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Scientific Method Worksheet: Eggshell Fertilizer Experiment

Name :___________________________________________
Grade & Year Level: ________________________________
The following table shows an example of how the scientific method is used.
Javi noticed crushed eggshells in the pots of orchids in his father’s garden. He asked his
father why this was so and was told that the eggshells serve as fertilizer to the plants.
Javi researched on the composition of eggshells and found out that they contain minerals
which plants can use to grow healthily. He also observed that the orchid’s leaves in the
garden are dark green in colour. He wants to find out if his father is correct.
2. Formulation Javi guessed that orchids with eggshells will have greener leaves than those without
eggshells because as the eggshells decomposed, minerals in the shells and in the
membrane will provide nutrients to the growing orchids. Greener leaves means the orchids
are healthy.
3. Testing the
Javi asked his father to help him prepare a greenhouse to conduct his experiment.
They went to a orchid dealer and purchased 10 pots of orchids of the same variety,
size, and age. Upon arriving home, Javi placed 5 pots of orchids in the left corner
of the greenhouse and another 5 pots in the right corner. He made an initial record
of the appearance of the orchids leaves in his logbook. His father helped him collect a container full
of eggshells and they crushed and distributed them equally among the 5 pots in the right corner. All
the orchids were taken care in the same way for the next 45 days. Javi’s plan was to observe them
every five days.
4. Analysis and Javi noticed after 45days that the leaves of the orchids with eggshells were darker
interpretation green in color than those without eggshells as the experiment was progressing. Even
of data
if his initial observation did not manifest any change, the succeeding observation
started to show changes in the colour of the orchids’ leaves.
5. Draw
Eggshells can be used as fertilizer for some varieties of orchids as shown by the
greener colour of their leaves.
Data Sheet
1. What did Javi observe?
2. What did Javi do to answer his question about his observation?
Formulation of hypothesis
1. How did Javi formulate his hypothesis?
Testing the hypothesis
1. What did Javi do to test his hypothesis?
2. What are the factors or variables used in his experiment?
Analysis and interpretation of data
1. Observation
of problem
1. What was the result of the experiment? How does the eggshells affects the growth of the orchids’ leaves?
Draw conclusion
1. What did he discover based on the experiment about eggshells as fertilizer?