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High School Play Script: Students' Troubles

Students ' troubles
Victor Marinov
Annie - 9th grade student who is a drug addict and has divorced parents.
Maria - 9th grade student - Annie's best friend who has feelings for Mitko.
Katerina - 10th grade student, daughter of the head teacher.
Mitko - 9th grade student, Ani's boyfriend.
Pavel - he does not study, but his parents are rich and he has everything.
The action takes place in a park near the high school where the children study.
DECOR - In the middle of the stage there is a bench and some trees - this is the park
next to the high school . The park is neglected - there is garbage on the ground. The
bench is old and about to break.
Classroom - two tables and a board on wheels ( only for 2 scenes).
1 scene (in the park)
Annie: Stupid, stupid!!! Will someone explain to me how I keep having no
Pavel enters, strutting and walking so that everyone notices his new sneakers.
Pavel: Oh, honey , how are we? I guess we're in bankruptcy again, huh?
Annie: What? Did you win the parental lottery again?
Pavel: Imagine, yes! (smiles and hands her a cigarette). Such an ashtray! (looks
at her with contempt, but still lights a cigarette)
Maria enters, who is visibly tired and bored .
Maria: Hey! How are you ?
Pavel: Uh ... ok . You ? ( asks her, looking her over from head to toe )
Maria: I'm tired of all that school !!!! (takes Annie's cigarette and tries to take
a drag, but coughs)
Pavel: Well, who makes you go? Do it like me - only on special occasions and
by chance , if the teacher has a birthday, of course. But don't overdo it, though.
Maria: That's what I do too, but I'm already about to be excluded.
Pavel: And you (laughs). That I, as I have already repeated three times, am not
Ani: You repeat because there is someone to sponsor your repetition! (Because
there is someone to give you money)
Pavel: Well, so what? I may not be very smart, but I'm financially secure (he
sticks out proudly). Someday no one will ask me, "How much am I doing in math?"
Someday I'll open a business and run a scam. I don't need a diploma for that!
Ani: When I look at you, you don't have a business yet (laughs). Why?
Pavel : Because……. because (scratches but doesn't say anything)
Maria: Eh ... Pavel , that's why you need a mind! And you, apart from not
having any, you're also lazy! To be precise, I can also quote our teacher: "You're too
lazy to look."
Everyone laughs.
Pavel: Oh, don't do it now either! If I have to be precise, I can also quote the
teacher: "Aman of wooden philosophers!" (and leaves disgusted)
End! (curtain)
2 scene (Classroom . On the first two rows Katerina and Maria sit, and the
other two are empty)
The teacher enters against the background of the school bell, carrying a pointer
in her hand
The teacher : So .... Mary , how are you? (asks her, standing next to her and
looking at her quizzically)
Maria: Well, madam, I'm very well!
Teacher : For now ( smiles mischievously ). Okay. Save the topic of the new
lesson: "Wave Functions of Identical Particles"
Mitko: Sorry madam, I didn't manage to write down what the idiot particles
were excited about?
Teacher: They don't get excited about anything Dimitre, but you can get excited
even now that you can bring an earthquake home. Do you have homework? (Dimitar
curls up on the floor)
The teacher : Yes! Kate, mom (tries to fix herself) Katerina, come on, read your
homework now. I don't need to drive anyone else because I know how you copy your
homework during recess.. I know your tricks. (smiles from ear to ear)
Ani and Mitko enter, both smiling from ear to ear. There is lipstick on Mitko's
cheeks .
The teacher: Wow , who showed up? Welcome! From where? Sit down! You
showed up very quickly, otherwise I would have made you a coffee ! (sitting down,
they try to hide the cups of coffee they are carrying) Ah, you are carrying your coffee
! I'm calmer now! Now put the cups in the bin and on the chairs!!!
The teacher goes to Mitko.
Teacher: Dimitre, come on now stand up and tell the lesson. Let us see you
now! Don't laugh, I can change your mood very quickly...
(threatens Maria with index finger)
Mitko: Uh...well ...(he is silent for a long time, but doesn't say anything )
The teacher: Yes! And why are you so silent now? Let's get a little more
excited! Something broke your cheerful mood, I guess! The way I sense things, there
will be an earthquake in your country, get ready! Give me the notebook! ( Annie is
about to cry) .
The teacher: Annie, what are you sniffing at me there? Got a cold on the park
bench, huh? You only know how to push yourself on the benches. Dimitre, I won't
wait for you anymore. Sit down, couple! Maria, you don't have homework, do you?
Maria: Madam, I have! Shall I show it to you?
The teacher : NO! There is no need! I have seen your homework! Sit down,
both of you!!!
At that moment, Pavel enters, visibly sleepy and energetic. Rapier. Everyone
looks at each other in amazement, because Pavel's appearance at school is
something quite rare.
Pavel: Oh, madam! How are you doing?
The teacher: Ah, Mr. Ivanov! You're welcome! I am doing well, but you're not
going to get anywhere! I just don't know what to do with you! I can see you staying
illiterate and unemployed! Hands up! Pavel, if you please, get out of my sight! And
faster if possible! Maybe through the window, because it's closer to you! (the teacher
is furious and can barely keep from screaming)
Pavel: But we are on the third floor, ma'am. If something happens to me, huh?!
The teacher: What should have happened to you has happened. March! I don't
want to see you!
A teacher comes out in a rage, threatening Pavel with a pointer in the
background of music.
End! (curtain)
Everyone is in the park with beers in hand. Only Katerina sits on the corner of
the bench and is thoughtful. Apparently everyone else is happy.
A scene between Victor (the director) and the actors.
Mitko: That was the coolest class! We've never seen her so furious. (laughs and
sips beer)
Pavel: Yes, brother! I decided to come to Daskalo today , because I just had a
feeling that something cool was going to happen.
Ani: As for you...since when do you have a feeling or a premonition?
Pavel: Well, let me tell you, I don't know, but the daskalka will increase the
daily dose of validol . (laughs mischievously and looks at Katerina with a hint)
Katerina: And you got what you deserved. It's not enough that you don't study,
but you are impudent and impudent. You are not ashamed! ( Gets indignantly from
the bench )
Annie: Look , "mom's princess", don't talkl too much so you don't have to drink
validol too . Teachers are nasty! And the worst are their children - the "Godanointed". If only your mother was the only teacher who hates the students and writes
couplets, but she is not. The teachers are not interested in our problems, only in the
lessons. Look at us - losers , with divorced parents, nobody likes us. Some have a lot
of money, but at the expense of this their souls are poor in joy. To you and your
mother, we are some geeks, and you? You - the head teacher's daughter, the smartest,
you have parents who love you, and when you come home, your mother welcomes
you with a delicious dinner - in a word, you are happy "Kate, Mom!!!" No one is
teasing me , I manage my homework and the rest of the nonsense from school and ....
My parents trade me as an object on "dating" days. They "raise" me, not because they
love me, but because they feel obligated to. And your mother only knows how to
scream: "Why was none of my parents at the parent-teacher conference." Which
parent listens to their child being stupid and not wanting to study!? Nobody loves
me... I'm leaving!
(gets up from the bench in tears, but everyone stops her)
Mitko: Don't talk like that, Annie. I, I love you. You know that very well. We
all love you here and are your family.
Pavel: That's right! My parents don't give me love, but money. My mom and
dad compete to give me more money, not love. I am lonely. I don't come to school
because I don't want to see how other children are sent away by their parents with
love and a kiss, not like me – with a full wallet. If there is anything, always count on
Maria: Me too! Count on us all! We are your friends and we love you!
Katerina: Annie, I'm sorry for my mother's behavior, she's just like that - she
wants the best for her child. You taught me a lesson today that she will never be able
to teach me. The lesson is that friendship is the most important thing in the world,
even more important than lessons in textbooks!
Annie turns to them with tears in her eyes.
Annie: Thank you!!! I love you, I love you very much. You are my family!
Thank you!
Everyone hugs.
Scene 4 ( IN THE PARK )
Anna and Maria are sitting on the bench talking to each other.
Maria: Well, Ani, why were you so late for class with Mitko the other day?
(laughs and looks at her as if hinting at something)
Annie: Well...we're just late. It happens, teenage crushes, you know how it is.
The least we care about is school.
Maria: Are you going to have problems?
Annie : Not for now. I love it so much!
Maria: Sure ... well, that's right. , why does everyone have friends/boyfriends/
and I don't?
At that moment, Pavel enters, all sweaty
Pavel: POOR!!! There's a fire at the high school. (when they hear this Maria
and Ani get up)
Annie: What are you talking about God! This is terrible!
Pavel: Yes, well! Uraaa , everything will burn! We won't go to school – comes
out shouting.
Annie: You're going to say that you used to come to school! I'm leaving!
Maria : How can they be so calm. Let's go help! Hey, wait for me! My chemistry
project is there. Wait!!!!
Scene 5 ( IN THE PARK )
Everyone sat on the bench. Maria is covered in ashes and soot. Ani and Mitko
are standing in each other's arms. Pavel is lying on the ground on his back.
Maria: That was terrible. Good thing the firemen were able to save the school,
but (almost crying) the chemistry project, nah !!(crying)
Pavel: I'll help you make another one, take it easy! (everyone looks at him
puzzled) What are you looking at me for? I was also worried about this fire. I
suddenly thought that if the school burns down there will be no place for us to
meet...Tonight I will talk to my father, his construction company can help with the
repairs. Take it easy! We will have school again.
Annie: Relax! The important thing is that we are alive and healthy!
Mitko: As soon as we're together, it's terrible ! (presses Annie to him )
Maria gets up, ready to say something. Katerina enters, crying. Everyone gets
up, even Pavel.
All: Kate?
Katerina tries to say something, but she can't. She is all covered in tears.
Pavel: Quickly tell me what happened!
Katerina (sobbing) : My mother was seriously injured in the fire and, and...
when I went to see her in the hospital, she admitted something to me. She hid it from
me for years, and when they took her away in the ambulance, she knew it was time to
tell me.
All: What!?
Katerina: I'm adopted! (leaves, Pavel wants to catch up with her, but fails)
Maria: People! I also want to confess something to you. Something I hid for a
long time. I will not regret my words. I am strong !
Annie: Mary, don't worry, say!
Maria: Actually, what I want to say has to do with you. Are you ready to hear
Pavel: Not only her, but everyone! Tell me!
Maria: I like Mitko and he likes me too!
Annie faints.
A curtain
Scene 6 (again in the park) Finale!
A song is playing
The park is not what it used to be. There are no pitchers or on the ground . The
bench is new and varnished.
Katerina enters and walks with her shoulders held high.
Katerina: Are you happy? I am glad! I'm happy as well ! Yes, I'm happy . My
friends have taught me many things this year. They taught me to be happy, and a few
days ago my mother taught me something very important. I'm sure she's not your
favorite teacher, but she is. You want me to tell you what it taught me, don't you? It
taught me that a parent is not the one who created you, but the one who raised and
educated you! My advice is to love your teachers because they can be more than just
teachers, thank them for everything. Sometimes we get mad at them for grades, but
that's normal. Accept them as your parents, as your adoptive parents and respect them
as you respect your own! (sits on the bench)
The teacher: That's right! Being a teacher isn't easy, but I'm not complaining.
And do you know why? Because among you, the students, I feel the best! You get on
my nerves, yes, but you also fill me with such positive emotions every day. It's not
easy being a parent either. And the hardest part is being a parent and a teacher at the
same time. Sometimes, both parents and teachers, we get confused, lose the right
tone, do things that remain misunderstood and not accepted by our children and our
students, but all this is because we are driven by our love for you and our desire to
help you and prepare you as much as possible for the life that awaits you outside the
school yard. None of us is the perfect teacher or parent, but we all try to do our best
so that one day when you meet us on the street, you can turn and say - teacher , good
day ! (sits on the bench)
Pavel enters again, thrusting
Paul: Hey , how many people there are! How are you friends ? I'm fine and like
Katerina I'm happy, but to be honest I wasn't before. My daily life was gray, I didn't
go to school, let alone study. I thought I was the master of the world because I had
rich parents and they could provide me with everything. Yes but no ! I didn't have a
family until I understood, it's not money that makes a family, but understanding and
love. I now know that I can count on my friends and they are my family at school. I
love them a lot. It's true, we sometimes fight about cigarettes...but what can we do?
Hey, don't you dare smoke, lest you become like me. As for my parents, they are now
real parents. I love them more than anything! Let them call me. Renovation begins!!!
(sits on the bench)
Enter Mitko
Mitko : Have you ever fallen in love? Yes, the question is addressed to you
again. I will . They say that love will save the world. In my case, she destroyed it.
Falling in love is the best thing in the world, but it's not like butterflies in your
stomach, it's more like a hive of angry bees. After falling in love comes the worst.
You know what it is, right?
Maria: Yes, that's right - the confession! Admitting your love is the hardest
thing, and maybe sometimes it's better for both of you that it's unrequited . I'll leave it
up to you to learn from what I did. I advise you not to be afraid of love, but to be
brave and, above all, to feel it! (sits next to Mitko on the bench)
Enter Annie
Ani: Apparently everyone has a lot of questions today. I have too, but I won't set
them. You also have questions. Yes, lots of questions...the answers are few and far
between. Believe me the life of a teenager is a complicated thing. Many of you think
it's easy. But it is not ! Look around, you are teenagers /points to a part of the
audience/, remember how you were also teenagers/ points to another part of the
audience /, the teachers and they were pre-teens. Whether it was yesterday or a little
while ago, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that, as before and now, teenagers
have many problems and sometimes we cannot solve them on our own. We are afraid
to ask for help lest we appear weak. We don't trust adults because we don't think they
understand us. We try to fix our world on our own. Am I right ? But this is not always
the best way. Don't be afraid to share and ask for support! The advice I will give to
you is the following – be honest and fight for your dreams, be fearless in front of
love, love or simply LIVE!