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Steel Mace Workout Plan: Strength & Endurance

Barbarian Steel Mace Workout Plan
Strength, Power, Endurance
4 Weeks
Steel Mace
The Barbarian Steel Mace Workout Plan is a full body strength and
conditioning program that gradually ramps up intensity over the course of 4 weeks.
designed for the novice to intermediate Steel Mace practitioner; that is a
challenging plan that will dramatically improve both you power and endurance.
The signature full mobility Steel Mace movements engage a dynamic core and
shoulder girdle, and the offset nature of the weight recruits tiny stabilizer muscles
ideal for a shredded appearance and functional competition. This protocol utilizes
workouts and methodologies found in Onnit’s Ultimate Steel Mace Workout DVD.
Legs On
Legs On
Legs On
Bad To
The Core
Bad To
The Core
Bad To
The Core
Bad To
The Core
Last Meal
Last Meal
Legs On
Battle I
Battle II
Bad To
The Core
Battle III
Legs on Fire
The Steel Mace Legs on Fire Workout involves multiple sets of Steel Mace
Squats, Plyo Lunges, and more. This dynamic and challenging conditioning
workout targets your lower body stamina, as well as your core strength as you fight
to control the off-balance nature of the Steel Mace.
Perform the entire Steel Mace workout as a single set of 5 exercises with no
rest in between exercises and 60-90 seconds rest in between sets. Note that several
of the exercises are to be done on both sides; for the Steel Mace Squat, that means
switching which side the ball of the Steel Mace is sitting on.
A1: Squat – 3×20 each side
A2: Plyo Lunges – 3×20 each side
A3: Suitcase Deadlift to Thruster – 3×15 each side
A4: Back Lunge – 3×20 each side
A5: Squat – 3×20 each side
Bad To The Core
The Steel Mace is ideal for enhancing core strength through rotational
exercises. This Steel Mace exercise circuit combines 360s with core strength
movements to truly target your core muscles. One pure core strength exercise will
be performed, followed by a set of 360s for a total of 7 movements.
Perform the entire Steel Mace workout as a single circuit with no rest in
between Steel Mace exercises. Rotate the direction of the 360, Overhead Oblique,
and Windmill with each set.
A1: Kayak – 4×30sec
A2: Steel Mace 360 – 4×30sec
A3: Steel Mace Press Crunch – 4×30sec
A4: Steel Mace 360 – 4×30sec
A5: Steel Mace Overhead Oblique – 4×30sec
A6: Steel Mace 360 – 4×30sec
A7: Steel MaceWindmill – 4×30sec
Warrior Maker
The Steel Mace Warrior Maker Workout involves a series of warriorinspired Steel Mace drills like the Joust, Sword Draw, and more. Each movement
is extremely dynamic, engaging the entire body while performing both rotational
and flowing exercises.
Perform Set A as a single circuit with no rest in between exercises and 60
seconds in between sets.
Finish the workout with Set B, performing two rounds of the Tabata
Protocol (20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest for 4 minutes) with 60 seconds rest in
between rounds.
A1: Barbarian Squats – 3×20
A2: Gravedigger – 3×20 each side
A3: Warrior Joust – 3×20 each side
A4: Twisted Sword Draw – 3×20 each side
B: Horse Stance Press – 2×Tabata
Arm Yourself
The Arm Yourself Steel Mace Workout involves Steel Mace Push Ups,
Ballistic Curls, Steel Mace Shoulder Tosses, and more. Each Steel Mace exercise
is intended to hit your upper body, pushing your arms to their limit the way that
only a Steel Mace can achieve.
Perform Set A as a single circuit with no rest in between exercises and 60
seconds in between sets.
Finish the workout with Set B, performing the maximum amount of reps you
can before stopping; rest as needed in between sets.
A1: Push Up on the Ball – 3×20 each side
A2: Ballistic Curl – 3×20 each side
A3: Shoulder Toss – 3×20 each side
B: Transfer Push Ups – 3×Max
Last Meal Ladder
The Last Meal Ladder Steel Mace Workout is a “simple” routine featuring
only two movements. Even so, those two movements will blow you away with an
up and down ladder scheme designed to test your endurance level to the max.
Using only Steel Mace Slams and Thrusters, you’ll need to perform back to back
sets going from 2 reps of each exercise, all the way up to 10 reps, then back down
to 2 reps.
Perform the two movements back to back with no rest in between exercises.
Perform the workout as a ladder, starting with 2 reps of each exercise building by 2
all the way up to 10 reps, then back down to 2 reps. This means 2 Slams/2
Thrusters, 4 Slams/4 Thrusters, 6 Slams/6 Thrusters, etc.
A: Slams – Ladder Set 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 reps each side
B: Thrusters – Ladder Set 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 reps
The Clockwork Steel Mace Workout involves the Steel Mace exercise
standards: 306s and 10-to-2s. These rotational exercises are excellent for building
upper body and core strength. The workout also includes Dragon Squats to hit your
lower body as well!
Perform the entire Steel Mace workout as a single set with no rest in
between exercises and 60 seconds in between sets. Perform 2-5 rounds of the
circuit for a complete workout, or use 2 sets as a good workout finisher.
A1: 10-to-2 – 2×20
A2: Dragon Lunges – 2×20 each side
A3: 360 – 3×15 each direction
A4: Twisted Sword Draw – 3×20 each side
Endurance Battle I
The Steel Mace Endurance Battle #1 will challenge your full body stamina
with three Steel Mace exercises. Each movement requires full body endurance and
coordination and should be done with proper form in mind. The goal is to complete
all exercises as fast as possible while maintaining form.
Perform all reps of each exercise before moving onto the next. Rest as little
as possible during the set (with the goal of performing all reps without
stopping).Rest 60 seconds or less in between exercises.
A: Slams – 50 each side
B: Shoulder Toss – 100 reps
C: Gravediggers – 50 each side
Endurance Battle II
The Steel Mace Endurance Battle #2 is a series of three exercises designed to
challenge your explosiveness. The three exercises include to dynamic, explosive
drills (the Steel Mace Plyo Lunge and Steel Mace Transfer Push Up) followed by
the ballistic Shoulder Toss exercise. Try to finish the workout as quickly as
possible without letting your form degrade.
Perform all reps of each exercise before moving onto the next group. Rest as
little as possible during the set (with the goal of performing all reps without
stopping). Rest 60 seconds or less in between exercises.
A1: Plyo Lunges – 50 each side
B1: Transfer Push Ups – 100 reps
C1: Shoulder Toss – 100 reps
Endurance Battle III
The Steel Mace Endurance Battle #3 is a challenging series of 5 exercises
done for 100 repetitions each. The goal of this workout is to rest as little as
possible and complete the reps as quickly as possible. Even so, do not let your
form degrade; rest as needed or decrease the weight if necessary. This Steel Mace
workout is part of the Barbarian Steel Mace Workout Plan.
Perform all reps of each exercise before moving onto the next. Rest as little
as possible during the set (with the goal of performing all reps without stopping).
Rest 60 seconds or less in between exercises.
A1: 360 – 50 each direction
B1: Barbarian Squats – 100 reps
C1: Slams – 50 each side
D1: Gravediggers – 50 each side
E1: Ballistic Curls – 100 reps
Steel Mace Full Body Warrior Workout
The Steel Mace delivers full body strength and conditioning, especially
when combined with circuits and supersets. Get your warrior spirit going with
dynamic rotational and compound movements.
Workout Instructions
Perform all exercises in each group A before for moving onto group B. Rest
as need before moving onto next group. For exercises asking to perform 10 reps on
each side change the direction of the Steel Mace ball. I.E. 10 reps of Back Squat
with Steel Mace ball on the right side, than 10 reps with Steel Mace ball on the left
A1. Back Squat 5 rounds×10 reps (each side)
A2. Lunge Front Extension 5×10 reps (each side)
A3. Barbarian Squat 5 rounds×10 reps
B1. Ballistic Curl 5 rounds×10 reps (each side)
B2. Pivoting Press 5 rounds×10 reps (each side)
C1. Squat Press 4 rounds×60 sec
C2. Paddle Dragon Squat 4 rounds×30 sec (each side)
Steel Mace Full Body Quick Conditioning
If you want to get the maximum benefit in 30 minutes, this Steel Mace
conditioning circuit is the way to do it. Get ready to sweat by combining the 10-to2 and 360 with upper and lower body exercises. This workout involves five
exercises done back to back for 1-minute each. By alternating Steel Mace swinging
drills like the 10-to-2 and 360 with the lower body emphasis Barbarian Squat and
upper body emphasis Steel Mace Transfer Push Up, you can hit your whole body
with one circuit!
Complete all exercises as a single circuit with no rest in between exercises
and 60 seconds in between sets.
A1: 360 (Left) – 5×60sec
A2: Barbarian Squats – 5×60sec
A3: 10-to-2 – 5×60sec
A4: Explosive Transfer Push Up – 5×60sec
A5: 360 (Right) – 5×60sec
Steel Mace Grip Strength Workout
Increasing the strength of your hands and forearms will increase your grip,
which will in turn carry over to increased strength, endurance and injury resilience.
Using the 25 lb. Steel Mace Grip Strength Workout is an exceptional implement in
training grip strength due to the lack of counterbalance. Using the Steel Mace
requires a lifter to use gravity while simultaneously fighting against it. This
disproportionate weight displacement increases the difficulty of normal
The following Steel Mace workout not only increases your grip strength, but
hits your shoulders, arms, and core. If the mace is too heavy during one of the
movements, choke up on the handle. If, however, you’re looking for a challenge,
move your hands down to the bottom of the handle. Perform the movements in
sequence, resting thirty seconds between each movement or movement pair. After
the last movement, rest for sixty seconds. Perform the circuit five times.
A1: Steel Mace Pendulums – 5 rounds×10 reps (each side)
A2: Steel Mace Wrist Rollers – 5 rounds×10 reps (each side)
A3: Steel Mace Single Arm Pendulum – 5 rounds×10 reps (each side)
A4: Steel Mace Spanning the Globe – 5 rounds×5 reps (up and down)
A5: Steel Mace Single Arm Pike – 5 rounds×10 reps (each side)
A6: Steel Mace Raise The Flag – 5 rounds×5 reps (up and down)
A7: Steel Mace Single Arm Static Holds – 5 rounds×30 sec (each side)
Steel Mace Shoulder Mobility Workout
While a heavier Steel Mace has a range of benefits including rotational
power, muscular endurance, and brute force. A lighter Steel Mace is a great tool
for increasing shoulder mobility, as well as a great implement as part of a warmup.
The Steel Mace Shoulder Mobility Workout could be included in your upper body
warmup routine or as a workout in itself to improve shoulder mobility.
The Steel Mace Shoulder Mobility Workout can be performed as part of an
upper body warmup or as a stand alone mobility workout. Do not use too heavy of
a Steel Mace. Progress through each movement with as little rest as possible. When
completed with circuit rest as needed before performing 3 more circuits for a total
of 4 rounds.
A1: Steel Mace 360 – 4 rounds×30 sec (each direction)
A2: Steel Mace Halos – 4 rounds×30 sec (each direction)
A3: Steel Mace Overhead Squat – 4 rounds×10 reps
A4: Steel Mace Arm Circles – 4 rounds×10 reps (each arm)
A5: Steel Mace External Rotation – 4 rounds×10 reps (each arm)
Steel Mace MMA Conditioning Circuit
The Steel Mace MMA Conditioning Circuit is a full body endurance battle
that will put your lungs to the test! Over the last decade, the sledgehammer gained
popularity with MMA trainers as a implement to build both strength and
conditioning. The Steel Mace adds a whole new dynamic to normal sledgehammer
routines. Upgrade your next sledgehammer cardio workout by swapping in the
Steel Mace and trying this MMA conditioning circuit.
Perform all six exercises as a circuit with no rest in between exercises. After
completing the final exercise in the circuit, rest 60 seconds before repeating for
another 4 rounds.
A1: Single Arm 360 – 5 rounds×30 sec (each side)
A2: 360 to Squat – 5 rounds×30 sec
A3: 10-2 – 5 rounds×30 sec
A4: Overhead Alternating Lunge – 5 rounds×30 sec
A5: Jump Squat – 5 rounds×30 sec
A6: Split Jump – 5 rounds×30 sec
Intense Steel Mace Conditioning Workout
The Intense Steel Mace Conditioning Workout is a full body endurance
workout that will put your lungs to the test! This steel mace workout will not only
sky rocket your conditioning, but increase your work capacity while building
explosive power and blast fat too!
Perform all 5 steel mace exercises as a circuit with no rest in between
exercises. After completing the final Steel Mace exercise in the circuit, rest 60
seconds before repeating for a total of 5 rounds.
A1: Steel Mace 360 – 5 rounds×30 sec (each way)
A2: Steel Mace Low to High Chop – 5 rounds×30 sec (each side)
A3: Steel Mace Military Press – 5 rounds×30 sec (each side)
A4: Steel Mace Barbarian Squat – 5 rounds×30 sec
A5: Steel Mace Kayaking – 5 rounds×30 sec
Viking Power Steel Mace Workout
The Viking Power Steel Mace Workout is a non-stop full body endurance
blast that will increase your power output as well as your work capacity!
Perform each Steel Mace exercise back to back without rest. After
completing one steel mace round, rest for 20 seconds and repeat for a total of 5
A1: Alternating Steel Mace 360 to Squat – 5 rounds×10 reps each side.
A2: Steel Mace Military Press to Back Squat – 5 rounds×10 reps each side.
A3: Steel Mace Reverse Lunge to Bent Paddle Swing – 5 rounds×10 reps
each side.
A4: Steel Mace Staggered Stance Row Rotation – 5 rounds×10 reps each