STAGE 1 – DESIRED RESULTS Students will know basic definitions for multiplication. Students should develop a conceptual knowledge of multiplication so they may understand "why" ad "how" the times table works. Students will be able to multiply whole numbers. Students will be able to multiply two digit numbers. Encourage students to be interested in learning maths. UNDERSTANDING: Students will be able to solve different multiplication problems after the midterm and final exam. Students will comprehend that knowing multiplication gives them the ability to solve a variety of problems. Students will understand how crucial mathematics is to their future success. ESSENTIAL QUESTION(S): How students will be able to multiply with different integers, whole numbers, and two digits? STUDENT OBJECTIVES ( OUTCOMES) Students will be able to multiplying whole numbers, numbers with two digits, and numbers on their own. By composing a word problem and illustrating the method used to solve it, the students will be able to show that they have a proficient comprehension of the multiplication procedures they have learnt. STAGE 2 – ASSESMENT EVIDENCE PERFORMANCE TASK(S): The students will create a word problem and present the class with a solution they learned when writing a word problem. Assignments and mock exams will be given to students by teachers. OTHER EVIDENCE: To demonstrate their comprehension of each acquired approach, the students will evaluate their work using happy and sad face movements. Through their assignments, practice tests, and observation, you may determine whether they comprehend multiplication. STAGE 3 – LEARNING PLAN Each group will be divided into 4 groups Each member must provide materials for creating multiplication table Art materials Colors Pens