Knowing Oneself WHO AM I? Should I know more about myself? DO I REALLY KNOW MYSELF? K N O W I N G Y O U R S E L F SELF Philosophical term: The Being, the source of a person’s consciousness The agent responsible for an individual’s thoughts and actions. An intangible entity that directs a person’s thoughts and actions. It is outside the physical realm of the person Is the essence of the person: his thoughts, feelings and actions, experiences, beliefs, values, principles and relationships. It also includes a person’s life purpose, meaning and aspirations SELF .Psychological definition: The cognitive and affective representation of one’s identity. It is then defined in terms of human characteristics such as behavior and thought BIG QUESTION: How can understanding yourself pave the way to self-acceptance and better relationship with others? Imagine yourself looking into the mirror. What do you see? Do you see your ideal self... or your actual self? IDEAL SELF it is the self that you aspire to be. IDEAL SELF It is the one that you hope will possess characteristics similar to that of a mentor of some other worldly figure. ACTUAL SELF It is the one that you actually see ACTUAL SELF It is the self that has characteristics that you were nurtured or, in some cases, born to have. Personality In Psychology, Personality is referred to as the set of behaviors, feelings, thought and motives that identifies an individual. It is the essence of who we are and is the embodiment of one’s physical, psychological, cognitive, affective and spiritual self. Refers to the unique and relatively enduring sets of behavior, feelings, thoughts and motives that characterize an individual. Personality Trait is a disposition to behave consistently in a particular way, while personality is a broader term that comprises of traits, motives, thoughts, selfconcept and feelings. Myers- Briggs Type Indicator