BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE City University of New York Department of Business Management Business Organization & Management Instruction Tu/Th 10:00AM - 11:15AM Sa 12:00PM - 2:45PM BUS 200-100W-37427 & BUS 200H-100W-37429 BUS 200-120W-44989 & BUS 200H-120W-44987 T/TH Sa 3 credits – 3 hours Synchronous online Office Hours T/TH 9:30AM - 10:00AM S 11:30AM – 12PM Fall 2023 Instructor: Nikolaos Adamou, Ph.D. Contact Information Course Description This course covers the total structure and character of modern business from initial organization through grouping of essential functions into operating departments. Management and the decision–making process, financing, operations, and marketing considerations are studied, with actual cases used to illustrate problems in small and big businesses. Prerequisites/Co–requisites Basic Skills Students must have passed ENG 095, ESL 095, ACR 095, and MAT 008 Students must have passed ENG 88, ESL 54/94, and ACR 94 or have a Proficiency Writing Index of 55+ and a Proficiency Math Index of 40+ Required Readings in Management Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership, 7th Edition Lee G. Bolman, Terrence E. Deal ISBN: 978-1-119-75683-5 September 2021 Jossey-Bass 656 Pages Suggested complementary readings The Wizard and the Warrior: Leading with Passion and Power Lee G. Bolman, Terrence E. Deal - Mar 8, 2011 - 256 pages Leading with Soul: An Uncommon Journey of Spirit, Lee G. Bolman, Terrence E. Deal - Jun 9, 2011 - 304 pages Sun Tzu and the Art of Business: Six Strategic Principles for Managers, Mark R. McNeilly - Oct 17, 1996 - 272 pages Specification The focus of this course is how organizations – for profit & not-for-profit, private & public – are organized, function, led, managed or administered. Four frames for this purpose are utilized: (a) the structural, (b) the human, (c) the political, dealing with power, conflict, coalition, compromised, setting an agenda and achieving results and (d) the role and the significance of symbolism and the culture of the organization. Finally, an integration of the four frames is through the leadership role. The characteristics of management, administration, execution & governance are examined. The work of the authors “The Wizard & the Warrior” BUSINESS ORGANIZATION & MANAGEMENT BUS 200 FALL 2023 which follows that on “Reframing …” that fortifies the role and importance of the political the symbolic realities in organizations particular during periods of crises and the management of change will be discussed. Successful and unsuccessful experiences are discussed and compared throughout the course. The physiology will be presented side by side to the pathology of organizations. Additional readings will be assigned in order to help you to articulate variable aspects of the main focus topic. Instruction: The instruction is synchronous on line. The shortness and intensity of the class in relationship to the nature of the material we cover in this class requires academic responsibility. That means that you sign to the class earlier, before the class starts, at the office hour, which is half an hour BEFORE class starts, from 12:30 to 1:00PM at the link: This is the link you use to start the class. You enter the class any time during this period. NO ONE is admitted after 1:00PM. During office hour you can ask any question that needs to be clarified or provide your insides. You should be ready to participate in class answering questions as well. After a very short break around 13:30 to 13:35 we resume our class in the link: In class you are requested to have your cameras ON and your microphones OFF. Statistical evidence support the finding that when the camera is OFF the person does not participate to the class with the required appropriate attention. Course Objectives: 1. To instill original, critical and creative thinking process 2. To empower students with oral, visual and written means of communication 3. To provide a broad understanding of the business management process and its distinction to administration. The governance and the executive roles in their relationship to administration and management will be discussed Clarify the differences between the non for profit and profit based organizations as well between the private and public organizations 4. To enable students to understand how organizations are coming to existence, function and evolve, and various ways and reasons that they may discontinued their existence 5. To bestow students with the required managerial, administrative & leadership skills 6. To impart with familiarity with leadership, strategic planning and tactical maneuvering in competitive as well as collaborative and cooperative environments 7. Focus on the physiology of organizations will be presented together with their pathology as it is seen in mismanagement, insufficient leadership as well as leadership towards a wrong direction 8. A clear understanding of the frame approach to comprehend organizations. Structural, Human Recourse, Political and Symbolic frames are the pillars of the book we discuss in this course. From the desk of Dr. Nikolaos Adamou 2 BUSINESS ORGANIZATION & MANAGEMENT BUS 200 FALL 2023 Student Learning Outcomes: • Comprehend the roles of management and administration and distinction to leadership • • • • • • • • • • Encompass original, critical and creative thoughts Utilize visual technology in business management & administration Understand of the creation and shaping of the work environment Discuss the structure, purpose past & future of business and non-business organizations Grasp and utilize the functions of planning, organizing, directing & controlling as well as the role of bureaucracy and the legal administrative framework and furthermore examine critically the meaning of MANAGING as it was presented in H. Mintzberg’s work. Indicate competence in written and oral communication Comprehend the interrelations between communication, leadership and motivation in organizations Understand the bottom line of providing results Prepare to deal with issues of organizational processes as conflict & teamwork, Seize the importance of continuation & succession in organizations Outline text material /testing / presenting Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to: What makes this course a Writing Intensive Course? This is a Writing Intensive course that fulfills the WI requirement for graduation. Writing intensive courses pay special attention to developing critical reading, writing, and analytic skills to prepare students for college-level coursework in general. Both informal and formal writing will be designed to maximize your understanding of the subject matter. Formal writing assignments, at least 10 to 12-pages total, account for a significant portion of your grade and will include opportunities for revision. WI Course Student Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course 1. Students will complete at least 10-12 pages of formal writing assignments that have gone through the revision process. 2. Students will generate pieces of informal writing in response to a variety of prompts, concepts, situations or reading assignments. Measurements (means of assessment for student learning outcomes listed in first column) Students prepare a draft of their paper and then submit their final work. Students submit outlines studying the chapters of the book and using new vocabulary. Improve Critical-Thinking Skills1 & Communication Skills This particular course is designed and taught in a way you improve your critical thinking skills and acquire expertise in using Word & Power-Point as well as writing. BMCC’s General Education learning outcomes as they are related to BUS200 General Education Goals Measurements (means of assessment for general education goals listed in first column) 1 U.S. EDUCATION – Exclusive Test Data: Many Colleges Fail to Improve Critical-Thinking Skills / June 6 / The Wall Street Journal /First Page Results of a standardized measure of reasoning ability show many students fail to improve over four years—even at some flagship schools, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of nonpublic results From the desk of Dr. Nikolaos Adamou 3 BUSINESS ORGANIZATION & MANAGEMENT BUS 200 FALL 2023 Creative Thinking & ProblemSolving Students develop their critical thinking by reading classical books in the managerial literature and attending this class that is tailored towards increasing their creative thinking and problem-solving process. Writing biweekly memorandums based on the read material and related to their real-life experience as well as to the current events in terms of organization and leadership. Quantitative * Skills students develop and exercise their quantitative skills by becoming familiar with Literacy reading; understanding and interpreting all quantitative aspects of business, as & there are available in all major business and financial publications. Reasoning They need to comprehend numerical information, understand and produce graphical information, as well as basic numerical skills. Information & * Research students will research and prepare their memorandums Technology * Evaluation students will evaluate collected data Literacy * Interpretation students will interpret the collected information providing their assessment demonstrating documentation based on rational methods. Use Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point) in order to prepare your work. Cultural Awareness & Ethical Reasoning Oral & Written * Listen students have to attend listening to the lecture and participate in a class Communication discussion understanding what is said. Skills * Read students have to read their textbook, as well as the Wall Street Journal, produce outlines of their readings, and be able to discuss them. * Write Students will write a final paper integrating all the work during the term * Speak students have to speak participating in all aspects of the class * All the above have to be in academically effective manner and in critical engagement. Decision Making Ø Communication is absolutely essential for your success in business demonstrating CREATIVITY & CRITICAL THINKING. Analytical & Synthetic Skills are prerequisites for Communication & Presentations. All aspects of communication are essential in this course. Passive communication is when you receive information and you are required to process it – you need to learn how to LISTEN, active is when you inform others. Various Forms of Communications for Business Success Passive Active Written Read Written Oral Listen Oral Reading is important. You need to read the assigned material like in any other course, and besides textual reading, you have to read numerical and graphic information (data). It is important to comprehend data, and the best way to do so, is to transform data into graphs, if graphs are not given to you. Listening is extremely important – particularly in business. You have to listen, not only to your instructor, but also to each member of the class who contributes to the class discussion. In business you have to listen to your customers, to your employees, to your manager etc. Oral communication is a part of the course where students have to be involved in discussions of the material presented in class. Presentations are essential in this class. Writing is essential in business, unfortunately, this is a Writing Intensive class. From the desk of Dr. Nikolaos Adamou 4 BUSINESS ORGANIZATION & MANAGEMENT BUS 200 FALL 2023 Requirements of Students & Evaluation Class Preparation Participation in the academic activity of each course is a significant component of the learning process and plays a major role in determining overall student academic achievement. Academic activities may include, but are not limited to, submitting assignments, engaging in online activities, taking exams, and/or participating in group work. Each instructor has the right to establish their own class participation policy, and it is each student’s responsibility to be familiar with and follow the participation policies for each course. Preparation for class means that you have studied the assigned material as it is indicated in the syllabus in advance. As you read the material, you should a) underline the important points in the book and make special notes, b) learn the unknown terminology included in the book, c) generate an outline the concepts and d) organize the example cases provided in the text and search further about them. You should submit your written notes. You should keep notes from the lectures and add them to your book notes. • Study methodically • These videos demonstrates how a student organizes the material for this class. Creating an outline of the material you study • The work of your STUDENT INSTRUCTOR from the previous term. This is an example of what I expect from you as well… 1. Presentation of Henry Mintzberg and Peter Drucker: 2. Reframing organizations: an insight of the two first chapters: 3. The structural frame: getting organize, structuring and restructuring 4. Organizing groups and teams and people and organization: 5. Improving human resource management and interpersonal and group dynamics: 6. Chapters 9 and 10 of reframing organizations: 7. Chapters 11 and 12 of reframing organizations: 8. Chapters 13 and 14: culture in action and organizations as theaters 9. Chapters 15 and 16: Improving leadership practice and reframing in action 10. Chapter 17 and 18: Leadership in theory and practice and Reframing leadership Another one… 1. Discipline of Management Video about Henry Drucker, the Father of Management, and Henry Mintzberg, an Expert on Strategy From the desk of Dr. Nikolaos Adamou 5 BUSINESS ORGANIZATION & MANAGEMENT BUS 200 FALL 2023 2. Part One Making Sense of Organizations – Introduction: The Power of Reframing 3. Part One Making Sense of Organizations-Simple Ideas, Complex Organization Video1 Video 2 4. Part Two Structural Frame Chapters 3: Getting Organized and Chapter 4: Structure and Restructuring Presentation 5. Part Two Structural Frame Chapter 5: Organizing Groups and Teams 6. Part Three Human Resource Frame Chapter 6: People and Organizations 7. Part Three Human Resource Frame 8. Part Four Political Frame 9. Part Five Symbolic Frame 10. Part Six Improving Leadership Practices Class Participation Participation in the academic activity of each course is a significant component of your learning process and plays a significant role in determining the overall student academic achievement. Academic activities may include, but are not limited to, engaging in in activities, taking exams. Text outlines, written notes & terminology As your read the book, you are required to create an outlie of the book. The book content is organized in two parts. There is the theoretical presentation and practical examples. You need to be able to separate and interrelate these two dimensions of the material you read. You need to read the material assigned in the syllabus IN ADVANCE from the class discussion, and have your outline. The book is using terminology that is not common to many using a lot of Latin, Greek and Old English terms. You need to learn this terminology and use it in your oral communication effectively. Furthermore, you should add your notes including your personal comments to the material you read. This work can be in a typed form in WORD or a handwritten form in pictures and submitted in advance from the class discussion according to the material planning of this syllabus. Video Presentations Four video presentations have to be produced and submitted as YouTube videos at the end of each part of the book where you have to discuss questions and answers that you instigate from your study of the particular part of the book in conjunction to the class lecture. The video should be about ten minutes long discussion WITHOUT having in front of you any notes. The video should be in YouTube and provide a link. As you prepare the video you are encouraged to review it before your submission and redo it to the level that you think it is professionally acceptable. As an example, you may see what is presented to you in the previous page. Your four video presentations will be for the: a) On Drucker & Mintzberg June 2 b) Structural & Human Recourse Frame, June 9 c) Political & Symbolic Frames, June 16 d) Leadership / Frame Integration / Transformation June 30 Paper The FINAL PAPER is based on the cumulative work performed during the term. Your work has a written portion as well as an oral one. At the Final Exam you will present your ability of critical thinking & clarity of expression, phrase and provided answers to your own questions as well as participate in communication. The From the desk of Dr. Nikolaos Adamou 6 BUSINESS ORGANIZATION & MANAGEMENT BUS 200 FALL 2023 oral portion of the final paper will be within a small group setting. The oral part will be based on the total cumulative work you have prepared. Your understanding and your critical thinking are to be assessed. You need to write a 12 page paper for the Writing Intensive course. The topic of the paper is: Becoming a Manager with a Leading Role – Summarizing the learning from this class evaluating your choices and discussing the artistic dimension. A personal testimony in the light of the Reframing work by Bolman & Deal. Have your paper in WORD format, spell checked, use Century for your font, and size 12, with space between lines 1.5, and 6 points between paragraphs. Do not indent your paragraphs, have your text justified and have a normal margin layout. Use page number in your footer, in the middle of the page. After the topic of your paper add your name, Last and First, and in the following line your CUNY ID number. All that should be centered. In your work, you should utilize all frames as well as the improving leadership practice portion of the book including professor's lectures. As you use material from the book, make reference to them using footnotes (not endnotes). Your paper should be submitted by midnight July 10, as a WORD file - not a PDF, NOT as a share or permit to edit file, NOT as a Google Doc. Your file should be named with your Last Name followed by an underscore, and the words FINAL PAPER. Your email should have a subject FINAL PAPER. Due day for the paper submission July 11. Ø Student Requirements Text outlines with written notes & terminology 4 X 5 Video Presentation 4 X 10 Final Paper 20 % 40 % 40 % No late submission of any work Pay attention to the grading scale and its interpretation. C B A means Proficiency means Excellency means Mastery (a high degree of competence and skill) (an outstanding feature or quality) (control and superiority over something) Grading System For the grading system, it is important to pay significant attention to the interpretation of the evaluation of your work. In management in is significant to have an accurate assessment in a way you can drive yourself and those you manage for an improvement. It is extremely crucial to be able to distinct and understand the difference between proficiency, excellency and mastery and the clear nuances that indicate the variations within each of these categories. You are NOT evaluated for your effort but for your outcome. In this class you would be called to evaluate the work of the others as well as your work. What is determining your outcome is the continuing improvement of your work as others perceive and evaluate it and at the same time as you work towards your improvement. Your professor will evaluate your preparation and participation for the class, as well as the written final exam, but you will provide input for the evaluation of the video presentations as well as the oral final exam, and you will be accountable for your assessment. Grade A+ A A– B+ B B– Level of Achievement Mastery Excellence Quality Points 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 From the desk of Dr. Nikolaos Adamou Subject Interpretation Outstanding highest grade given outstanding work, meeting and exceeding the highest expectations – Mastery of concepts Excellent superior work in all aspects – Can apply concepts to new situation Very good superior work in most aspects – Solid understanding of concepts Good fully acceptable and solid work – Strong foundation for future work More than more than acceptable, but falls acceptable short of solid work Better than just an acceptable understanding 7 BUSINESS ORGANIZATION & MANAGEMENT BUS 200 C+ C Proficiency C– 2.3 2.0 1.7 D+ D Marginal Proficiency 1.3 1.0 D– F Failure 0.7 0.0 FALL 2023 Acceptable work, meeting all basic standards – Acceptable understanding Acceptable marginally acceptable work, meeting most basic standards Questionable foundation for future work Almost acceptable still acceptable, but falls short of meeting basic standards Doubtful understanding Minimally passing minimal achievement – Weak foundation for future work Lowest passing not altogether acceptable, but entitles the student to credit for the course – Very weak foundation for future work Extremely weak foundation for future work Definitely failed to demonstrate understanding Outline of Topics DESCRITION Content NOTES B&D 1 B&D 2 B&D 3 Introduction / Drucker & the discipline of Management /Management / Administration / Governance / Leadership Peter Drucker The wisdom Hear from Peter Drucker himself on his insight into business management and leadership. The Legacy A recollection of the life and times, and the contributions of Peter F. Drucker, Father of Modern Management by those who knew him well: from colleagues, professors, CEOs, to friends and family. Michele Hunt Interviews the iconic Peter Drucker Henry Mintzberg On Managing Mintzberg on strategy Impact of Leadership Debating the Merits of Business Education – Power of Reframing – Making Sense of Organizations – Simple Ideas / Complex Organizations – Getting Organized B&D 12 – Structure & Restructuring / A critical view of management today – Mintzberg – Organizing Groups & Teams – People & Organizations – Improving Human Resource Management – Interpersonal & Group Dynamics – Power, Conflict & Coalition I have a dream We will never surrender History of Steve Jobs (Full Documentary) Steve Jobs brainstorms with the NeXT team 1985 Steve jobs most innovative speech Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address Sun Tue (The Art of War) & Machiavelli (The Prince) FULL Audio Book Sun Tzu: The Art of War - (Audiobook) The Art Of War Full war Documentary 2015 Mind Blow Lessons in Leadership – Machiavelli WORDS OF WISDOM | Niccolo Machiavelli Powerful Quotes That Teach Life-Management MACHIAVELLI: THE PRINCE - FULL Audiobook Machiavelli with Philip C. Bobbitt - Conversations with History – The Manager as Politician – Organizations as Political Arenas & Political Agents – Organizational Symbols & Culture B&D 13 – Culture in Action B&D 14 – Organization as a Theater B&D 15 – Integrating frames to Effective Practices B&D 16 – Reframing in Action: Opportunities & Perils B&D 17 – Reframing Leadership B&D 4 B&D 5 B&D 6 B&D 7 B&D 8 B&D 9 B&D 10 B&D 11 From the desk of Dr. Nikolaos Adamou 8 BUSINESS ORGANIZATION & MANAGEMENT BUS 200 FALL 2023 B&D 18 – Reframing Change in Organizations B&D 19 – Reframing Ethics & Spirit – Bringing it all Together: Change & Leadership in Action B&D 20 Notes On Becoming a Leader / 10 Mistakes Leaders Make Paper Submission ONLINE Rules FALL 2023 A note from your professor December November October September This class is a synchronous online class that requires an M T W T F S S academic participation. Participation implies not only 1 1 25 26 27 physical presence but adequate preparation for your presence. It is a class, not a student to professor interaction. 2 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 Communication is between the entire class. The class needs to 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 see who is talking in real time in such a way that all can assess 4 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 what is said. Thus, it is required that you have to consent in the class participation, visual and audio. 5 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 While the instruction of the class is my intellectual property, it 6 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 contains your contribution, that I value as your own intellectual property that I duly respect. Any authentic communication if 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 first of all and most of all an oral communication. Written 8 9 10 M 11 12 13 14 15 communication is a formalization and improvement of the oral 9 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 communication. The most important and authentic oral communication is the instant communication, that is distinct 10 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 from the prepared and edited communication. 11 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 A not-attendance taking institution does not imply NOT 12 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ATTENDANCE. Attendance is important, and it is important. The class will not record attendance but lateness. Remote work 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 means that work is performed in different places, at the same 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 time (synchronous) or at different time (asynchronous). 15 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 Professionality requires that we are at work on time, while at work, the focus is the work ONLY, and we stay at work up to 16 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 the end. This is the rule. Exceptions validate the rule and are 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 for a reason. More than one person may be in the same place 18 19 20 21 22 performing different tasks, mothers may have to assist children, you may be at work. Exceptions are approved by the professor and there are known to the entire class. Exceptions have a meaning to the usage of the rule, not to the cancelation of the rule. You need to have your camera ON all time during the class time. You should have the microphone OFF except when you would like to talk or when a question is asked, and you provide an answer. The class is LIVE class – not a “chat” class – although chats are going to be used for personal communication. EXPECTATIONS FOR STUDENTS Students will treat their classroom obligations as they would treat any serious professional engagement. That includes: 1 2 3 4 PREPARING THOROUGHLY for each session in accordance with the instructor’s requests. PARTICIPATING FULLY & CONSTRUCTIVELY in all classroom asynchronous activities and discussions. ADHERING TO DEADLINES AND TIMETABLES established by the instructor. PROVIDING CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK TO FACULTY MEMBERS regarding their performance as an instructor. Students should be as objective in their comments about instructors as they expect instructors to be in their evaluations of students. EXPECTATIONS FOR FACULTY Faculty will treat their obligations for classes as they would treat any serious professional engagement. That includes: 1 PREPARING THOROUGHLY for class. From the desk of Dr. Nikolaos Adamou 9 BUSINESS ORGANIZATION & MANAGEMENT BUS 200 2 3 4 5 6 FALL 2023 PUNCTUALITY in beginning class sessions, and except under unusual circumstances, adherence to the established schedule for classes & exams. PROVIDING SUFFICIENT INFORMATION and materials to enable students to prepare adequately for class. DISPLAYING APPROPRIATE COURTESY to all involved in the class sessions. Courteous behavior specifically entails communicating in a manner that respects, and is sensitive to, the cultural, racial, sexual and other individual differences in the BMCC community. SUPPLYING TIMELY INFORMATION ABOUT STUDENT PERFORMANCE on projects, assignments, and examinations. PROVIDING CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK TO STUDENTS concerning their performance. Faculty should be as objective in their feedback to students as they expect students to be in their evaluation of faculty. BMCC’s care for its students BMCC is committed to the health and well-being of all students. It is common for everyone to seek assistance at some point in their life, and there are free and confidential services on campus that can help. Single Stop, room S230, 212-220-8195. If you are having problems with food or housing insecurity, finances, health insurance or anything else that might get in the way of your studies at BMCC, come by the Single Stop Office for advice and assistance. Assistance is also available through the Office of Student Affairs, S350, 212220- 8130. Counseling Center, room S343, 212-220-8140. Counselors assist students in addressing psychological and adjustment issues (i.e., depression, anxiety, and Office of Compliance and Diversity: www.bmcc, room S701, 212-220-1236. BMCC is committed to promoting a diverse and inclusive learning environment free of unlawful discrimination/harassment, including sexual harassment, where all students are treated fairly. For information about BMCC's policies and resources, or to request additional assistance in this area, please visit or call the office, or email, or If you need immediate assistance, please contact BMCC Public safety at 212-220-8080. College Participation Policy Participation in the academic activity of each course is a significant component of the learning process and plays a major role in determining overall student academic achievement. Academic activities may include, but are not limited to, attending class, submitting assignments, engaging in in-class or online activities, taking exams, and/or participating in group work. Each instructor has the right to establish their own class participation policy, and it is each student's responsibility to be familiar with and follow the participation policies for each course. Academic Adjustments for Students with Disabilities Students who need academic accommodations in connection with a disability must initiate the request with BMCC’s Office of Accessibility (OA). Students need to register with the Office of Accessibility in order to officially disclose their disability status to the College and to determine eligibility for appropriate reasonable accommodations (including any prior IEPs or 504s). Please contact the OA at the start of the semester (or as soon as possible) to coordinate any accommodation request/s. Office of Accessibility., Room N360 (accessible entrance: 77 Harrison Street), 212-220-8180, COVID Vaccination Complete Vaccination certifications on CUNYFirst – this is important. BMCC Policy on Plagiarism and Academic Integrity Statement Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else’s ideas, words or artistic, scientific, or technical work as one’s own creation. Using the idea or work of another is permissible only when the original author is identified. Paraphrasing and summarizing, as well as direct quotations require citations to the original source. Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional. Lack of dishonest intent does not necessarily absolve a student of responsibility for plagiarism. Students who are unsure how and when to provide documentation are advised to consult with their instructors. The library has guides designed to help From the desk of Dr. Nikolaos Adamou 10 BUSINESS ORGANIZATION & MANAGEMENT BUS 200 FALL 2023 students to appropriately identify a cited work. The full policy can be found on BMCC web site, For further information on integrity and behavior, please consult the college bulletin (also available online). BMCC community members have the right to be referred to according to their designated name and/or personal pronouns and have the right to use the gendered spaces of their choice according to their identification. For a list of resources available to the LGBTQIA+ community, visit: Gender-Inclusivity BMCC community members have the right to use and be referred to according to their preferred name, title, and/or personal pronouns. Everyone also has the right to use all spaces according to their self-identification, including restrooms and locker rooms. To learn more about how to change your preferred name and affirm your gender identity at CUNY (including requesting a new ID card and/or email address), go here: Anyone who has experienced harassment related to gender or sexual identification, who needs assistance, or who wishes to file a complaint, can contact the Office of Compliance and Diversity: FREE BMCC STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES BMCC is committed to the health and well-being of all students. It is common for everyone to seek assistance at some point in their life, and there are free and confidential services on campus that can help. Advocacy and Resource Center (ARC) room S230, 212-220-8195, If you are having problems with food or housing insecurity, finances, health insurance or anything else that might get in the way of your studies at BMCC, contact the Advocacy and Resource Center (formerly Single Stop) for assistance. Please contact us at, call 212-220-8195, or come by the office at room S230. You may also contact the Office of Student Affairs, S350, 212-220-8130,, for assistance. Counseling Center, room S343, 212-220-8140, Counselors assist students in addressing psychological and adjustment issues (i.e., depression, anxiety, and relationships) and can help with stress, time management and more. Counselors are available for walk-in visits. Office of Compliance and Diversity, room S701, 212220-1236. BMCC is committed to promoting a diverse and inclusive learning environment free of unlawful discrimination/harassment, including sexual harassment, where all students are treated fairly. For information about BMCC's policies and resources, or to request additional assistance in this area, please visit or call the office, or email, or If you need immediate assistance, please contact BMCC Public safety at 212-220-8080. Office of Accessibility, Students who need academic accommodations in connection with a disability must initiate the request with BMCC’s Office of Accessibility (OA). Students need to register with the Office of Accessibility in order to officially disclose their disability status to the College and to determine eligibility for appropriate reasonable accommodations (including any prior IEPs or 504s). Please contact the OA at the start of the semester (or as soon as possible) to coordinate any accommodation request/s:, Room N360 (accessible entrance: 77 Harrison Street), 212-220-8180, From the desk of Dr. Nikolaos Adamou 11