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ME 411 Heat Transfer Course Syllabus

ME 411: Introduction to Heat Transfer
Fall 2023
ME 411: Introduction to Heat Transfer
Course Policy and Syllabus
Clarkson University
Fall 2023
Prof. B. D. Erath
362 CAMP
Office Hours
2:00 – 4:00 pm
3:00 – 5:00 pm
2:00 – 4:00 pm
Other times by Appointment
Enamul Rozin (Rozin)
149 CAMP
3:00 – 6:00 pm
3:00 – 5:00
Lecture Hours:
T/Th: 8:00 – 9:15 am, SC362
Course Description
This course introduces the fundamentals of heat transfer. It is divided into three sections
corresponding to the principal mechanisms of heat transfer: conduction; convection; and radiation.
A special emphasis is placed on solution methodology and practical industrial applications. After
completing the course, the student will be able to determine temperature distributions and heat
transfer rates for both steady state and transient problems. These skills are essential in many
industrial applications, including energy generation, thermal processing, microelectronics, and
HVAC applications, and are also essential in order to understand many natural phenomena and
processes. Most importantly, this course serves as a foundation for further undergraduate and
graduate study.
Fluid Mechanics (ES330), Thermodynamics (ES340), Intermediate Fluid Mechanics (ME 326)
and Elementary Differential Equations (MA 232)
If you have not received a passing grade in all of these courses, you must speak with Dr. Erath
ME 411: Introduction to Heat Transfer
Course Objectives and outcomes [ABET criteria]
Course Learning Outcomes
Identify which of the three primary modes
of heat transfer that are important in a
heat transfer problem
Determine temperature distributions and
heat transfer rates for both steady and
transient problems having conductive,
convective, and radiative heat transfer
Compute convection coefficients for
external and internal flows for both forced
and free convection
Find and use heat transfer correlations
from literature or other appropriate
Determine total radiative material surface
properties from spectral behaviors, and
compute radiative heat transfer between
Fall 2023
ABET Outcomes
Assessment Tool
Homework assignments,
quiz, and exam questions
Homework assignments,
quiz, and exam questions
Homework assignments,
quiz, and exam questions
Homework assignments
Homework assignments,
quiz, and exam questions
Incropera, F. P., DeWitt, D. W., Bergman, T. L., Lavine, A. S., Fundamentals of Heat and Mass
Transfer, 8th Ed., John Wiley and Sons, New York NY. Each student MUST have a hard copy of
the book. (The accompanying loose-leaf version is acceptable).
All announcements including homework assignments will be made through Moodle.
Reading Assignments
Reading assignments outlined in the syllabus should be completed before class. Every Friday
before 5 pm students must log into Moodle and indicate whether they completed the weekly
reading assignment for that week before class, or not. A self-assigned score for each reading
assignment will be entered using the following metric:
0 – No reading was completed
1 – Partial completion of the reading assignment
2 – Completion of the reading assignment
Homework will be assigned weekly on (usually) Thursday. It will be due (usually) the following
Thursday. Homeworks will not be graded, but will be critical for quiz performance.
ME 411: Introduction to Heat Transfer
Fall 2023
10. Quizzes
There will be a quiz each day that homework is due. The quiz will be a short (5-10 minute)
assessment of whether you completed and understand the homework. It will consist of either (1)
short computational problems that are the same as concepts covered on the homework, or (2)
short answer/conceptual questions that address homework topics (sample questions will be
provided with each homework assignment).
11. Exams
Two midterms and one final exam will be administered. Both midterm exams will be based on
topics from the reading, lecture, and homework. The exams will be open book, and students are
allowed to have a graphing calculator. The exams will be 65 minutes in length.
Final Exam:
The final exam will consist of two parts; 1) a regular exam over the last section of the course
(Radiation) and 2) a comprehensive review of the entire class (Conduction, Convection, and
Exam Regrades:
If you feel something was graded incorrectly on an exam, you must submit a formal appeal within
1 week of the exam being handed back, but no sooner than 24 hours after it is handed back. The
original exam must be handed back in with the regrade request. There should be NO additional
writing on the original exam other than what was initially written. The form for requesting regrades can be found on Moodle.
12. Attendance
Class attendance is not required; however, no make-up will be given for either quizzes or
exams unless it meets one of the following exemptions:
University sponsored trips
Death of an immediate family member
Documented illness
Extenuating circumstances
For the first exemption, an email must be sent to Prof. Erath within two weeks of the start of the
semester. For all other exemptions, documentation from a medical doctor must be provided.
Extenuating circumstances will be determined solely at the discretion of Prof. Erath, and must be
provided at least one week before the exam.
For scheduled absences (e.g. University related trips) homework must be turned in before leaving
on the trip.
13. Academic Honesty Policy
All examinations and other graded assignments are to be completed in conformance with
Clarkson Universities Code of Academic Integrity available at
http://www.clarkson.edu/studentaffairs/regulations/iv.html. Cheating, copying, and/or plagiarism
ME 411: Introduction to Heat Transfer
Fall 2023
on graded materials will not be tolerated. Any instances of cheating, copying, or plagiarism will
be prosecuted in accordance with the university and department policies. Although students are
encouraged to collaborate on homework assignments, collaboration of any sort on the quizzes,
midterm, and final exams is not allowed. Cheating is defined as representing someone else’s
work as your own. This includes following, and writing down the work of another classmate
when you do not understand the solution. In addition, providing results to another student,
receiving other’s results, presenting their material as if it is yours, and copying from other’s
designs, reports, and problem sets is strictly forbidden. Any use of generative artificial
intelligence (AI) is also expressly forbidden, and will be considered cheating. Any instance of
cheating will constitute a violation of the Clarkson University Code of Ethics. It is unacceptable
to use the internet as a resource to find and prepare solutions to homework problems! This is
your first and only warning! Violation of this policy will result in a failing grade for the
course (F) and will be reported to the Academic Integrity Committee. According to Clarkson
University Policies students that are found to violate the Clarkson University Code of Ethics
have to right to appeal to the Academic Integrity Committee.
14. Disabilities
Any student who may need an accommodation based on the potential impact of a disability
should contact the AccessABILITY Services at (315) 268-7643 (1003 Price Hall) to establish
eligibility and to coordinate reasonable accommodations. For additional information please refer
to: http://www.clarkson.edu/oas/
Accommodations must be arranged during the first two weeks of the semester. Students needing
accommodations should contact Prof. Erath privately to discuss specific needs.
15. Grading
Grade distributions are as follows
Exams 1 and 2
Exam 3 and Final Exam
The following percentiles will guarantee at least the corresponding grade:
94 – 100%: A
90 – 93%: A87 – 89%: B+
84 – 86%: B
80 – 83%: B77 – 79%: C+
74 – 76%: C
ME 411: Introduction to Heat Transfer
Fall 2023
70 – 73%: C60 – 69%: D
16. Keys to Success
In order to perform well on examinations and quizzes in the course, you must not only understand
how to solve problems in heat transfer, but also be comfortable with the physical concepts.
Exams and quizzes are developed to test your understanding through problem solving, short
answer, and conceptual questions. The keys to success are:
a. Recognizing that this is a difficult course, and proper preparation is required. An average
student wishing to receive an average (B – C) grade should spend ~ 7-8 hour/week on this
course, every week.
b. As a Junior/Senior level course, there is a large amount of mathematical development that is
necessary. Consequently, lectures, homework, and exams will require a relatively high degree
of comfort with previous math classes (Primarily calculus, and partial and ordinary
differential equations)
c. Preparing for lecture by not just completing the assigned reading, but understanding the
assigned reading. The bulk of your time should be spent preparing for lectures, reading the
textbook and reviewing class notes to understand the material.
d. Attending and participating in the lectures.
e. Completing and studying all of the homework assignments. Homework is assigned for you to
assess your level of comprehension. If you fully-understand the material, you should be able
to sit down and complete the assignment in a timely manner. There is a twenty dollar bill
hidden behind the heat transfer picture on the corkboard outside my office door. The first
person to find it gets to keep it. Inability to do this will indicate areas you should go back and
f. Practical studying tips: Make flash cards of the new terminology (there is a lot!).
17. Schedule (Subject to change)
18. Date
Aug 29 (Tue)
Aug 31 (Thur)
Sep 5 (Tue)
Sep 7 (Thur)
Sep 12 (Tue)
Sep 14 (Thur)
Sep 19 (Tue)
Sep 21 (Thur)
Sep 26 (Tue)
Sep 28 (Thur)
Oct 3 (Tue)
Oct 5 (Thur)
Oct 10 (Tue)
Oct 12 (Thur)
Oct 17 (Tue)
Oct 19 (Thur)
Oct 24 (Tue)
Oct 26 (Thur)
Ch. 1
1.3, 2.1-2.2
2.3-2.4 , 3.1
3.3, 3.5
3.5, 3.6
3.6, 4.1-4.3
6.1 – 6.3
6.4-6.5, 7.1
Lecture Topic
Course Introduction, Modes of Heat Transfer
Relationship to thermodynamics, Intro to conduction
Diffusion equation, boundary conditions, Plane wall conduction
Thermal circuits, Radiation boundary condition, contact resistance
Radial system, Volumetric heat generation
Heat generation (cont.) Fins and extended surfaces.
Fins (cont.), Multidimension conduction, shape factors
Trans. conduction, lumped capacitance
Trans. conduction, plane wall
Trans. conduction, plane wall (cont.)
Trans. conduction, radial geometries
Introduction to convection, Boundary layers
Fall Break
Exam I: TBD
Boundary layer equations, External flow over a flat plate (laminar)
Review Exam I, External flow over a flat plate (mixed, turbulent)
External flow over a cylinder, sphere
Internal flow: entry length, fully-developed
ME 411: Introduction to Heat Transfer
Oct 31 (Tue)
Nov 2 (Thur)
Nov 7 (Tue)
Nov 9 (Thur)
Nov 14 (Tue)
Nov 16 (Thur)
Nov 22 (Tue)
Nov 23 (Thur)
Nov 28 (Tue)
Nov 30 (Thur)
Dec 5 (Tue)
Dec 7 (Thur)
Dec 11-Dec 15
9.5-9.6, 9.8
12.1, 12.3
12.5 – 12.8
Fall 2023
Internal flow: energy balance, temperature
Internal flow: temperature (cont.), convection, overall heat transfer rate
Introduction to natural convection, vertical surfaces
Natural convection: cylinders, spheres, enclosures
Introduction to radiation. Radiation quantities and processes
Exam II: TBD
Blackbody radiation, surface properties
Thanksgiving break
Review Exam II, Characteristics of real surfaces
Real surfaces, Kirchoff’s law, grey surfaces
View factors, Heat transfer between black surfaces
Catch-up lecture/Review
Final Exam