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Krishna Dongar - Biomedical Engineering Resume

Krishna Chinmai Dongar
339 Nevers Rd, South Windsor, CT
Email: krishna_chinmai.dongar@uconn.edu , Phone: 860-371-4156
Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/krishna-chinmai-dongar-ba93a31b6/
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
May 2024
Major in Biomedical Engineering
Relevant Courses: BME Neural Prosthesis, BME Intro to Medical Imaging, BioInstrumentation, Systems Analysis &
Design, Principles Biomedical Optical, Biomedical Engineering Measurements, Applied Linear Algebra, Human
Physiology and Anatomy, Signals and Systems, Electrical Circuits, Electrical Circuits Design and Analysis, LabVIEW
Basics for Engineers, Materials Sci Engineering I, Applied Mechanics I, Elementary Differential Equations, Multivariable
Calculus, Elementary Stochastic Processes, Physics for Engineers I, Physics for Engineers II, Statistical Methods,
Foundations of Engineering, Intro Computing for Engineers (Python), Orientation to Engineering, Calculus I, Calculus II,
General Chemistry I, General Chemistry II.
GPA: 3.729/4.000
UConn Connects Mentor
Spring 2022
Avon High School, Avon, CT
High School Diploma
June 2020
GPA: 3.6/4.0
Honors and Awards: National Honor Society member, AP Scholar with Honor Award, AP Scholar with
Distinction, Quarterly honor roll.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Virtual Immersion in Biomedical Engineering
May 2023–July 2023
● 8-week, teem-based, virtual design challenge program
● Designed a non-invasive glucose detection device premature babies.
○ Design is based on using reverse iontophoresis and patch color analysis
● Attended professional development, design process meetings, and coffee & conversation seminars.
University of Connecticut, CT (NRCA Conservation )
June 2019-March 2021
● Natural Resources Conservation Academy (NRCA) Workshop from UCONN
○ Learned about conservation. Also Learned to perform water quality testing.
● Field Project / Presentation at the conference
○ We Tested and compared the water quality and birdlife at two different tributaries of the Lower
Farmington River: one in a developed area and one in a less developed area.
Avon High School, Avon, CT
Capstone Project
August 2019 - April 2020
● Path to non-traditional medicine: Ayurvedic medicine and Aromatherapy.
● Hypothesis: Natural herbal medicines are healthy, safe, and more powerful to use for common health issues than
chemical medicines.
● Created homemade essential oils: Clove, lemon, saffron, and mint oils. Also, create a video of the process.
● Made a book that lists treatment approaches of Ayurvedic medicine, Aromatherapy, and Western medicine
for common health issues.
Health Research Program, UConn Health, CT
Summer 2022-Present
● Intern at Dr.Kuhn’s lab, designing and 3D printing breast prosthetics.
● Printed and assembled forms for 6 to 8 double mastectomy patients.
● Quality Check:
○ Created Contour gauges using meshmixer
○ Printed them via prusa slicer
○ Checked the accuracy of the forms.
● Created a 3D scanning guide for patients to scan at home.
● Helped in creating a business plan.
● Developed knowledge in the 3D printability of silicone mesh structures.
● Based on material safety data sheets and spec sheets for RTV silicones, I learned how to identify promising
formulations for 3D printing breast forms.
● Tested new silicone materials to find the right settings to print the breast forms.
● Involved in establishing quality control systems to get FDA regulatory approval.
Avon High School, Avon CT
Achieve: AHS Internship Program
June 2019 - August 2019
● Intern at UCONN Health Center of Molecular Oncology.
● Performed Immunohistochemistry, Microscopy, and ImageJ application.
● Worked with the PRDX1 gene.
UCONN Health, Farmington, CT
Inspiring Women in Engineering and Medicine Workshop.
February 2019
● Learned about orthopedics and orthopedic surgery, learned about and performed suturing, used plates and screws to
fix a bone, and also used Biomedical instruments.
UCONN Inspiring Women in Engineering and Medicine Workshop.
● Learned about, and performed suturing.
● Used plate and screws to fix a bone.
● learned about orthopedics and orthopedic surgery.
● Used Biomedical instruments.
● Learned more about the path to medical school.
Science Fair, Columbus, OH
August 2016- July 2017
School-level, Regional level, and State level.
Work Experience
Carnatic Music Classes ( Certified by Potti Sriramulu University, India )
● Weekly classes to kids in-person and virtually.
The Student Leadership Challenge Workshop Participant, UConn, Storrs, CT
Uconn Connects mentor, UConn, Storrs, CT
Spring 2022
● As a Connect mentor I have 4 mentees, with whom I meet every week and help them with various aspects and
provide them support to succeed.
● I was knowledgeable about important university resources and was trained to assist students with developing
effective strategies for success.
Discovery Workshop Participant, UConn, Storrs, CT
Fall 2021
Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), UConn, Storrs, CT
Part of the E-Board as a Vice President.
UConn Dairy Club, UConn, Storrs, CT
● Working with a Heifer during the spring semester every year and competing in the dairy show in March.
UConn Sanskriti, UConn, Storrs, CT
● Part of the e-board as an Event Coordinator. Also a part of the Carnatic music team in UConn Sanskriti.
● Performed several events including the Asian night, Mock Shadi, and Aradhana.
● Organized Aradhana competition at the university, where participants below 18 years performed different Indian
traditional art forms.
Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT ( 88 hours )
May 2019- January 2020
● Performed patient transportation, and patient safely roundings ( bed safety )
● Volunteered at the front desk, where I welcomed visitors, verified their identity, provided them with a visitor
pass, and provided guidance for their destination.
● Attended Educational Sessions: Live Surgery ( robotic lymph node dissection ), Biomedical
Engineering, and resume writing workshop.
Operating Systems: Windows 2000/XP/2010
Browsers: IE, Firefox, Google Chrome, and Microsoft edge
Programming Languages: Python, LabView, Pspice, Arduino (C++)
Client/side technologies: HTML
Databases: MS axis
Desktop Applications: MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Lightworks (video editing application), LabView 2020,
Solidworks 3D modeling, Fusion 360
Application technologies: Track-kit, Epicollect, Google maps, Camera trap, 360 camera, and ImageJ
application, Prusa Slicer, Meshmixer, TSIM.