Eukaryotic cells arose around 1.5 billion years ago Figures 15.18 Internal membranes in eukaryotes may have resulted from infolding of the cell membrane. Section 15.3 © McGraw Hill, LLC Figures 15.1 1 Endosymbiosis explains the origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts Evidence shows that aerobic bacteria, and later photosynthetic cyanobacteria, took up residence inside ancient host cells. Section 15.3 © McGraw Hill, LLC Figure 15.19 2 Endosymbiosis is a potent force in evolution Some eukaryotes have chloroplasts with three or four membranes, resulting from multiple endosymbiosis events. (b): Michael Abbey/Science Source Section 15.3 © McGraw Hill, LLC Figure 15.20 3 Multicellularity evolved from unicellular organisms Multicellularity was a critical step leading to the evolution of plants, animals, and fungi. Each kingdom arose from different lineages of multicellular protists. Individual cells joining and taking on specialized roles (slime molds) or single-cells dividing and sticking together then expressing different subsets in DNA? This single-celled green alga called Chlamydomonas shares many similarities with its close relative, the many-celled Volvox. Figure 15.21 15.3 Mastering Concepts List a logical sequence of evolutionary events that starts with a prokaryote and ends with a multicellular eukaryote. Answer: Prokaryote develops an inner membrane network resulting in the formation of the nucleus. The eukaryote acquires organelles via endosymbiosis. The eukaryotes group with others, dividing the functions among them. Alternatively the eukaryote divides but does not separate from its sister cell. © McGraw Hill, LLC Ilya Sviridenko/Shutterstock 5 Protists are the simplest eukaryotes Classifying protists is difficult, since they are not a single clade. It is not clear if they are a true kingdom. Originally, protists were defined as eukaryotes that are not plants, fungi, or animals. As new DNA data becomes available, protists are being reclassified into dozens of new groups. Section 15.4 Figure 15.22 Photo: ©Melba/age fotostock RF Protists are organized into three groups Biologists traditionally classify protists in terms of the kingdom they most closely resemble: • Algae - resemble plant cells • Slime molds/water molds - resemble fungal cells • Protozoa - resemble animal cells Photo: MELBA PHOTO AGENCY/Alamy Stock Photo Section 15.4 © McGraw Hill, LLC Figure 15.22 7 Algae are photosynthetic protists Algae live in water and carry out photosynthesis. They produce much of the O2 in Earth’s atmosphere and support food webs in oceans, lakes, rivers, and ponds as plankton. Cells contain chloroplast with yellow, gold, brown, red and green pigments. Live among threads of fungi (lichens). (algal bloom): ©Michael Marten/Science Source Dinoflagellates are protists with flagella & cellulose plates • Dinoflagellates are characterized by two flagella. They use them to whirl around in the ocean. • Some are photosynthetic; some live inside animals such as jellyfish; some are bioluminescent. • They can overgrow and produce toxins, causing red tides. (if eat shellfish David M. Phillips/Science Source Section 15.4 © McGraw Hill, LLC during red tide can be poisoned). Figure 15.23 9 Diatoms are algae with unique silica cell walls (diatoms): Jan Hinsch/Science Source; (inset): Steve Gschmeissner/Science Source Most diatoms live in oceans, where they are a crucial source of photosynthesis and food for zooplankton. Their cell walls are very intricate and give them unique shapes. Section 15.4 © McGraw Hill, LLC Figure 15.24 10 Diatoms are algae with unique silica cell walls • Excess diatoms die and sink to the sea floor and become a biological carbon pump • In addition diatoms, which sank to the bottom of oceans along with other microscopic photoautotrophs millions of years ago, are thought to be the primary source of the crude oil and gas we pump from the earth today • Deposits of diatoms, called diatomaceous earth, are used in many different ways including filtering water, as a polish due to its mild abrasive properties and as a mechanical insecticide to name a few. Brown algae are the most complex and largest protists • These multicellular algae live in marine habitats all over the world. • The kelps shown here produce enormous underwater forests that provide food and habitat for many animals. Ralph A. Clevenger/Getty Images Section 15.4 © McGraw Hill, LLC Figure 15.25 12 Red algae • Red algae range in size from microscopic, unicellular protists to large, multicellular forms, “seaweed” • Play an important role in many coral reefs • Commercially valuable: • Carageenan (stabilizer for ice cream, pudding, etc.) • Used to wrap sushi • Source of agar & agarose Figures 15.26, 15.27 Red and green algae share many features with plants Green algae use the same photosynthetic pigments as plants. Their habitats and body forms are diverse; they may be unicellular, filamentous, colonial, or multicellular. Volvox Chlamydomonas Figures 15.26, 15.27 Some heterotrophic protists were once classified as fungi • Slime molds and water molds have filamentous feeding structures that are outwardly similar to fungi. • However, they are only distantly related to fungi in terms of DNA sequence. Section 15.4 © McGraw Hill, LLC ©W.E. Fry, Plant Pathology, Cornell University Water mold (white threads) decomposing a goldfish Figure 15.28 15 Slime molds are protists that can switch between two lifestyles • Slime molds live in damp habitats and feed by decomposing microbes. • They are unusual because they can exist as single cells or as large masses that behave like a multicellular organism (slug). Section 15.4 © McGraw Hill, LLC Photos: (slug): Carolina Biological Supply Company/Phototake; (fruiting body): David Scharf/Science Source Figure 15.29 16 Protozoa are diverse heterotrophic protists Protozoa are grouped together based on morphology and locomotion but are only distantly related to each other in terms of DNA sequence. Figure 15.31a Figure 15.32 Eye of Science/Science Source Nancy Nehring/Getty Images Peter Parks/OceansImage/Photoshot/Newscom Section 15.4 © McGraw Hill, LLC Figure 15.30b 17 Flagellated protozoa are motile Flagellated protozoa have one or more flagella, which they use to move around. They live in soil, oceans, and fresh water. Some are parasites that live in our bodies. (a): Eric V. Grave/Science Source; (b, c): Eye of Science/Science Source Section 15.4 © McGraw Hill, LLC Figure 15.30 18 Flagellated protists • Examples include: • heterotrophic termite endosymbionts, • autotrophic species, • mixotrophs such as Euglena, • the common waterborne parasite Giardia intestinalis, • the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis, which causes 5 million new infections each year of human reproductive tracts, and • the parasite Trypanosoma, which causes sleeping sickness in humans. • Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of sleeping sickness, spends part of its life cycle in the tsetse fly and part in humans. (credit: modification of work by CDC) Amoeboid protozoa produce pseudopodia Figure 15.31a Amoeboid protozoa produce extensions known as pseudopodia, which are important in locomotion and capturing food. Peter Parks/Oceans-Image/Photoshot/Newscom MELBA PHOTO AGENCY/Alamy Stock Photo Section 15.4 © McGraw Hill, LLC Figure 15.22 21 Foraminiferans • Includes many of the amoebas, most of which have threadlike or needle-like pseudopodia • Foraminiferans are unicellular heterotrophic protists occasionally resembling tiny snails • Foraminiferans have porous shells, called tests that are built from various organic materials and typically hardened with calcium carbonate • Tests may house photosynthetic algae which can be harvested for nutrition • Pseudopodia extend through the test pores and allow foraminiferans to move, feed, and gather additional building materials © McGraw Hill, LLC Radiolarians • Radiolarians exhibit intricate exteriors of glassy silica • Needle-like pseudopods supported by microtubules radiate outward from the cell bodies of these protists • The shells of dead radiolarians sink to the ocean floor, where they may accumulate in 100 meter-thick depths © McGraw Hill, LLC Ciliates are complex protozoa Ciliates are unicellular protozoa characterized by abundant hairlike cilia, which propel the organism and sweep food into the cell. • Paramecium includes protists that have organized their cilia into a plate-like primitive mouth, called an oral groove, which is used to capture and digest bacteria • Paramecium also uses contractile vacuoles, which are osmoregulatory vesicles that fill with water as it enters the cell by osmosis and then contract to squeeze water from the cell. • Figure 15.32 Contractile vacuoles Nucleus Figure 15.31 (a): ©Peter Parks/Oceans-Image/Photoshot/Newscom; (b): ©Eric V. Grave/Science Source Apicomplexans are nonmotile parasites These protists live in animals and cause a number of diseases. For example, an apicomplexan called Plasmodium causes malaria. Toxoplasma (cat feces). People with one copy of the sickle cell allele are much less likely to contract malaria than are people with two dominant alleles. • Section 15.4 Figure 7.15 Protist habitats • Nearly all protists exist in some type of aquatic environment • Freshwater • Marine • Damp soil • Snow • Several protist species are parasites that infect animals or plants • A few protist species live on dead organisms or their wastes, and contribute to their decay. Ecology of Protists • As primary producers, protists feed a large proportion of the world’s aquatic species • One-quarter of the world’s photosynthesis is due to protists • Protist parasites cause malaria, African sleeping sickness, and waterborne gastroenteritis in humans • Other protist pathogens prey on plants, effecting massive destruction of food crops (downy and powdery mildews) • An oomycete protist caused the well-known Irish potato famine in the nineteenth century that claimed the lives of approximately 1 million people and led to the emigration of at least 1 million more from Ireland • Saprobic protists have the essential function of returning inorganic nutrients to the soil and water. 15.4 Mastering Concepts What features define the protists? Answer: Protists are eukaryotes that are not plants, fungi, or animals. Ilya Sviridenko/Shutterstock © McGraw Hill, LLC 28 Fungi are essential decomposers Fungi are more closely related to animals than plants. Although outwardly they may look like plants, they share many chemical and metabolic features with animals. Fungi are the planet’s garbage processors. They break down dead plants and animals, releasing nutrients to be recycled. Section15.5 Figure 15.33 ©Corbis RF Fungi are a diverse group that share a unique set of features Fungi are heterotrophs with external digestion. Their cell walls are composed primarily of chitin. Their storage carbohydrate is glycogen, the same as for animals. Most are multicellular, although some are unicellular. Figure 15.33 Fungi are made of hyphae and fruiting bodies The fruiting body above ground produces spores, which are microscopic reproductive cells. Figure 15.34 A network of underground filaments called hyphae absorb nutrients. Collectively the hyphae are called the mycelium. Fungal classification is based on reproductive structures Each fungus phylum makes a different type of spore for sexual reproduction. Section 15.5 © McGraw Hill, LLC Figure 15.33 32 Fungi have unique reproductive cycles • Unlike plants and animals, fungi spend most of their lives in the haploid stage. • The diploid stage may be very brief. Section 15.5 © McGraw Hill, LLC Figure 15.35 33 Asexual Reproduction • Asexual reproduction is ideal for rapid spread • No need to find a mate • No fruiting body • No meiosis • Many fungi produce conidia • Asexual spores grown at the tips of hyphae • Unicellular yeasts reproduce by budding Asexual Fungi • Imperfect fungi use only asexual reproduction for spore production; they include many species commonly called molds and yeasts. • A mold is any rapidly growing fungus that reproduces asexually by producing spores. • Yeast refers to any single-celled fungus. • Often responsible for food spoilage, allergies, and disease • Medically important fungi that reproduce primarily by asexual means include • Athlete’s foot fungus (Epidermophyton floccosum) • Infectious yeast (Candida albicans) Sporangia grow at the end of stalks, which appear as (a) white fuzz seen on this bread mold, Rhizopus stolonifer. The (b) tips of bread mold are the spore-containing sporangia. • Structure of fruiting bodies varies in ways that reflect adaptations for spore dispersal • Some fruiting bodies are edible (e.g., truffles, morels) and may be cultivated for human consumption Distinctive growth processes • Mycelia can grow quickly when food is plentiful • Hyphae extend tips through substrate • Narrow dimensions/extensive branching provide high surface area for absorption • Importance of osmosis and cytoplasmic streaming • Entry of water provides force for tip extension • Enzymes and cell wall materials are carried to tip by vesicles Fungi interact with other organisms Many fungi secrete enzymes that break down dead plants and animals, releasing inorganic nutrients for recycling. This is crucial for many ecosystems. Photo: Fotosr52/Shutterstock Section 15.5 © McGraw Hill, LLC Julie Dermansky/Science Source Figure 15.37a 40 We use fungi for food and medicine Basidiomycetes and ascomycetes give food delicious flavors. Yeasts are used to produce wine and beer. Ascomycetes are famous for secreting the antibiotics penicillin and cyclosporine. Staphylococcus aureus (bacteria) Penicillium (mold) Zone of inhibited growth • Figure 15.37b&c Some fungi are pathogenic • Plants and animals can die from fungal diseases. • Certain infectious fungi cause illnesses in humans, including pneumonia, ringworm, and athlete’s foot. (a, leaf): Nigel Cattlin/Alamy Stock Photo; (a, inset): Scenics & Science/Alamy Stock Photo; (b): Morley Read/Alamy Stock Photo; (c, bat): Greg Turner/Pennsylvania Game Commission/USGS; (c, inset): ©Deborah J. Springer Section 15.5 © McGraw Hill, LLC Figure 15.38 42 Parasitic fungi harm plants and animals • Of the 100,000 known species of fungi, about 30% are either parasites or pathogens in or on plants. • About 80% of plant diseases are caused by fungi. • Between 10% and 50% of the world’s fruit harvest is lost each year to fungal attack. • A variety of fungi, including smuts and rusts, infect grain crops. Ergots Corn smut Ergot of rye Parasitic fungi harm plants and animals • Only about 50 species of fungi is parasitic on animals. • Fungal diseases of the skin include • ringworm, named because it appears as circular red areas on the skin, • athlete’s foot, also caused by the ringworm fungus, • vaginal yeast infections, and • deadly lung diseases that produce tuberculosis-like symptoms in the lungs. Endophytes live inside plant tissues These fungi do not trigger disease symptoms or otherwise harm plants. Some produce substances that help defend plants against herbivores. All plants harbor endophytes. (a): Biophoto Associates/Science Source; (b, root tips): Wim van Egmond/Science Photo Library; (b, cross section): Biology Pics/Science Source Section 15.5 © McGraw Hill, LLC Figure 15.39 45 Fungi and plants form mycorrhizae Mycorrhizae are structures that allow plants and fungi to share materials with each other. Fungi absorb water and minerals while the plant produces carbohydrates in photosynthesis Symbiotic relationship (a): Biophoto Associates/Science Source; (b, root tips): Wim van Egmond/Science Photo Library; (b, cross section): Biology Pics/Science Source Section 15.5 © McGraw Hill, LLC Figure 15.39 46 Lichens are dual organisms Lichens are fungi with green algae or cyanobacteria living among their hyphae. Symbiotic Relationship The fungi absorb minerals and water while the algal cells produce sugars by photosynthesis. Photos: (a): ©; (b, inset): Eye of Science/Science Source Section 15.5 © McGraw Hill, LLC Figure 15.40 47 15.5 Mastering Concepts How do scientists classify the five phyla of fungi? What characteristics do all fungi share? Answer: The five phyla (chytridiomycetes, zygomycetes, glomeromycetes, ascomycetes basidiomycetes) are based on the presence and types of sexual structures. All fungi are eukaryotic, extra cellular heterotrophs, have cell walls made of chitin, and store carbohydrates as glycogen. © McGraw Hill, LLC Ilya Sviridenko/Shutterstock 48 Investigating Life: Algae release light when they are disturbed If you ever visit a coastline where bioluminescent algae live, drop a pebble in the water. You’ll see sparkles of light from the protists you disturbed. Ilya Sviridenko/Shutterstock © McGraw Hill, LLC 49 Investigating Life: Algae are disturbed by copepods • The light is emitted by dinoflagellates when herbivores called copepods are trying to eat them. • Luckily for the dinoflagellates there are fish called sticklebacks that eat copepods. Figure 15.Aa © McGraw Hill, LLC 50 Investigating Life: Algae call predator fish for help Copepods that eat bioluminescent dinoflagellates face a higher risk of being eaten by sticklebacks than copepods given only nonbioluminescent dinoflagellates to eat. Figure 15.Ab © McGraw Hill, LLC 51