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Book Reviews: Surgical Care & Immune Response

SHOCK, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 220Y221, 2007
Book Reviews
David J. Dries, Book Review Editor
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Bibliographic Data: Informa Healthcare/Taylor & Francis,
2006. ISBN: 0-8247-2869-6, 1241 pages, hard cover, US$399.95.
Author: Tak W. Mak; Mary E. Saunders
Reviewer’s Expert Opinion:
Bibliographic Data: Elsevier, 2006. Imprint: Academic Press,
Inc. ISBN: 0-12-088451-8, 1194 pages, hard cover, US$139.95.
Description: This is the third edition of a book that emphasizes
the physiology of organ systems affected by surgical problems
and procedures. The first edition was published in 1988 and the
second edition in 1998. Purpose: Surgical disease is presented
in the context of physiologic changes. Audience: Students and
residents with a broad interest in surgical disease will find this
book attractive. Editors and authors are American authorities in
surgery and represent leading medical schools in North
America. Features: Initial chapters cover the general management of the surgical patient with consideration of infection,
bleeding disorders, shock, neoplasia, and anesthesia. A second
group of chapters discusses surgical physiology by organ
system, proceeding first through the gastrointestinal tract
followed by the cardiovascular, nervous, peripheral vascular,
and endocrine systems. Wound healing and cutaneous considerations are discussed followed by reviews of physiologic
changes at the extremes of life. Chapters are written in detail
and contain extensive reference lists dating to within 2 to 3
years of publication. Black-and-white line drawings, photographs, and radiographs appear throughout, but print quality
can be better in some of the figures. The table of contents
provides chapters in appropriately organized groups, gives
authorship, and provides subheadings for each presentation. An
extensive subject index of more than 20 pages concludes the
book. Assessment: I agree with the observation made by Dr.
Miller in his preface that the approach to surgical disorders is
frequently based on memorized schemes or protocols rather
than thorough understanding of pathophysiology. This book is
an appropriate tool to address this problem. Although this is a
complementary, rather than a stand-alone, text, I enjoyed
reading it. It will be of particular service to those working in
preparation for in-training and board examinations.
Reviewer’s Expert Opinion:
Description: Most individuals studying or working in the field
of immunology would be familiar with the books of Roitt
(Roitt’s Essential Immunology, 11th edition [Blackwell, 2006]
and Immunology, 7th edition [Elsevier, 2006]), Abbas (Cellular
and Molecular Immunology, 5th edition [Elsevier, 2005] and
Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune
System, 2nd edition [Elsevier, 2006]), and Janeway (Immunobiology: The Immune System in Health and Disease, 6th edition
[informa Healthcare/Taylor & Francis, 2005]). Outside of
these, there are few other textbooks that are able to provide a
comprehensive overview of basic and clinical immunology.
This book is an important contribution, providing the reader
with a clear, complete, and concise overview of the immune
system in both health and disease. Purpose: The book is
divided into two parts: basic immunology and clinical
immunology. The purpose is to introduce readers to the
basic concepts of immunology before delving into more
advanced immunological topics. The concepts enable readers
to understand how derangements of these basic mechanisms
can lead to clinical disease. Audience: The target audience is
broad and includes undergraduates, graduates, and seasoned
clinical and laboratory immunologists. Features: The authors
have written all the chapters and have had them reviewed by
subspecialists in the field. Each chapter starts with a table of
contents outlining the material to be covered. Historical notes
are often provided, enabling readers to comprehend how
various immunological concepts came into being and how
these have changed with time. The clear and succinct text,
combined with the excellent illustrations and tables, makes this
an easy read. The authors include suggested reading material at
the end of each chapter for those who require an even more
meticulous level of detail. Assessment: This is a valuable book
for any veteran immunologist or student of immunology, with
Reviewer: David J. Dries, MD (University of Minnesota
Medical Center, Minneapolis, Minn)
Copyright @ 2007 by the Shock Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
its ability to make difficult concepts easy to understand through
clear explanations and illustrations its major attraction.
Reviewer: Sam Mehr, MBBS, BMedSci (The Children’s
Hospital at Westmead, NSW, Australia)
Bibliographic Data: Informa Healthcare/Taylor & Francis,
2005. ISBN: 1-84184-412-8, 339 pages, hard cover, US$299.95.
Reviewer’s Expert Opinion:
Description: This is a practical guide for general surgical
pathologists interpreting non-neoplastic lung disease. The book
is filled with colored photographs to supplement the text. This
fourth edition is an update of the previous edition published in
1997. Purpose: The purpose is to provide a sufficient guide to
enable general surgical pathologists to diagnose most nonneoplastic lung diseases. This is really the only pathology text
dedicated to this topic, and an updated edition is a necessity for
any practicing pathologist’s library. The ambitious goal of
providing a practical guide and approach to a difficult diagnostic area of pathology is certainly surpassed with this new
edition. Audience: This book is written for practicing general
pathologists and pathologists in training. Dr. Katzenstein is an
authority in pulmonary pathology and has authored numerous
articles and lectured widely in the field. She has been instrumental in defining the idiopathic interstitial pneumonias.
Features: The book covers the breadth of non-neoplastic lung
disease, including (among other topics) interstitial pneumonia,
vasculitis, infection, and drug-induced lung disease. The first
notable improvement from the previous edition is the inclusion
of all colored photomicrographs. The pictures are of very high
quality and illustrate key features of each histopathologic
entity. The numerous tables sprinkled throughout each chapter
are useful quick references for major distinguishing characteristics of different entities as well as current classification
schemes. Each chapter contains an extensive bibliography
organized by topic for more in-depth reading if desired.
Assessment: This is essential for the bookshelf of any practicing
pathologist. This book is both aesthetically pleasing with its
beautiful colored photographs and an extremely useful guide to
the interpretation of non-neoplastic lung diseases. The new
edition is necessary to address the ever changing and complex
classification schemes in interstitial pneumonia and lymphoproliferative diseases. The upgrades to this edition were well
worth the 9-year wait since the previous edition.
Description: This book is pure eye candy for anyone who
appreciates cytology. The colored photomicrographs are gorgeous, showing clarity of detail that surpasses many similar
books. Normal, variant, and pathologic processes are presented
in an organized fashion, allowing easy review and understanding. Purpose: The book is offered to Bcytopathologists,
cytotechnologists, and residents in pathology to be used as a
bench book when reporting non-gynecologic cytology.^ The
preface also states that the atlas will be beneficial to clinicians
in recognizing those lesions that can be confidently diagnosed
on cytology, as well as the general role of cytology in practice.
These are worthy objectives, and the book meets them.
Gynecologic cytology is covered in the accompanying Atlas
of gynecologic cytology. Audience: The targeted audience
includes all those involved in nongynecologic cytology, such
as students, cytotechnologists, residents, fellows, and practicing cytopathologists. Clinicians involved in any field necessitating aspiration or exfoliative cytology of nongynecologic
regions may find the atlas to be an interesting, although
nonessential resource. The author is formerly an associate
pathologist of Massachusetts General Hospital and an associate
professor at Harvard Medical School. Features: The atlas is
divided into 17 chapters, each organized into a brief
introductory section (most are less than 2 pages), images,
and recommended reading. The introductions are high-yield
overviews of the important disease processes, with special
emphasis on significant and differentiating cytologic features,
as well as helpful stains. The images, not surprisingly, take up
most of each chapter. Especially effective are the accompanying legends, which not only describe key cytologic elements,
but also contain additional information often necessary for a
firm diagnosis. A few gross (especially in the kidney section)
and histologic images are included for additional correlation.
All of the major nongynecologic regions are covered thoroughly; others that are only briefly mentioned, such as the
orbit and adjacent structures, prostate, and lower gastrointestinal lesions, are not often examined by cytology. The
recommended reading seems to double as references as well.
Assessment: This is an excellent quick reference for anyone
interested or involved in nongynecologic cytology. It does not
contain much background information; those interested in
descriptions of ancillary techniques or standards of practice
will have to look elsewhere. That being said, this is an ideal
benchside reference for cytologists and cytotechnologists at all
levels of training.
Reviewer: Maura F. O’Neil, MD (University of Kansas
Medical Center, Kansas City, Kan)
Reviewer: Xiao Yun Wang, BS, MD (University of Kansas
Medical Center, Kansas City, Kan)
Bibliographic Data: Elsevier, 2006. Imprint: Saunders. ISBN:
0-7216-0041-7, Series Title: Major Problems in Pathology, vol.
13, 511 pages, hard cover, US$135.00.
Reviewer’s Expert Opinion:
Copyright @ 2007 by the Shock Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.