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English Grammar: Using Articles (a, an, the)

General Rules for Using Articles (a, an / the)
Use “a” or “an” before a singular, countable noun that is not specific.
Use “a” before a noun that starts with a consonant sound, and use “an” before a noun that
starts with a vowel sound.
Examples: “a book,” “an apple,” “a university,” “an umbrella”, “a pen” etc.
3. Definite Article:
Use “the” before a singular or plural noun that is specific.
That was the girl that I saw yesterday.
I see the mangoes in the basket.
He is the same boy that has got good grades.
4. No article is used before an uncountable noun (a noun that can’t be counted as
individual items, like “water”) unless you are referring to a specific amount or quantity.
“water” (uncountable; no article);
“a glass of water” (a specific quantity)
5. Use “a” or “an” when introducing a new or unknown noun, even if it is specific.
I saw a bird outside my window this morning.
(first mention of it), as opposed to,
The bird that I saw outside my window this morning was blue. (this refers to
[a] a specific bird,
[b] one that has already been mentioned, or
[c] one that is already known by the speaker and the listener).
I bought a marker.
(first mention of it), as opposed to,
This is the marker that I bought yesterday. (this refers to
[a] a specific marker,
[b] one that has already been mentioned, or
[c] one that is already known by the speaker and the listener).
Ref: Another example from your textbook: (Gulistan Sa’di)
The king kissed the head and eyes of the boy.
6. When referring to a general category of things, don’t use any article.
For example:
Dogs are friendly animals. (referring to dogs in general)
Apples are sweet.
Children are naughty.
Stay Blessed!
General Rules for Using Articles (a, an / the)
Use “a” or “an” before a singular, countable noun that is not specific.
Use “a” before a noun that starts with a consonant sound, and use “an” before a noun that
starts with a vowel sound.
Examples: “a book,” “an apple,” “a university,” “an umbrella”, “a pen” etc.
3. Definite Article:
Use “the” before a singular or plural noun that is specific.
That was the girl that I saw yesterday.
I see the mangoes in the basket.
He is the same boy that has got good grades.
4. No article is used before an uncountable noun (a noun that can’t be counted as
individual items, like “water”) unless you are referring to a specific amount or quantity.
“water” (uncountable; no article);
“a glass of water” (a specific quantity)
5. Use “a” or “an” when introducing a new or unknown noun, even if it is specific.
I saw a bird outside my window this morning.
(first mention of it), as opposed to,
The bird that I saw outside my window this morning was blue. (this refers to
[a] a specific bird,
[b] one that has already been mentioned, or
[c] one that is already known by the speaker and the listener).
I bought a marker.
(first mention of it), as opposed to,
This is the marker that I bought yesterday. (this refers to
[a] a specific marker,
[b] one that has already been mentioned, or
[c] one that is already known by the speaker and the listener).
Ref: Another example from your textbook: (Gulistan Sa’di)
The king kissed the head and eyes of the boy.
6. When referring to a general category of things, don’t use any article.
For example:
Dogs are friendly animals. (referring to dogs in general)
Apples are sweet.
Children are naughty.
Stay Blessed!
Choose the correct option:
1. Which article should you use before a singular, countable noun that is not
a) The
b) An
c) A
2. When should you use “a” before a noun?
a) Before a noun that starts with a vowel sound
b) Before a noun that starts with a consonant sound
c) Before a noun that is specific
3. Which article should you use before a singular or plural noun that is
a) An
b) A
c) The
4. When should you use no article before an uncountable noun?
a) When referring to a specific amount or quantity
b) When referring to a general category of things
c) When introducing a new noun
5. When should you use “a” or “an” when introducing a new or unknown
a) Only if the noun is specific
b) Only if the noun starts with a consonant sound
c) Even if the noun is specific
6. Which of the following is an example of an uncountable noun?
a) Car
b) Apple
c) Water
7. Which of the following is an example of a specific quantity of an
uncountable noun?
a) A water
b) An apple
c) A glass of water
8. Which article should you use before a noun that starts with a vowel sound?
a) A
b) An
c) The
9. Which article should you use before a singular, countable noun that is
a) An
b) A
c) The
10. Which of the following is an example of referring to a general category of
things without using any article?
a) The dogs are friendly animals.
b) A dog is a friendly animal.
c) Dogs are friendly animals.
Choose the correct option : A, AN, THE or -- (for no article) .
1. Although AN accommodation in Paris is quite expensive I found A cheap hotel in
the city centre.
2. THE Good Fast Food Competition aims to prove that --- fast food doesn't need to
be made with --- unhealthy ingredients.
3. Do you know any shops that sell --- clothes for --- teenagers? - "Yes, There's a
place called young style on THE other side of --- town.
4. --- People say THE Costume Museum is quite boring, but I've got A friend who
went there and says it's brilliant.
5. I went to the fashion show in THE town centre yesterday. THE models were
really good-looking but THE clothes were a bit boring.
6. When my son starts --- school, he'll have --- lunch every day in THE canteen. I
hope he likes THE food.
7. THE tracksuit he bought yesterday was the wrong size.
8. He had to go to --- hospital for a check-up.
9. Is there A cheap hotel near here?
10. He left --- home without informing anyone.
11. Do you need A degree in --- economics to be a better manager?
12. When we arrived she went straight to THE kitchen to prepare A meal for us.,
13. --- Mt. Everest is THE highest mountain in THE world.
14. He is AN American citizen.
15. AN attempt has been made to collect --- funds to start A public library
in THE town where I live.
16. THE Shah of Iran had to leave the country in 1979.
17. --- Life can be very hard for THE poor.
18. Anyone who has --- information should contact THE local police.
19. --- Athletics has been AN Olympic sport for many decades.
20. THE president of THE United States is a busy man.