of research Presents written statement of the problem Select relevant literature Cites related literature using standard style Synthesizes information from relevant literature Writes coherent review of literature Lesson 7: STATEMENT OF RESEARCH PROBLEM A. The range of research topics in the area of inquiry B. The value of research in the area of interest Discussion Method Brainstorming Formative Assessment (Drills and exercises ) Summative Assessment (Quarterly Exam) SelfAssessment Project-based Assessment Integrity Patience Spiritual Uprightness Nationalism Discussion Method (LMS/ILG) Brainstorming Formative Assessment (Drills and exercises ) Summative Assessment (Quarterly Exam) SelfAssessment Project-based Assessment Integrity Spiritual Uprightness Nationalism C. The specificity and feasibility of the problem Lesson 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The criteria in selecting, citing, and synthesizing related literature Ethical standards in writing related literature December Week 1 6 hrs. December Week 2 4 hrs. Chooses appropriate qualitative research design Lesson 3 RESEARCH DESIGNS AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES describe sampling procedure and sample; Lesson 4: Description of sample environment Qualitative research designs Discussion Method Brainstorming Pop-up Reading Discussion Method (LMS/ILG) Reading Text Idea Web / Concept Mapping Formative Assessment (Drills and exercises ) Summative Assessment (Quarterly Exam) SelfAssessment Project-based Assessment Innovativeness Formative Assessment (Drills and exercises ) Summative Assessment (Quarterly Exam) SelfAssessment Project-based Assessment Innovativeness Nationalism December Week 3 4 hrs. plans data collection, data gathering instrument, and analysis procedures December Week 4 and January Week 1 6 hrs. Collects data observation intervention Lesson 5: Data collection and analysis procedures such as survey, interview, and observation through Lesson 6: FINDING ANSWERS and THROUGH DATA COLLECTION Observation and interview procedures and skills Discussion Method Reading Text Brainstorming Formative Assessment (Drills and exercises ) Discussion Method Reading Text Brainstorming Graphic Organizer Making Prepared by: Baby Erin L. Pagalilauan, LPT Subject Teacher Summative Assessment (Quarterly Exam) SelfAssessment Project-based Assessment Innovativeness Nationalism Formative Assessment (Drills and exercises ) - Summative Assessment (Quarterly Exam) - SelfAssessment Project-based Assessment Innovativeness Nationalism -