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RFP Q&A: Childhood Immunization Research in the Philippines

Questions and Answers to RFP: Design thinking research to explore perceptions of Childhood Routine
Immunization in the Philippines
Question 1) Is there a template which we can use as we prepare our proposal/bid
● Answer: There is no prescribed template for the proposal/bid but we highly recommend that
you base it on the requirements stated in the RFP.
Question 2) On RFP background Page 1, 3rd paragraph "using human-centered and innovative
participatory techniques".
● Sub-question: Does Breakthrough Action have an adopted definition of "human-centered" and
"innovative participatory techniques.” Might it have any benchmark studies of its own that it
"considers" as standard to be followed? Do the examples listed in Evaluation Criteria #1 on
page 5 of the RFP constitute the definitions of "human centered" and "innovative"? We
attached one example study on immunization using 'human-centered' methods - is this what we
mean concretely by "human-centered"?
● Answer: “Human-Centered Design (HCD) is a process, one that requires a deep understanding of
people. It starts with observations and then a rigorous attempt to use those observations to
determine the true underlying issues and needs, a process that might be called “Problem
Defining” (as opposed to problem solving). Then, these needs and issues are addressed through
an iterative, evidence-based procedure of observation, ideation, prototyping, and testing, with
each cycle of the iteration going deeper and deeper into the solution space. The result is a form
of incremental innovation, optimizing the solution through a hill-climbing process”. More
information at: https://thecompassforsbc.org/trending-topics/human-centered-design
Question 3) Under Scope of work…
● Sub-question: On page 2, "synthesize a qualitative research study." Is Breakthrough Action
open to considering a mixed-methods approach that will combine both quantitative (survey)
and qualitative methods? A foundational survey may be the best approach to measure
attitudes, perceptions, opinions, etc. This quantitative base will then be combined with in-depth
case studies. Or is there an explicit preference for only qualitative studies?
● Answer: We prefer a qualitative study where we can get deeper responses. But you are free to
propose what you consider the best approach to reach our objectives.
● Sub-question: On page 2, "The firm is expected to identify 4-6 study sites", Do you wish that
these "4-6 sites" are representative of the national immunization situation? If so, then random
site selection processes have to be part of our proposal. However, if representativeness is not a
priority of Breakthrough then we can apply more realistic, convenience or opportunistic-based
selection processes.
● Answer: As the research firm, we leave it up to you to propose the best site sampling that will
give us good evidence.
● Sub-question: On page 3, "Submit research protocol to a local IRB and comply with the
requirements set for the submission to Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (BSPH)
IRB. Breakthrough ACTION will assist with IRB submissions.” May we ask if this means that the
research design, instruments, procedures and data analysis regimen and privacy and
confidentiality safeguards are required to be approved by a "local IRB" and the John Hopkins
● Answer: Yes.
Question 4) On study objectives…
● Sub-question: On Page 2, letter D "Priority Audiences", May we respectfully ask for a definition
of "priority audiences" - in order to identify groups, gov't agencies, etc. that the study should
● Answer: Priority audience include but not limited to mothers/caregivers of children below 5
years old, husbands/ partners, healthcare providers, and community leaders.
● Sub-question: On Page 2, letter F "a change in attitudes and behavior", From the use of the
phrase "a change in attitudes and behavior" we understand that the design may need, at the
minimum, two reference time points. May we ask if any prior study was conducted by
Breakthrough Action that may serve as reference point 1? Or is the study to be proposed by the
bidders expected to create a design that operationalizes some form of reference time points?
● Answer: We know that attitudes and behaviors have negatively changed because immunization
rates have changed dramatically.. We don’t know why–if there was a specific incident or if there
are new structural barriers or if the COVID-19 pandemic caused a change in attitude towards
vaccination, or something else. We are not looking for numbers, we are looking for causes. We
expect a qualitative inquiry on what was happening before and whether/how it has shifted in
the past couple of years with changes in the routine immunization rates.
Question 5) On Proposal Application…
● Sub-question: Three client references are requested. Do we mean clients of the Proponent or
clients of the research team members, or both?
● Answer: Both.
● Sub-question: To whom should we address the cover letter?
● Answer: Please address it to Cathy Church-Balin, Country Representative for Breakthrough
ACTION Philippines.
Question 6) On study sites…
● Sub-question: On page 2, it says "4-6 study sites, focusing on comparing areas with low and high
routine immunization rates, both urban and rural”. Does Breakthrough ACTION wish that these
4-6 sites be from separate regions or separate provinces or separate municipalities or separate
● Answer: As the research firm, we leave it up to you to propose the best site sampling that will
give us good evidence. Diversity (regions, provinces, etc) in the sample would provide a broader
view of the research questions at hand and would be considered a stronger approach.
● Sub-question: For areas with extremely low rates of childhood routine immunization rates, is it
required to cover areas such as SOCCSKSARGEN (25-50% rate of receiving all vaccinations) and
BARMM (0-25% rate of receiving all vaccinations)? Or can low rates be limited to the level of 5075%, which comprises the majority of the country's regions?
● Answer: As the research firm, we leave it up to you to propose the best site sampling that will
give us good evidence. While easier to access areas might provide some insights on low rates,
extreme cases such as with low rates in BARMM could provide unique insights that may be
important in ensuring equity in reach and effects of the program that is developed based on the
results of this study.
● Sub-question: Does Breakthrough Action have any document from the Philippine Statistics
Authority or from DOH that identifies the childhood routine immunization rates across cities?
● Answer: If the selected firm cannot obtain this information we will assist.
Question 7) On the budget and logistics
● Sub-question: Is there a budget cap for the proposal, and how much?
● Answer: We can’t reveal the budget. Kindly plan your budget according to the activities in the
scope of work. Kindly note that Breakthrough Action will award the contract based on best
value, cost, and all other factors taken into consideration.
● Sub-question: Will you require full transcription (verbatim) of all interviews conducted (FGDs,
● Answer: We will require the research firm selected to transcribe and translate the data
collected to English.
● Sub-question: When interviews are conducted, will you require them to be done at the home
site of the target respondents? Or can the respondents be asked to come down to a more
accessible interview venue? We ask this as this will impact costs significantly.
● Answer: The sampling and methodology to be employed in the study are to be proposed by the
research firm. Selection of interview venues should ensure ease of access and low burden on
the respondents.
● Sub-question: When conducting interviews in a remote location/home site, the security and
safety of the interviewer is a major concern. Will you be OK to have a 1:1 ratio of supervisor to
interviewer so that there will always be at least 2 members of the project team conducting the
● Answer: The makeup of the study team is up to the research firm. We do advise that study
teams do not take unnecessary risks in the implementation of the study when known risks exist
in certain areas. Such areas should be substituted by others similar in composition and scale.
● Sub-question: Attendance and transportation tokens. Will you require the research team to
provide attendance tokens (to defray lost income of respondents during interview) and
transportation tokens (to defray costs of respondents, FGD members, KIIs) of going to the
interview venue?
● Answer: Research firms should consider how much time they are anticipating to take from study
participants and if significant travel on part of the respondents is part of the study plan. Based
on the burden of time and/or cost to the respondents, research firms may consider budgeting in
their proposed budget in the bid for any tokens of participation.
Question 8) Are there any additional materials on the proposed research topic, including BA's
publications on Human-Centered Design/innovative participatory approach.
● Answer: You may check this website for any additional materials and information regarding
human-centered design. https://breakthroughactionandresearch.org/our-approaches/humancentered-design/