Name: K Vocabulary - Unit 5 Complete the crossword puzzle below. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Created using the Crossword Maker on Horizontal 2. to pollute; to corrupt 4. pertaining to motion 5. medicine; panacea; remedy 8. dried up 10. sleight of hand; deception 12. measure; example; side-by-side comparison 13. a groove; an opening; a split 14. ceasing; end; a discontinuance Vertical 1. hedonist; glutton; leads an immoral life 3. sluggish; listless; feeble; drooping 6. tearful; weepy 7. to sparkle; to twinkle; to glow intellectually 9. typical; archetype; embodiment 11. talkative; loquacious; verbose 13. talisman; charm; respected or revered object