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Encouraging Church Attendance: A Guide

1. Build a welcoming and inclusive community - people are more likely to continue attending
church if they feel like they belong and are accepted by the community. Encourage members
to greet visitors and make an effort to connect with new attendees.
2. Offer meaningful and relevant sermons and programs - people are more likely to engage with
church when they find the content meaningful and relevant to their lives. Consider offering a
variety of programs and sermons that appeal to different interests and ages.
3. Provide opportunities for involvement - people are more likely to stay engaged with church
when they have opportunities to get involved and serve others. Encourage members to
participate in service projects, volunteer opportunities, and small groups.
4. Communicate regularly - people are more likely to continue attending church when they feel
informed and connected to the community. Regularly communicate with members about
upcoming events, programs, and sermon topics.
5. Be flexible and adaptable - people's schedules and preferences may change over time, so it's
important to be flexible and adaptable in how you offer church programs and services.
Consider offering online options, alternative service times, or different styles of worship to
accommodate different preferences.
Ultimately, the most important factor in encouraging people to continue attending church is to
demonstrate the love and grace of God in all that you do.
1. Provide opportunities for feedback - Provide opportunities for attendees to offer feedback
and suggestions for future events.
2. Celebrate milestones - Celebrate milestones such as anniversaries or special events in the
life of the church to create a sense of shared history and community.
3. Partner with other organizations - Partner with other local organizations or churches to
co-sponsor events and broaden your reach.
1. Icebreakers - Start events with icebreakers to help attendees get to know each other and feel
1. Two Truths and a Lie - Each person shares two true statements and one false
statement about themselves, and others try to guess which statement is false.
2. Bingo - Create bingo cards with different traits or hobbies, and have people find
others in the group who match the traits.
3. Name Game - Have each person share their name and something they like that
starts with the same letter as their name.
4. Word Association - Choose a word, and have everyone share the first word or phrase
that comes to mind.
5. Human Knot - Have people stand in a circle and hold hands with someone across
from them. Then, they must untangle the knot without letting go of each other's
6. Scavenger Hunt - Create a list of items for people to find around the room or area.
7. Speed Friending - Have people pair up and talk for a few minutes, then rotate
partners and repeat.
8. Two-minute Interview - Pair up people and have them interview each other for two
minutes, then share what they learned with the group.
9. Storytelling Circle - Have each person share a short, interesting story about
10.Group Juggle - Stand in a circle and pass a ball around, with each person saying the
name of the person they're passing it to.
11.Emoji Introductions - Have each person introduce themselves using only emojis.
12.Would You Rather - Ask people to choose between two options, and have them
explain their reasoning.
13.Personal Trivia - Have each person share a unique fact about themselves.
14.Balloon Pop - Write fun icebreaker questions on slips of paper and place them inside
balloons. Then, have people pop the balloons and answer the questions inside.
15.Group Drawing - Have each person add to a drawing started by someone else in the
16.Interview the Expert - Have someone in the group share something they're an expert
in, and have others ask questions to learn more.
17.Reverse Charades - Have one person guess while a group acts out a word or phrase.
18.Share a Photo - Have each person share a photo on their phone and explain the story
behind it.
19.Trivia Game - Create a trivia game with questions about the church or the event.
20.Pass the Clap - Stand in a circle and pass a clap around the circle, with each person
adding a unique clap or action.
21. The Bucket List - Have each person share one item on their bucket list.
22. Group Charades - Split into teams and have each team act out a word or phrase for
the other team to guess.
23. Commonality Connections - Have each person share something they have in
common with the person next to them.
24. Trivial Pursuit - Create a trivia game with questions related to the theme of the
25. Partner Up - Have everyone find a partner and share something interesting about
themselves, then switch partners and repeat.
26. Storytelling Hot Potato - Have everyone sit in a circle and pass a ball around.
Whoever is holding the ball must tell a story or answer a question.
27. What's in Your Bag? - Have everyone share one item from their bag or purse and
explain why they carry it.
28. Group Haiku - Work together to create a haiku poem about the theme of the event.
29. Alphabet Soup - Have everyone share something they're thankful for, starting with
the next letter of the alphabet.
30. Word Blitz - Choose a theme and have everyone write down as many words as they
can think of related to the theme in one minute.
31. Photo Scavenger Hunt - Create a list of items or places for people to take photos of
around the area.
32. I Have, Who Has? - Create a game where each person has a card with a word or
phrase on it, and they must find the person who has the card that matches their card.
33. Never Have I Ever - Have each person share something they've never done, and see
who else in the group has also never done it.
34. Mingle Bingo - Create bingo cards with different types of people or interests, and
have people find others in the group who match the categories.
35. Share a Song - Have each person share a song that has special meaning to them and
explain why.
36. Mind Map - Have everyone write down the theme of the event, and then brainstorm
related words and ideas.
37. Word Swap - Have everyone share a word related to the theme of the event, and then
swap words with someone else to create new combinations.
38. Group Drawing Challenge - Have everyone add to a drawing started by someone else,
but with the challenge of drawing with their non-dominant hand.
39. Bucket Brigades - Split into teams and pass a bucket of water down the line without
40. Word Association Chain - Choose a word, and have each person say a word or phrase
that's associated with the previous word.
2. Small group discussions - Break attendees into smaller groups for discussions or activities
that encourage conversation and connection.
3. Games - Incorporate games into events to make them more fun and interactive.
4. Service projects - Organize service projects that allow attendees to work together to serve
their community.
5. Q&A sessions - Provide opportunities for attendees to ask questions or share their thoughts
on a topic.
6. Prayer and worship - Incorporate prayer and worship into events to help attendees connect
with God and each other on a deeper level.
7. Group projects - Plan group projects that encourage attendees to work together towards a
common goal.
8. Guest speakers - Invite guest speakers who can share their experiences or expertise and
inspire attendees.
9. Networking opportunities - Provide opportunities for attendees to network and connect with
each other outside of the event.
10.Feedback and reflection - End events with feedback and reflection sessions that allow
attendees to share their thoughts and feedback and reflect on what they learned or
Bible Topics
1. Love and Forgiveness: The Bible teaches us about the importance of loving one another and
forgiving those who wrong us. There are many passages that can be used to discuss these
topics, such as John 13:34-35 and Matthew 6:14-15.
2. Faith and Trust: The Bible is full of examples of people who put their faith and trust in God,
even in difficult circumstances. This can be a great topic for discussion, and passages such as
Hebrews 11:1 and Proverbs 3:5-6 can be used to explore this theme.
3. Justice and Mercy: The Bible teaches us about the importance of seeking justice and showing
mercy to others. This can be an important topic to discuss in today's world, and passages such
as Micah 6:8 and James 2:13 can be used to explore these themes.
4. Hope and Resilience: The Bible is full of stories of people who faced adversity but were able to
find hope and resilience through their faith. Passages such as Romans 5:3-5 and 2 Corinthians
4:16-18 can be used to explore these themes.
5. Stewardship and Responsibility: The Bible teaches us about our responsibility to care for the
world and its inhabitants. This can be a great topic for discussion, and passages such as
Genesis 1:26-28 and Psalm 24:1-2 can be used to explore this theme.
6. Relationships and Communication: The Bible has a lot to say about how we should treat one
another in our relationships, and how we can communicate effectively. Passages such as
Ephesians 4:29-32 and Proverbs 15:1-2 can be used to explore these themes.
7. Humility and Pride: The Bible teaches us about the dangers of pride and the importance of
humility. This can be a great topic for discussion, and passages such as Proverbs 16:18 and
Philippians 2:3-4 can be used to explore these themes.
8. Temptation and Sin: The Bible teaches us about the reality of temptation and the dangers of
sin. This can be an important topic for discussion, and passages such as James 1:13-15 and 1
Corinthians 10:13 can be used to explore these themes.
9. Prayer and Worship: The Bible teaches us about the importance of prayer and worship in our
spiritual lives. This can be a great topic for discussion, and passages such as Matthew 6:5-15
and Psalm 150 can be used to explore these themes.
10. Compassion and Service: The Bible teaches us about the importance of showing compassion
to others and serving those in need. This can be an important topic for discussion, and
passages such as Matthew 25:31-46 and Luke 10:25-37 can be used to explore these themes.
11. Wisdom and Discernment: The Bible teaches us about the importance of wisdom and
discernment in our decision-making. This can be a great topic for discussion, and passages
such as Proverbs 3:5-6 and James 1:5 can be used to explore these themes.
12. The Gospel and Salvation: The Bible teaches us about the good news of the Gospel and the
salvation that is available through faith in Jesus Christ. This can be an important topic for
discussion, and passages such as John 3:16 and Romans 10:9-10 can be used to explore
these themes.
13. Courage and Perseverance: The Bible teaches us about the importance of courage and
perseverance in our lives. This can be a great topic for discussion, and passages such as
Joshua 1:9 and Hebrews 12:1-3 can be used to explore these themes.
14. Grace and Mercy: The Bible teaches us about the amazing grace and mercy of God towards us.
This can be a great topic for discussion, and passages such as Ephesians 2:8-9 and Psalm
103:8-14 can be used to explore these themes.
15. Unity and Diversity: The Bible teaches us about the importance of unity in the body of Christ,
while also acknowledging and celebrating our diversity. This can be an important topic for
discussion, and passages such as 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 and Galatians 3:26-29 can be used
to explore these themes.
16. Leadership and Service: The Bible teaches us about the importance of servant leadership and
serving others. This can be a great topic for discussion, and passages such as Mark 10:42-45
and Philippians 2:5-8 can be used to explore these themes.
17. Generosity and Stewardship: The Bible teaches us about the importance of being generous
and responsible with the resources that God has given us. This can be an important topic for
discussion, and passages such as Luke 6:38 and 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 can be used to explore
these themes.
18. Family and Relationships: The Bible has a lot to say about family dynamics and relationships
between spouses, parents, and children. Passages such as Ephesians 5:21-33 and Colossians
3:18-21 can be used to explore these themes.
19. Justice and Oppression: The Bible teaches us about the importance of seeking justice and
opposing oppression in our world. This can be an important topic for discussion, and
passages such as Isaiah 1:17 and Amos 5:24 can be used to explore these themes.
20. Wisdom and Folly: The Bible teaches us about the contrast between wisdom and foolishness,
and the importance of seeking wisdom in our lives. This can be a great topic for discussion,
and passages such as Proverbs 1:7 and Ecclesiastes 7:12 can be used to explore these
21. Hope and Redemption: The Bible teaches us about the hope that we have in Christ and the
redemption that is available to us through Him. This can be an important topic for discussion,
and passages such as Romans 8:18-25 and Colossians 1:13-14 can be used to explore these
22. The End Times:
23. The Fruit of the Spirit: The Bible teaches us about the importance of cultivating the fruit of the
Spirit in our lives, such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, and self-control. This can be a great topic for discussion, and passages such as
Galatians 5:22-23 and Colossians 3:12-17 can be used to explore these themes.
24. The Beatitudes: The Beatitudes are a collection of teachings by Jesus that describe the
characteristics of those who are blessed by God. This can be a great topic for discussion, and
passages such as Matthew 5:1-12 can be used to explore these themes.
25. The Parables of Jesus: The parables are stories told by Jesus to teach important lessons
about God and the Kingdom of Heaven. This can be a great topic for discussion, and passages
such as Luke 15:1-32 and Matthew 13:1-52 can be used to explore these themes.
26. The Ten Commandments: The Ten Commandments are a set of ethical and moral principles
that are foundational to the Judeo-Christian tradition. This can be a great topic for discussion,
and passages such as Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21 can be used to explore these
27. The Miracles of Jesus: The miracles of Jesus demonstrate his power and authority over
nature, sickness, and death. This can be a great topic for discussion, and passages such as
John 9:1-41 and Mark 4:35-41 can be used to explore these themes.
28. The Prophets: The prophets of the Old Testament were messengers of God who spoke out
against injustice and called the people of Israel to repentance. This can be a great topic for
discussion, and passages such as Isaiah 61:1-3 and Amos 5:21-24 can be used to explore
these themes.
29. The Book of Psalms: The Book of Psalms is a collection of prayers, songs, and poetry that
express the range of human emotions and experiences. This can be a great topic for
discussion, and passages such as Psalm 23 and Psalm 139 can be used to explore these
30. The Sermon on the Mount: The Sermon on the Mount is a collection of teachings by Jesus that
describe the values and ethics of the Kingdom of Heaven. This can be a great topic for
discussion, and passages such as Matthew 5-7 can be used to explore these themes.
31. The Resurrection of Jesus: The resurrection of Jesus is the central event of the Christian faith,
and demonstrates the power of God over death and sin. This can be a great topic for
discussion, and passages such as Luke 24:1-12 and 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 can be used to
explore these themes.
32. Christian Living: The Bible provides guidance for how Christians should live their lives, and this
can be a great topic for discussion. Passages such as Romans 12:1-2 and Ephesians 4:1-6 can
be used to explore these themes.