8/12/23, 10:42 PM Famous Quotes throughout English Literature Flashcards | Quizlet Famous Quotes throughout English Literature Terms in this set (23) "Death be not proud, though some have called John Donne thee, mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so:...And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die." "In Xanadu..And close your eyes with holy dread, Samuel Taylor Coleridge For he on honey-dew hath fed, and drunk the milk of paradise." Poll What's your jam during study sessions? Podcasts Lo-fi grooves Sweet silence My curated playlists Answered by 6k William Shakespear "I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul." https://quizlet.com/22764283/famous-quotes-throughout-english-literature-flash-cards/ 1/4 8/12/23, 10:42 PM Famous Quotes throughout English Literature Flashcards | Quizlet "To die, to sleep- To sleep - perchance to dream: ay, William Shakespear there's the rub, for in that sleep of death what dreams may com ewhen we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause." "For God's sake hold your tongue, and let me love John Donne or chide my palsy or my gout... Countries, towns, courts: beg from above, a pattern of you love!" "I met a traveler from an antique land, who said: two Percy Bysshe Shelly vast and trunkless legs of stone... The lone and level sands stretch far away." Dante Gabriel Rossetti "...And laid her face between her hands, and wept. (I heard her tears)." "Thou still unravished bride of quietness, Thou foster John Keats child of silence and slow time... Beauty is truth, truth beauty, - that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." "A Thing of beauty is a joy forever: loveliness John Keats increases; it will never pass into nothingness; of the wide world I stand alone, and think till love and fame to nothingness I do sink." T.S. Eliot Percy Bysshe Shelly "April is the cruelest month..." "O wild west wind, thou breath of Autumn's being...If winter comes, can Spring be far behind?" https://quizlet.com/22764283/famous-quotes-throughout-english-literature-flash-cards/ 2/4 8/12/23, 10:42 PM Famous Quotes throughout English Literature Flashcards | Quizlet "That is no country of old men, The young in one William Butler Yeats another's arms, birds in the trees... To lords and ladies of Byzantium of what is Past, or passing, or to come." Alexander Pope "What dire offence from amorous causes springs, what mighty contests rise from trivial things..." "The curfew tolls the knell of parting day, the lowing Thomas Gray herd wind slowly o'er the lea... They are alike in trembling hope repose, the bosom of his Father and his God. William Blake "...what immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry?" "Of man's first disobedience, and the fruit of that John Milton forbidden tree whose mortal taste brought death into the world..." "She walks in beauty like the night of cloudless William Wordsworth climes and starry skies... A mind at peace with all below, a heart whose love is innocent." Geoffrey Chauncer "When that Aprille With his showeres soote The droughte of Marche hath perced to the roote..." "The quality of mercy is not strained; I droppeth as William Shakespear the gentle rain from heaven...And earthly power doth then show likest God's, when mercy seasons justice." https://quizlet.com/22764283/famous-quotes-throughout-english-literature-flash-cards/ 3/4 8/12/23, 10:42 PM Famous Quotes throughout English Literature Flashcards | Quizlet "Come live with me and by my love, And we will all Christopher Marlow the pleasures prove... If these delights thy mind may move, then live with me and be my love." "Let us go then you and I, when the evening is T.S. Eliot spread out against the sky, like a patient etherized upon a table; ...yellow fog that rubs its back... I am not Price Hamlet..." "Go, and catch a falling star; Get with child a John Donne mandrake root... As last till you write you letter, Yet she will be, False ere I come , to two or three." "Little lamb, who made thee? Dost thou know who William Blake made thee?...Little lamb, God Bless thee. Little lamb, God Bless thee." https://quizlet.com/22764283/famous-quotes-throughout-english-literature-flash-cards/ 4/4