Ancient Greece Introduction Critical Thinking Indo-Europeans who migrated to Greece in 1900 B.C. Built hilltop fortresses Painted scenes of hunting and warfare The Mycenaeans Became wealthy by trading and raiding Captured Minoan territory Declined by 1150 B.C. Indo-Europeans Atlantis? Geography of Greece OCCUPIES A PENINSULA ON THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA 4/5 OF IT IS RUGGED AND MOUNTAINOUS SOCIETIES LIVED IN VALLEYS GREECE BECAME AN ISLAND TRAVELING MARITIME CIVILIZATION The Dorian Dark Ages Greeks known as the Dorians lived in a “Dark Age” from 1200 to 900 B.C. No major structures were built Writing may not have existed Agriculture suffered and the population declined Agricultural refugees looked for other lands to settle A Shared Culture • Greeks had a shared language and religion • They were polytheists (Belief in Many Gods) • The events in nature were explained by the gods • They believed in an afterlife in a world called Hades • Stories of their gods were called myths Hellenic Civilization AS THE DARK AGES ENDED, FARMLANDS BEGAN TO EMERGE AGRICULTURE SPREAD AND BOOMED LEADING TO A RISE IN POPULATION TRADE WAS INTRODUCED WHICH IN TURN GAVE BIRTH TO A WRITING SYSTEM THE GREEKS IMPROVED THE PHOENICIAN ALPHABET AND RECORDED EPICS ALONG WITH HISTORY The Olympics • First held in Olympia from 776 B.C. to 394 A.D. • Male athletes only • Only foot races at first • Other events such as wrestling and discus were added • The Olympics resumed in Athens in 1896 Herodotus The Father of History Greek Polis The Greeks organized into separate city-states (Polis) A Polis had a capital city with surrounding countryside and villages Eventually there were 200 poleis They were walled and had an acropolis (High city for retreat or worship) The town square was called the agora Athenian Acropolis The Parthenon Expansion of the city-states The Greeks searched for new farmlands and set up colonies in The Mediterranean Region Democracy started in the Greek city-states Only citizens, and sometimes only property owners, could participate (No thanks women and slaves) Foreigners could not become citizens Sometimes wealthy landowners would take control and become tyrants Legacy of Polis Cities • • • • Indianapolis Minneapolis Cassopolis (Michigan) Metropolis (A major city or where Superman lives) Words • Police • Policy Critical Thinking