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Operations Management Assignment: Case Studies & Article Review

Assignment #2
The full mark of this assignment is 10 (5% of total course grades).
A team will conduct two case studies and review a scholarly journal article.
A team must always answer ALL questions (two case studies and one article review) and
submit them in one file to possibly obtain 10 points, regardless of whether the team is assigned
or not to make a presentation.
Assigned teams (see the schedule table below) should be well-prepared for presentation (within
15 minutes) by using PowerPoint Slides.
Every team member should be well prepared for the presentation because the tutorial teacher
will randomly appoint a team member to make the oral presentation.
Unassigned teams last (1st tutorial) and this time (2nd tutoiral) will make their mandatory
presentations in the third tutorial (every team will make at least one presentation in one of the
three tutorial classes).
Tutorial attendance is mandatory, you will lose 5% (10 points) of the course grade for one
missed tutorial class, regardless of the submitted assignment.
Presentation and Q&A schedule for tutorial 2 (December 13 or 14)
Team 4
Team 5
Team 6
Case #1
Case #2
Teams 4,5,6 and 1,2,3
Teams 1 and
Team 2
Ask three
Ask three
about Team
about Team
Team 3
Ask three questions about
Team 6’s presentation
 Assignment files will be automatically checked for plagiarism by the Brightspace. Detected
plagiarism case will be forwarded to the faculty exam committee2.
 Please do NOT copy and paste questions to your document, only write down the question
numbers (e.g., Question 1.1.) and type your answers and word counts.
 Each team must upload assignment (in one file) to the Brightspace by the deadline. Your files
will be graded only if it is uploaded to the system (the system is programmed to reject
submission after the deadline).
 Late submission such as sending email to the tuturoal teacher will be ignored.
The deadlines of assignment #2 are
 December 12 (Mon), 2022, 9:00 AM (for uploading the assignment to the Brighspace) and
 The same day 11:00 AM (for handing the hard copy to the 6th floor of DUI building: there
is a blue mailbox near the secretary office 5411 0634, Groups 1-3 and Groups 4-6 have two
sepearate submission places, see the label sticker on the mailbox ).
Both the digital and hard copy submissions are required!
No preparation is needed. Questions are spontaneous feedback on the in-class presentation, they can be questions or
2 For more information, please visit https://www.rug.nl/language-centre/communicationtraining/academic/hacv/handboek/schriftelijk/student/plagiaat?lang=en.
Every team must use a standard cover page (go to the Tutorial folder on Brighspace, do not forget to
include the claims: “By electronically submitting this assignment… 1) -7) in your cover page”) and
claim that your work is original and you have noticed the consequence of any misconduct.
Noncompliance with these requirements may result in a deduction of points.
CASE STUDY 1 (3 points)
The manufacturing process of airline food
The information below (one video and one article) gives an overview of airlines’ food preparation
Questions 1.1.
Please first watch the video below to obtain the information needed for answering questions
Based on the video (from 3:17 minutes and onwards), what are the most likely types of process
and layouts for cooking 1) beef-lamb kebabs and making 2) sandwiches, respectively, for the
Turkish Airlines? Please specify the respective type of process and layout for the two foods and
also explain your answers (why do you think so?) (2 points) Word limit: 200 words. Please count
your words.
Questions 1.2.
Please read the article below to answer question 1.2:
List two uncertainties that may affect Gate Gourmet’s preparation and efficient delivery of food
to flights. What actions does Gate Gourmet take to overcome them? (1point) Word limit: 250
words. Please count your words.
CASE STUDY 2 (3 points)
Assume Poisson arrivals and negative exponential service times. Customers arrive at an information
counter (single counter) at an ABN AMRO bank in Groningen at a rate of one customer per 15
minutes, and the processing time takes an average of 10 minutes per customer at the counter. The
counter is staffed by only one clerk, Thomas, who works eight hours per day. The bank management
team estimates that one customer in the system (in the queue and being served) costs them 10 euros
per hour. To reduce the time a customer spends in the system, the team plans to improve Thomas’s
service rate. Two options are under consideration:
 The first option: Set up a big screen such that customer can check the information from
Thomas’s computer screen, with which, on average, Thomas expects to be able to process a
request 40 percent faster (40% faster means, for example, 60 seconds of service time down to
36 seconds). The big screen is available from the bank’s stock immediately.
The second option: Hire another clerk, who, on average, will work at the same rate as
Thomas. The newly recruited clerk will assist Thomas’s work so the service rate of Thomas
will be doubled (treat Thomas and the new clerk combined as a single server).
If the big screen incurs 99.5 euros’ operating fees per day (assuming the big screen will not incur
other costs), the new clerk gets paid 75 euros per day. A working day consists of 8 hours.
2.1. To minimize the total cost, which option should the bank adopt? Explain your answers by
giving step-by-step calculations. (1 point)
2.2. In case that Option II is adopted, what is the probability that there will be exactly two
customers in the system? (0.5 points)
2.3. To obtain a generalized solution for other similar cases (assuming that the data given above
could vary from time to time), the team would like to find out the optimal service rate
(μoptimal) by using the following assumptions:
1) arrive rate per hour = 𝝀,
2) waiting cost (incurred by the customers waiting in the queue and being served) per unit
time per customer = CW, the service cost per unit time per clerk =Cf
3) the total operating time (hours) of the system =T.
Please formulate the total cost (TC) function (do not use exact numbers from the above
problem description and questions 1.1 and 1.2, keep 𝝀, 𝝁, CW , T, and Cf as unknown variables
per se in your function). Please use the Insert/Equation in Word to edit your equations, do not
handwrite and paste a screenshot of your answers. (1 point).
Please also draw a diagram to reflect the relationship between the service rate and the costs (use
the horizontal line to represent the service rate and the vertical line to represent various costs).
Also, explain at which point the minimal total cost can be achieved and why? You could use the
PowerPoint slide to draw the figure, save it as a picture, and then insert it into your word file. (0.5
Read the following article:
Moshtari, M., & Vanpoucke, E. (2021). Building successful NGO–business relationships: a social
capital perspective. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 57(3), 104-129.
The paper can be downloaded from rug lib (http://www.rug.nl/library/?lang=en ) via the RUGnetwork (search the title of this paper in the search bar).
Briefly summarize the motivation of this study and explain how social capital theory is
used to guide this study (2 points) (word limit: 200 words; please use a bracket to count words,
e.g., (60 words)).
Raise a new research question based on the research context of this study. Briefly
discuss the motivation of your new research question (why it is important and relevant). Note
that your research question cannot be similar to the authors' future research questions in this
paper. (word limit: 80 words, please use a bracket to count your words, e.g., (70 words)) (1
How is the problem addressed in this paper connected to the lecture contents in the
Operations and Logistics Management course? Please provide examples and elaborate on them
(1 point) (word limit: 100 words; please use a bracket to count your words, e.g., (100 words)).
End of the assignment
Oral presentation of assignment is subject to assessment. The quality of presentation is assessed from
the following three aspects.
Contents of the presentation
Addressing questions from peer students and tutorial teacher
There is no “penalty” in grading a team’s presentation as long as a team has made it in the tutorial class
(if a team fails to give a presentation while it is scheduled, the grade for the corresponding tutorial
assignment is 0 regardless of whether the team has submitted the assignment). However, incentives will
be given to the presentation that is assessed as “good” and “excellent”.
Presentation assessment
The mechanism of “multiplier” works in the following way. Multiplier is used for making adjustment
to the assignment grade obtained. For example, the assignment of Mandatory Tutorial #2 for Group 1
Team 3 was 8 and the corresponding presentation was assessed as “Excellent”. Accordingly, the final
grade of their Mandatory Tutorial #2 is 8 × 1.05 = 8.4. Note that the maximum of assignment score
(after applying the multiplier) cannot exceed 10 points. Students who are late for the class cannot
receive a multiplier of 1.025 or 1.05.
The “OM in practice” below will be only used for in class discussion after the presentation of
the questions above and therefore it is NOT a part of the 10 points for this tutorial. No
preparation is required for the OM IN PRACTICE questions.
Fast food restaurants have made several changes, spurred by the needs of their customers during the
COVID-19 pandemic. One of the major changes has been to focus on automation.
An example of automation is the use of apps for ordering. Many restaurants are encouraging
customers to order through apps. However, this presents problems in filling orders—specifically
getting the food to the customers. In many cases, customers must go through the traditional drive-thru
lane—frustrating customers with what is perceived to be unnecessary waits.
So, many restaurants are adding multiple drive-thru lanes. An industry advertisement from Checker’s
franchises suggested that one drive-thru lane isn’t enough. Taco Bell is leading the push with its ‘Taco
Bell Defy’ restaurant design in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. The first location opened on June 7, 2022,
with a design featuring a kitchen on the second floor, and four drive-thru lanes. One is a traditional
lane, while the other three support app/online orders.
Another trend has been to streamline the menu. McDonald’s has led the way with the elimination of
all-day breakfast, salads, grilled chicken sandwiches, and parfaits. Restaurants in general have
reevaluated their menus as costs and availability of ingredients change, and are looking for ways to
reduce labor cost by eliminating items that are labor-intensive.
It is interesting that many of these fast food restaurants, including McDonald’s and Taco Bell, had
very limited menus when they first entered the market.
Watch this video and answer the following questions
1. Why use apps for ordering?
2. Why have multiple drive-thru lanes?