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Bipolar Disorder and Famous People: Leadership, Creativity, Entrepreneurship

 Bipin Shrestha
Famous people with Bipolar Disorder
Some of the most famous people in history had bipolar disorder. They experienced
impulsivity, creative thinking, strong emotions, long periods of high energy, and deep
depression. People, who struggled, failed, tried again, and found success.
1. Bipolar Disorder and Leadership
There is an evidence of an association between bipolar disorder and leadership traits.
People with bipolar disorder are more likely to possess superior leadership skills.
According to research, leadership potential was only available in men. They held
executive or political profession at least once. Most famous leaders like Alexander the
Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Winston Churchill,
Theodore Roosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi, etc. had had bipolar disorder.
2. Bipolar Disorder and Creativity
A number of well-known creative potentials such as Vincent Van Gogh, Virginia Wolf,
Marilyn Monroe, John Lennon, Robin Williams, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Kanye
West, Kurt Cobain, Mozart, Beethoven, Britney Spears, Ernest Hemingway, Friedrich
Nietzsche, Plato, Mark Twain, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Kay Redfield Jamison, Jim
Carrey, Robert Downy Jr., Chris Brown, etc. were diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
3. Bipolar Disorder and Entrepreneurship
Bipolar people may face problems with employment. Their condition may lead to underperformance and absenteeism lowering employment status. On the other hand, they have
an extra-ordinary ability to withstand crises and face adversities. They can inspire others
to follow them for professional accomplishments. Looking at the benefits they can
provide in entrepreneurships, they are worth working with. So, it is very important for
employers to understand them and their illness before taking bad decisions. Famous
entrepreneurs with bipolar disorder are Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Ted Turner, etc.
Conclusion: Study finds a link between mood and the experience of creativity in those
with bipolar disorder. But, correlation does not necessarily mean causation, and the
assumption that A causes B simply because A correlates with B is often not accepted as a
legitimate form of argument.
 Motivational Quote by famous Hollywood celebrity with bipolar disorder:
Images for famous people with bipolar disorder: