SISCAL Team AWR Guidance The SISCAL program accomplishes calibration of Calibration Requirements List (CRL) Cal Activity 2 instrumentation as SISCAL sweeps and these are performed by SISCAL Teams: 4NG, 4NH, 4NP and 4NV. After a Sweep, a callback for all NOT CALIBRATED Instrumentation is required. For SISCAL Team 4NG support, use AWR process. If using AWR for a Full Sweep, indicated this is a Sweep and indicate last sweep date. Once NOT CALIBRATED Instruments have been adjudicated from SISCAL Sweep report status, AWR process is used by the Ship, Port Engineer, Ship Supervisor or Maintenance Planning Manager (CVN MPM), submitted to delineating the scope of the effort AWRs can be submitted by each Work Center using that Work Center’s JSN or AWRs from multiple onboard Work Centers can be submitted at the same time as long as all instruments included are ready for calibration. AWR should cite each instrument that has been resolved and ready for calibration, using CRL REF# (Reference Number) from Sweep Report. If the number of instruments exceeds the available space on the AWR form, submission of an accompanying list in WORD, EXCEL or PDF format is acceptable provided the AWR specifically refers to the associated list. (Lists are not always included in AWR distribution) AWR should cite timeframe of availability as well as a POC for the Work Centers/instruments. AWR Suggested verbiage EQUIPMENT NOUN NAME: CRL CAL ACTIVITY 2 INSTALLED INSTRUMENTATION LOCATION specific location or VARIOUS WORK CANDIDATE SUMMARY: OUT OF CALIBRATION CRL CAL ACTIVITY 2 INSTRUMENTATION HAS BEEN REPAIRED/REPLACED AND REQUIRES CALIBRATION. Problem Description: THE CALIBRATION REQUIREMENTS LIST (CRL) CAL ACTIVITY 2 INSTRUMENTATION LISTED BELOW (OR CITED ON THE ASSOCIATED SHIP-PROVIDED LISTING) HAS BEEN REPAIRED/REPLACED AND REQUIRES CALIBRATION. Problem Solution: REQUEST SISCAL TEAM TO PERFORM CALIBRATIONS ON CRL CAL ACTIVITY 2 INSTRUMENTATION To help expedite your submittals, please enter under REFER TO BROKER - "CAL MAINT LANT BROKER." This will ensure the requested support will be screened to the SISCAL Scheduler and the appropriate SISCAL Team. "CAL MAINT LANT BROKER" should be used for both LANT and PAC ships. Upon receipt and evaluation, SISCAL team will determine the optimum approach to address the documented requirements in the shortest possible timeframe. Either the SISCAL Scheduler (for requests of greater than 100 deficient instruments – SISCAL II) or the Contractor SISCAL Team Lead (for requests less than 100 deficient instruments- Callback) will coordinate with the ship’s POC on specific timeframes of availability. Generalized verbiage in an AWR, such as “Calibrate all out-of-cal Cal Activity 2 instruments”, is unacceptable since it fails to provide information on the number and type of instruments actually ready for calibration. Without that information, the SISCAL team cannot determine the personnel, timeframe and calibration equipment requirements to adequately address the task. TYCOM may not approve a DFS for Cal Activity 2 calibration without a valid JSN. Rev0 5/4/2022