Uploaded by Daniel Khantivong (Danzo)

Serial Port Connection Procedure Guide

Portable computer with Windows, Unix or Mac OS X
9 pin null modem cable or USB to RS232 serial adapter (Female to Female)
Serial communication application (Windows: Putty, HyperTerminal or SecureCRT / UNIX: minicom)
9 pin null modem cable female to female
USB to RS232 converter cable
Step 1:- Locate the serial port on the node in question
Step 2:- Connecting to the serial port
- connect the 9-pin modem cable into the serial port on the back of the node
- Connect one end of the FEMALE to FEMALE serial cable to the laptop usb/serial port
- identify the serial line (COM port) to connect using the ports tab in the device manager on the PC
- if using the USB to serial you will need to click on the USB serial port icon to confirm the port to use, see image below for example
Device manager example. *note moving the USB converter to another USB port will create another instance of a COM port on
the USB converter
- open Putty for example
- under session in the top left click logging and tick "All session output". Note the directory where the fille will be saved using the
browser button.
- under the connection tab click on serial
- in the first box "Serial line to connect to" input the COM port name identified previously
- in the "Speed (baud)" box input 115200
- ensure "Data bits" box is 8
- ensure stop bits is 1
- Parity should be "None" - Under Flow control check that "XON/XOFF" is selected
Step 3 :- collect relevant information
- press enter on the keyboard once the putty window opens
- the window should display output from the CLI
- if an Engineer is already engaged, they should join a zoom/WebEx session to review the output and assist in collecting relevant
- if not, allow the session to run for between 1 – 5 min then close the session with the X on the top right hand of the putty window
Step 4 :- share with support
Share the logs/core/stack to CDS support for review.
- Upload to case or email directly to CDS support engineer
- Use a USB stick to copy the file if needed to upload later.