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Excel Project Instructions: BUS 203 Project 5

BUS 203 Project 5
In A2, type the function to give today’s date.
Merge and Center A1:L1. Change the font and make it size 26.
Merge & Center A2:L2. Make it size 14, Italics.
Select column B and change the date formatting to 03/14/12.
Select column D and format as phone numbers.
In AA5, use the Left function to extract the first three letters of the company's name.
In AB5, use the Right function to extract the last four digits of the company’s phone number.
In AC5, use the Concatenate function to combine the two into one word. Ex: jon2784
In AD5, use the Upper function to make the new ID all uppercase.
Autofill AA:AD down.
Highlight AD5:AD48 and copy.
Place your cursor in A5 and right click. Choose the 123 icon as shown to paste the values only of the
code you have created.
Insert the Clover Industries logo that you downloaded and saved from D2L, and place in the left or right
corner of the title. Resize if needed. Add alternative text.
In G3, format as a percentage and add two decimal points.
Select A4:L4 and wrap text, center and middle align, bold, and add a fill color.
Highlight rows 5-48 and change the font size to 8. If you did this right, the rows themselves should get
smaller, not just the text.
SHIPPING – In G5, use an IF Function to calculate the shipping. If F5 is greater than or equal to 5000,
they get free shipping (0). If it’s less than 5000, they pay 200 in shipping. Hint: You don't need " "
around the numbers here. Fill down.
TOTAL – In H5, add the amount and the shipping using a formula. Fill down.
COMMISSION PAID – In I5, calculate the commission paid, using a function to ROUND to two decimal
places. For the number criteria, multiply the amount in F5 by the commission rate in G3 (as a cell
reference). Fill down.
ORDER SIZE – Use an IF statement to classify the order size, using the amount in column F. “Large” –
Greater than or equal to $10,000, “Medium” – Greater than or equal to $5,000, “Small” – Less than
$5,000. Fill down.
Add conditional color fill formatting to each of the sizes in column J – you choose the colors.
BULK DISCOUNT – In K5, use an IF statement to calculate the bulk discount. Large gets a discount of
10%, Medium gets a discount of 5%. HINT: =IF(J5=“large”,(H5*0.1),…You figure out the rest!
AMOUNT DUE – In L5, use a formula to subtract the discount from the total.
Format the values in columns F, G, H, I, K, and L as Currency. Right and Middle align.
Merge Cells - A51:C51, A52:C52, A54:C54, A55:C55, A57:C57, A58:C58
Countif, SumIF, AverageIF - In D51, D52, D54, D55, D57, and D58, use the correct function to answer
the statement given.
Change the formatting of D51:D58 to Currency. Left and Middle align.
Resize columns A through L to fit the contents.
Select A4:L48 and add all borders. Add a thick outer border to A1:L48. Add a thick bottom border to
Set the print area to be A1:L48.
Add a comment to cell B56 with the Order ID and Salesman from Beehive Industries
Set the margins to narrow.
Scale to fit on one page.
Change the orientation to landscape.
Add a custom header with BUS 203 in the left section, Project 5 in the center section, and your full
name in the right section.