ASHLEYHORNER.CO All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or redistributed in any form without the prior written permission of the publishers. 2 W ith all of the traveling I’ve been doing over the past several years, building my 6+ businesses and running the house with my crazy little family my time, space and equipment can be limited. But what I’ve found is that when my training takes a back seat, so does my energy, my patience, and my clarity. No matter where I find myself in the world. No matter how busy my days get, I can still get a productive workout. All I need is two sets of dumbbells and a bench. Lock down a space in a busy gym, push the weight while you watch your kids play, or squeeze a workout in during your lunch hour. The best part is that all of this training will be under an hour: in and out. Extra cardio is always optional if you’re not on a time crunch, and we will talk about that a little later. Now, there are seriously NO excuses. Rain or shine; house or gym; limited on time; perfect for the busy professional; on your lunch time or busy moms; from Hotel gyms to world class training centers: this is challenging for all fitness levels! - Ashley Horner 3 THE D U MB B E L L C RE W This is a 12 week training program designed to be done in the home, gym, or traveling at hotel gyms. This minimal equipment required trainer is great for beginners, regular gym-goers, or anyone who just wants to simplify their trainer without compromising results. EQU I PMENT N E E D E D 2 sets of Dumbbells heavy & medium recommended 1 Bench or box WHAT TO EXP EC T FO R T H E NE XT 12 WE E K S • All exercises with dumbbells. If dumbbell work becomes hard, you can drop all weight and do body weight only. • Training days: Monday - Friday off & rest days Saturday & Sunday. However, if this doesn’t work with your schedule, scale it back. Maybe you like to train on the weekends, or your work schedule gives you a few days on and a few days off, or maybe you find that 5x a week is too much for you at this time. Take breaks when you need them, and fuse this program into YOUR life. • Rep range 15-20+ (high volume). • Drop sets. Start with your heavier set and do as many reps as possible. Then go down in weight for a burn out, still doing as many reps as possible. MEAL P LA N N I N G Meals are important and for that reason towards the end of the book you will find a meal plan to help you navigate our world of artificial foods, chemical additives, and super-sized proportions. It will help you understand that no one has a perfect diet all of the time but instead help guide you in the right direciton for success. 4 DB CREW WEEK 1 MON DA Y A. Three sets of: 15 Bench presses 6 Incline push ups (feet on bench) Rest 1:00 between each set. B. Three sets of: 10 Overhead tricep extensions 12 Chest flies 10 on each side, Walking planks Rest as needed between each set. C. EMOM | Every minute on the minute) for 10 minutes of: 10 Dips off bench 10 Pushups 6 Walking planks TUES DA Y T HURSDAY A. Three sets of: A. Three sets of: B. Three sets of: B. Three sets of: C. Three sets of: C. Four rounds of: 10 on each side, Dumbbell walking lunges 15 Sumo squats 10 on each side, Jumping split squats 12 on each side, Single leg deadlifts 10 on each side, Bench step-ups (no weight) 20 dumbbell (kettlebell) swings 15 Russian twists (with weight) 20 Bicycle crunches 1 Forearm plank- hold 45 seconds WED N ES DA Y A. Three sets of: 15 Reverse flies 15 on each side, One-arm row 10 on each side, Standing alternating hammer curls B. Three sets of: 15 Seated bicep curls into shoulder press 10 Bent-over bilateral rows 15 Walking planks C. Three sets of: Drop set bicep curls 20 Seated shoulder presses 15 Deadlifts 15 on each side, Bulgarian split squats (no weight) 20 Glute-hip thrusters- 3 sec (pause at top) 15 Standing side lateral raises 10 on each side, Plank shoulder taps Pulsing squats- 60 seconds Pause for 10 seconds. Jumping alternating lunges- 60 seconds Pause for 10 seconds. Chair pose- 60 seconds Pause for 10 seconds. 1 Straight arm plank hold- 60 seconds Pause for 10 seconds. FRIDAY A. The Asher | For time, 5 rounds 20 Mountain climbers 20 DB lunges 20 Plie squats 20 Thrusters 20 Burpees 5 DB CREW WEEK 2 MON DA Y A. Three sets of: 15 Standing overhead tricep extensions 10 Head release push ups 20 Bench jump-overs (holding) B. Three sets of: 15 Dips off bench 15 DB pull-overs 20 DB flies C. Three sets of: 10 Weighted sit ups 1 Straight arm plank- 45 seconds 1 Right arm side plank- 45 seconds 1 Left side plank- 45 seconds TUES DA Y A. Three sets of: 12-15 Dumbbell leg extensions 10 on each side, Standing side lunges 15 Jumping squats B. Two rounds of: 100 Walking lunges (no weight and hands on head) 15 Jumping lunges Run- 2 minutes (opt to run in place) WED N ES DA Y A. Three sets of: Drop set seated bicep curls B. Three sets of: Drop set seated bent-over bilateral rows B2. 1 Forearm plank- 120 seconds (after each drop set) C. Three sets of: 20 on each side, Standing alternating hammer curls 20 on each side, One-arm rows 15 Kissing bell bicep curls (palm up) T HURSDAY A. Three sets of: 15 Seated Arnold presses 10 on each side, Standing alternating front raises 15 on each side, Single leg deadlifts B. Three sets of: 20 Sumo squats 10 on each side, Weighted bench step-ups 12 on each side, windmills C. Three sets of: 12-15 Pronated front raises (Y formation) 10 on each side, Reverse lunges 10 on each side, Single arm OH (overhead) squats FRIDAY A. The Notcher | 5 rounds of: 25 Weighted bear crawls 10 Weighted burpees 5 on each side, Turkish get-ups 25 Bench jump-overs (holding) 2 mile run 6 DB CREW WEEK 3 WE D NE SDAY A. Three sets of: 6 on each side, Standing single leg bent over reverse flies Drop set DB bicep curls 20 on each side, Single arm rows B. Three sets of: 20 DB pull-overs 20 on each side, Windmills 1 Straight arm plank- 90 seconds 1 Right side plank- 45 seconds 1 Left side plank- 45 seconds MON DA Y A. Four sets of: 10 Dumbbell bench presses 20 Weighted dips (off bench, DB on lap) 15 Dumbbell pull-overs 20 Walking planks B. Three sets of: 8 Man makers 12 on each side, Single arm overhead tricep extensions 15 Kissing palms DB bench press C. Three sets of: 15 Hand-release pushups 15 on each side, Spidermans (knees to elbow) 15 Skull crushers TUES DA Y A. Four sets of: N/W (narrow / wide) squat sequence 10 Bench jumps Drop set seated weighted leg extensions B. Four sets of: 20 on each side, Weighted single arm OH walking lunges 20 Sumo squats 15 DB kettlebell swings C. Five sets of: 25 Mountain climbers 25 yard sprints 25 Jump squats (bodyweight) C. Three sets of: Triple fly sequence 15-20 Pronated front raises (Y formation) 15-20 Reverse flies (T formation) 15-20 Back V (V formation) T HURSDAY A. Three sets of: 15 Standing shoulder presses 10 on each side, curtsey lunges 10 on each side, Pistol squats (assisted if needed) B. Four sets of: 20 Hip thrusters 20 on each side, Bulgarian split squats 20 Sumo squats C. Three sets of: 15 Deficit deadlifts 8 on each side, Turkish get-ups FRIDAY A. CAMBAM 10 rounds of: 5 Burpee broad jumps 15 Man makers 15 Push ups 10 Russian twist 10 Jumping squats If you have time today, just practice: Finisher - Handstand walks 10 minutes 7 DB CREW WEEK 4 MON DA Y A. Three sets of: 10 on each side, Single arm bench presses 15 Decline push ups Rest 1:00 between each set. B. Three sets of: 15 Weighted dips off bench 20 Chest flies 20 on each side, Walking planks Rest as needed between each set. C. EMOM (every minute on the minute) for 10 minutes 10 bilateral tricep kickbacks 20 Pushups (10 wide, 10 closed) 6 on each side, Renegade rows TUES DA Y T HURSDAY A. Three sets of: A. Three sets of: B. Three sets of: B. Three sets of each: 30 Dumbbell walking lunges 30 Sumo squats Dumbbell (kettlebell) swings 20 12 on each side, Single leg deadlifts 20 on each side, Bench step-ups 8 on each side, Turkish get-ups C. Three sets of: 25 Russian twists (with weight) 30 Bicycle crunches 1 Forearm plank- 60 seconds WED N ES DA Y A. Three sets of: 20 Reverse flies 20 on each side, One-arm rows 25 on each side, Standing alternating hammer curls B. Three sets of: 25 Seated bicep curls into shoulder presses 10 Bent over bilateral rows 15 Walking planks C. Three sets of: Drop set bicep curls 20 Seated shoulder presses 20 Seated lateral raises 20 on each side, Bulgarian split squats 25 Glute hip thrusters (3 second pause at top) 15 on each side, Standing front raises (alternating) 15 on each side, Plank shoulder taps C. Four rounds of each: Pulsing squats- 60 seconds Pause for 10 seconds. Jumping alternating lunges- 60 seconds Pause for 10 seconds. Chair pose- 60 seconds Pause for 10 seconds. Straight arm plank- 60 seconds FRIDAY WOMAN OF IRON 300 50 Man makers 50 Deadlifts 50 Thrusters 50 Walking lunges 50 Standing lateral raises 50 Weighted jumping squats 8 DB CREW WEEK 5 WE D NE SDAY A. Three sets of: 20 on each side, Hammer curls 15 Pullovers 15 on each side, Bilateral rows (bent over, standing on one leg) B. Three sets of: Concentration curls-10 seconds up/10 seconds down 90 degree static hold for 90 seconds. Concentration one-arm rows-10 seconds up/10 seconds down Rest 40-60 seconds C. Three sets of: 20 on each side, Standing alternating hammer curls 15 on each side, One-arm rows 20 Kissing bell bicep curls (palms up) MON DA Y A. Four sets of: 15 Skull crushers 20 flies 15 Shrugs 20 Bench jump-overs (holding) B. Three sets of: 20 Overhead tricep extensions 15 DB pull-overs 20 Single arm bench press C. Three sets of: 10 Weighted sit-ups 1 Straight arm plank-45 seconds 1 Right arm side plank- 45 seconds 1 Left arm side plank- 45 sec TUES DA Y A. Three sets of: 12-15 Dumbbell leg extensions S10 on each side, Standing side lunges 15 on each side, Curtsey lunges B. To rounds of: 20 on each side, Walking lunges (single arm, dumbbell overhead) 15 Jumping lunges (weighted) 30 Mountain climbers T HURSDAY A. Three sets of: 20 Sumo squats 10 on each side, Standing alternating front raises 10 on each side, Pistol squats B. Three sets of: 20 Standing Arnold presses 10 on each side, Weighted bench step-ups 15 on each side, Windmills C. Three sets of: 12-15 Pronated front raises (Y formation) 10 on each side, Reverse lunges 20 on each side, Bulgarian split squats (start with weighted and drop to body weight as needed) FRIDAY Tri X Half mile sprint 20 Thrusters Half mile sprint 20 Burpee long jumps Half mile sprint 20 on each side, Weighted sit ups (one dumbbell overhead) 9 DB CREW WEEK 6 WE D NE SDAY A. Three sets of: 6 on each side, Standing reverse flies (single leg bent over) 15 Hammer curl/regular curl duos 20 on each side, single arm rows B. Three sets of: MON DA Y A. Four sets of: 10 Dumbbell bench presses 20 weighted dips off bench (DB on lap) 20 Dumbbell pull-overs 20 Walking planks B. Three sets of: 12 Man makers 12 on each side, Overhead tricep extensions Dumbbell push ups (max effort before dropping to your knees, then max out with on knees push ups) C. One round of: One mile run High knees- 20 seconds / 10 second rest Froggers- 20 seconds / 10 second rest Speed skaters- 20 seconds / 10 second rest Tuck jumps- 20 seconds / 10 second rest Mountain climbers- 20 seconds / 10 second rest TUES DA Y A. Four sets of: 25 Squats 10 Bench jumps 20 Stiff-legged deadlift B. Four sets of: 20 on each side, Single arm OH walking lunges (weighted) 15 on each side, Half squat/half deadlift duos 15 Dumbbell overhead toe raises C. Five sets of: 25 Dumbbell front squats 25 Jump squats (bodyweight) 10 on each side, Lunges with pass under 20 DB pull-overs 15 on each side, Windmills 1 Straight arm plank- 90 seconds 1 Right side plank- 45 seconds 1 Left side plank-45 seconds C. Three sets of: Triple Fly Sequence 15-20 Pronated front raises (Y formation) 15-20 Reverse flies (T formation) 15-20 Back flies V (V formation) T HURSDAY A. Three sets of: 15 Standing shoulder presses 10 on each side, Curtsey lunges 15 on each side, Pistol squats (assisted if needed) B. Four sets of: 20 Hip thrusters 20 on each side, Bulgarian split squats 20 Sumo squats C. Three sets of: 15 on each side, Single arm deficit deadlifts 8 on each side, Turkish get-ups 1 Forearm plank- 90 seconds Rest 120 seconds between each set FRIDAY Complete One Round As Fast As Possible 100 Push ups 25 Spidermans 50 Mountain climbers 50 Alternating dumbbell snatches 25 Dumbbell swings 25 Push ups 50 Weighted dips 100 Bicycles 100 Weighted walking lunges 10 DB CREW WEEK 7 MON DA Y A. Four sets of: 20 Valley presses 20 Weighted dips off bench (DB on lap) 20 Walking planks B. Three sets of: 20 Standing upward flies 12 on each side, Single arm OH tricep extensions 15 Kissing palms DB bench presses C. Three sets of: 20 Reverse wide bench presses 15 on each side, Spidermans (knees to elbow) 15 Skull crushers TUES DA Y A. Three sets of: 20 on each side, Goblet front lunges 10 Bench jumps 15 on each side, Side to side runners lunge B. Four sets of: 20 on each side, Weighted single arm OH walking lunges 15 on each side, Half squat/half deadlift 25 Skier swings C. Five sets of: 25 Dumbbell front squats 25 Jump squats (weighted) 10 on each side, Bench Curtsies WED N ES DA Y A. Three sets of: 30 Wide curls 30 Hammer curls 30 Drag curls Rest 60 seconds between each set B. Three sets of: 20 Bent over bilateral rows (palms forward) 30 Reverse curls 20 Walking planks C. Three sets of: 20 Reverse flies 15 on each side, One-arm rows 30 Straight curls T HURSDAY A. Three sets of: 20 Front to side raises 15 on each side, T push ups 10 on each side, Pistol squats B. Three sets of: 20 Standing Arnold presses 12 on each side, Half kneeling single arm dumbbell presses 15 on each side, Windmills C. Three sets of: 10 on each side, Dumbbell plank (three way raise) 10 on each side, Reverse lunges 20 on each side, Bulgarian split squats (start with weighted and drop to body weight as needed) FRIDAY WOMAN OF IRON 300 50 Pistols 50 Burpees 50 Thrusters 50 Single dumbbell overhead squat 50 Standing shoulder press 50 Weighted jumping squats 11 DB CREW WEEK 8 WE D NE SDAY A. Three sets of: 20 on each side, Hammer curls 15 Pull-overs 15 on each side, Bilateral rows (bent over standing on one leg) B. Three sets of: Concentration curls- 10 seconds up/10 seconds down 90 degree static hold for 90 seconds Concentration one-arm rows 10 seconds up/10 seconds down Rest 40-60 seconds C. Three sets of: MON DA Y A. Four sets of: 20 Valley presses 20 Weighted dips off bench (DB on lap) 20 Dumbbell flies B. Three sets of: 20 Standing upward flies 25 Dumbbell skull crushers 20 Bench presses C. Three sets of: 20 Reverse dumbbell wide bench press 15 on each side, Spidermans (knee to elbow) D. One set of: 100 Pushups 100 Dips off bench TUES DA Y A. Three sets of: 20 on each side, Unilaterally loaded side lunge 20 dumbbell hamstring curls 15 on each side, Dumbbell donkey kicks B. Four sets of: 20 on each side, Weighted single arm OH walking lunges 20 Lunges with pass under 20 Dumbbell single leg hip thrusters 20 on each side, Standing alternating hammer curls 15 on each side, One-arm rows 20 Kissing bell bicep curls (palms up) T HURSDAY A. Three sets of: 20 Front to side raises 30 on each side, Single leg deficit deadlifts 10 on each side, Pistol squats B. Three sets of: 20 Standing Arnold presses 20 on each side, Half kneeling single arm dumbbell presses 15 on each side, Windmills C. Three sets of: 10 on each side, Dumbbell planks (three way raise) 20 Thrusters 20 on each side, Bulgarian split squat (start with weighted and drop to body weight as needed) FRIDAY A. Four sets of: Half mile running repeats B. EMOM 15 minutes 15 Burpee box/bench jumps 15 Man makers 15 Dumbbell thrusters C. Five sets of: 25 Dumbbell front squats 20 Dumbbell thrusters 15 on each side, Bench curtsies 12 DB CREW WEEK 9 WE D NE SDAY A. Three sets of: 6 on each side, Standing reverse flies (single leg bent over) Drop set bicep curls 20 on each side, Single arm row B. Three sets of: 20 DB pull-overs 20 on each side, Windmills 1 Straight arm plank- 90 seconds 1 Right side plank- 45 seconds 1 Left side plank- 45 second C. Three sets of: MON DA Y A. Four sets of: 10 Dumbbell bench presses 20 Weighted dips off bench (DB on lap) 15 Dumbbell pull-overs 20 Walking planks B. Three sets of: 12 Man makers 12 on each side, Overhead tricep extension Max effort Decline push ups (feet on bench) C. Three sets of: 100 Overhead tricep extensions 100 Spidermans 100 Hand release push ups TUES DA Y A. Three sets of: Pulsing squats- 60 seconds Bench Jumps- 60 seconds Wall sit- 60 seconds Rest for 30 seconds B. Four sets of: 220 Dumbbell leg extensions 15 on each side, Half squat/half deadlift 20 Dumbbell hamstring curls C. Five sets of: 25 Dumbbell front squats 25 Jump squats weighted 10 on each side, Bench curtsy Triple fly sequence 15 Pronated front raises (Y formation) 15 Reverse flies (T formation) 15 Back flies (V formation) T HURSDAY A. Three sets of: 15 Standing shoulder presses 10 on each side, Curtsey lunges 10 on each side, Pistol squats (assisted if needed) B. Three sets of: 20 Hip thrusters 20 on each side, Bulgarian split squats 20 Sumo squats C. Three sets of: 15 on each side, Single arm deficit deadlifts 8 on each side, Turkish get-ups 1 Forearm plank- 90 seconds Rest 120 seconds between each set FRIDAY AMRAP in 20 Minutes 20 on each side, Alternating snatches 20 Dumbbell swings 20 Weighted jumping lunge FINISHER Two sets of: 1 mile sprint Resting for an equal amount of time as it took you to complete the mile 13 DB CREW WEEK 10 MON DA Y A. Four sets of: 20 Valley presses 20 Weighted dips off bench (DB on lap) 20 Walking planks B. Three sets of: 20 Standing upward flies 12 on each side, Single arm OH tricep extensions 15 Kissing palms DB bench presses C. Three sets of: C. Three sets of: TUES DA Y T HURSDAY A. Three sets of: A. Three sets of: 20 Reverse wide bench presses 15 on each side, Spidermans (knees to elbow) 15 Skull crushers 15 on each side, Deficit reverse lunges 20 Stiff-legged deadlifts 20 on each side, Dumbbell donkey kicks B. Four sets of: 20 Dumbbell leg extensions 15 on each side, Half squat/half deadlifts 20 Dumbbell hamstring curls C. Five sets of: 25 Dumbbell front squats 25 on each side, Bulgarian split squats 10 on each side, Curtsey lunges D. One round: Three mile run Stop every 9 minutes and do 25 walking lunges WED N ES DA Y A. Three sets each Excercise should be a drop set before moving on: Wide curl drop set Hammer curl drop set Drag curl drop set Rest 60 seconds between each set B. Three sets of: 30 Bent over bilateral rows (palms forward) 30 Reverse curls 25 on each side, Walking planks 20 Reverse flies 15 on each side, One-arm row 30 Straight curls 20 Sumo squats 15 Jumping squats 15 on each side, Standing alternating front raises 20 Standing side raises B. Three sets of: 20 Standing on one leg Arnold presses 20 on each side, Weighted bench step ups 15 on each side, Windmills C. Three sets of: 12-15 Pronated front raises (Y formation) 10 on each side, Reverse lunges 20 on each side, Bulgarian split squats (start with weighted and drop to body weight as needed) FRIDAY A. One Mile Run B. Complete One Round As Fast As Possible 100 Push ups 25 Spidermans 50 Mountain climbers 50 Alternating dumbbell snatches 25 Dumbbell swings 25 Decline push ups 50 Weighted dips 100 Weighted Russian twists 50 Walking planks C. One Mile Run 14 DB CREW WEEK 11 MON DA Y A. Three sets of: 30 Dumbbell row to fly 30 Squat to lunge 10 on each side, Side lunge to press B. Three sets of: 12 on each side, Single arm OH tricep extensions 15 on each side, Front squat back lunge 15 Seated ab presses C. Three sets of: 15 on each side, Squat burpees with front raise 10 on each side, Dumbbell single arm snatches 12 Man makers TUES DA Y A. Three sets of: 20 on each side, Single leg deadlift rows 15 on each side, Reverse lunge curl to press Leg raise wipers- 60 seconds B. Three sets of: 15 Dumbbell pull-overs (sit up to squat hold) 20 Push ups with front raise 15 Dumbbell clean and press with overhead squat C. One round of: Downward dog knee tuck push ups- 60 seconds Rest for 20 seconds. Leg levers figure 8s- 60 seconds Rest for 20 seconds. Knee knee hop- 60 seconds WED N ES DA Y A. Three sets of: 20 Reverse flies 20 on each side, One-arm rows 10 on each side, Standing alternating hammer curls B. Three sets of: 15 Seated bicep curls into shoulder press 10 Bent over bilateral rows 15 Walking planks T HURSDAY A. Three sets of: 20 Seated Arnold presses 20 on each side, Curtsey lunges 12 on each side, Pistol squats B. Four sets of: 20 Hip thrusters 20 on each side, Bulgarian split squats 20 Sumo squats C. Three sets of: 15 on each side, Single arm deficit deadlifts 8 on each side, Turkish get-ups 1 Forearm plank- 90 seconds Rest for 120 seconds between each set FRIDAY A. Six sets of: Half mile repeats B. EMOM 15 Minutes 15 Decline push ups 15 Weighted jumping lunges 15 Burpees C. Three sets of: Drop set bicep curls 15 DB CREW WEEK 12 MON DA Y A. Five sets of: 30 Dumbbell row to flies 30 Bench presses 10 on each side, Side lunge to press B. Three sets of: 12 on each side, Single arm OH tricep extension 15 on each side, Front squat back lunge 40 Russian twists C. Three sets of: 15 Squat burpees with front raise 10 on each side, Dumbbell single arm snatches 12 Man makers TUES DA Y T HURSDAY A. Three sets of: A. Three sets of: B. Three sets of: B. Four sets of: 20 on each side, Single leg deficit deadlifts 15 on each side, Deficit reverse lunges Leg raise wipers- 60 seconds 20 Dumbbell pull-overs 20 Push ups with front raise 15 Dumbbell clean and press with overhead squat C. Four sets of: Downward dog knee tuck push ups- 60 seconds Rest 20 seconds. Leg levers figure 8s- 60 seconds Rest 20 seconds Knee knee hop- 60 seconds WED N ES DA Y A. Three sets of: 20 Reverse flies 20 on each side, One-arm row 10 on each side, Standing alternating hammer curls B. Three sets of: 15 Seated bicep curls into shoulder press 10 Bent over bilateral rows 15 Walking planks 20 Seated Arnold presses 20 on each side, Curtsey lunges 12 on each side, Pistol squats 20 Hip thrusters 20 on each side, Bulgarian split squats 20 Sumo squats C. Three sets of: 15 on each side, Single arm deficit deadlifts 8 on each side, Turkish get-ups 1 Forearm plank- 90 seconds Rest for 120 seconds between each set FRIDAY A. Six sets of: Half mile repeats B. EMOM 15 Minutes 15 Decline push ups 15 Weighted jumping lunges 15 Burpees C. Three sets of: Drop set bicep curls 16 E AT I N G | NUT RIT IO N | D IE T "Let me tell you: no one- I mean no one- has a perfect diet all the time, and if they are telling you they do, kick them in the ass because they’re lying." - Ashley Horner 17 E ating, nutrition, and diet have become very complicated because we’ve made it complicated. Humans (yes that is us!) have come a long way and have created an artificial “dessert.” Man-made sugars, chemically engineered sweeteners, and food that’s not really food should all be in the section of the store labeled “fake.” On top of these artificial foods we’ve created, we have completely lost touch with what real portions look like, from plate sizes to serving sizes. We have literally super-sized everything. In the beginning of time when foods were first grown, depending on where you lived, the bounty of the earth was what you ate. Fruit at one point was considered the dessert of the earth. I like to call these whole, natural foods “Jesus foods.” When we talk about anything from the earth, we’re talking about nothing processed, everything whole, with lots of variety. Fruits (not fruity pebbles or fruit snacks) are supposed to be our dessert, not the triple chocolate fudge cake that has a serving size on the box of 12 but we’ve divided it equally between 4 people after indulging in a big, three course dinner right before bed. Not to mention, we get so hung up on different diets and fads like the keto diet. We have it all backwards. We want to see results tomorrow and when we don’t we stop, think it’s a piece of shit, or we’ve set so many expectations for ourselves that we simply can’t hold up when we have 3 kids and a job to consider. Depending on the person, it might be easy for the first few days or weeks, but before you know it you’re getting smashed at your aunt Sally’s 50th birthday party and you overindulged in the cute little breaded chicken sliders, shotgunned some mimosas, and stuck your finger in the cake a few times when you walked by. Before you know it, you’ve completely sabotaged yourself. Not only do you feel extremely guilty for breaking your diet, but it’s going to take a good 3-4 days to get back into it! This isn’t with just the keto diet. It’s evident that with any diet that intensely restricts you, your body gets all out of whack when you end the diet, taking a toll on your digestion, your energy, and your mental or emotional health. So just STO P - al l of it . Stop trying to find quick fixes that ultimately leave you in a worse place if you mess up than when you started. Let me tell you: no one- I mean no one- has a perfect diet all the time, and if they 18 DB CREW are telling you they do, kick them in the ass because they’re lying. What I have found is that a mediocre diet 100% of the time is better than a perfect diet 60% of the time. The artificial foods that humans have made are out there. There’s no escaping from aunt Sally’s birthday parties! Every year aunt Sally will throw the same birthday party with the same fried chicken patties and again, before the cake is even served, you’ll have gone back and scraped the side of the cake, licking your fingers clean of the icing. However, if you have a great relationship with food, if you’re not restricted, and if you eat clean, whole food as often as you can, you’ll be able to bounce back much easier from celebrations like aunt Sally’s birthday. Our culture has made our meal timing to be ass backwards. This is how I like to explain to children, and I believe it’s the easiest way to understand it as adults. This is how 80% of us eat: Breakfast? Nah. Maybe some cereal or just coffee. Our smallest meals are in the mornings and our biggest meals are at night. They’re usually carb and sugar loaded, which makes zero sense, since we are about to head to bed for the night, sleeping (hopefully) close to 8 hours. We should completely flip this around and eat our biggest meals (maybe not in the morning as soon as our feet hit the ground) during the first part of our day, and slowly reduce our portion sizes. I know that when I don’t plan my meals, my day passes much slower, and I’ve only eaten enough to fill up a small child. Actively think, prepare, and plan out your days. You don’t have to carry around a massive nerd cooler (or maybe you do, because at the end of the day who really cares?) and focus on keeping your smaller meals at night with your bigger meals in the morning and mid-day. The honest truth is that most of us understand that an apple is always a better snack than a bag of chips, and grilled chicken will always be a better choice than deep fried chicken from the local drive through. Even I know the difference, and a lot of times I still yield to the lesser of the two. I have this philosophy that no food should ever be off limits. If you’re training hard, you need to fuel your body appropriately. Fuel it like the machine it is, with nutrient-dense foods. I’ll break nutrition down for you, so you can understand how easy it is and to not let all these fads complicate it. I want to help you have a better relationship with food. I also believe that everyone is coming from a different place and has different needs. Some personalities need strict boundaries on what to eat and what not to eat, and others, as soon as given restrictions, start craving and wanting to eat anything they see. In time, we can find what truly works for us. We just can’t give up on ourselves too soon. "A mediocre diet 100% of the time is better than a perfect diet 60% of the time." - Ashley 19 DB CREW What I have found is that we all know how to eat, it’s just the preparation that scares us; but thinking ahead and prepairing, though at times seemingly difficult, is the most important part of a successful meal and nutrition plan. MEAL 1: Option A. • Three whole eggs • 1/2 of a medium sweet potato diced and sautéed like breakfast potatoes. • 3 cups fresh spinach sautéed • 1/4 of an avocado Option B. • 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal mixed with unsweetened almond milk and agave and a hand pull up chopped almonds. • I would also add a scoop of isolate or vega protein to this, and a scoop of peanut butter. MEAL 2: Option A. • Medium apple 1/4 cup of dry roasted unsalted almonds Option B. • Greek yogurt plain no fat- add 1/2 cup fresh blueberries and 2 TBSP chopped nuts ME AL 3: I hate complicating things, and this is where you can get so locked in on only thinking you have a few choices. So, build your mid day meal like this: 20-25 grams of protein, and an equal amount of carbs 20-25 grams. Option A. • 4 oz of chicken breast - baked or Sautéed never fried. • Carb options would be quinoa or a medium sweet potato • You can have unlimited carbs as long as they are non-starchy 20 DB CREW MEAL 4: Another serving of protein and carbs. Depending on the time of your training, you might want to flex this or maybe switch it with meal. The idea is to eat at least 30 minutes before your training, not because you’ll be using that food for energy, but because you don’t want to barf. This is one of my absolute favorites to share: Peanut butter and honey melted down and tossed with about a cup of oatmeal. You’d need to premake these the night before and you can even add a scoop of protein powder into these. MEAL 5 This is usually the most difficult meal for us to comprehend and stick to for ne of countless reasons. Maybe something like: ME AL 6 (Optio nal ): For the night time sweet-tooth cravings, try chocolate casein (I like Kaged muscle). Casein is a slow digesting protein, and is great to eat at night because your body is about to go into hibernation for the next (hopefully) 8 hours. • We’ve neglected to prepare and fuel all throughout the day. So now... we are hungry! • At last, we’re home, or maybe we are running our kids around to sports and don’t want to cook. These can be a few of the many reasons our night time meals always bomb. So, follow this one simple piece of advice: Think lean protein and vegetables only! A few of my favorites are vegetable stir fry or spaghetti squash with red sauce. Add a lean protein if you want, and lots of veggies. 21