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College Essay: Yo-Yo Tricks & Learning at Penn State

The first time I ever picked up a yo-yo was in high school. You would often see me
working on new tricks; sometimes I would get them and sometimes not. But, every new
trick I learn gets reminded of the two tricks that are the gateway to another realm of
tricks. I always put off learning them. The side mount and bottom mount always worried
me. I would land it once but not get it again for the next few hours. So, I just decided
that they weren’t necessary. I still have many beginner tricks to learn anyway.
A few weeks later, on a particularly boring weekend, I thought, what better time
than now to practice my side and bottom mounts? With a goal of landing each of those
tricks at least five times in a row, I started. I got my yo-yo from my closet and put on my
yo-yo glove. I watched a video on doing these tricks again, put on some music, and got
to work. It started slowly and I wasn’t landing it at all. But, all of a sudden, I got it. I
landed these tricks not just five times, but seven times in a row! This kind of experience
is not very new to me. I have experienced hard work and success in the learning process
many times before, which is why I am determined to never give up no matter how hard
it gets.
At Penn State, I will do my best to learn as much as I can. College will not be my
final trick; I will keep learning new tricks. I know I love computers, and college will help
deepen my knowledge about them. As with the yo-yo, I can put mastered tricks together
to learn more advanced tricks like “Skin the Gerbil.” In college, I can take some unique
classes like psychology to help understand what a client is asking for. This will be like
making combos.
An internship at Johnson Controls will help me understand the methods of a job
in computer engineering and teach me how to talk to clients and learn to distinguish
between the needs and wants of users. I can be responsible for the programs that will
make life easier for others. I will learn from people who are more experienced than me.
This is like learning more difficult tricks such as a 3.5 hook.
I will also spend time on other things instead of just schoolwork to make my tricks
varied. I will hang out with my friends in between classes. I will run for student council. I
will go out on weekends with my roommate. I aim to become a more advanced version
of myself at Penn State. I want to focus on more than just my studies, because that is not
the only thing that defines me.
The lessons I learn at Penn State University will improve my ability to master
advanced tricks.