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Film Making Lesson Plan for 11th Grade English

Конспект уроку для дистанційного навчання
для роботи з учнями 11 класу з англійської мови
Тема : Speaking About Art
Урок 3: Film making. Film review
Знаннєвий компонент: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних
одиниць; вдосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання, активізувати
граматичний матеріал з теми Дієприкметники, вчити описувати переглянутий
фільм (за планом).
Діяльнісний компонент: виражати своє відношення до переоглянутих
Ціннісний компонент: розвивати пізнавальні інтереси учнів; виховувати
правильне ставлення до мистецтва, а також загальну культуру учнів.
Обладнання: підручник для 11 класу закладів
загальної освіти
О.Карпюк, текст «Film review» from www.teachingenglish.org.uk, текст для
аудіювання ( аудіо додаток до підручника).
І. Актуалізація опорних знань
1) No doubt, we can call the 20th century the century of film making. Cinema and
TV films have become an important part of our lives. At our lesson we'll remember
the history of cinematography, speak about different genres of films and how cinema
influences people's life.
a) Cinema combines different arts. That’s why people of different professions
are involved in film making. You can see the Scrambled Words on the cards. 8
professions are hidden in it. Your task is to make up the names of the professions and
write down on your sheets of paper. Work in pairs.
Scrambled Word
1 Amreac
2 Cotar
3 kaem-up
4 drictoer
5 pordurec
6 tusnt
7 сspirt
8 esasctr
9 csueomt rengised
10 suond
11 eidotr
Correct Variant
1. A camera (operator) is a man who looks through the camera, and operates the
2. An actor is a man who pretends to be another person and acts in a film.
3. A costume (designer) is a woman who prepares costumes: dresses, suits for
4. A make-up (artist) is a woman who can make a new face for an actor.
5. A sound (mixer) is a man who operates the microphones and gets very angry
with people who makes noises during the filming.
6. A director is a man who is the boss and tells everybody what to do.
7. A stunt (man) is a person who does all the dangerous things on the screen
instead of actors.
8. An editor is a man who chooses the best bits of the shooting film, cuts film and
puts the bits together.
9. A producer is a man who has general control of the money for a film but he
doesn't direct the actors.
10.A script (writer) is a man who writes scripts for films, shows.
11.An actress is a woman who pretends to be another person and acts in a film.
b) Films arouse different feelings. What are they? Fill in the gaps with the words
from the box using different forms of Participle.
1) It’s ... how hot it can get here in Summer.
2) I was really ... to hear the news. It was so unexpected.
3) I’m so .... Let’s go out and do something.
4) Trying to contact a help desk is so ... when they just put you on hold.
5) The kitten was totally ... when it saw itself in the mirror.
6) These physical exercises can be very ....
7) That film was so .... It was like watching paint dry.
8) Are you ... in natural history?
9) I find kittens totally .... I could watch them playing for hours.
10) I get really ... when I can’t solve a problem.
11) Do you find natural history ...?
12) He was so ... he could hardly keep his eyes open.
2. Reading. Genres of films
2.1 Pre-reading activities.
I’m sure everybody likes films. You might know that Americans call films
“movies”. There are a lot of movie genres. Let’s recollect some of them. So, what
movie genres do you remember?
(Key: Gangster, Comedy, Detective, Musical, Western, Horror movie, Documentary,
Science fiction, Thriller, Animated movie)
2.2. Now read the text and try to mark words characterizing each genre.
Hollywood in Southern California is the movie capital of the world. Many
films have been made there, and the genres, or kinds, have changed often.
From the early-to-mid 1930’s, movie-goers got a look at the people involved in
crime and their violent activities by watching gangster movies. After all this
violence, people needed to laugh, so from the mid –to-late 1930’s, comedies became
very popular.
In the 1940’s, many detective movies about policemen who solved crimes
were made. Then came musicals, in which the story was told in songs and dance.
Musicals were especially popular in the late ‘40’s and early ‘50’s, but the midfiftieth, this light-hearted genre was competing with films about more serious
subjects. There was one kind that could be found throughout all of these eras, and that
was the western, films about America’s cowboys, Indians and early settlers.
Since the early ‘60’s, movie-goers have had a variety of movies to choose
from. There are, for example, horror movies about people who encounter
frightening, unnatural situations. There are also serious films such as documentaries
about events that have actually happened, and science fiction movies about possible
future events and future worlds. Some people have also enjoyed watching psychodramas about the everyday problems that people have.
Of course, no list of films would be complete without animated movies, which
tell stories through a series of colourful drawings. These are especially popular
among children.
Movie genre
Crime, violent activity
Policemen, solved crimes
Songs, dances, light-hearted
American cowboys, Indians, early settlers
Horror movie
Frightening, unnatural
Actually happened
Science fiction
Future events, future worlds
Everyday problems
Animated movie
Coloured drawings, for children
ІІ. Мотивація навчальної діяльності
Cinquain. Правила для написання сінквейна наступні:
Перший рядок - одним словом, це іменник. Це тема сінквейна.
Другий рядок - два прикметники, які описують тему сінквейна.
Третій рядок - три дієслова, що описують дії, пов'язані з темою сінквейна.
Четвертий рядок - фраза, речення, що складаються з декількох слів і описує тему сінквейна.
Це може бути крилата фраза, цитата.
П'ятий рядок представляє слово резюме, яке дає нову інтерпретацією теми, висловлює
особисте ставлення до цієї теми.
документальний художній
писати, розповсюджувати, відображати
набір зображень одного матеріалу
1) Watching films
2) Funny, interesting.
3) To laugh, to relax, to enjoy.
4) They are worth seeing.
5) Cinema
ІІІ. Вивчення нового матеріалу
1)а) Look at the words on the Word File box on page 183. Which of them mean…
-несприятливий, - схвалення, - фільм, який обов’язково треба побачити, дивовижний, - доброзичливий, - гармоніювати, -безглуздий
b) Answer the questions of ex. 1 on p. 183. Try to use these words.
2) Do ex.2 on p. 184. Listen to a film critic, then note down who people below are.
Jane Martins___
Charles Danton____
Helen Richards_____
Peter Kite____
Kevin Kedley ___
3) Do ex. 3 on p. 184 and tick(v) in the appropriate column for True, False, Don`t
4) Read the information about brief descriptions of films (ex.1 on p. 191).
5)Put the parts of the review into the correct order.
(Key; 1) b 2) c 3) d 4) a))
ІV. Закріплення
Практичні завдання
1. Read the film review. Does the writer answer all these questions? Check and
tick (✓)
1. What is the title of the film?
2. What genre is it?
3. What is it about?
4. Is it based on a book?
5. Where is the film set?
6. When is the film set?
7. Who stars in the film?
8. Who plays the main role(s)?
9. Who is your favourite character in the film? (Why?)
10.What kind of person would like this film?
Film review
The Theory of Everything
Biographical drama, 2014
The Theory of Everything is about the scientist Stephen Hawking. The film is
based on a book, ‘Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen’ by his wife, Jane
Wilde Hawking. The film is set in England and starts in the early 1960s. It tells the
story of Hawking’s relationship with Jane, the diagnosis of his motor neuron disease
and his success as a physicist.
I love the acting in this film. Eddie Redmayne stars as Hawking and Felicity
Jones plays the role of Jane. My favourite character is Stephen Hawking because he
is very clever and brave.
I think this is an ideal film for people who like true stories. It is a bit sad at
times but the story is very interesting and there is a lot of action. I give The Theory of
Everything ★★★★. Go and watch it soon!
★★★★Really good!
★★★ OK
★★ Bad
★ Terrible!
2. Follow the steps to write your own film review.
1. Think of a film you have watched.
2. Make notes for each of the questions in Activity 1.
3. Write your review using your notes and the model text. Use some of the
words and phrases in bold. Write between 100 and 150 words
Інформація для зворотнього зв’язку з учителем (указати електронну адресу,
номер телефону для Вайбер-звязку, через клас-рум тощо)