The Art of Using WHERE clause in SQL for Data Filtering - Ayan Khan 1 Basic Filtering - WHERE clause is often used to filter rows based on specific conditions. - select * from employees where department = 'Sales'; /AYAN KHAN 2 Comparison Operators - WHERE clause utilize various comparison operators to perform conditional filtering. - select * from products where price > 100; - select * from customers where age <= 30; /AYAN KHAN 3 Multiple Conditions - WHERE clause combine multiple conditions using logical operators like AND and OR. select * from students where grade = 'A' and age > 18; select * from inventory where quantity < 10 or status = 'Out of Stock'; /AYAN KHAN 4 Pattern Matching - WHERE clause use pattern matching operators like LIKE and wildcard characters '%' to match specific patterns in text columns. - select * from products where product_name like 'Apple%'; - select * from customers where last_name like 'mith%'; /AYAN KHAN 5 Subqueries - WHERE clause incorporate subqueries to perform more complex filtering based on results from other queries. - select * from employees where department_id in (select department_id from departments where location = 'New York'); /AYAN KHAN What topics would you like me to cover in my next post? Follow for more! /AYAN KHAN