basic education Department: Basic Education REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE [ ~/4,, ii GRADE 12 ] ....... ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~. ii ii ii ii ii ii - - - - - - - II II II II ll LIFE SCIENCES P2 II II II II NOVEMBER 2022 II ~~~~~~~········· ---------~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------~~~~- -----~~ MARKS: 150 TIME: 2½ hours - ii !!!! ii !!!! ---- This question paper consists of 15 pages. Copyright reserved !! Please turn over lif e Sclences/P2 2 DBE!Nov9mt'Jr 1,,,i/ ,/ NSC INSTRUcr , N ONS AND INFORMATIO . ctio Read the fo llo wi ng instru ns carefully before answering th e qu es tions 1 · tions. An sw er AL L th e qu es · OK. s in the ANSWER BO er th sw an e L AL e rit W 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . W page. tion at the top of a NE es qu CH EA to s er S ar t th e an sw m used in this to the numbe rin g syste ing rd co ac y ctl rre co Nu m ~e r the answers qu es tion pa pe r. estion. instructions of each qu the to ing rd co ac s er Pr es en t yo ur answ in blue or black ink . pencil and label them in s ing aw dr L AL Do asked to do so . or flow charts only when les tab s, am gr dia Dr aw wn to scale . are NO T necessarily dra r pe pa n tio es qu s thi Th e diagrams in t per. Do NO T use graph pa mpass, , protractor and a co tor la lcu ca le ab m m ra n-prog Yo u m us t use a no wh er e necessary. y. W rite neatly and legibl j V I Please turn ove r 3 NSC Life Sciences/P2 DBE/November 202? SECTION A QUESTION 1 1.1 Various options are provided as possible answ ers to the follo wing questions . Choose the answer and write only the letter (A-D ) next to the question numbers (1.1.1 to 1.1.9) in the ANS WER BOO K, e.g. 1.1.10 D. 1.1.1 The scientist who discovered the fossil 'Kara bo' (A sediba): A Robert Brown B Lee Berger C Raymond Dart D Ronald Clarke 1.1 .2 Which ONE of the following is a source of varia tion that occurs during normal meiosis? A B C D 1.1.3 1.1.4 How many sex chromosomes does a normal huma n fema le inherit from her mother? A 1 B 2 C D 23 46 During which phase of meiosis does the nuclear membrane disappear? A B C D 1.1.5 Metaphase Telophase Prophase A naph ase - Which ONE of the fol lowing is an example of disco ntinu ous variation in humans? A B C D Copyright reserv ed Random mating Random arrangement of chromosomes Chromosomal mutations Cloning Heig ht Heart rate Gend er Weight Please turn over li1e Sciences/P2 4 DBE /November 202 NSC 1 .1 .6 2 For a particular characteristic, the offs prin g inh erit s .. . A one allele from the mo the r and one allele from the fath er. B both alleles from the fath er . C both alleles from the mother. D the alleles from either the mo the r or the fath er ran dom ly. 1.1 .7 Which ONE of the following is CORRECT for speciation thro ugh geographic isolation? A The populations undergo phe notypic changes only. B Each population undergoes natural selection independently . C The conditions on each side of the geographic barrier are the same. D The new species formed are genotypically the same as the orig inal species . 1.1.8 Below is a list of events that occ ur during (i) (ii) (iii) cell division . Homologous chromosomes line up at the equator of the cell. Chromatids are pulled to opposit e poles of the cell. Chromosome pairs arrange the mselves randomly at the equator of the cell. Individual chromosomes line up at the equator of the cell. (iv) Which ONE of the following com binations occur in both meiosis and mitosis? A B C D 1 .1.9 (ii), (iii) and (iv) only (i) and (iv) only (i), (iii) and (iv) only (ii) and (iv) only A short piece of DNA, containing 19 nucleotides in each strand , was analysed. The number of some of the different nitrogenous bases in each strand is shown belo w. A Strand 1 Strand 2 8 - Number of nitrogenous bases T G - 3 8 C 4 How many nucleotides contain ing thymine (T) were present in strand 1? A B C D Cop yrig ht rese rved 8 4 6 2 (9 X 2) Please turn over (1 8) Life Sciences/P2 1.2 5 NSC DBE/November 2022 G' the correct biological term for each of the follo wing des criptions. only the term nex t to the question num bers (1 .2.1 to 1.2.9) in the ANSWER BOOK. ~~i~e 1.2.1 The process of change in the characte ristics of biological spe cies over time 1.2.2 The type of bonds between nitrogenous base s in a DNA mole cule 1.2.3 The structure that joins two chromatids of a chromosome 1.2.4 The division of the cytoplasm of a cell durin g cell division 1.2.5 The process during meiosis where there is an exchange of genetic material between chromatids 1.2.6 The structures in animal cells that give rise to spindle fibres during cell division 1.2.7 Similar structures that are inherited from a common ancestor and are modified for different functions 1.2.8 The phase in the cell cycle during which DNA replication takes place 1.2.9 1.3 The organelle where translation occurs durin g protein synthesis (9 X 1) Indicate whether each of the descriptions in COLUMN I applies to A ONLY, B ONLY, BOTH A AND B or NONE of the items in COLUMN 11. Write A only, B only , both A and B or none next to the question numbers (1 .3.1 to 1.3.3) in the ANSWER BOOK. 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 Copyright reserved COLUMN I COLUMN II Type of evolution characterised A: Artif icial selection by long periods of little or no B: Punctuated equilibrium change alternating with short periods of rapid change A plant with white flowers that is A: Incomplete dominance crossed with a plant with red B: Complete dominance flowers and produces offspring with pink flowers The separation of alleles during A: Law of Dom inance gamete formation B: Principle of Segregation (3 (9) -- i ii X 2) Please turn over (6) .. 'e Sc ence s D~ 1lli l /Novornber 1()11 G NSC Mo, amoya 1s a \ allele (R ). Th is d1so1de1 rB used di so rd er by 8 cloininan oama9e$ \he Rr te, ,es supplying bl oo d \o \l\ c: br ai n 1•~c t"C"u gr('>P dm~1 al ,1rn below s\~ow s \\~ c 1nhcn\ance Moyamoya in a family . - -A - - -- - - - B -i G H J KEY \□ U n affected m al e Affected male • L, 2 • Unaffected fem ale Affected femal e H ow m an y ge ne ra tio ns are repr esented in the di agram? G ive the . (a ) l b) (c) Co py rig ht reserv ed 0 LE TT E R (S ) of un affe cted m al es G en ot yp e of indi vidual A (1 ) (1 ) LE TT E R (S ) of indi viduals not bi ologically re late d to A and B Pl e>nse turn ove1 (1) ,2 ) l5) 7 LIie Scie nces/P2 1.5 DBE/November 2022 NSC Th e diagram bel ow rep res ent s par t of an ab no rm al hu ma n kar yot ype . 21 22 23 AAA AA ~ A '\ .5.'\ How ma ny autosomes are sho wn in the dia gra m? ( 1) '\ .5.2 Name the type of chr om oso me s rep res ent ed by pai r 23 . (1) 1.5 .3 1 .5.4 1.6 Name the : (a) Disorder represented in the diagram (b) Process during anaphase of meiosis tha t resulted in the abnormal number of chrom osomes in this karyotype (1) State the gender of the per son represented in this kar yotype . In rabbits , brown fur (B) is dominant to white fur (b) and long ears (E) is dom ina nt to short ears (e) . ( 1) ( 1) (5) A rab bit, that is heterozyg ous for both characteristics , is crossed with a white rab bit wit h short ears. 1.6 .1 Na me the type of cross rep resented . 1.6 .2 Giv e the : ( 1) (a) Phenotype of a rabbit that is dominant for both characteri stics (b) Genotype of the white rabbit with short ears ' ' (c) (2) (2) Ge not ype of the gametes of a heterozygous brown rabbit with sho rt ears (2) (7) TOT AL SECTION A: Copyright reserve d Please tum ove r 50 ------- --- !!!!!! _______,....----~-~ DBE/Nov8rnbF'>r ) ();'; 8 Life Sciences/P2 NSC SECTION B QUESTION 2 2.1 . is . . during protein synthes . The diagram below represents transcription Adenine DNA mRNA 2 .1.1 Name the part of the cell where this process occurs . 2.1.2 (1) Identify: (a) Sugar X (b) Nitrogenous base Y ( 1) ( 1) 2.1.3 Tabulate replication.TWO differences between transcription and DNA (5) (8) Copyright reserved Please turn over Life Sciences/P2 2.2 9 NSC DBE/Nove mber 2022 A mutation has occurred on a section of an mRNA molecule as shown below. Oriqinal sequence 1 Mutated sequenc e 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 AU G GAA AUA CCG CCA GGA AUG GAA AUA CUG CCA GGA Name the type of mutation that has occurred . (1 ) Give a reason for your answer to QUESTI ON 2.2.1. (1) The table below shows some mRNA codons and the amino acids that they code for. (a) (b) (c) mRNA codon Amino acid AUA AUG CCA CCG CUG GAA GGA lsoleucine Methionine Praline Praline Leucine Glutamic acid Glycine State the number of different amino acids coded for by the original sequence of the mRNA molecule given above. (1) Give the anticodon on the tRNA molecule that carries the amino acid isoleucine. (1) Use information in the table to describe the effect of the mutation on the protein formed . (4) (8) Please tum over Copyright reserved l 1ft' S C'll111l'l'SIP 2 1l) N~C 2.3 The nu111be1 of cl1ro111osomes i11 the soi 1111tlc ' culls f' ' 1jc•rrw tJlff,,w from u or~J,H " ' species lo species The graph below shows the 11u111ber of, chromosomes I , .~ n 8iJC 11 u•·c1rnc:1tic c;tJI I uf TH REE different species. The numb er of chrom osom es in the soma tic cells of three differ ent spec ies 81 60 ..--- - - - - -- - - - - - - -E ~ 0 50 -+---- -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - E 40 + - - -- - - - - o 30 - t - - - .c (J ....0 ... Q) .c 20 10 E 0 ~ z Giraffe Mouse Pineapple plant Species 2.3.1 How many chromosomes will be present in: (a) Mouse cells during Telophase II of meiosis ( 1) (b) A leaf cell of a pineapple plant (1) 2.3.2 Explain why the sperm cell of a giraffe has 15 chromosom es. (4) 2.3.3 Name the phase of meiosis where the halving of the chrom osome number begins. 2.3.4 Describe the events in the phase named in QUESTION 2.3.3. Copyright reserved Please turn over ( 1) (3) (10 ) Life Sc1ences/P2 DBE/November 2022 11 NSC 2.4 • . . . The table below shows ·111f ormatIon about blood groups in a certain population . BLOOD GROUP 0 A B AB PERCENTAGE OF THE POPULATION NUMBER OF PEOPLE 954 000 X 180 000 54 000 53 34 10 3 2.4 .1 How many people have the genotype ii? 2.4 .2 The population size is 1 800 000. (1) (3) Calculate the value of X. Show ALL working. 2.4.3 2.5 Describe how a child inherits the blood group represented by 3 per cent of this population . The diagram below represents the DNA profiles of three children and their parents. Only two of the children are their biological children and one is adopted . Mother 2.6 (3) (7) Father Heila Priya Leo 2.5.1 Identify the TWO biological children. (2) 2.5.2 Explain your answer to QUESTION 2.5.1. (2) 2.5.3 State THREE other uses of DNA profiling. (3) (7) Brown enamel of the teeth is a sex-linked trait. A dominant allele on the X chromosome causes brown teeth in humans. 2.6.1 Explain why more males than females have white teeth. 2.6.2 A man with brown teeth married a woman with white teeth . (4) Use a genetic cross to show the possible phenotypic ratios of their 8 children. Use X for brown teeth and Xb for white teeth. (6) (10) [50] Copyright reserved Please turn over