The City College of the CUNY Department of Electrical Engineering EE 205 Linear System Analysis Text: “Fundamentals Electric Circuits” by Alexander & Sadiku McGraw Hill 6th Edition HW : Change the value of all resistance in the problem by m% . m is the last digit of your ID . Submit to Black Board according to its availability. Pages Chapter Homework Assignments First Order Circuit 7 Second Order Circuit 8 Hw. #1 -6,15,22 Hw. #2 –26, 30,36,42,53,56 Hw#3-66,67,70 Hw#4-3,4,16,20,38,48 Laplace Transform 15 Hw#5-1,3,5,10,14,15,18 Hw#6-25,27,32,35,43 Laplace Transform Application 16 Hw#7-11,19,40,57,75,78 Fourier Series 17 Hw#8-21,41,39,65 Fourier Transform 18 Hw#9-1,7,10,12,28 Hw#10-28,42,44,46 There will be 2 Midterms and a final exam. Absence from Midterm shall always be counted as “zero”. Absence from the final exam results automatically in the F grade if the course average is below 61%. Otherwise, a make-up exam is possible if there is a documented justification for the absence. Final score: 40% Midterms, 10% homework. 5% Class participation 45% - final exam Dr. Nizamuddin : Office ST524 Office hour Tuesday and Thursday 3:30PM- 4:30PM and (zoom upon request any other time)